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View Full Version : Shamblers + Bite only = Small threat?

03-Nov-2008, 10:59 AM
I fully understand that in Romero's lore anyone who dies is reanimated as a zombie, thus the shambling horde grows bigger every day and it's not hard to see how they can begin to outnumber the living.
And with the ravenous, running, 'bite-only' zombies of Dead Set lore (glad I don't have to say Dawn 04 now :lol:) their speed and ferocity instantly makes them a quicker spread of the infection and a much harder monster to try and contain.

But if we take say, Max Brook's lore of shambling zombies where the only way infection spreads is transmission by the zombies themselves through bites or whatever then could the zombie horde really swell to the sort of proportions that we like to imagine, or that are imagined in World War Z?

With this sort of transmission of infection I really can't see it getting as out of control as to have entire western countries turned into desolate wastelands. In this day and age, even with numerous human mistakes at the civilian, governmental and military level factored in, I still find it hard to believe shambling, 'bite-only' zombies could significantly outnumber and overthrow the living.

So, thoughts on this theory?

Zombie Snack
03-Nov-2008, 12:58 PM
I find it very doubtful that shambling 'bite-only' zombies would significantly outnumber and overthrow the living. It would be like open hunting season here on the shamblers. You can get shot for a pair of shoes, a jacket, or for wearing the wrong colored shirt now days, People will bust a cap in your ass for looking at them wrong these day's..Go to an ATM machine here in town after dark and your risking your life..I think between the military, state and local law enforcement and people that would have problem shooting a rotting walking corpse dedicated on EATING them they shamblers wouldnt stand a chance...got to have GAR's rules of everyone who dies returns to overwhelm humanity...because even in a zombie outbreak, man would still be killing man.

03-Nov-2008, 03:33 PM
Depends. If the black market stuff in World War Z goes around, then I can see it spreading. I can also see it spreading pretty quickly in crowded places, such as China and India, but also New York City, London and Los Angeles.

And once they've taken awhole city, and similar things are going on in other cities, then I can really see it spreading. Also, take into the account of the impact it must have on the economy and living standards. I see alot of people dying of starvation. Probably more than the zombies themselves.

03-Nov-2008, 04:22 PM
With this sort of transmission of infection I really can't see it getting as out of control as to have entire western countries turned into desolate wastelands. In this day and age, even with numerous human mistakes at the civilian, governmental and military level factored in, I still find it hard to believe shambling, 'bite-only' zombies could significantly outnumber and overthrow the living.

So, thoughts on this theory?

I've argued the same thing. Basically that things could get very bad locally, especially in densely-populated areas, but that on a national level people would get a handle on the situation before it gets as bad as in Dawn, much less Day. At least in the U.S. Harder to say for other countries where you have to get up close and personal with a zed in order to put it down (due to inadequate access to firearms).

03-Nov-2008, 04:40 PM
Would there be a Zed 0, meaning ONE zombie that came back and the only cases were the ones he/she bit? Or would it be something that cropped up all over the world at the same time? How long would the incubation period be?

So hard to say really, but if it is just slow movers, and bite only and not returning from the dead I have to give the advantage to the living.

03-Nov-2008, 07:07 PM
Depends. If the black market stuff in World War Z goes around, then I can see it spreading. I can also see it spreading pretty quickly in crowded places, such as China and India, but also New York City, London and Los Angeles.

And once they've taken awhole city, and similar things are going on in other cities, then I can really see it spreading. Also, take into the account of the impact it must have on the economy and living standards. I see alot of people dying of starvation. Probably more than the zombies themselves.

I think that "bite only" zombies would not be much of a long term threat. Although it could spread quickly in crowded places, there is a lot of civilians in crowded places who have guns, and once it was obvious what the problem is, the zombies would be quickly put down.

Of course, the problem with the very question posed here is this... if the problem only spreads through bites, then where did the first one (or ones) come from? If there was only one or a very few in one city, it is hard to imagine it would spread to other cities if they only way of infection was a bite.

EvilNed makes a good point about the effect on society. If the problem became widespread, one of the first things that western society takes for granted would disappear...the shipment of food to stores. This would cause widespread panic and desparation, causing many to take to the streets with guns in search of food, perhaps killing other people along the way. But I couldnt see that happening with bite only. The idea of bite only is a logicstical problem from the beginning as far as I'm concerned.

03-Nov-2008, 07:29 PM
Would there be a Zed 0, meaning ONE zombie that came back and the only cases were the ones he/she bit? Or would it be something that cropped up all over the world at the same time?

Yeah, the most important questions when considering the matter, in addition to the question of the incubation period you already mentioned. I can certainly see it being manageable in the case of a patient zero or limited number of start up cases.

04-Nov-2008, 05:50 PM
I agree with a lot of what you guys have put forth above about certain variables entering the picture, but overall, I think the living would be able to hold their own with the shamblers, especially in rural areas that are home to sportsmen, whose second nature is a gun...In World War Z there's a part about how in Valley City, North Dakota (where my in-laws live), the people didn't want any outside help and were doing just fine, thank you...

But there is another variable, the Roger one, where there would inevitably be cock-sure people all hepped up on adrenaline who would end up getting bit, too. People who conceal their wounds could easily spread infection as well.

05-Nov-2008, 03:44 AM
And we still haven't said anything about illegal immigration or getting transplanted organs from other countries, which may I remind you is a point MB makes near the very beginning of wwz. With border control the way it is now, Texas would probably fall in a matter of days.

05-Nov-2008, 04:41 AM
I think it could spread like wildfire, no problem. Mostly because of two things:

1. An assload of people will get bitten because they don't realize what's happening. Just people trying to "restrain" a zombie will get chomped on the arm, wrist, or whatnot, just because they don't know that the mouth has to be "restrained", and not the limbs.

2. Many people who do get bitten by a family member, or by a neighbor that they "helped" restrain out on the sidewalk, will not report it or seek treatment. They'll just assume, "hey, that crazy bastard bit me! Oh, well, it'll heal".

Basically, ignorance of the situation early on will help it blow up huge, even if it is just "bite-only".

05-Nov-2008, 11:43 AM
We have to take into account the thousands of people everyday that die without the zed bite, they would be coming back too, out of the mortuaries and chapels of rest, even with the shamblers I seriously think society would break down, imagine how many people alone would have a mental breakdown.

05-Nov-2008, 02:05 PM
We have to take into account the thousands of people everyday that die without the zed bite, they would be coming back too, out of the mortuaries and chapels of rest, even with the shamblers I seriously think society would break down, imagine how many people alone would have a mental breakdown.

Right, but the whole premise of this thread is 'Shamblers + bite only', and the OP goes on to specify that he is asking about a zombie plague in which bite and bite alone is the cause, specifically unlike the Romeroverse.

05-Nov-2008, 02:11 PM
We have to take into account the thousands of people everyday that die without the zed bite, they would be coming back too, out of the mortuaries and chapels of rest, even with the shamblers I seriously think society would break down, imagine how many people alone would have a mental breakdown.
The whole point of calling them 'bite-only' in this theory is that these are the sort of zombie where the infection can only be gotten from a bite.

Some good points guys, especially blind2d. I'll admit I've forgotten much of the goings on in World War Z, gonna have to re-read that. Of course the whole question of the cause behind it would come up more often with this sort of zombie, I guess the scale may really depend on the initial amount of victims exposed to whatever is causing it.

05-Nov-2008, 02:46 PM
oops sorry, was attempting to multi-task when I posted and missed point entirely

But my point about people collapsing under the mental strain of the 'walking dead' attacking the living still stands, grave mistakes are born of confusion and hysteria

05-Nov-2008, 09:18 PM
What if the first zombie resurrected in a hospital?

The first ones to be attacked would be the trauma team trying to revive him (or her). Thet would, understandably, be confused with what they are dealing with, and if just one dies in the first few minutes, then a couple of minutes later, there'll be two zombies, the reanimated doctor or nurse taking the others by surprise.

And wards full of bed-ridden patients waiting...

05-Nov-2008, 10:13 PM
Yeah, I think shamblers plus bite only would be a lot easier to contain. Plus it just takes some of the *OOMPH* out of the whole scenario IMO. The idea that EVERY DEAD PERSON, EVERYWHERE suddenly just get up & starts attacking AND NO ONE KNOWS WHY, and that everyone ELSE who dies, for WHATEVER REASON becomes one of them as well....pretty compelling stuff.

05-Nov-2008, 10:36 PM
But my point about people collapsing under the mental strain of the 'walking dead' attacking the living still stands, grave mistakes are born of confusion and hysteria

Indeed, a good point!