View Full Version : is it true that zombies poo and wee? lol

27-Nov-2008, 01:37 AM
some one told me (yes if ur reading this...u miiight know who you are) that zombies DO poo and wee wee lol. is this true? butt i mean..coz there zombies and coz there dead..wouldnt their bowels just let go all of the time because they wouldnt be really thinking about muscle and bowel/bladder control.

so do they make a concious effort to poo or wee...or maybe they dont even do these things..but they do eat (the flesh of humans) lol!!

27-Nov-2008, 01:55 AM
The stuff probably falls out or fills up until their skin bursts open, or it gets packed in so tightly it comes out rotted out the zombie ass, but it's not officially poop. The digestive track just doesn't work anymore. Dr. Logan will probably agree!:p

27-Nov-2008, 04:17 AM
I don't think this topic has ever come up in a zombie movie.I think because they'll dead,they can't control their bowel movement.

27-Nov-2008, 04:59 AM
Finally! A zombie question that appeals to my sense of taste.

To answer. No zombies do not poo and wee as we do. If a zombie is able to eat more than they can contain, the zombie "chyme", because of the immense pressure, slowly makes its way from the stomach, through the intestines and rectum, and exits out of the anus. This similar to predator insects, e.g, the Assassin Bug, gorging themselves to the point of having their food leave their poopy hole. The wee system is completely shut down. Except for residual urine dribbling out now and then, there would be no wee. Only following an act of extreme gorging would there be the possibility of "chyme" actually exiting the wee hole in minute amounts.

27-Nov-2008, 01:17 PM
Pardon me while I stop eating my sub for a couple hours and watch some care bears episodes to get that thought out of my head. interesting, though.

27-Nov-2008, 06:19 PM
haha! Bravo on the topic, I don't think this has ever come up before on HPOTD, well...not that I can remember anyway.

I'd imagine that, practically speaking, the remaining #1 and #2 within the body of a fresh zombie would leak out through lack of muscle control/organ failure etc.

Beyond that, the zombies aren't drinking, so they're only get a bit of #1 from the flesh they consume as an accidental by-product, so-to-speak, and that'd dribble out now and then. As for the flesh, as zombie's organs don't work, the flesh that's all chewed up would probably just flobble through the defunct digestive system and fall out. It'd most likely come out looking similar to how it went in ... or would it?

The thing with zombies is - do they need any sort of nutrition whatsoever?

I don't think so, I think it's some sort of deep down, animal-like need to feed on a prey - in this case humans.

Or are the organs fully shut down, does nutrition happen by accident? The zombies aren't actively seeking nurishment, but if the organs were still somewhat-operating, 'accidental' nutrition would be possible perhaps.

But then of course, like seen in Land of the Dead, with the really emaciated zombies (either really 'old' zombies, or just not filled up with purposeless human flesh) nutrition isn't an issue - be it sought out, or achieved as a by-product of consuming human flesh.


Man alive, we are nerds aren't we? But in the best sense of the word of course.

*High five for HPOTD!* :cool:

27-Nov-2008, 06:28 PM
This has come up on HPotD before and yeah, I was the one who put the dreaded thought in Billy's head. :rockbrow:

To answer. No zombies do not poo and wee as we do. If a zombie is able to eat more than they can contain, the zombie "chyme", because of the immense pressure, slowly makes its way from the stomach, through the intestines and rectum, and exits out of the anus.
This sums it up for me. It's pretty much crapping as we know but a much slower, difficult (and more disgusting) process. LOL, stenchers!

28-Nov-2008, 12:45 AM
I was thinking there might be a sort of muscus plug or some kind of plug from the body not working anymore for anything to be able to let loose the body functions. All the pus and gross stuff would be enough to do it. Plus maggots! Gross!
Interesting thought Billy, I have wondered about this too!

28-Nov-2008, 07:28 PM

I'm gonna go watch Star Trek now. :lol:

28-Nov-2008, 07:41 PM
Well the idea never crossed my mind, I mean if I'd follow the movies right, they are dead, no heart beat or stuff like that so I asumed that function will also stop, if the digestive system does not work, I guess what ever they eat just stays in them and rots with them. Yuk pretty nasty.

28-Nov-2008, 10:51 PM
This has come up on HPotD before
Darnit, I always miss out on all the high-brow discussion.

30-Nov-2008, 12:54 AM
wahhha ha ha ha ha..thanks capncnut for thats its already been brought up, im fairly new here..and i didnt look through the only threads so idk lol.

wellity wellity, its not a very nerdy subject i dont reckon, its our way of life, our philosophy statements i guess, theres nothing wrong with loving a morbid obsession.

Well in my opinion and with the help of you guys, i think zombies do not really poo and wee they way us living do, i think that there systems have totally shut down so i dont even think the food would pass through their intestines as these organs muscles pushing the poo through the body wouldnt be working, so what happens to the flesh consumed? well...i think it probably just stayed lodged inside the body untill there whole being is totally packed with rotting consumed flesh. maybe some faeces would leak out? idk...but i definitely think they would not wee, for their blood filtering systems and all that icky stuff would not be functioning..

and thx capncnut for putting the thought in my mind, you have opened my eyes ;P

30-Nov-2008, 01:31 AM
and thx capncnut for putting the thought in my mind, you have opened my eyes ;P
You're welcome. :D

30-Nov-2008, 01:52 AM
Dear God! Why does this thread exist? More importantly, why did I read it?? :stunned:

30-Nov-2008, 09:58 PM
haha! Bravo on the topic, I don't think this has ever come up before on HPOTD, well...not that I can remember anyway.

I'd imagine that, practically speaking, the remaining #1 and #2 within the body of a fresh zombie would leak out through lack of muscle control/organ failure etc...

Actually the bowels and bladder would be voided immediately following death (if not during the actual dying process) before the zombie has a chance to reanimate. So even the freshest zombies would reek of crap. Remember the nude zombies from Night & Night 90? :barf:

30-Nov-2008, 10:51 PM
I want to douse this thread in alcohol and toss a match to it :)

01-Dec-2008, 03:56 AM
Wouldn't "food" just pile up out of their stomach, up their esophagus, and out of their mouth?

01-Dec-2008, 02:09 PM
Hang on a sec, how can any of that work. The digestive system is shut down because the only functioning organ is the brain. TO me I think it would just build up and decompose within them.... My opinion anyway.

You need a Liver, Colon and Intestines to digest properly, without them working I can't see how they could make poo... You need a working bladder and kidneys to generate pee.

So, the answer is No... zombies don't pee or poo.

01-Dec-2008, 02:50 PM
Well, wouldn't it be more likely that the rot and gasses formed by such decay would cause the abdomen to burst open, especially under the weight of a lot of ingested flesh?

Of course, the above is making a lot of assumptions, especially with regards to the state of decomposition of the zed, but you know what I mean.

03-Dec-2008, 07:00 PM
Actually the bowels and bladder would be voided immediately following death (if not during the actual dying process)
Hadrian is very correct. This happens in the majority of cases. So forget about what you mom told you about always wearing clean underwear just in case you get hit by a truck and killed. Clean or not, your are likely going to void your bowels and bladder at the moment of death.

03-Dec-2008, 07:13 PM

03-Dec-2008, 07:39 PM
Never been so glad not to be able to view a youtube vid from the office :D

07-Dec-2008, 11:41 PM
that poo and wee song...ingenius lol XD

07-Dec-2008, 11:47 PM

That song is awesome.