View Full Version : Check out this webcomic

24-Nov-2008, 03:48 PM
There are plenty of webcomics about zombies out there but 99 percent of them are parodies and humour series. This one has a serious note and is pretty well drawn, I wonder where it will go, guess time will tell.

24-Nov-2008, 10:26 PM
Pretty interesting will be checking it out further, thanks for the find.

25-Nov-2008, 03:11 PM
Thanks Trench great link.

I like the art style, he seems to draw on a few different artists for inspiration but has a kind of amateurish style of his own. Here and there you see stuff from Faust slip in like the close up on the eye in one scene.

The writing is okay, the play back and forth about not letting the guy in was hard to imagine. A couple simply wouldn't do that in my mind but hey maybe they would, or maybe it is a comic and I need to just accept it as tongue in cheek.

I like the story though, and some of the lines are classic. "If you figure out a way to consistently crush heads without going in reverse... I'll let you drive again. Deal?"

25-Nov-2008, 07:22 PM
I figure that she she dont really love him but hangs around him because there is nobody else and that she also is a little insane.

26-Nov-2008, 02:49 AM
Great comic! If only there were more...

26-Nov-2008, 04:04 PM
they said it was updated 3 days a week? Did I read that right? If so it looks like fairly regular installments. That's hot.

Just checked, it is updated and...

Today's installment actually deals with her treatment of him, and tries to justify it.

27-Nov-2008, 06:01 AM
It only makes her more insane. Remember insane people think they are sane.