View Full Version : Far cry 2..

08-Nov-2008, 03:54 PM
Well i picked this up today (PC version) and early impressions are good!beautiful scenery crysis style,absolutely huge gaming area,tons of weapons,some nifty features like if your shot up badly you have to find some cover & pull shrapnel out with pliers!so far despite exploring quite a large area i havent come across a loading point either!i was a bit concerned my pc wouldnt like it when i picked it up as it says 2Gb RAM is recommended,but im running it with everything on high with no problems whatsoever on 1Gb (my 8800GTX helps though).
So far im not quite sure what im supposed to be doing though other than the key plot of hunting down & killing "the jackal", theres lots of little side missions that people ask you to do.Enemy AI isnt as good as crysis,but they're still bastards!Judging by the size of the map (50 square kilometres) i think il be playing this a while...

08-Nov-2008, 04:37 PM
I beat it on the PC on the 4th. Good game. It gets better as your progress through it. Personally I think it was much better than Crysis; an otherwise generic shooter despite it's nice graphics.

TIP: Make use of the buses.

08-Nov-2008, 05:31 PM
If you look on your map (the one that shows the largest area) any icon with an axclaimation mark on it has missions for you.

I too am really enjoying it (50-something % done), though I've been sidetracked by the L4D demo the past couple of days.

08-Nov-2008, 05:59 PM
I definitely wanna check it out (for PC, sometime soon) ... right now though, 66% of Saints Row 2 done so far.

I was certainly very impressed by the healing animations, very detailed, nice little new touch. :)

09-Nov-2008, 10:57 AM
Oh man,i shot a guy in the leg with a sniper rifle from about a mile away,& one of his mates broke cover,ran out,threw the guy over his shoulder & took him behind a tree stump!never really seen that in a game before!

09-Nov-2008, 02:24 PM
Oh man,i shot a guy in the leg with a sniper rifle from about a mile away,& one of his mates broke cover,ran out,threw the guy over his shoulder & took him behind a tree stump!never really seen that in a game before!
A clever player would've taken that chance to take them both down :lol:

09-Nov-2008, 02:51 PM
A clever player would've taken that chance to take them both down :lol:

It was tempting,but i wanted to watch what the AI would do so i held off :)

my latest thing now is starting bush fires near enemy camps,looks awesome at night!the flare gun is good for that :evil:

16-Nov-2008, 09:01 PM
I think ubisoft blatantly need to make a vietnam based game using the far cry 2 engine,with a map a similar size,it would be awesome!just a thought that occured to me while playing today,it wouldnt be a linear "jungle corridor" shooter like previous vietnam games either :D

17-Nov-2008, 09:31 AM
I think ubisoft blatantly need to make a vietnam based game using the far cry 2 engine,with a map a similar size,it would be awesome!just a thought that occured to me while playing today,it wouldnt be a linear "jungle corridor" shooter like previous vietnam games either :D
What we really need, is a COD Vietnam game by Infinity Ward - now THAT would be super-awesome, especially if they made it a smidge less path-driven.

17-Nov-2008, 06:16 PM
Im not sure on that,i love the COD games,but infinity like to keep things scripted & largely corridor based & i dont think that would work as well with a 'nam game!i think a world like far cry 2's would be better for that,possibly incorporating a brothers in arms style squad system so you have a platoon to go out on patrol with :) you'd still have to stick to missions & not go totally free roaming though

17-Nov-2008, 06:33 PM
I think a toss up between the two would be best perhaps, IW could do with lessening their path-warfare stuff, which after you've gotten over the key moments and excitement/panic of their levels you really begin to notice.

That said, I've not played FC2 yet, but would quite like to sometime soon. You do need to have some sort of progression though, advancing through the war and a set of missions, which wouldn't just be set in the same square of jungle you know, you'd need a mix-up between the two.

The super level-making of IW, but a greater sense of freedom and non-path-focussed gameplay like you get with sandbox gaming.

We really need a good Vietnam game, I never got into Vietcong, but I was a huge fan of Battlefield: Vietnam (which was the best one of the series I think), I've played that one so much...but it's far from the definitive 'nam game, which we really need - it's ripe for the picking, give WW2 a rest.

Heck - you could even have a game that had warfare through the ages, or throughout the 20th Century at least.

For instance, a WW1 game wouldn't work on its own, but about four levels of WW1 before moving onto the next conflict, that'd work. Having walked through trenches myself in Belgium on a school trip, having seen the gigantic craters left behind, the pitch-black tunnels they were in, the atmosphere and so on - I think that'd be quite something to see in a videogame, and it could all tie together as a general lesson in 20th Century warfare history.

18-Nov-2008, 05:19 PM
I dunno if you ever gave vietcong a good blast,i know you said you didnt really get into it,but that was all set within the same map as the story progressed through 1967, you always started at that special forces camp to be briefed,then the huey would fly you out & insert you in the jungle wherever the mission or patrol route started apart from the points when your base came under attack.The technology wasnt there to make the map open so it was still call of duty-esque but with the far cry 2 engine they could make it open & have the game progress through a year tour of the 'nam,i think it would work pretty good! :D

18-Nov-2008, 05:29 PM
I agree with you 100% about a decent Vietnam game being made. I would really like to see it with the very gritty and real feel of CoD:WaW. I remember during the "Vietnam trend" of games that came out a few years back, but none of them were that good. I will admit that I enjoyed BF:V and Vietcong's multiplayer, but the rest were crap. Gimme a good one! NOW!

23-Nov-2008, 11:36 AM
Ive just paid for the mortar at the gun shop & had a go with it,hard to use but very effective once you start getting the hang of it!i like the idea of firing a smoke shell first so you can gauge where the explosive one will land :D the flare gun is useful as well for diverting enemies,fire a flare up then scarper,enemy troops will flock to where the flare was fired from while you either pick them off from elsewhere or sneak past their camp while their distracted. It is a bit annoying that all the checkpoints get re-manned shortly after you've cleared them out!
Theres a sense of satisfaction though when you attack an enemy camp & then drive away leaving it wrecked with large fires burning all around it :evil:

30-Mar-2009, 06:03 PM
Finally completed this last night!the ending is a bit "oh,is that it....",but the journey there through the whole game is pretty awesome,especially the graphics which have just blown me away from start to finish!i think im going to play it through again with one of the other characters,although i understand the game still pans out the same way,just with possibly different dialogue or whatever.
The downfalls of it are not being able to differentiate between the two warring factions,and both still attack you at all times no matter which one you are currently working for!the plot isnt always easy to follow either,you never quite know what your really supposed to be doing other than travel to X,shoot/blow up Y,travel back to Z to show you completed the mission,the main point of the game which is supposed to be hunting down this big arms dealer never really leads anywhere,and rather than being a true enemy,he helps you out in almost every part of the game when you run into him!
Other than that though,the game is the best open world one ive played yet,completely believable & fantastic looking environment through day & night,cool weapons,cracking firefights,vehicles that work well,and did i mention awesome graphics :p
Not a perfect game,but it deserves all the good reviews it got!