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View Full Version : I think I might dislike Roland Emmerich films more than Uwe Boll ones!?

13-Nov-2008, 11:22 AM
His next soulless cgi filled feature... http://www.cinemablend.com/new/2012-Trailer-10856.html

13-Nov-2008, 11:34 AM
Uwe Boll totally redeemed himself with Postal.

And for the record, yes, 10,000 BC sucked. And Day after Tomorrow was bland. But apart from that, I've enjoyed his films as summer blockbusters.

13-Nov-2008, 05:49 PM
Universal Soldier and Independance Day were both good.

The Day After Tomorrow was stupid.

10,000BC - not seen it, never want to see it, what I have seen of it was like rape for the eyes.

As for 2012 - I'd rather have that dealt with in a third X-Files movie thank you very much (which is the plan by the way).

As for "find out the truth" at the end of the trailer, ugh, it's merely a theory, sheesh ... clearly he's returned to destroying the world, ala ID4 and TDAT.

Boll is still far, far worse - Boll never made Universal Soldier, nor ID4.

And Postal blew sheep and goats, mostly ignores the premise of 'going Postal', isn't funny, looks cheap as all hell taped together, and it's just lame.

13-Nov-2008, 06:06 PM
Emerichs movies are popcorn bubble gum pow bang fun films. There is no value other than entertainment. I like 10,000 BC I liked most of his other films but I hate what it has done to movie making. for example unless the white house explodes it is not a good movie. I think the adhd youth have driven the market in this direction and it saddens me, however I enjoy the films and if they are on TV I will often watch.

I went ahead and googled 2012 like the trailer suggested and the first post was about Palin running for President in 2012...OMG it is the end of the world!
