View Full Version : Best thing I heard on TV in ages....

02-Nov-2008, 01:55 PM
So I briefly watched this program about John Prescott and his view on the class system...the part that I caught had me literally in stitches...he goes into this council estate, chavs house with three chavvy horrible looking girls in tracksuits....he asks them what class they think they are and one of the girls replies: "I'm middle class"....John Prescott says "That's funny, because I'd say I'm middle class, and I'd say that you're working class..."

Wait for it...

In the most cockney accent I have ever heard, she replies "yeah but I don't work...."


02-Nov-2008, 06:21 PM
lol, it made me cry and made me chuckle ... but maybe cry more ... bloody funny though, but that chavvy girl is a moron beyond belief. I saw that clip on Harry Hill's TV Burp.

Also - he's been dining with whats'ername, Jodie Marsh, that's the one - asked if she was a Labour supporter, she said she's actually been Tory her entire life! :cool: Good on her I say, she also alluded to 'finally being able to say it out loud' - which is ridiculous in itself, why should people feel ashamed of voting Tory? It's stupid, either stick to your guns and be up front about it, or everybody should be ashamed of voting for ANYBODY. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I also found that funny...Prescott is also a twat. :lol: