View Full Version : Wotlk is Here!

13-Nov-2008, 01:36 PM
So, who has their copy?

I grabbed mine on the way to work this morning!

Now, all I have to do is rush home after work, hurriedly disembowel the packaging, pull my prize out and...set it aside for the next few days while I wait for server-bugginess, overload and all the performance issues of the new xpac to be resolved :|

13-Nov-2008, 04:34 PM
been playing as my new dk since 20 past 12am.:D

13-Nov-2008, 04:48 PM
Awesome. Yeah, I was shocked when I hopped on my realm forums a few minutes ago and people were saying that servers were actually up!

Though, I imagine that the servers will probably have issues when they are overloaded with evening after-work traffic tonight :dead:

But I remain hopeful. Well, kinda hopeful.

13-Nov-2008, 09:22 PM
Now, all I have to do is rush home after work, hurriedly disembowel the packaging, pull my prize out and...set it aside for the next few days while I wait for server-bugginess, overload and all the performance issues of the new xpac to be resolved :|

lol. aint life grand.

13-Nov-2008, 09:38 PM
had no probs so far.


you know you want one.