View Full Version : "The Road" meets "The Happening"?

07-Nov-2008, 06:36 PM

Hillcoat also has made the planet more of an active character, adding a scene where two massive trees nearly crush father and son. "It just builds on the story that we are creating of the revenge of nature," Hillcoat said. "We are certainly heightening the environmental threat."

Hopefully this sounds worse than it is.

07-Nov-2008, 07:55 PM
I liked the happening

07-Nov-2008, 08:39 PM
Ugh, I hate The Happening so much, what a load of penis that crap was.

In "The Road" there is a bit where the father and son are in a dead forest and they have to escape when some trees start coming down.

I certainly hope they don't go all "Inconvenient Truth" on us with the book, surely the fact that it's a post-apocalyptic landscape which is ever so harsh, is more than enough of an 'environmental threat' . :rockbrow:

I'm currently reading the book, on page 236 right now, should have it finished soon. :)

07-Nov-2008, 09:16 PM
I liked the happening

Well that one way to start a fight! :rolleyes:

I like the Happening also, but I know alot of haters are around here.

Anywho...this sounds like an interesting flick.

07-Nov-2008, 09:32 PM
i hope they don't explain the cause of all the destruction in the movie. the book leaves that nice and mysterious, it can be any thing the reader wants it to be.

07-Nov-2008, 09:51 PM
I liked the happening



Just kidding, I haven't even seen the thing. But I plan to catch it on DVD, and after having read the discussion on this forum my expectations are realistic enough that I'll probably even enjoy it. I would just hate for every disaster/end-of-the-world movie between now and the next ice age to beat me over the head with an eco-trendy "save the planet" message.

08-Nov-2008, 02:40 AM
Hated Happening (what a piece of pure, unadulterated fart wind) but looking forward to reading this book and have been looking forward to seeing the movie for some time now.

08-Nov-2008, 03:20 AM
I liked the happening

I liked the whole idea behind The Happening and I also think it has some great scenes in it, but the acting killed it for me. Throughout the entire movie it sounded like the cast was reading from the cue cards as they were being written, it was hard to watch because of that.

Hopefully M. Knight decides to make the sequel to Unbreakable next as he is rumored to do. I remember reading something a few years ago that the movie was made from only half the script he wrote, so if he does decided to make a sequel to Unbreakable he will use the second half of his script instead of going nutty on us.

08-Nov-2008, 09:40 AM
Well, I enjoyed The Happening. It was ten times better than most suspense**** Hollywood puts out.

08-Nov-2008, 12:59 PM
The book was good - I just hope what is embodied in it gets to the screen and isn't watered down, or even left out. The problem with so many movies adapted from books is that in the end, I usually always think 'the book was so much better.'
I know there have to be changes to fit the content to a time constraint, but it just seems that so much poetic license is taken, and elements that aren't as dominant in the book are inflated to be, whereas the true points and messages are downplayed.
And saying in that review that things were too "bleak" and etc. for audiences - crap. We're adults, and I don't like being catered to like a sheltered child. Reality is often tragic, and I think we need to face it head on. How else are we to learn how to cope? And seeing others go through adversity and persevere is inspiring and shows how strong the human spirit can be. I think we sometimes need to be reminded of that.

08-Nov-2008, 05:46 PM
The book was good - I just hope what is embodied in it gets to the screen and isn't watered down, or even left out. The problem with so many movies adapted from books is that in the end, I usually always think 'the book was so much better.'
I know there have to be changes to fit the content to a time constraint, but it just seems that so much poetic license is taken, and elements that aren't as dominant in the book are inflated to be, whereas the true points and messages are downplayed.
And saying in that review that things were too "bleak" and etc. for audiences - crap. We're adults, and I don't like being catered to like a sheltered child. Reality is often tragic, and I think we need to face it head on. How else are we to learn how to cope? And seeing others go through adversity and persevere is inspiring and shows how strong the human spirit can be. I think we sometimes need to be reminded of that.
Damn straight.

And you know what? As long as the world is bleaker in the movies, rather than in real life, then that's fine with me.