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18-Nov-2008, 06:00 PM
Hope you guys who haven't seen it can pick up a copy near where you live. And do let me know your feedback :)

Been a long old wait for the US release but as expected we had to wait for Diary of the Dead to come out on dvd first. Industry and press reviews have been very decent so far so all is looking good.


18-Nov-2008, 06:15 PM
Sweeeeeeet! I think I know where I can find it...or maybe I really will ask my GF to get it for me for Christmas.

18-Nov-2008, 06:21 PM
I don't suppose this will be sold in big stores like Wal Mart or Best Buy, huh?

I'm going to pick up Tropic Thunder after work and was hoping to maybe find this as well...

18-Nov-2008, 07:49 PM
It can be found wherever Dimention Extreme titles are sold (Diary of the Dead, Inside, Mother of Tears)

20-Nov-2008, 01:42 PM
Seen it at Best Buy last night. Didn't pick it up because I already have the Austrailian Release.

20-Nov-2008, 07:53 PM
I assume we're talking about the UK Version ...

I watched it

Okay, kind of fun, but forgettable. How many movies can we have told from the perspective of the 1st person camera ?

Horrible camera work at that; yes, supposedly told from the character holding camera, but still. you spend half your time in Blair With mode.


I think of a film like 28 Days Later (Shot on the Xl1s) and wonder why these filmmakers don't just set out and make a serious attempt at a narrative film ?


Watch it for zombiessake, but don't expect anything new or exciting.

20-Nov-2008, 07:58 PM
I got a copy at WalMart yesterday...

22-Nov-2008, 05:47 PM
I assume we're talking about the UK Version ...

I watched it

Okay, kind of fun, but forgettable. How many movies can we have told from the perspective of the 1st person camera ?

Horrible camera work at that; yes, supposedly told from the character holding camera, but still. you spend half your time in Blair With mode.


I think of a film like 28 Days Later (Shot on the Xl1s) and wonder why these filmmakers don't just set out and make a serious attempt at a narrative film ?


Watch it for zombiessake, but don't expect anything new or exciting.

I appreciate all opinions on the movie but i'd like to make two points. Although the market is now flooded with 1st person perspective, The Zombie Diaries was the first of the 'new wave' as it was premiered in 2006. Just taken a long time to reach the US market. Also, I'd love to make a movie like 28 Days Later, but remember that film had a budget of $8,000,000. As an indie filmmaker, you have to make the best of what you have.

22-Nov-2008, 06:52 PM
I appreciate all opinions on the movie but i'd like to make two points. Although the market is now flooded with 1st person perspective, The Zombie Diaries was the first of the 'new wave' as it was premiered in 2006. Just taken a long time to reach the US market. Also, I'd love to make a movie like 28 Days Later, but remember that film had a budget of $8,000,000. As an indie filmmaker, you have to make the best of what you have.
Two good points there Sir.

While TZD isn't perfect, it was never going to be, and nor was I expecting it to be (not saying you were expecting it to be perfect, Mutineer ... just to clarify).

In the later stages of the film, where it gets rather dark (plot wise, not literally), I was quite taken aback and it did stick with me for a bit.

Glad it's getting out there further, now in the USA. Especially considering the budget and resources to hand, I think you chaps did rather well.

I also like the making of the film as well, I really dig that low budget 'friends getting together and making a movie' vibe, it's one of the reasons I really dig DJ's flicks. :)

23-Nov-2008, 05:06 AM
It was like it was meant to happen... there I am roaming the aisles of Best Buy ...trying to fend off the sales people who kept nagging me asking if I needed help ... and there it was... The Zombie Diaries... I didn't even see it... my friend did and jokingly said haha I bet you want that movie... and I was like no I have it already and it blows (because I was thinking of Diary of the Dead)... when suddenly I realized WTF A NEW ZOMBIE MOVIE GOD BLESS IT! And once again... its like zombie movies are meant for me... noooooooow I just have to wait for sufficient time off to enjoy the film.

It felt like Christmas finding that :D

26-Nov-2008, 06:16 PM
It was... Okay.

My first complaint is how the characters are all unpleasant and always mad or pissed off at each other. I didn't care about any of the characters because they were all whiney assholes.

Second, It wasn't scary. At all. It had ALOT of potential to be, but it fell flat. Me and my GF watched it last night and the scene at the beginning where they go upstairs and find the first zombie is VERY WELL DONE. It was suspensful and had us both on the edge of our seats. But then, I felt like it didn't really pay off in the end. I was dissapointed.

I dont really like this use for First person either. I liked it in Diary of the Dead because it was much more artistic. This was Blair Witch with Zombies. This is what people need to unerstand. The Blair With Project worked not because of the First person camera style. But because you never see ANYTHING. First person POV isn't scary when there are effects and stuff. Effects need stylistic cutting and angles, etc.

I was kinda bored halfway through the film wishing it were over, but the last act was very disturbing. It took a hard left turn for me and I really enjoyed that aspect of the film.

But overall I can say that this film really makes you appreciate Romero's Diary of the Dead a whole lot more. Romero executed this type of format with style and vision. This... Not so much. But its definatle not a bad indie zombie flick. Plus kudos for keeping it real with slow zombies. I was so worried i was going to see rotting track stars in the flick. lol

5 out of 10.

Not bad, but it just missed out on the potential I felt the movie had.

29-Nov-2008, 07:33 PM
Second, It wasn't scary. At all. It had ALOT of potential to be, but it fell flat. Me and my GF watched it last night and the scene at the beginning where they go upstairs and find the first zombie is VERY WELL DONE. It was suspensful and had us both on the edge of our seats. But then, I felt like it didn't really pay off in the end. I was dissapointed.

When I watched it I thought the exact same thing. They needed to trim off about 3-5 seconds of that scene and I think then the payoff would have been better.

30-Nov-2008, 03:00 PM
Well i'd just like to say that TZD was probably one of the best indie zombie features I have seen.

Great job!

01-Dec-2008, 01:57 AM
Bought it, watched it, loved it...

02-Dec-2008, 12:23 AM
Alright, I managed to get the last copy at the Best Buy on the way home! I'll watch it tonight or tomorrow evening. Very psyched! :D