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View Full Version : Aliens made Zombies Walk!!! True Story!!

07-May-2006, 11:55 PM
According to the World Weekly News, some cops on patrol thought some kids were fooling around in a graveyard one night and instead found some aliens raising and controlling the dead!

There was a picture on the front page showing this!

Amazing though that the aliens were drawn and the zombies were from an Italian zombie movie from the '80s. (I think it was 'Let Sleeping Corpses Lie'.)

Anyone else see this $hit? Jesus, and people believe this crap.

:dead: Dawg

08-May-2006, 12:07 AM
Graveyard zombies want to burn down my house!


Haiti selling off zombies.


Seven Congressmen are zombies. Wow, the zombie on the left looks just like the teen girl's neighbor on the NOTLD remake.


Terrorists recruiting zombie army to invade U.S.


:dead: Dawg

08-May-2006, 01:05 AM
only in america, and for once i mean it in a good way.:D

08-May-2006, 04:18 AM
I saw that issue the other day while standing in line at....you guessed it...the Supermarket. I busted out laughing. The artwork on the front cover is priceless.:D

10-May-2006, 02:58 PM
too bad they dont sell this stuff in england, i think its the only thing we can still use terms like "poppycock" about without giggling like a schoolgirl:lol: