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13-Nov-2008, 02:52 AM
NEW YORK – Lindsay Lohan referred to President-elect Barack Obama as the country's "first colored president" in an interview on "Access Hollywood."

Describing her experience on Election Day, Lohan said: "It was really exciting. It's an amazing feeling. It's our first colored president."

A spokeswoman for Lohan didn't immediately return messages left Wednesday.

Interviewer Maria Menounos didn't question the 22-year-old actress on her use of the term. "Access Hollywood" also didn't cite her remark in its online story, but did post an "extended interview" video on its Web site that included the remark.

A spokesman for the syndicated entertainment news program said in a statement Wednesday: "We believe the word in question that Ms. Lohan used was unintelligible."

Lohan blogged about her support of Obama during the presidential campaign.

13-Nov-2008, 03:02 AM
Lindsay Lohan is a complete moron.

13-Nov-2008, 07:21 AM
But Obama is the first president of colour? I dont get it.

13-Nov-2008, 01:41 PM
I dont get it.

Some people are way sensitive about their color, unfortunately.

13-Nov-2008, 02:53 PM
NEW YORK – Lindsay Lohan referred to President-elect Barack Obama as the country's "first colored president" in an interview on "Access Hollywood."

Describing her experience on Election Day, Lohan said: "It was really exciting. It's an amazing feeling. It's our first colored president."

A spokeswoman for Lohan didn't immediately return messages left Wednesday.

If this is so shocking and controversial even though clearly meant as a complimentary statement, the NAACP had better change its name right quick, eh?

13-Nov-2008, 03:04 PM
Who took offence to this then?

13-Nov-2008, 03:47 PM
Who took offence to this then?

Apparently a lot of people. The word she used is pretty mumbled though, some are saying she actually said "first GOOD president." Which IMO is what would show her to be a complete moron. He hasn't been in office for a day yet, but she already knows that all other 43 presidents sucked and Obama is gonna be way better than any of them?

13-Nov-2008, 04:13 PM
If this is so shocking and controversial even though clearly meant as a complimentary statement, the NAACP had better change its name right quick, eh?

Its another example of blacks using a double standard. They're infamous for that.

13-Nov-2008, 05:16 PM
Apparently a lot of people.

Its another example of blacks using a double standard. They're infamous for that.
You guys are letting yourself being manipulated into having an emotional reaction towards something. Dont let the media lead you by the nose and pit you against others before you are sure that they done something wrong. Saying "A lot of people" means nothing, its just a trick to make it look like somone cares. They need to tell you excatly who got a problem with it and if they cant they are just instigators. Dont belive the hype!

13-Nov-2008, 06:12 PM
Wow she pulled a Biden :)

I wonder if she thinks he's clean and articulate?


Its a teen movie queen...come on who cares what she said. He is the country's second black president...Clinton was the first...or so he said once.

I think the fact that he was elected shows that the country is moving in the right direction...

13-Nov-2008, 08:07 PM
I cant believe people would make such a big deal of this

13-Nov-2008, 08:14 PM
You guys are letting yourself being manipulated into having an emotional reaction towards something. Dont let the media lead you by the nose and pit you against others before you are sure that they done something wrong. Saying "A lot of people" means nothing, its just a trick to make it look like somone cares. They need to tell you excatly who got a problem with it and if they cant they are just instigators. Dont belive the hype!

What I meant to say/should have said was "a lot of people in the media and blogosphere." I'm sure most ordinary people are less worked up.

13-Nov-2008, 10:39 PM
. . . .and? :rolleyes:

14-Nov-2008, 12:47 AM
NEW YORK – Lindsay Lohan referred to President-elect Barack Obama as the country's "first colored president" in an interview on "Access Hollywood."

Describing her experience on Election Day, Lohan said: "It was really exciting. It's an amazing feeling. It's our first colored president."

A spokeswoman for Lohan didn't immediately return messages left Wednesday.

Interviewer Maria Menounos didn't question the 22-year-old actress on her use of the term. "Access Hollywood" also didn't cite her remark in its online story, but did post an "extended interview" video on its Web site that included the remark.

A spokesman for the syndicated entertainment news program said in a statement Wednesday: "We believe the word in question that Ms. Lohan used was unintelligible."

Lohan blogged about her support of Obama during the presidential campaign.

... and the Lefties begin to feed on one of their own ... someone call Michael Richards to set this young lady straight ...



ps -- really, what's the big deal? Didn't he call himself a "mutt" on National TV a few days ago ... which begs this question: If a "mutt" is good enough to be President, why isn't a mutt good enough to be the President's dog?

Heck, I'd pay the $35 processing fee if he'd just run down to the local shelter and pick out an abandoned, abused mixed-breed pound puppy and take it over to the White House. It can sleep at the foot of W's bed until Mr. Obama takes office. Meantime, Mr. Emanuel can follow that forlorn little dog around and clean up its "poo poos", just to get into practice for the coming days when he will have to follow Mr. Obama around and clean up his "poo poos". :D

14-Nov-2008, 01:52 AM
I'm sure most ordinary people are less worked up.
Right, it always boils down to us vs. them.

14-Nov-2008, 03:08 AM
didn't the word "colored" go out in the late sixties? interesting choice of words but shouldn't really cause a big stink.

14-Nov-2008, 03:58 AM
Ive been trying to find the actual strip, but I can find it anywhere dammit. But this whole situation can be easily debunked by an old Bloom County strip. I can't find the strip but here is the dialouge from it:

Mom: That's the most adorable little colored girl playing outside. Steve: "Colored"?!? You're saying "colored people" in 1988?!? You know better, Ma. Mom: Then why the "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People? I don't think Negroes mind at all. Steve: Don't say "Negroes," Ma! You can't say "Negroes"! Mom: Can I say "United Negro College Fund"? Steve: You're baiting me, Ma! Dad: That's it! We're leaving. Mom: Stay put, Reginald. "Mister Socially Sensitive" isn't finished shaming his parents into enlightenment. Steve: Everybody just calm down. Let's agree to use the the New-Age term "People of Color." Mom: People of Color? Steve: People of Color. Mom: . . . Colored people. Steve: NO!!! Dad: We're leaving!

14-Nov-2008, 04:28 AM
What I meant to say/should have said was "a lot of people in the media and blogosphere.".

Who? Who? Whooooooooooo???? :rant:

14-Nov-2008, 11:59 AM
This is just bull**** - the term "coloured" isn't offensive here but it's not used because it's ridiculous....what she said wasn't racist because she wasn't applying it in a negative context.

Don't rag on the left either. This thread is descending into the very thing it's trying to ridicule.

15-Nov-2008, 06:21 AM
NEW YORK – Lindsay Lohan referred to President-elect Barack Obama as the country's "first colored president" in an interview on "Access Hollywood."

Describing her experience on Election Day, Lohan said: "It was really exciting. It's an amazing feeling. It's our first colored president."

A spokeswoman for Lohan didn't immediately return messages left Wednesday.

Interviewer Maria Menounos didn't question the 22-year-old actress on her use of the term. "Access Hollywood" also didn't cite her remark in its online story, but did post an "extended interview" video on its Web site that included the remark.

A spokesman for the syndicated entertainment news program said in a statement Wednesday: "We believe the word in question that Ms. Lohan used was unintelligible."

Lohan blogged about her support of Obama during the presidential campaign.

Speaking of firsts, Lohan is the first skank that many think is hot for some reason.

Chic Freak
15-Nov-2008, 02:33 PM
Its another example of blacks using a double standard. They're infamous for that.

Are you kidding? :rockbrow:

Anyway, I can't see the big deal. It's not news that she is a dumbass but she obviously meant well, she just used an outdated expression.

15-Nov-2008, 05:16 PM
Just another example of the weasel corporate media squeezing controversy out of nothing. Get those little folk riled up over nonsense. God forbid they get angry over what's really farking them up the ass.

15-Nov-2008, 06:52 PM
But are not you doing the same thing? You are getting angry over someone getting angry over something they should not be angry about when its not clear that anyone got angry in the first place so its little point in getting angry about it.

15-Nov-2008, 11:26 PM
But are not you doing the same thing? You are getting angry over someone getting angry over something they should not be angry about when its not clear that anyone got angry in the first place so its little point in getting angry about it.

Well all I can say is that it's is a good thing I don't have any loaded guns at home. I would bankrupt myself over all the TVs I'd have to buy after shooting them. :mad:

19-Nov-2008, 10:17 PM
Sure, Lohan is a skanky retard, and certainly she did not mean any offense by using this outdated term. Her use of the term "colored" points more towards her being a low grade moron than a racist.

But that being said, I can understand if people find the term "colored" to be offensive. It used to be acceptable for blacks to be called "niggers" in the United States, and I am sure that most of you can understand why that term is considered to be highly offensive to black folks now.

19-Nov-2008, 10:35 PM
Sure, Lohan is a skanky retard, and certainly she did not mean any offense by using this outdated term. Her use of the term "colored" points more towards her being a low grade moron than a racist.
Before she uses the term 'coloured' she should look at all those upskirt pics of her crawling out of limo's with no underwear on and then work out what 'colour' her snatch is. Rotten. :dead:

19-Nov-2008, 10:41 PM
Before she uses the term 'coloured' she should look at all those upskirt pics of her crawling out of limo's with no underwear on and then work out what 'colour' her snatch is. Rotten. :dead:

Ick. I was eating a grilled ham and cheese when I read that :barf:

19-Nov-2008, 10:58 PM
Are you kidding? :rockbrow:

Nope. I know plently of blacks who do not cared to be referred to as colored. Yet, NAACP has the word Colored. I have also heard them on countless occations call each other a certain racist word, which some claim ownership to. But if I say it, regardless of how I used it, then there will be a fight.

20-Nov-2008, 12:55 AM
Before she uses the term 'coloured' she should look at all those upskirt pics of her crawling out of limo's with no underwear on and then work out what 'colour' her snatch is. Rotten. :dead:
I hadn't thought of that! Kinda gross, and kind of funny at the same time!

Nope. I know plently of blacks who do not cared to be referred to as colored. Yet, NAACP has the word Colored. I have also heard them on countless occations call each other a certain racist word, which some claim ownership to. But if I say it, regardless of how I used it, then there will be a fight.
I hear where you are coming from. For instance, I know that in the UK the term "Jap" is not as racially charged as it is here in the states for Japanese Americans, yet among Japanese Americans (I am one) I often times hear the term "Jap" used amongst our own group. But once, a friend from the UK told me that although she does not mean offense when he says "Jap" the fact that others take offense is enough to cause her to stop using that term - at least in front of Japanese Americans who are touchy about it. She explained that while it might be hypocritical of the Japanese Americans to take offense at her innocent use of the term while they freely use it among their ethinic peer group, the fact that it causes offense when she uses it causes her to not use it, specifically because she means no offense. So in that regard, I can dig that it is not ok for me to say "Colored" though among african americans it might be acceptable for them to refer to themselves as that. For me it is not a matter of being politically correct, just a matter of not wanting to inadvertently cause offense to be taken where none is meant.