View Full Version : Happy Anarchists

11-Nov-2008, 12:10 AM

"Anarchists", eh? I wonder what they'd do if someone started popping rounds in their general direction. Call the police?




11-Nov-2008, 12:22 AM
what a riot!:lol: that story had me in stitches! i'd love to see footage of those bozo's at the church shouting "jesus is a homo!" and pulling fire-alarms. what a bunch of anti-establishment rebels!

11-Nov-2008, 12:55 AM
What jokers. Way to spread a message of tolerance and acceptance.

11-Nov-2008, 03:12 AM
Dude, those people are kind of hardcore:rolleyes:

11-Nov-2008, 11:38 AM
Fair play to them - anything that riles the Xtians gets my vote.

11-Nov-2008, 02:56 PM
Oh, behaaave!

11-Nov-2008, 03:44 PM
Fair play to them - anything that riles the Xtians gets my vote.

My question is: What would they do if some crazy Xtian fired a few rounds over their heads? Would they call the police? And, if so, can they truly call themselves "Anarchists"?



11-Nov-2008, 03:55 PM
Fair play to them - anything that riles the Xtians gets my vote.

Questioning others beliefs (though not nearly as important as questioning one's own), and fostering thought and discussion is different than pissing on someone's belief.

11-Nov-2008, 04:22 PM
My question is: What would they do if some crazy Xtian fired a few rounds over their heads? Would they call the police? And, if so, can they truly call themselves "Anarchists"?



They are not anarchists, that much is obvious. They are just a very angry group...Its easy to pick holes in their name but they are obviously fighting for their rights, so to speak. Basically I've little to no respect for the church going american population (or the UK one for that matter), so anything that puts a fire up their asses makes my day, **** 'em.

Questioning others beliefs (though not nearly as important as questioning one's own), and fostering thought and discussion is different than pissing on someone's belief.

To be honest, although eradicating the scourge on this world that is religion diplomatically is preferable, sometimes a bit of piss is necessary to stir up the pot...those who profess anti-human belief systems in favour of intangiable fairy stories deserve a little urination in their faces.

11-Nov-2008, 05:42 PM
They are not anarchists, that much is obvious. They are just a very angry group...Its easy to pick holes in their name but they are obviously fighting for their rights, so to speak. Basically I've little to no respect for the church going american population (or the UK one for that matter), so anything that puts a fire up their asses makes my day, **** 'em.

I see. So, what right(s) are they fighting for? The right to trespass on private property? The right to not have anyone be critical of them? Or, the right to disrupt others who are practicing their rights?

I guess I'm not getting you here ...



11-Nov-2008, 07:42 PM
I see. So, what right(s) are they fighting for? The right to trespass on private property? The right to not have anyone be critical of them? Or, the right to disrupt others who are practicing their rights?

I guess I'm not getting you here ...




The right to piss off conservatives of course....

be aware I am being cynical about this somewhat...:D

12-Nov-2008, 02:01 AM
Interesting... I'd like to find out what some of the "other slogans" were... yes, to personally abuse, what do you think?

12-Nov-2008, 06:12 AM

The right to piss off conservatives of course....

be aware I am being cynical about this somewhat...:D

Hey, I agree with you on this point and I'm an American (that's YANK, to our friends in the UK) Conservative. No one has a right to not be "pissed off" by someone else's opinion.

If Gays want to bash Xtians, or Xtians want to bash Gays, so be it. But, the right to private property, and to peaceable assembly on such property must not be trampled on by either side.

If "Anarchists for Jesus" were to crash a Gay bar in similar manner, I would find that unacceptable as well, and I would also wonder what they would do if fired on. Call the police? Pray?



13-Nov-2008, 07:29 AM
Its just a bunch of punks bullying some old people, the cause dont matter too them alltough being gay might make it easier for them to get to rape people.

14-Nov-2008, 04:35 PM
Hey, I agree with you on this point and I'm an American (that's YANK, to our friends in the UK) Conservative. No one has a right to not be "pissed off" by someone else's opinion.

If Gays want to bash Xtians, or Xtians want to bash Gays, so be it. But, the right to private property, and to peaceable assembly on such property must not be trampled on by either side.

If "Anarchists for Jesus" were to crash a Gay bar in similar manner, I would find that unacceptable as well, and I would also wonder what they would do if fired on. Call the police? Pray?



Yeah you are dead right unfortunately....