View Full Version : Call of Duty: World At War Reviews/Discussion

13-Nov-2008, 09:08 PM
So, with the newest entry to the Call of Duty franchise out, I figured we could all share our thoughts on it.

I just finished the single-player campaign. Good stuff, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It is very atmospheric and emotional. The brutality of war really shows in this title. My only complaint is that it really short. I do not remember playing it for that long. Definitely shorter than CoD4 I believe. But is it better that CoD4? I would say it's kind of based on your preference.

Personally, I prefer WWII shooters to modern ones. Others will disagree. Although, I am very tired of hearing people complain about it going back to WWII. This title couldn't have stayed in the same as CoD4 era or it would we would have heard the same "been there, done that" complaints. It couldn't have gone further into the future, because that would be just silly. It couldn't go pre-WWII because it would be too boring with the primitive weaponry. The only place it could have gone that would have been different would have been Vietnam (something I would love to see). So why not go back to the franchises roots?

Remember when Call of Duty changed the face of WWII shooters with it's initial releases? Maybe not. Most of you probably never played a CoD title until it came to the 360. [This Comment Was Directed Towards Other People On Another Website] Lame.

Oh, and I was talking about the PC version this whole time.

13-Nov-2008, 09:45 PM
so far, this game is awesome. from where i've progressed into the campaign, there have been several memorable moments. the level of violence is way up, making this a far more grittier and intense game than cod4. multiplayer is just about the same, but i like being able to call in attack dogs more than cod4's helicopter. still trying to make it through the campaign so i can play the zombie bonus level.

13-Nov-2008, 11:11 PM
Are you on the PC?

If so, add me: "zombi"

14-Nov-2008, 03:48 AM
nope, i'm playing it on 360. finished the campaign on solo, regular. planning on linking up with some friends to try the campaign on veteran.

the zombie bonus game is awesome, but i played it without any partners, so i didn't last too long.

14-Nov-2008, 09:45 AM
What I want to know is:

How does it compare to COD3?

Does it have crow-barred in, rather naff vehicle missions. Does it have shoved-in "press a button, waggle this stick, press another button" moments. Does control of the camera get snatched away from you at random times so we have to sit through a 'cinematic' moment, rather than just being 'within it' (like in COD4).

Do we have to sit through cinematics, or can we skip them. Is it buggy-as-f*ck? Does it feel 'videogamey' like COD3, or more like an 'experience' like COD4?

I definitely want to play it, but I want a heads up on anything sh*t, lame or outright annoying about it.

14-Nov-2008, 05:26 PM
What I want to know is:

How does it compare to COD3?

Does it have crow-barred in, rather naff vehicle missions. Does it have shoved-in "press a button, waggle this stick, press another button" moments. Does control of the camera get snatched away from you at random times so we have to sit through a 'cinematic' moment, rather than just being 'within it' (like in COD4).

Do we have to sit through cinematics, or can we skip them. Is it buggy-as-f*ck? Does it feel 'videogamey' like COD3, or more like an 'experience' like COD4?

I definitely want to play it, but I want a heads up on anything sh*t, lame or outright annoying about it.

I've only had time to play the multiplayer so far. Even though it's a completely different team, it's virtually identical to CoD4. I'm just saying the layout and gameplay style. Of course the weapons are different and they added in some cool new features.

If the single player campaign plays the way multiplayer does, then I can assure you you'll love it.

14-Nov-2008, 06:45 PM
I love the COD franchise and will def be getting this game ...


I prefer the Battlefield maps (and Forgotten Hope Mods)

COD always has been to "Manic, run around firing like crazy, close quarters even in the streets" for me

I like the more relaism style of strategy and open space, advancing and taking cover ...


14-Nov-2008, 09:24 PM
Does it have crow-barred in, rather naff vehicle missions.

There is only one and it's semi-linear.

Does it have shoved-in "press a button, waggle this stick, press another button" moments.

Like Resident Evil 4? If so, then no.

Does control of the camera get snatched away from you at random times so we have to sit through a 'cinematic' moment, rather than just being 'within it' (like in COD4).


Do we have to sit through cinematics, or can we skip them?

There aren't many.

Is it buggy-as-f*ck?


Does it feel 'videogamey' like COD3, or more like an 'experience' like COD4?

Definitely an experience.

14-Nov-2008, 11:15 PM
i would have to concur that the campaign is much more of an "experience" than a clunky video game. there are some pretty awesome levels that i look forward to replaying (like the first time i got to use a flamethrower, the 1st mission as the soviet troop where you have to time your sniper fire with the sounds of planes going by, or later in the same mission where your partner is attempting to lure the sniper in the building across the street)

never played cod3 so i can't make any direct comparisons, but it sure felt a lot like cod4 at times. worth the $$$. and then there's all the mulitplayer goodness. hardcore team deathmatch is ace!

15-Nov-2008, 10:44 AM
I decided to stump at the cash and ordered it, so I'll have it in a few days...in the mean time, back to Saints Row 2 - but I could do with a change of pace from it, I've done 76% of SR2 now, so I could do with some FPS action.

GOW2's on the Xmas list to Santa-man too. :)

15-Nov-2008, 09:40 PM
aside from ignorant ai on the part of your allies, the only real complaint i have about this game is the same one i had for cod4: playing through the missions on veteran difficulty is nearly impossible. anyone else try to get the achievements for playing on veteran?

15-Nov-2008, 11:29 PM
anyone else try to get the achievements for playing on veteran?

No thanks. Did it for two levels on CoD4 and nearly broke my controller in a fit of anger.

16-Nov-2008, 02:35 AM
Anyone want to join up in a clan ? Mine is 3Cav and my player name is Bluetgeld....Be cool to play with some zomibe loving freaks.

16-Nov-2008, 10:07 AM
Ah man, I tried Veteran on the bonus mish on COD4, and it was literally impossible. Literally impossible. :eek:

I gave up, went back to easy, and had fun instead. :D

16-Nov-2008, 05:29 PM
Anyone want to join up in a clan ? Mine is 3Cav and my player name is Bluetgeld....Be cool to play with some zomibe loving freaks.

PC or 360?

16-Nov-2008, 06:09 PM
Anybody's welcome to join my clan FOAD (stands for f**k off and die). My live name is MasterUnholyWar.

I "ran" FOAD on CoD4 and just before I stopped playing we had about 12 members. As of right now, though, I've only got myself on World At War... don't think enough people I know have it yet.

It's not a serious clan... there's no stupid set times we have to play or anything. We just have fun and tend to mess around a lot (flashing each other and giving away positions).

16-Nov-2008, 06:30 PM
Bah i've completed both cod2 and cod3 (before my old profile was deleted) in veteran difficulties and would've completed Cod4 in veteran if my disc didn't get buggered....vet mode is just about patience...there's not much to it...only it distracts from the intensity of the game so it's always better to play it on normal first then re-do it for the achievements if immersion is your thing.

Will wait a few months for Cod WAW - more important to get L4D first, and finish GOW2.

16-Nov-2008, 08:34 PM
PC or 360?

360...... Sorry about that

17-Nov-2008, 05:40 PM
So I unlocked and played the zombie mode last night. Holy sh1t, man! Talk about intense!

It starts off real slow with a couple shamblers here and there. Then, before you know it, you're pushed back into a small room with zombies breaking through nearly every window. When that happens, they're no longer shambling... they're not sprinters, either... they're just shamblers that are excited to eat you and hobble along semi-fast.

To anybody that's just been doing multiplayer and haven't finished the solo campaign: DO IT SO YOU CAN GET THE ZOMBIE OUTBREAK MULTIPLAYER MODE!!!

19-Nov-2008, 09:23 AM
Just got my copy today, hopefully it works because I opened it to find it skittering about inside - seriously, how hard is it to handle a DVD/game case? Don't press your chubby, greasy thumb in the centre, instead, how about holding it around the edges?

Not a major scratch on it, just some cosmetic scuffing hopefully. When I got Saints Row 2 a month ago, that had a scratch and a scuff on it, but it kept going. But seriously, how hard is it to press the disc in firmly, and then not mash your retarded digits into the centre of the case? :mad::annoyed:

I mean, that's Gordon Brown level retarded.


Anyway, I'm actually quite looking forward to it. I'm certainly not expecting COD4 style super-awesomeness, but I've been hearing lots of good things about it putting it in a far better position than COD3.

Time to torch some baddies.

10-Dec-2008, 11:12 PM
so, who one xboxlive is ready to team up and take out some of those damned nazi zombies with me? i've been practicing up and seeing how long i can survive by myself (about five/six rounds solo, not bad i guess), but haven't tried but a few stand-offs with other players, most of whom aren't worth playing with. anyone who wants to start popping skulls should send me an xboxlive friend request, info is on the leaderboard.

on a side note, from a romero fan's perspective i think that the zombies found in this bonus game are far more terrifying than the left 4 dead baddies (except maybe the witch-what a C U N T she can be:stunned:) or the dead rising crowds. it's much more terrifying when you know that if you get scratched/bitten by these zombies, you're insta-fu(ked, much like the characters dealing with the ghouls in GAR's universe).

11-Dec-2008, 09:42 AM
it's much more terrifying when you know that if you get scratched/bitten by these zombies, you're insta-fu(ked, much like the characters dealing with the ghouls in GAR's universe).

I don't have XBL, but I played that mode once a couple of weeks ago. Was only getting used to it of course, but I instantly fell into a pit of panic when you find them coming from all directions, coming through the barricades you thought were safe, your aim wavers, they start making their way towards you - THAT is how slow zombies work. Zack Snyder and James Gunn - take note, surely they must play videogames? :rockbrow::sneaky:

16-Dec-2008, 05:29 AM
complaining about the "under the map" glitch in the multiplayer level "castle". i played a team deathmatch earlier where four of the players on the other team were under the map raping the teeth out of my team. i have begun filing complaints on every player abusing this sh!tty glitch, and from now on will be skipping this map.

i was rather polite in my email, and i'm sure they've received thousands like mine, so hopefully they'll get off their asses and fix this annoying problem. from what i've heard, there's gonna be a patch released soon, so maybe they've got the fukken clue.

for those of you who play the multiplayer, you're aware of what i'm talking about...unless you're one of the cheating fuktards who i'm gripping about:shifty::mad::shifty::mad:

16-Dec-2008, 01:40 PM
The crappy thing is, that's not the only map I've seen people glitch on. :mad:

16-Dec-2008, 07:44 PM
i heard that they had glitches in "roundhouse" and "castle" during the beta, but have only seen people glitching on "castle".

it amazes me how the game's been out a month and the fuksticks still haven't gotten around to fixing it.

i was really hoping for a response to my email to be waiting in my inbox today, but they apparently are ignoring such messages or haven't yet gotten to my email. although i doubt it's the latter of the two.

16-Dec-2008, 10:30 PM
You guys are referring to the 360 version, right?

16-Dec-2008, 11:13 PM

that's affirmative, ghost rider.

17-Dec-2008, 01:33 AM

17-Dec-2008, 03:08 AM
is this problem occurring on the pc version as well, 3pidemiC?

17-Dec-2008, 05:22 AM
I don't believe so. They released a patch for the game the day before it was released.