View Full Version : Zombie Hypothetical: Duty, or Family

03-Nov-2008, 05:09 PM
You are employed as a body guard protecting the family of a wealthy and influential person. You work at their private estate, and are on duty when the zed hits the fan. The dead start to walk, you find out about this a number hours in and chaos is already erupting in the streets. Rioting, looting, murders, and of course the feasting of the dead. It is right outside the mansion gates. You are safe at the moment, but as the situation escalates you can see this house will be a target for looters and due to it's location near a major city the dead.

The only problem is, your family is at your apartment 30 minutes away and you can not reach anyone by phone. 911 is no help as they are "engaged".

What do you do? Abandon the wife and young children of the person you are paid to protect and go after your own family, or stay on at your post and keep trying to reach them? Is there another option?

03-Nov-2008, 06:34 PM
I would defend the client if they were attacked right then and there but I would quit my job, tell them I was getting my family and leave. They would understand they might even offer me to bring my family to them. If they would not understand then to hell with them.

03-Nov-2008, 06:59 PM
I would defend the client if they were attacked right then and there but I would quit my job, tell them I was getting my family and leave. They would understand they might even offer me to bring my family to them. If they would not understand then to hell with them.

This would be the only answer I could see. I would of course feel some obligation to the client's family, but would feel much more obligation to my own family. I would tell the family inside that I was leaving to go help my own family, and tell them they could join me if they wished. If they wished, they would have to understand to do exactly what I tell them to do, no questions asked. I would instruct them to gather any guns or weapons they had and follow me. I would assume that either my own car was there, or if not, other cars would be available at a rich guys mansion, so I would take the sturdiest car they had and be on my way. If they did not want to come with me, I would still get weapons and a car from them before I left if I did not have my own.

03-Nov-2008, 09:52 PM
I would leave and go to my family.Even if there was no way that I could ever make it to them,I would still try.

04-Nov-2008, 12:26 AM
A samurai is sworn to his lord, and therefore would stay at his post in spite of his own personal needs or desires. That being said, very few of us in this world have the discipline and the dedication or a samurai, myself included, and in this case, I would have to defect to save my family. I know this shows a lack of character, but I could not simply stand by and leave my own family defenseless so that I could defend another family. The ties of blood are much thicker.

I would, however, do my best to make sure that my charges are well barricaded, protected and armed, since I do feel that it would be wrong to leave anyone defensless. I would also assure the family that I would return to come back to my post to resume defending them and their estate, and I would be bringing my own family back with me.

For what it is worth I would also, at an appropriate time, return my wages to my boss, in an attempt, however futile, to redeem myself on an ethical level.

04-Nov-2008, 02:40 AM
A Samurai was brainwashed by his society and idiology to obey his lord, furthermore a Samurais family and clan's continued existence was pretty much dependent on the godwill of the lord. Furthermore if a Samurai sacrificed himself for his lord his clan and family would enjoy prestige and maybe even privileges from the lord himself. It is an completely different situation, if I worked for a guy who would protect and provide for my family if I died fighting for him I would fight for him. I don't say this to complain about your argument Yojimbo but I think the difference makes for interesting options for post outbreak societies. A feudal system of rights and allegiances sure beats raiding.

04-Nov-2008, 03:10 AM
I would ditch the rich first sign of trouble, no contest.
PS: Rhymes make me feel funny inside!

04-Nov-2008, 03:24 AM
In that situation my first & only priority would be getting to my own family & getting them to safety. If the house of my employer is gated & fairly secure I would make sure they were hunkered down & then go for my family.

After getting my own family I would more than likely return to my employers home since it would offer much more in the way of defenses than my home. But, first priority in this situation or any situation is family.

04-Nov-2008, 02:01 PM
I feel very much like many of you do. I would definitely feel an obligation to the people I was defending, not only out of responsibility as it was my job but as a person. I would have to assume I would care about them on some level. Depending on how long you were on the job, and no matter how much you tried to distance yourself. A wife and small children it is my duty to protect… I couldn't walk away from that with a clean conscious.

I would need to try and do both jobs adequately. Which might be impossible.

I would give the family a choice I think. Stay and wait for me to return if I could return I would, and as was said above I would be bringing my family with me. Or risk going out into the chaos with me to get my family. Either way though I would be leaving to get my family.

Family for me must always come first, and it might hurt because I am a man of my word but I would have to go for my family. No questions about it. I would inform the wife of all the dangers associated with each choice and let her make the decision, but stress that no matter what I would protect them to the best of my ability. I might even recommend they come with me depending on how bad things were outside their home because at least then I would always have eyes on the client.

If I am not there, I can't defend them.

Interesting. I wonder if anyone in the modern world would put duty before family. Police? Firefighters? Military? Government officials? School teachers?

04-Nov-2008, 02:28 PM
In the event of a breakdown of a society that often advocates the pursuit of material gain over 'duty' to family and loved ones, I would most certainly fly to the sides of those who should never have to pay for my alligence.

Btw hey all, am new here and loving the forums :hyper:

04-Nov-2008, 02:33 PM
In the event of a breakdown of a society that often advocates the pursuit of material gain over 'duty' to family and loved ones, I would most certainly fly to the sides of those who should never have to pay for my alligence.

Btw hey all, am new here and loving the forums :hyper:

Welcome aboard ryansson. I'm sure you'll love it here as it's the best online community I've ever been a part of. Great people sharing a love of Romero & all things "living dead" :cool:.

04-Nov-2008, 02:39 PM
Thanks a million Bunker65:)

04-Nov-2008, 03:38 PM
A Samurai was brainwashed by his society and idiology to obey his lord, furthermore a Samurais family and clan's continued existence was pretty much dependent on the godwill of the lord. Furthermore if a Samurai sacrificed himself for his lord his clan and family would enjoy prestige and maybe even privileges from the lord himself. It is an completely different situation, if the guy I worked for a guy who would protect and provide for my family if I died fighting for him I would fight for him. I don't say this to complain about your argument Yojimbo but I think the difference makes for interesting options for post outbreak societies. A feudal system of rights and allegiances sure beats raiding.

Very well said! You are absolutely right, the comparison between a paid bodyguard in the modern day and a Samurai is rather weak as there are huge differences between the two. As you have said, if my "boss" was going to guarantee the future exisitance of my family (that is, keep them safe and provide for them as a Samurai's lord would have done) I would have no problem staying at my post.

That is a very interesting concept, Trencher, the idea of a feudal system as a viable possibility for societies in the post outbreak world.

Ryanson: Welcome to boards, brother!

04-Nov-2008, 04:58 PM
Definately try to make it to my family. I would offer to take my charges with me, and load up weapons and other resources before taking off. If they didn't want to come, I wouldn't leave without fortifying weak points and gathering up anything they could use to defend/sustain themselves so it's close at hand. I'd also tell them that if things start getting bad, to get out of there.
I don't know if I'd come back, honestly, as it would be a point of major interest to looters and desperate people fleeing the zed menace, and would most likely be overrun in my absence.

Welcome, ryansson!

04-Nov-2008, 09:44 PM
Btw hey all, am new here and loving the forums :hyper:

Welcome to HPOTD ryansson.:D

05-Nov-2008, 07:13 AM
Personal business comes first, last, and only. When the world collapses, you aren't going to be getting paid anymore, so your "duty" to your employer is officially over. It's every man for himself.