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27-Nov-2008, 10:11 PM
Capcom have confirmed that the Resident Evil 5 Co-op demo will be released on Xbox 360 in Japan on 5th December. Hopefully it should be in europe soon.

Capcom has a big pre-Christmas surprise on the way for Xbox 360 owners: a demo of Resident Evil 5!

Famitsu reports in its latest issue that a demo of the latest and greatest in survival horror will be available on Xbox Live Marketplace starting December 5. Players will be able to sample two stages of play set in that familiar urban setting from past game show demos. These stages will be playable both offline and through co-op.

There are a couple of caveats about the demo. First, only Gold Members will have access to it. Second, as Famitsu is a Japanese magazine, the demo is only confirmed for Japan at the moment. Of course, given how things have worked out in the past with Xbox Live, it's reasonable to expect the demo elsewhere throughout the world around the same time.


28-Nov-2008, 02:40 AM
Man I really need to invest in a gold membership. I saw something at the video store about a resident evil "degeneration" coming out the 5th of dec, is this it? It also said X-Files 2 around the same date? is that a straight to video thing? I'm gonna be pissed if that doesnt go into theaters. big x-files fan. oh and resident evil :)

28-Nov-2008, 03:32 AM
degenerations a movie set between 4 and 5 starring leon and claire at an american airport were the t virus pops up even though umbrellas long gone.

its already out in japan, should be out in the u.s soon if memory serves.

28-Nov-2008, 09:58 AM
Cody - X-Files: I Want To Believe, was released in theatres earlier this year, the DVD has just been released on R2, and I've just today received my R1 copy of the DVD.

Definitely one for the fans, it's more about the two leads, them coming back together six years after going on the run at the end of season 9. It's nothing to do with aliens, instead it's more like one of those 'one off' episodes.

I rather liked it, and am looking forward to watching it again (now that I've ploughed through the entire X-Files saga on DVD box sets after having seen IWTB for the first time in the cinema), some people bitched and moaned about it, but some always will ... lapsed X-Files fans, people who weren't that fussed about the show, people who paid absolutely no attention to any reviews or info from the makers saying that it was not about aliens and therefore assumed it'd be aliens - when any true X-Files fan knows that the show wasn't just about aliens, it was about all weird and unexplained phenomena ... anyway, I rather liked it.

I think it divided fans, but man alive, I f*ckin' LOVE The X-Files. :cool:

28-Nov-2008, 10:42 AM
Played Resi 5 couple of months ago - you'll all be VERY impressed...even with smarter zombies....the faces are the best I've seen in a game, ever....stunning.

28-Nov-2008, 04:25 PM
Played Resi 5 couple of months ago - you'll all be VERY impressed...even with smarter zombies....the faces are the best I've seen in a game, ever....stunning.

How were you able to play it? Beta testing for Capcom?

28-Nov-2008, 05:18 PM
nah played it at the eurogamer expo in london last month

28-Nov-2008, 05:32 PM
nah played it at the eurogamer expo in london last month

How does it feel to enjoy a game made by white supremacists?

28-Nov-2008, 05:46 PM
nah played it at the eurogamer expo in london last month

How are the controls? Does it play like 4? And which console did you play it on?

28-Nov-2008, 06:13 PM
i played it on xbox but we saw the ps3 version too....

The controls are either the usual Resi Evil fayre, with pushing a certain button to run, but a quick change of options on the menu screen and you can choose "shooter mode" which I didn't try, but I'm sure is a damn sight easier than the normal controls which are very "survival horror"...we played about 10 mins and as usual, ran completely out of ammo!! damnit!

How does it feel to enjoy a game made by white supremacists?

Wtf?? Capcom?

28-Nov-2008, 06:20 PM
...we played about 10 mins and as usual, ran completely out of ammo!! damnit!

Typical RE!!!

28-Nov-2008, 06:53 PM
How does it feel to enjoy a game made by white supremacists?
Wtf?? Capcom?
I do believe Supermo was having a wee giggle about the strange controversy surrounding the game. Some people have commented that RE5 has a racist plot because of its depiction of slaughting hoardes of black townsfolk by burly white military men.

28-Nov-2008, 07:10 PM
I do believe Supermo was having a wee giggle about the strange controversy surrounding the game. Some people have commented that RE5 has a racist plot because of its depiction of slaughting hoardes of black townsfolk by burly white military men.
lol, that was the stupidest crap I'd read that week when that garbage came out.

Oh it's fine to mow down tons of white guys, but any other colour is off the table ... although wasn't there Mexicans or something in an earlier game?

It's set in Africa, where the populace is mainly black, the invading party is the Umbrella Corp, which is mainly from the white west, and Umbrella causes the sh*t to hit the fan which infects the innocent local populace - hence, black zombies - meanwhile people connected to Umbrella, many of whom are white as the company came from a populace with way more white people than rurual Africa fight back because they have the training and knowledge appropriate to dealing with the dire events.

They're not black people, they're people who are zombies ... sheesh.

No complaints about the scores of white zombies we've seen beforehand though, because it's fine to kill digital white people that don't exist who aren't even people, but life-threatening ghouls instead ... evidently. :rockbrow:

Hypocrisy and bell-end-edness much? (With a side order of "*sigh* laaaaame") :p

28-Nov-2008, 07:31 PM
as much as i miss the old-school re set near/in raccoon city, i'll most likely be picking up re5. all the videos i've seen are awesome looking, and i'd like to see how the story finally ends (this is the final resident evil, right?)

check out japan's version of the re5 collector's edition:
pretty sweet, but i've never bothered picking up a collector's edition for any game, and doubt i ever will. still looks cool, i guess.

anyone heard any of the rumors about are re2 remake? nothing even remotely official, but it's been discussed:
i'd love a remake of re2, which is probably one of my top five games of all time, and the 1st game i picked up on the day of its release.

28-Nov-2008, 08:32 PM
i'd like to see how the story finally ends (this is the final resident evil, right?)
Hah, yeah right. RE is Capcom's biggest money maker, you'll be seeing future games in the series for years to come.

28-Nov-2008, 08:46 PM
lol, that was the stupidest crap I'd read that week when that garbage came out.

Oh it's fine to mow down tons of white guys, but any other colour is off the table ... although wasn't there Mexicans or something in an earlier game?

It's set in Africa, where the populace is mainly black, the invading party is the Umbrella Corp, which is mainly from the white west, and Umbrella causes the sh*t to hit the fan which infects the innocent local populace - hence, black zombies - meanwhile people connected to Umbrella, many of whom are white as the company came from a populace with way more white people than rurual Africa fight back because they have the training and knowledge appropriate to dealing with the dire events.

They're not black people, they're people who are zombies ... sheesh.

No complaints about the scores of white zombies we've seen beforehand though, because it's fine to kill digital white people that don't exist who aren't even people, but life-threatening ghouls instead ... evidently. :rockbrow:

Hypocrisy and bell-end-edness much? (With a side order of "*sigh* laaaaame") :p

Christ, that people even hooked onto this is a sad ****in' commentary on the state of the world. Double bloody standards.


Black people aren't mis-represented in any medium any more - those days went in the 60s!!!! Aside from the "token" characters in horror movies (well even those are promoted as nice, decent folk, just very unlucky) there is no bloody indication of any sort of white supremacy, how much would that hurt a company's revenue in today's climate?!?! RIDICULOUS!

28-Nov-2008, 10:14 PM
So what happens in this one?the umbrella corporation who secretly own half the galaxy,have a huge unknown secret lab in the core of the earth that strangely nobody knew was there & never saw being built,that can only be accessed by a manhole cover & a rusty door that you stick an antique statue in to open,and yet another careless employee (they really should vet their lab workers better) lets a mutating virus that turns normal sized men into tentacled 50ft high beasts with a huge cyclopic eye where its arse should be? :p

Dont get me wrong i loved the first 3 games set in raccoon city,they were pretty awesome (apart from the lab at the end of the second one that was about a mile underground,meh,too much) the first one especially because it was low key & genuinely creepy!it all went stupid after those though & ive not bothered since,the plot & characters got ridiculous

10-Dec-2008, 10:41 PM
A new trailer in HD. I really want this game.


21-Dec-2008, 09:52 AM
I'm kinda disappointed...in the game play footage I've seen, it looks exactly like resident evil 4....just with different enemy skins (evidently not AI as they stand there and wait for you too kill them, or slowly walk towards you) and prettier graphics...

How come we can't move and shoot? uggh.

21-Dec-2008, 03:39 PM
i read an article over at kotaku which gives the game less than stellar remarks. apparently, it's not very scary at all, and according to this review, more of an action game than "survival horror".


i imagine i'll still pick this one up, but i've gotta agree with mo and the rest who say this looks like re4 with better graphics. from some of the trailers i've seen, even some of the villain characters look like they've been copied/pasted from re4. i'm specifically talking about the little midget dude in the pirate get-up from re4 (what a goofy and annoying character) and his big brother, the caucasian dude in the white suit from re5.

currently still playing through the REmake on gamecube REloving every minute of it....except the lack of shotgun ammo lying around the mansion.

21-Dec-2008, 04:25 PM
more of an action game than "survival horror".

currently still playing through the REmake on gamecube REloving every minute of it....except the lack of shotgun ammo lying around the mansion.

Resident evil stopped being a survival horror series when 4 was released (I know, we had them stupid shooters, but they never had wide spread appeal or success). I never found RE4 scary..it was fun, interesting, and tense at times, but i just don't like it as much as the other, more traditional games in the series...

Also, ammo/health drops were wayyy to common in 4, and made it more of an arcade shooting game. Find enemies, kill them, collect ammo/heal up.

Honestly, all I want is to be able to move and shoot. What is the point of making a game that focus' more on action and excitement that limits you to standing still while shooting? Jesus Capcom, give me that at least you thick twats.

Your making me want to dig my gamcube out of the closet and play through the Remake of Resident evil again..stop that :(

21-Dec-2008, 05:20 PM
i read an article over at kotaku which gives the game less than stellar remarks. apparently, it's not very scary at all, and according to this review, more of an action game than "survival horror".


Meh, that's reviewer's opinion doesn't matter to me. He comes across as being very negative about a demo. Its not the full game.

"You’re also introduced to a new “mini boss” zombie in this level – a chainsaw-wielding maniac with bandages wrapped around his head." Did he not see the first RE 5 demo that came out??? This guy is a game reviewer? What rock has he been living under for the past few months? *shakes his head*

Oh yeah, and his 3 gripes.

1."It’s not scary." Since when was the series really scary, besides a few jumps.

2. "You could swap the zombies for Nazis and not know the difference. Resident Evil 5 seems more like a generic shooter than survival horror, complete with gray and brown backgrounds and the occasional bloom effect. I quipped that it was like Gears of War without the cover and Randy compared to Army of Two. So – we’ve got Gears of the Zombie of Two instead of Resident Evil. Great." Play another shooter, then.

3. "The zombies have machine guns and flaming arrows. That just doesn’t seem right. Oh, alright – fine. They’re “infected villagers,” not zombies, but even then the premise of having twenty guys running around with chainsaws and crossbows feels like it’d be a better fit for a different game." Never played RE 4?

21-Dec-2008, 06:17 PM
Kotaku's never struck me as very professional.

Dead rising Wii - they said they asked a Capcom worker if the demo at TGS was the finished game and reported he said it was, their hack reporting was shot down by Capcom and new vids/info show how far along it really is.

I forgotten what the news was but they used Wikipedia as a source, and that site isn't exactly done by professionals either, once I find the specific news piece I'll edit this.

22-Dec-2008, 12:36 AM
Kotaku is terrible. They never fact check and post ridiculous rumors just to get hits. Neogaf Forum (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=2) is probably the best source for videogame news on the web. Lots of industry insiders post there, and it's also the source of a lot of breaking news.

I liked what I played of RE5. It's what I expected - Resident Evil 4 with incredible graphics and tweaked controls. I was impressed, and it remains one of my most anticipated games of 2009.

22-Dec-2008, 01:20 AM
i've never stated kotaku was gospel, it's just a site if frequently get news from. most of the points made in this particular article appealed to me because while i'm exicted about re5, it's not the same excitement i've had for many big games (like resident evil 2, gta4, etc). as i've said, i'm sure that i'll pick it up, but i'm not crawling out of my skin, counting the days and such as i've done with previously mentioned games. the original resident evil is the reason i bought a playstation, the remake is the only reason i own a gamecube, 2 was the first game i bought on release day, and 3 is the one i unlocked every single special feature for and played the bonus game for days on end. personally, there were moments during re1,(remake included), re2, and yes, even re3:nemesis that i was on edge, creeped out, etc. compared to anything i'd ever played up until then, they were hands down the spookiest sh!t ever.

many titles such as outbreak, and director's cut, and the fps games were just filler, pure capcom cash-cow milkage, and then re4 came along and took the series into a different style of gameplay. i did like re4 a whole lot, and i appreciate what it did for the series, but there was just something about that little dwarf in a purple pirate costume that annoyed me and left me feeling like i'd just watched a fairty tale or a cheesy disney villain or something. then i realized that it never really drew me in like the first three in the story did (even if 3 was pretty much capcom rehash as well...but at least it had jill valentine in it), and i realized that it wasn't really resident evil anymore, not to me at least, just a continuation of the story that took it someplace i wouldn't have if i'd been involved.....just really untrue to the original games i loved.

re 5 looks great, but to me, it's just a better looking version of re4, and from the trailers they've got the same formula, complete with another diminutive white weirdo with a cackling voice who dresses like that one dude from ff7 (been ages since i played that, but i bet tricky or someone knows his name).

i suppose i just prefer my resident evil games with undeadish romero-type zombies in secluded mansions and cities in the midwest, not psycho rabid villagers in europe or africa...and what's with the burlap-bag-headed chainsaw clan popping up in both games?

sorry rant over.

24-Dec-2008, 09:29 PM
I am glad Wesker is in it.. I hope he destorys chris.. Be i dont think i will happen.

25-Dec-2008, 09:04 PM
There is a new video on XBL.

15-Jan-2009, 05:31 AM
There will be a demo available for download on Xbox Live on January 26th.

"You won't have to wait until March 13, 2009 to get your hands on the highly-anticipated Resident Evil 5. The next installment of the landmark survival horror franchise from Capcom will take action to a new level with a two-level, playable demo available exclusively on Xbox LIVE® for one week beginning Monday, January 26."

Here is a link to the article: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/news/2009/0114-re5demo.htm

15-Jan-2009, 03:17 PM
Wait until you guys check out this demo. It is pretty good. The inventory takes some getting used to, though. Because it is in real time and not a pause feature.

15-Jan-2009, 05:34 PM
Yep, the ability to manage your inventory with the d-pad are just one of the many little tweaks that help make RE5 great. Even though the demo is from June of last year, it still gives you a good idea of what to expect.

Since I've been blocked out of the Japanese demo for a while now (must have added a patch to keep US and UK players out), I've been dying to play it again.

15-Jan-2009, 06:07 PM
Yep, the ability to manage your inventory with the d-pad are just one of the many little tweaks that help make RE5 great. Even though the demo is from June of last year, it still gives you a good idea of what to expect.

Since I've been blocked out of the Japanese demo for a while now (must have added a patch to keep US and UK players out), I've been dying to play it again.

or you could just wait the 60 days to actually buy the game:D

15-Jan-2009, 06:27 PM
No way! I'll finally be able to play the online co-op portion of the demo with somebody who actually speaks English. Though, there's nothing quite like a Japanese guy screaming in your ear as the psycho with the chainsaw comes bearing down.

15-Jan-2009, 08:26 PM
with all the fallout 3 DLC coming out over the next three months, plus the GTA4 DLC, and RE5 looking just like RE4 with better graphics and co-op (oh boy:rolleyes:), i think i'm gonna pass on this until it is about 40 bucks.

no way i'm paying full price for copy-and-pasted villains in a storyline i no longer care about. i doubt the demo will change my mind, but i'll give it a shot.

EDIT: i would, however, pay full price for a current-gen remake of resident evil 2.

15-Jan-2009, 11:32 PM
with all the fallout 3 DLC coming out over the next three months, plus the GTA4 DLC, and RE5 looking just like RE4 with better graphics and co-op (oh boy:rolleyes:), i think i'm gonna pass on this until it is about 40 bucks.

no way i'm paying full price for copy-and-pasted villains in a storyline i no longer care about. i doubt the demo will change my mind, but i'll give it a shot.

EDIT: i would, however, pay full price for a current-gen remake of resident evil 2.

actually i agree with you.:lol:

-and a remake in the 4 engine IS rumored to be coming out on the wii this year.

16-Jan-2009, 11:23 PM
Info for the CE. Not worth the extra $30, IMO.


19-Jan-2009, 07:27 PM
I doubt we'll see a RE2 remake on the Wii, at least not while the Wii teams have been working on Dead Rising Chop Til You Drop and Monster Hunter 3. I recall the producer of Dead Rising, while working on RE4: Wii Edition and RE: Umbrella chronicles, said he'd like to do remakes of the original Resi's but in the end got Dead Rising which is more logical in that it's a one off (for now). DRCTYD wont be Dead Rising on the Wii it's more like a RE4 style game with zombies which is what some people wanted. I bet that teams next project will be RE5 Wii Edition or Umbrella Chronicles 2.

25-Jan-2009, 10:16 PM
Just a reminder that the demo is out tomorrow. I wonder if the Japanese will get revenge on us for invading their servers.

25-Jan-2009, 10:21 PM
guess i've got something to do tomorrow night. hopefully the demo will impress me, but i'm not expecting much more than a prettier version of RE4.:|

26-Jan-2009, 03:31 PM
Demo is up.

Edit: You may want to go with "Type A" for your control setup, it's way easier to control than the default setting.

26-Jan-2009, 07:22 PM
Is this the same demo we messed with a while back?

26-Jan-2009, 08:09 PM
Ill download this demo tonight when I download the DLC for fallout

26-Jan-2009, 09:17 PM
The dlc for Fallout 3 is not on mkt place. Are you sure it is not coming out, until Wednesday? The demo for RE5 is just a special release for today. And it is for gold members only.

26-Jan-2009, 11:00 PM
Microsoft usually updates their servers between 2-5AM EST. I think that's 7-10AM for the UK. You can expect Operation Anchorage around then.

Anyway, yeah slickwilly, it's the same demo that the Japanese got in early December.

27-Jan-2009, 12:45 AM
my thoughts

nice graphics
voice actors could be arsed to get in time with the character models
nice use of music
new menu system amps up the action a fair bit

Chris moves like a tank, worse than in the original game!
slower aiming than resi 4, by the time you've aimed the ganados have reached you.
annoying a.i (or online for that matter) partner will wait for you to empty your ammo supply on a group, then run up and take all the ammo they drop for themselves:mad:
didn't see any "major use of lighting" that was the selling point in 2005 for this
feels like a slower port of resi 4
not as fun as resi 4 in fact

So far danny is not enthused :(

27-Jan-2009, 03:59 AM
gotta say that i agree, hellsing. while the graphics are probably some of the best i've ever seen in a game, the controls, movement, up-close camera, and large number of enemies totally kill this game, imo. and yeah, it's way too much like RE4 (even down to the chainsaw baddies, as i've bitched about before).

while i kinda liked RE4, to me, it wasn't RE, and this looks like it's taking it even farther from the roots. overloading on action and gore isn't necessarily a good thing. funny how capcom still refers to this as "survival horror", even on the demo, when it's clearly moved into the realm of "action mayhem" or, dare i say it: "NAME RAPE".

i've only played the demo for about five minutes and have arrived at this conclusion. i'm probably a bit biased as a classic RE purist, but this demo will get a few more minutes to prove itself worthy of taking up memory on my HDD, and then i'm deleting this shit.

i am going to write the new RE games off, much like i've done with the RE movies, any Halloween film after the 2nd one, the third Spider-Man movie, and countless other totally unnecessary sequels.

RE5? no thanks. Fallout 3 DLC? Yes, please. GTAIV DLC? Fuckin' A!

27-Jan-2009, 11:54 AM
slower aiming than resi 4, by the time you've aimed the ganados have reached you.

I haven't had a chance to play the demo yet, but there isn't an option to increase sensitivity so that this isn't a problem? If not... terrible move on their part.

27-Jan-2009, 02:16 PM
There's an option to change sensitivity. I had to put it up few notches myself. Also, the default control is Type D, mess around with each one to find the best match for your play style.

27-Jan-2009, 02:33 PM
Just tried this game demo...not real impressed...visually it looks good but the controls! OH the controls...WHY CAN'T THESE GAME MAKERS KEEP THE CONTROLS STANDARD!!!!

27-Jan-2009, 04:42 PM
When I played the Japanese demo I was some how able to adapt to the controls rather quickly. My biggest complaints are the inventory setup and some info I read about the shop being available between chapters.

29-Jan-2009, 05:58 AM
well, i deleted the demo and have officially lost all interest. capcom should spend more time developing Dead Rising 2 and less time adding new races of characters to RE5. i think that was probably one of the lamest things about the demo. instead of an african village, it looked more like i was playing at a united nations convention. i saw an asain dude, white dude, and what looked to be a middle-eastern dude. score another win for political correctness and mark up a fail for the pussies at capcom.

for some reason, after playing the demo, i'm almost opposed to this game. aside from the graphics, this looks like a travesty to me. perhaps i'll pull and mz and list "101 reasons why RE5 sucks".:lol:

29-Jan-2009, 06:34 AM
well, i deleted the demo and have officially lost all interest. capcom should spend more time developing Dead Rising 2 and less time adding new races of characters to RE5. i think that was probably one of the lamest things about the demo. instead of an african village, it looked more like i was playing at a united nations convention. i saw an asain dude, white dude, and what looked to be a middle-eastern dude.

i did notice i ran into hiro nakamura, borat and barak obama in the crowd of ganados:lol:

darth los
29-Jan-2009, 07:02 PM
Re 5 Wil most likely never be as good or make the impact that 4 did. As always, whenever we see something completely different/new anything that comes after it in the series isn't going to be as good. IMO, it's because they're afraid to stray from the formula that was so successful int he first place.

Take the matix for example. Here is another example of something that completely changed the game. Everybody and their mother was blown away by it. When the second came out it did everything the original did so it should have been jus as good, right? :)

WRONG !!!!!!! :elol:

So i figure they'll make a couple of more games in this format until it gets dated just as the previous one did. Then they'll be forced to be innovative once again.


30-Jan-2009, 12:21 AM
Well I played the demo for about... 3 minutes. Not fun. I'm very disappointed.

I want my survival horror back!!!

darth los
30-Jan-2009, 12:31 AM
Well I played the demo for about... 3 minutes. Not fun. I'm very disappointed.

I want my survival horror back!!!

That's exactly what we said when 4 came out. Sure it was a great and unique gaming experience, but it wasn't survival horror. It wasn't resident evil. Everything that made the RE series was absent.


30-Jan-2009, 03:18 AM
anyone else think an ff12 style gambit system would have made shiva way more bearable?

02-Feb-2009, 10:33 PM
Gamepro Germany reviewed it, a synopsis was found on a German gaming site:

+ great character models, fantastic special effects
+ Varied areas
+ Interesting story
+ Outstanding AI
+ Gigantic boss battles
+ 18 hours of gameplay (story mode)
+ lots of bonus material
+ High replay value

- Framerate hickups (PS3)
- No puzzle solving


Hopefully the majority of game sites feel the same way. I like the sound of no puzzles, they totally break the flow of previous games and make it feel like a chore to play through those segments. Also, I really hope Mercenaries mode is co-op, that would be amazing.

02-Feb-2009, 11:19 PM
no puzzles?

god damn it, why not remove the locked doors as well and give a free walkthrough built in.:rolleyes:

03-Feb-2009, 07:29 PM
no puzzles?

god damn it, why not remove the locked doors as well and give a free walkthrough built in.:rolleyes:
Gonna have to agree that it's a disappointment that there's no puzzle solving in RE5. Based on the demo, it's more of the same (RE4) but with more shooting. I WILL get it for the collection though.

04-Feb-2009, 06:54 AM
k, so just for shits and giggles i downloaded the demo on my ps3 as well and gave that a go and boy was i surprised.

- better frame rate makes for a much smoother picture.
controls exactly like 4 did on the ps2 and gamecube AKA, it controls smoothly and much better than the slow tank controls for the 360 demo.
ammo was more plentiful.
as were enemies.
in the second portion there were men perched on the roofs throwing molotovs who, when killed, would erupt into larger versions of the flying b.o.w's that attack the chopper at the start.
enemies were faster and worked in a group more to flank you but dodged less than in the 360 demo.
shivas a.i was vastly smarter, conserving ammo, switching weapons when the situation dictated, and not taking the ammo for a weapon only chris had:mad:
...curiously, more of the african cahracter models than the chinese and "white guy" ones from the 360 version:shifty:

overall this controlled exactly like resident evil 4. the gameplay was fast and fluid and very exciting. it still wasn't as fun as 4 was but i liked this a lot more than the 360 demo. which seemed to be more like a rushed port in feel and execution in a comparison of the two.

honestly im getting the ps3 version if i get either based on a hands on with both.

04-Feb-2009, 12:45 PM
I will keep that noted. I still haven't decided which system to buy it for.

04-Feb-2009, 12:54 PM
I got killed by the big son of a bitch with an axe because i couldn't run away...seriously, I couldn't turn quick enough to change my angle and gun for it...

and the AI sucks, as I only recall one time I was attacked by the 'ganados'. Most seemed complacent enough to walk into me continuously. maybe the developers are pushing for a new monster image: 'Tyrone the passive aggressive Ganado. He looks mean, but just does it to scare you off. If that doesn't work, he'll keep walking into you, shoving you away.'

Good job Capcom, you've made me facepalm at your monsters, not run away with s*it running down my legs...

Like those goddamn crimson heads in the remake of one....

04-Feb-2009, 01:01 PM
You can do a quick 180 degree turn.

04-Feb-2009, 01:07 PM
i know, but it didn't work..brought me to face a wall

04-Feb-2009, 02:10 PM
k, so just for shits and giggles i downloaded the demo on my ps3 as well and gave that a go and boy was i surprised.

- better frame rate makes for a much smoother picture.
controls exactly like 4 did on the ps2 and gamecube AKA, it controls smoothly and much better than the slow tank controls for the 360 demo.
ammo was more plentiful.
as were enemies.
in the second portion there were men perched on the roofs throwing molotovs who, when killed, would erupt into larger versions of the flying b.o.w's that attack the chopper at the start.
enemies were faster and worked in a group more to flank you but dodged less than in the 360 demo.
shivas a.i was vastly smarter, conserving ammo, switching weapons when the situation dictated, and not taking the ammo for a weapon only chris had:mad:
...curiously, more of the african cahracter models than the chinese and "white guy" ones from the 360 version:shifty:

overall this controlled exactly like resident evil 4. the gameplay was fast and fluid and very exciting. it still wasn't as fun as 4 was but i liked this a lot more than the 360 demo. which seemed to be more like a rushed port in feel and execution in a comparison of the two.

honestly im getting the ps3 version if i get either based on a hands on with both.
Dude. It's the EXACT SAME demo for both systems. They've got the same 4 control options. The PS3 version has no anti-aliasing (360 has 4xAA). The 360 demo also has better frame rate, it's easy to spot, just run both side by side, load the first level and pan the camera around. It stutters a bit on the PS3. Likewise you can feel it fairly easily when running around, it's not as smooth on PS3. Ammo is in the same places in both versions. There isn't "better AI" in the PS3 version either, as again, it's the exact same game. Same with Sheva, she's has the same AI on 360 and PS3. The 360 version is the lead platform, how can it be a "rushed port"? PS3's textures are considerably more blurry as well:




You really think the PS3 version looks better? Sometimes I wonder where you come up with your facts.

04-Feb-2009, 07:51 PM
i know, but it didn't work..brought me to face a wall

That's funny. *L* It sucks when that happens. You have to be aware of your surroundings.

I will try the PS3 demo later on. The graphics are not too big of a deal, afterall, I grew up during the Atari, 8-bit, and 16-bit eras. I care more about the controls. Which ever one feels best will be the one I purchase.

04-Feb-2009, 09:09 PM
Dude. It's the EXACT SAME demo for both systems. They've got the same 4 control options. The PS3 version has no anti-aliasing (360 has 4xAA). The 360 demo also has better frame rate, it's easy to spot, just run both side by side, load the first level and pan the camera around. It stutters a bit on the PS3. Likewise you can feel it fairly easily when running around, it's not as smooth on PS3. Ammo is in the same places in both versions. There isn't "better AI" in the PS3 version either, as again, it's the exact same game. Same with Sheva, she's has the same AI on 360 and PS3. The 360 version is the lead platform, how can it be a "rushed port"? PS3's textures are considerably more blurry as well:




You really think the PS3 version looks better? Sometimes I wonder where you come up with your facts.

damn, your acting a little touchy there. there not "facts" there my experience from playing both, my own opinion. and in my own opinion after experiencing both the ps3 demo was the better one in my book. you obviously don't like that opinion but it doesn't matter anyway because its mine alone.

28-Feb-2009, 02:00 AM
New 360 Elite bundle. I have already ordered one and will sell my 20 GB model. Gamestop offered $100 trade in. :rolleyes:


01-Mar-2009, 05:35 PM
Here's a link of the new bundle opened. Notice the power cord.


darth los
03-Mar-2009, 08:17 PM
I just reserved my copy this morning. I'll let you guys know how it plays next weekend, after I'ved logged atleast 10 hours on it.


03-Mar-2009, 09:40 PM
I lost the links, but last night I found 2 pics for 2 enemies for RE 5. They are from past games. Licker and Chimera

03-Mar-2009, 09:58 PM
New 360 Elite bundle. I have already ordered one and will sell my 20 GB model. Gamestop offered $100 trade in. :rolleyes:


yeah my 360 rrod' last year adn it gets e74 about 10 out of 14 times it turns on so i think, if the resi bundle comes out ill grab it.

BUT!- i have ordered the american resi 5 speical edition on ps3 (the ps3 american resi 5 will play on my uk ps3 apparently) for the swank ass tricel bag and stuff.

all we get is a snowglobe full of sand.


04-Mar-2009, 12:43 PM
so, i played the demo again, and watched those..real life short movie things about Chris after the ki-jub-jub incident, or whatever the hell it is called.

I REALLY REALLY want to buy this game..if anything just to know why he is so fucked up after, and you gotta admit, those game trailers and videos make it look like its gonna be god damned epic.

I retract the bad things I've said thus far, and am going to wait til after I play the actual game.

04-Mar-2009, 08:55 PM
well, i don't take back any of my bad things i've said about the game.

it's not just the controls and sluggishness of the demo i don't like, it's the entire direction the series has taken. previous posts of mine go into further detail...

but yeah, i'm steering clear of this one.

04-Mar-2009, 09:12 PM
well, i don't take back any of my bad things i've said about the game.

it's not just the controls and sluggishness of the demo i don't like, it's the entire direction the series has taken. previous posts of mine go into further detail...

but yeah, i'm steering clear of this one.

i just hope this one doesn't involve running from a 30 foot tall statue of a midget dressed like napoleon....:rolleyes:

04-Mar-2009, 09:32 PM

it's like Three-Dog from Fallout3 says...."i couldn't make this shit up!"

sadly, somebody does. and probably gets paid very handsomely for fucking up a great video game series.

05-Mar-2009, 02:04 AM
apparently teh developers are stating biohazard 6 s going to be a complete reboot thats nothing like 4 or 5.

im betting money there doing a sqaure soft and making a sequel thats connected in name alone but a completely different world.

05-Mar-2009, 09:21 AM
but yeah, i'm steering clear of this one.
I'm wit' chu, Prof. I thought the demo was one gigantic f**king headache! :dead:

apparently teh developers are stating biohazard 6 s going to be a complete reboot thats nothing like 4 or 5.
Yeah, it'll have zombies in it.

darth los
05-Mar-2009, 04:41 PM
I'm wit' chu, Prof. I thought the demo was one gigantic f**king headache! :dead:

Yeah, it'll have zombies in it.

I agree, I didn't even finish it, it was that unplayable.

However, it did have a disclaimer stating that it wasn't a finished product. Perhaps they got the propper feedback and have adressed the issues present in the demo. I'll reserve judgement till' then.


05-Mar-2009, 09:41 PM
I just reserved my copy this morning.

I agree, I didn't even finish it, it was that unplayable.

that seems rather contradictory, dude. so you were that disgusted with the demo, yet you have a pre-order placed?:confused: you must have lots of faith in capcom.

..i do, but only for DR2. the RE series is over and done, as far as i'm concerned. just my opinion, but RE sucks these days.

12-Mar-2009, 12:29 AM
Woop! Just got my copy!

Local gaming store started selling them early. :)

12-Mar-2009, 12:41 AM
The upcoming downloadable content for Resident Evil 5 has been revealed in the strategy guide as Versus and Slayer modes for Mercenaries. Apparently it will be free and characters will feature altered loadouts.


12-Mar-2009, 02:52 AM
that seems rather contradictory, dude. so you were that disgusted with the demo, yet you have a pre-order placed?:confused: you must have lots of faith in capcom.

I'm pretty sure he reserved it a while before he had played the demo.

Also, I think you'd like to know that I'm in a tribute band called MIScharge. We do Misfits and Discharge covers (duh).


12-Mar-2009, 04:25 AM

that is awesome mike. if i get up in your neck of the woods this fall as planned, perhaps i can catch a show. i saw a misfits tribute band out in north carolina once, and they pretty much rocked the fucking house.

darth los
12-Mar-2009, 05:17 PM
I'm pretty sure he reserved it a while before he had played the demo.

Also, I think you'd like to know that I'm in a tribute band called MIScharge. We do Misfits and Discharge covers (duh).


that seems rather contradictory, dude. so you were that disgusted with the demo, yet you have a pre-order placed?:confused: you must have lots of faith in capcom.

..i do, but only for DR2. the RE series is over and done, as far as i'm concerned. just my opinion, but RE sucks these days.

Well, mike is right. Although the demo sucked it was a work in progress so I'm going to give it a chance.

It's alot like Gar's recent films. No matter how much i dislike what he did with with the previous one I'll be the first in line for the new release.

Imo, the series was already over and done with. That's why they did RE4 the way they did. The result was one of the most memorable and innovative games I've ever played.

Imo, I'd rather the old survival horror format back though. That's what RE is supposed to be.


12-Mar-2009, 06:50 PM
9 more hours! :hyper:

I'm buying it simply because I've loved every Resident Evil game in the main plot and I doubt I'll be disappointed, especially since I loved the demo. Apparently the story of RE5 is supposed to contain a lot of fan service for people who have been following the series since the begining. It'd be nice to get some old fashioned zombies, but I'll take what I can get.

They did "isolation + zombies = scary" for like 10 games, and that was great, but I'm glad they brought fresh ideas to the table instead of doing another retread of gameplay and plot devices we've seen a million times.

Oh and 3pidemiC, give us some updates man! How are you liking it so far?

12-Mar-2009, 07:45 PM
The graphics are stunning! Absolutely gorgeous! I'm running it on a 46" Samsung 1080p 120Hz LCD though ;)

So far the action has been intense, the "mini-bosses" have been frustrating and fun (as always) and the story is starting the pan out nicely. I just saw a cut-scene which is going to explain what Jill is up to.

Fun fun fun!

12-Mar-2009, 07:46 PM
9 more hours! :hyper:

I'm buying it simply because I've loved every Resident Evil game in the main plot and I doubt I'll be disappointed, especially since I loved the demo. Apparently the story of RE5 is supposed to contain a lot of fan service for people who have been following the series since the begining.

well unless youve played resident evil, and resident evil code veronica the plot wont make much sense.

not that it really does anyway, but in the last two numbered ones you beat bosses using sunlight and lazors!, so thats kind of a given.

12-Mar-2009, 08:49 PM
I have to clean up my console and put it back in the original box in the morning. Then I will have a new red Jasper 360.

12-Mar-2009, 10:59 PM
lets face it, Resident Evil isn't exactly known for its steller story telling...sure it's interesting but my God.

12-Mar-2009, 11:50 PM
I'm getting close to half-way through the game, and I have yet to see any parallels with Code Veronica

13-Mar-2009, 08:24 AM
I'm getting close to half-way through the game, and I have yet to see any parallels with Code Veronica

just give it time dude, stuff like "we havent met since... rockfort island?"'ll pop up soon.

darth los
13-Mar-2009, 03:34 PM
just give it time dude, stuff like "we havent met since... rockfort island?"'ll pop up soon.

As long as that annoying Ashford dude doesn't giggle through the whole thing I'm good.


13-Mar-2009, 04:25 PM
Got to chapter 2-1 on Veteran last night, beat the first boss, and so far I'm loving it! Graphics are on par with Killzone 2 as the best on a home console. The realtime inventory is great once you map weapons, herbs and grenades to the d-pad, too.

I wouldn't recommend playing this game on Veteran without a friend, though. Sheva just gets in the way otherwise. That said, if you have a capable partner, RE5 is easily one of the best co-op games available.

Oh and there's a shitload of unlockables. One of the first things you unlock is a 44 page "History of Resident Evil" in the Library menu. Good stuff.

14-Mar-2009, 06:13 PM
capcom is a bunch of fucking ass-hats. they charge $$ for extra costumes in sf4, now you've gotta pay extra for online multplayer mode in RE5? i don't even care about RE5, but i still think it's pretty low of capcom to charge their fans extra to play multiplayer.

let's hope that the same greedy fucks aren't working on DR2 and decide to charge for content that should be included in the damn game.:mad:

14-Mar-2009, 07:11 PM
I can see why people would be pissed about having to pay $5 for versus multiplayer, but it was never part of the package until a couple of days ago. Nobody was anticipating it, and it's not as if Capcom took anything away from the original package. Besides, co-op Campaign and Mercenaries will probably be enough multiplayer action for most anyway.

14-Mar-2009, 08:40 PM
I can see why people would be pissed about having to pay $5 for versus multiplayer, but it was never part of the package until a couple of days ago. Nobody was anticipating it, and it's not as if Capcom took anything away from the original package. Besides, co-op Campaign and Mercenaries will probably be enough multiplayer action for most anyway.

you dont know that though, i think its very likely they shipped it with parts missing they would try and sell later.

ubisofts done it.
eidos has famously done it a few times.
sqaureenix has done.

microsoft has done it.

you honestly think someone at capcom whent "hey guys it shipped, and thats great but i just had a spur of the moment idea!, lets waste more time and money to create new product that absolutely did not exist months ago!"

14-Mar-2009, 10:08 PM
Oh, it's obvious that they'd been planning the DLC since the beginning, but the general public had no idea, and thus it shouldn't impact your views of the game. Resident Evil never was and never will be known for it's Vs. multiplayer component, so for 3 new modes, new weapons and more achievements, I think $5 is a great deal for bonus content so soon after release.

14-Mar-2009, 10:19 PM
Oh, it's obvious that they'd been planning the DLC since the beginning, but the general public had no idea, and thus it shouldn't impact your views of the game. Resident Evil never was and never will be known for it's Vs. multiplayer component, so for 3 new modes, new weapons and more achievements, I think $5 is a great deal for bonus content so soon after release.

thats my point, it isn't worth 5 dollars.

every resident evil since nemesis had secret unlockable modes you get upon completion, your saying nowadays its okay to pay for the game, then pay more for content which previous installments had on disc? i dont think it bloody is. if its something like shivering isles or lost and the damned, right on, ill pay for that. i'll even stretch to costumes, but game modes you would unlock in previous installments for free?, hell no, that is the sort of thing i would boycott, and normally that isnt me but its become perfectly acceptable in a world where even a patch can be charged for if they call it dlc. Dont get me wrong this aint a rant at you, not even at resident evil, in this case i can understand it IF they use the money to pay for the servers the multiplayer is hosted on. but it grinds my gears SO fucking much that were so complacent and sated by the "marvel" of downloading add-on's that its become okay to charge up to $100 for the actual true final version of a game that should have been on the shipped disc that we wont bat an eye, in fact we will champion the fact of getting it that way over a disc, when go back a console generation and almost every videogames enthusiast would flip the fuck out at paying extra for improvements to the game made during the games creation that was purposely held back.


rant over.

14-Mar-2009, 10:30 PM
RE5 is no different than the rest of the series when it comes to unlockable modes. You get New Game + and co-op Mercenaries when you complete it, plus new costumes. Shivering Isles and Lost and the Damned were $15-$20 each and definitely worth the money, but you really can't compare then to a 5$ add-on mode. When Gears of War, Halo and Battlefield start charging for multiplayer modes, then I'll be upset. But with a game like RE, it seems like more of an experiment on Capcom's part to see how the general public would react not only to a Versus mode, but paying for it as well. Anyway, Japanese developed multiplayer usually sucks big time, so I'm keeping my expectations low.

Capcom has been really shitty as far as DLC goes though, for sure. Just look at Mega Man 9 and Street Fighter 4, so much nickel & diming going on there.

15-Mar-2009, 03:17 AM
every resident evil since nemesis had secret unlockable modes you get upon completion...
I stopped you right there, Danny boy.

Nemesis made you unlock a bunch of hairy horses cock for repeatedly completing it - for what? Bullshit stories that we already knew from reading them online (I have the entire RE timeline on my PC btw). So it's the same old shit again, eh? And that was the last 'good' Resident Evil game ever released. End of.

RE5 is a f**king headache and geared towards pooftahs who wouldn't know a good game if it slapped them in the face and sucked their cocks for good measure. Sure the action is alright but at the end of the day, it's a name rape. More so than the last Silent Hill game.

Was playing SH2 tonight actually, does survival horror get any better than that?

End of rant.

15-Mar-2009, 03:36 AM
i didnt say they were good unlockables.

honestly, friggin' tofu....

15-Mar-2009, 03:14 PM
i didnt say they were good unlockables.

honestly, friggin' tofu....
Tofu was a bad idea, a lump of bean curd fighting zombies. For f**ks sake.

But the Nemesis thing. Complete the whole game for one paragraph of text? And you had to do it eight times? That has to be the biggest unlockable rip-off in gaming history. I suppose we should be thankful with RE5, at least it's a 44 page rip-off.

I'm not buying another RE game until the zombies come back. End of.

15-Mar-2009, 03:37 PM
why do you have such a passionate hatred for resident evil four and five? they are good, well crafted examples of a series evolving.

Well, four is at least, I haven't played 5 yet.

15-Mar-2009, 04:35 PM
Tofu was a bad idea, a lump of bean curd fighting zombies. For f**ks sake.

But the Nemesis thing. Complete the whole game for one paragraph of text? And you had to do it eight times? That has to be the biggest unlockable rip-off in gaming history. I suppose we should be thankful with RE5, at least it's a 44 page rip-off.

I'm not buying another RE game until the zombies come back. End of.

What if I told you there are undead zombies in RE 5? Would you give it a chance, then?

15-Mar-2009, 05:02 PM
What if I told you there are undead zombies in RE 5? Would you give it a chance, then?

Aw, don't spoil it for him :elol:

15-Mar-2009, 05:14 PM
I'm not buying another RE game until the zombies come back. End of.


what also bothers me the most about RE5 is, yeah, it looks great, but from what i've seen, it's just a prettier version of RE4. RE4 was a decent game, but i think would've been better off just calling itself something different, cuz it's NOT a resident evil game...not to me, at least. now RE5 comes along, on a new generation of consoles, and all they do is add co-op and up the graphics. fucking lame.

i think what's got me the most annoyed with this game is the copy and pasted villains, particularly the chainsaw dudes with burlap bags over their heads. seriously, couldn't they come up with anything even remotely better than that?:confused:

aside from the graphics, nothing's seems that much different from RE4, from what i've seen. some might argue "oh, it's got co-op now! awesome! more shooting shit! awesome! explosions! fuck yeah!!!":rolleyes:

big fucking deal. it's still name-rape, imo. name-rape that didn't even try to add anything other than better graphics and co-op. oh yeah, and now you can pay to play RE multiplayer.:D

15-Mar-2009, 10:01 PM
Just beat it. Anyone else finish it?

16-Mar-2009, 01:33 AM
Almost there! On 5-2.

16-Mar-2009, 06:59 AM
What if I told you there are undead zombies in RE 5? Would you give it a chance, then?
Nope because I've played the demo and thought it was an all-round pile of dog shit - confusing controls, dizzying camera, and nothing like an RE game whatsoever. And I bet if there are zombs in RE5, they're only in it for one level or something - not good enough.

some might argue "oh, it's got co-op now! awesome! more shooting shit! awesome! explosions! fuck yeah!!!":rolleyes:
None of which have anything to do with the survival horror origins of RE. If I want guns and explosions, I'll watch the f**king A-Team. :lol:

16-Mar-2009, 04:08 PM
Got up to 4-1 on Veteran last night, it's a shame that some people are holding a grudge against the series because of it's action-oriented gameplay. So far, RE5 has far exceeded my expectations; it's actually difficult on it's hard difficulty setting, the graphics are jaw-dropping, the enemy and weapon variety has been excellent so far, and I'm enjoying the co-op far more than Gears 2. Those native African tribesman are insane! The game has worthwhile unlockables too, the ability to collect capsule toys of all the characters reminds me of Shenmue a bit.

Was anyone else reminded of the movie Akira for the boss battle on the boat? :lol:

16-Mar-2009, 05:30 PM
I will admit that I was very dissapointed in the demo for the same reasons Capn was, but upon playing the actual game I don't feel the same way. The controls makes sense and it is easy to get used to the camera. I guess at the time I wasn't used to playing RE on an XBOX controller instead of the PSX/2 or GC controller. ;)

16-Mar-2009, 09:01 PM
You mean Doc Oct jumping off the boat? *L*

17-Mar-2009, 06:55 AM
Just beat it! :)

I knew since the very beginning that the cloaked person was Jill. Good guess.

darth los
17-Mar-2009, 08:22 PM
I will admit that I was very dissapointed in the demo for the same reasons Capn was, but upon playing the actual game I don't feel the same way. The controls makes sense and it is easy to get used to the camera. I guess at the time I wasn't used to playing RE on an XBOX controller instead of the PSX/2 or GC controller. ;)

I find the camera dizzying as well.

Another problem I have is with the A.I.'s reaction time. I could bestanding right there in front of the chainsaw dude for 2 full seconds and still have time to turn and make a break for it. That's just ridiculous.

Imo, there's also a clausterphobic feel to it, and not in a good, Horror movie type of way. RE 4 was much more wide open. I felt like I had space to move and run. In 5 I find myself running down tight allies, in cramped houses and narrow walkways. It feels like my path is being determined for me and I'm not being allowed to explore. And sheva being up my ass the whole time doesn't help matters any. Although she is a capable sidekick who's far from dead weight.

Overall I think it's a good game but it's nothing compared to RE 4.


18-Mar-2009, 02:44 AM
I like RE 4 over RE 5, too. Merc Mode is expanded and better in RE 5. I also prefer the inventory setup 4 over 5. The bosses in 4 are more rememberable such as the lake monster & "It". But the infected have much better A.I. in this game. Lickers in huge numbers are very dangerous.

darth los
18-Mar-2009, 04:03 PM
I like RE 4 over RE 5, too. Merc Mode is expanded and better in RE 5. I also prefer the inventory setup 4 over 5. The bosses in 4 are more rememberable such as the lake monster & "It". But the infected have much better A.I. in this game. Lickers in huge numbers are very dangerous.

And to top things off I can't even play co-op mode with my son if it's not via system link!!! What type of crap is that!?! :mad:

I became so frustrated that i went down to gamestop this morning and asked the clerk what was up with that and he said that tons of people are complaining about it. So let's see if they remedy that in the future. Although, we'll probably have to pay for it. :rolleyes:


18-Mar-2009, 04:40 PM
Got to the last boss last night, and while there are a few good tracks, I think the music in RE5 is lacking. RE2 still holds the crown for best soundtrack in the series. Other than that though, I'm my complaints are few and far between. My friend and I have been playing system link on 2 TV's these past few nights, it really can't be reiterated enough on how co-op really makes the game shine. Anyone unlock any new weapons? I upgraded the first pistol and shotgun to the max and got 2 new guns; a pistol with a stock and a triple-barrel shotgun. :D

18-Mar-2009, 04:53 PM
And to top things off I can't even play co-op mode with my son if it's not via system link!!! What type of crap is that!?! :mad:

I became so frustrated that i went down to gamestop this morning and asked the clerk what was up with that and he said that tons of people are complaining about it. So let's see if they remedy that in the future. Although, we'll probably have to pay for it. :rolleyes:



i went round a friends,synched my controller, pressed start and selected my gamertag and a message saying "ready to go to multiplayer screen?" or something popped up and we selected the latest stage, shared the ammo and weapons and then just pressed start to play the game. One copy of the game, one 360, one tv, same as every 360 game.

18-Mar-2009, 04:57 PM
Anyone unlock any new weapons? I upgraded the first pistol and shotgun to the max and got 2 new guns; a pistol with a stock and a triple-barrel shotgun. :D

Working on it. I had a Calculus exam today. So I did not play it much during the past couple of days. I made a mistake and sold that shotgun you first get after upgrading half way. Have to start over with the upgrades with that particular gun. I need the cash for upgrades on the longer shotgun.

Btw, I am up for online co-op on either the game or Merc Mode.

18-Mar-2009, 07:59 PM
What a disappointment, your better off sticking to RE4 for single player, RE4's set piece action, bosses and such are superior. And for some co-op zombie action your better off with Left 4 Dead. Four years of anticipation wasted.

19-Mar-2009, 12:41 AM
the fact that he punches the fuck out of a boulder and gets it to roll proves that he automatically wins in any Leon Vs Chris stuff.

Like, jesus man, how nuts is that?

19-Mar-2009, 02:01 AM
the fact that he punches the fuck out of a boulder and gets it to roll proves that he automatically wins in any Leon Vs Chris stuff.

Like, jesus man, how nuts is that?

oh yeah, damn that was funny.

19-Mar-2009, 02:31 AM
Forest Speyer. :cool:

19-Mar-2009, 03:17 AM
Well I finished collecting all achievements and getting a 100% completion... Im fairly surprised at the level of anger from people whom are fans of 4... I could understand being ticked if you were not of fan of 4 or never played it.

19-Mar-2009, 03:38 PM

here's the part btw.

my god is he ever manly in this game. he looked like dweeb in the resident evil remake.

19-Mar-2009, 03:49 PM
So...should this be a rent/buy tonight? I have all the other RE games BUT usually wait until the price declines.

19-Mar-2009, 04:08 PM
So...should this be a rent/buy tonight? I have all the other RE games BUT usually wait until the price declines.

is it worth 20?, yeah, but is it worth 40?, not unless you've got a good friend to play the game together with form start to finish.

19-Mar-2009, 04:08 PM
That's just silly...

darth los
19-Mar-2009, 04:19 PM
What a disappointment, your better off sticking to RE4 for single player, RE4's set piece action, bosses and such are superior. And for some co-op zombie action your better off with Left 4 Dead. Four years of anticipation wasted.

Well, atleast the achievements are easy to get. lol

This might be the first game since Oblivion where I'm able to get every achievement. :hyper:

Also, I know it's a little thing, but i prefered the treasures in RE 4 where you would find something and then have to get a bunch of jewels that fit into it thus making it worth more.

Hell, on that note, doesn't anyone else miss the creepy merchant dude or the inventory system? :(


19-Mar-2009, 04:25 PM
yes, but it isn't stupid silly like some of the stuff you see in other resident evil games.

Jill sandwich and master of unlocking spring to mind, as well as the majority of the dialogue/voice acting in resident evil 1, 2, and 3. Oh, and Outbreak was just annoying, even though I loved the games.

Four had Salazar, the Salazar statue...that was probably the biggest wtf, that is retarded moment in that game. This has Chris beating the hell out of a rock...that I've seen this far anyways. Oh, and that Irving guy. He sounds worse then Salazar ever did imho. Maybe I am just attached because me and the protagonist of RE5 share the same name, but my God, I both laughed and went fuck yea, that was awesome when he punched the hell out of that rock.

hmm...think I am gonna plug the Gamecube back in and play through Resident Evil 1 remake, and Resident evil 4 again.

also watching Resident Evil Apocalypse....ugh, thank God the Actress they got to play Jill is attractive.


"I just had an Extreme Make OVA". Cringe worthy indeed mister Irving.

19-Mar-2009, 04:28 PM
Finished it last night and clocked in at around 18 hours. That part with the boulder punching was hilarious :lol: Played a bit of Mercenaries mode last night too, I can tell I'll be sinking a lot of time in to it.

Yeah darth, you have to wonder why there isn't just a "Sell all treasures" option to streamline things since you can't combine them. Although I miss the merchant character, it's nice that you can upgrade and buy any gun at any point in the game. I love the realtime inventory system, though. I put all my weapons and grenades on Up, Down, Left and Right so that I can switch to them on the fly with the d-pad like in Gears of War.

Now to start on Professional and find all 30 BSAA emblems.

19-Mar-2009, 04:54 PM
Anybody for a go on Veteran?

darth los
19-Mar-2009, 05:57 PM
Finished it last night and clocked in at around 18 hours. That part with the boulder punching was hilarious :lol: Played a bit of Mercenaries mode last night too, I can tell I'll be sinking a lot of time in to it.

Yeah darth, you have to wonder why there isn't just a "Sell all treasures" option to streamline things since you can't combine them. Although I miss the merchant character, it's nice that you can upgrade and buy any gun at any point in the game. I love the realtime inventory system, though. I put all my weapons and grenades on Up, Down, Left and Right so that I can switch to them on the fly with the d-pad like in Gears of War.

Now to start on Professional and find all 30 BSAA emblems.

Well, i guess that's one thing that can be said for this game is like all other RE games the replay value is through the roof. I can't say that I dislike this game, I just like 4 better. I'm sure It'll grow on me though.

There's an article I read A few years back, can't remember where though. It said something to the effect of "RE 4 is white knuckle action the whole way though". RE 5. Just doesn't feel that way to me.

Nothing made me shit my pants like dropping in that pit and having to deal will 2 chainsaw sisters, being in a locked room with "it" or the first time I encountered the blind dude with the wolverine claws who was locked away in the dungeon/ jail. It just seemed like there was some impossible obstacle to overcome at every turn. I didn't feel that way in 5.


19-Mar-2009, 10:28 PM
Anybody for a go on Veteran? I wouldnt mind helping if ya need a "partner"... disfunktional is my gamertag.

Well, i guess that's one thing that can be said for this game is like all other RE games the replay value is through the roof. I can't say that I dislike this game, I just like 4 better. I'm sure It'll grow on me though.

There's an article I read A few years back, can't remember where though. It said something to the effect of "RE 4 is white knuckle action the whole way though". RE 5. Just doesn't feel that way to me.

Nothing made me shit my pants like dropping in that pit and having to deal will 2 chainsaw sisters, being in a locked room with "it" or the first time I encountered the blind dude with the wolverine claws who was locked away in the dungeon/ jail. It just seemed like there was some impossible obstacle to overcome at every turn. I didn't feel that way in 5.


Play it on professional.... I started the game on vet to start with and there where more then enough challenges. I heard from many people a complaint on dead space that it was to easy ... When I asked everyone whom was complaining what setting they where playing the universal answer was "easy"... Vet is the equivalent of normal on past Resident evil games... The other setting are for cas gamers, these other setting are so the game has a broader appeal.

19-Mar-2009, 11:50 PM
Hell, on that note, doesn't anyone else miss the creepy merchant dude

What're ya buyin?!?!

19-Mar-2009, 11:59 PM
Btw, I made a mistake. Actually, misleading info from a gaming site. There is no Chimera in this game. It is something diffrent called a Reaper. It is bigger, takes more damage, and more dangerous. Anyone else expecting to find Hunters in this game? I was and hoping for it. But then again, this game is not about the T-Virus.

20-Mar-2009, 12:12 AM
Those reapers are brutal if you're unable to hit those weak points. Nothing more humbling then getting nabbed by one pair of claws while getting your guts shanked with the other :|

20-Mar-2009, 01:27 AM
They may actually still be Chimeras. The document that contained the description of them just said that the scientist was calling them Reapers for the time being.

20-Mar-2009, 03:03 AM
They may actually still be Chimeras. The document that contained the description of them just said that the scientist was calling them Reapers for the time being.

A diffrent type, maybe, but not the same ones in the mansion. Their size, attacks, and anatomy are too diffrent. Also, a Chimera is more humanoid in appearance in contrast to the Reaper's more insect-like body. A Reaper may have been the original goal for the Chimera Project.

darth los
20-Mar-2009, 05:37 PM
A diffrent type, maybe, but not the same ones in the mansion. Their size, attacks, and anatomy are too diffrent. Also, a Chimera is more humanoid in appearance in contrast to the Reaper's more insect-like body. A Reaper may have been the original goal for the Chimera Project.

It would be interesting to take the current iterations of the various creatures in RE 5 and trace back their evolution all the way back to the first game. I'll bet that there are very few "new" creatures.


darth los
26-Mar-2009, 06:10 PM
Dudes !! i just found this killer RE 5 cheat and i just had to share with my hpotd peeps. :hyper:

Some of you probably already know about this but it's news to me.

Get on it before they patch it up !!

Cheat: Inventory Duplication
This requires two very cooperative human players, and a Live connection.

1 // In the Inventory Lobby, invite a friend.

2 // Start the level (use 1.2 to make it easy). Have the host hand items (Rotten Eggs, First Aid, Ammo) off to the guest for duplication.

3 // With a full inventory, have the guest leave the game (it should say "All unsaved progress will be lost" -- select "Yes").

5 // After selecting "Yes," another question for the guest will appear asking whether or not to save status and ammo. Choose "Yes" to save and you will have all the passed-on inventory saved.

6 // Now, back to the host: Quit out of the game, but at the second question, choose "No" and do not save ammo and status.

7 // Restart the game with the two characters and you'll both have the ammo and items. Duplication successful! (Note: You cannot do this with weapons as you cannot hand them off to your partner.)

Addendum: A popular money-making strategy involves duplicating Rotten Eggs. These are worth $2,000 a pop, and 5 can be crammed in each inventory slot. That means you can eventually be duplicating $90,000 each time. Finding Rotten Eggs can be tough; they drop randomly in later levels. Also, for two people to increase the amount of eggs quickly, you'll have to pass them back and forth, alternating who is saving and who isn't.


26-Mar-2009, 07:09 PM
Easy way to get an achievement for maxing out the weapons. I do have a rotten, gold, brown and white egg, btw. It took 2 play throughs to get them.

darth los
26-Mar-2009, 07:18 PM
Easy way to get an achievement for maxing out the weapons. I do have a rotten, gold, brown and white egg, btw. It took 2 play throughs to get them.

Yeah, I've been hanging out at the poultry farm in the marshlands but i haven't been able to snag a golden egg. :(

Any suggestions? Or will I just have to talk dirty to them? :sneaky:


27-Mar-2009, 01:46 AM
Its random luck. Kill snakes, too. They drop eggs.

darth los
27-Mar-2009, 03:37 PM
Its random luck. Kill snakes, too. They drop eggs.

I guess i have to come across one sooner or later with enough play throughs.

By the way, I tried that cheat i posted yesterday and it works !! :hyper:

I left the session with double the magnum and explosive rounds. SWEET !! :thumbsup:


28-Mar-2009, 03:48 PM
Remember when they left in that deliberate hole in Fable 2 pubgames? :p

Tbh after playing the demo I wasn't too fussed on the control system. Kinda disappointed.

Real shame as I liked the similar Res4 (GC) controls. But it just felt heavy and slow on the 360.

darth los
30-Mar-2009, 02:37 PM
Remember when they left in that deliberate hole in Fable 2 pubgames? :p

Tbh after playing the demo I wasn't too fussed on the control system. Kinda disappointed.

Real shame as I liked the similar Res4 (GC) controls. But it just felt heavy and slow on the 360.

Moving chris around is like moving a tank. Couple that with the restrictive enviroments. ( I always feel as if I'm running down a cramped hallway, alley or cave) and it's not a good experience. Pehaps they designed it that way, but I can't for the life of me figure out why.

However, I am thankful that they scrapped the whole " being in the sunlight affects you adversely crap". Which is probably true, but picturing that added to the final version is like a nightmare.


31-Mar-2009, 02:27 AM
Moving chris around is like moving a tank.

Look at how goddamn big he is. His arms are size of my torso for gods sake. I'm surprised he just doesn't run through walls and buildings and shit instead of walking around them.

31-Mar-2009, 02:38 AM
I got a couple giftcards today and almost ordered this. Then I went back and [thankfully] re-played the demo and opted to purchase Silent Hill: Homecoming and Lego Star Wars: The Saga, instead.

darth los
31-Mar-2009, 06:14 PM
I got a couple giftcards today and almost ordered this. Then I went back and [thankfully] re-played the demo and opted to purchase Silent Hill: Homecoming and Lego Star Wars: The Saga, instead.

Well, i can see how everything in this thread might give someone pause who's contemplating purchasing this game. Make no mistake, this is a really good game, I haven't stopped playing it all week. It's just not RE 4, which imo, despite the graphical superiotiry of 5, RE 4 is clearly the superior game.

I can name 5 Instances/battles that blow anything away that RE 5 has to offer. The knife fight with krauser is epic and RE 5 has nothing that even comes close.

I guess it's like land of the dead , sorta. Enjoy it for what it is, stop expecting it to be like it's predecessors and you'll find that there's a good movie there.


Look at how goddamn big he is. His arms are size of my torso for gods sake. I'm surprised he just doesn't run through walls and buildings and shit instead of walking around them.

Yes, he is eerily Jugernautish, wouldn't ya say? :lol:


07-Apr-2009, 09:50 PM
i hope capcom doesn't try to pull this shit with DR2...


The total download size for RE5 Versus Mode is 1.86MB. You are not, in fact, downloading the content from Xbox Live Marketplace or PlayStation Network. Instead, you are downloading a key that unlocks content already on the RE5 retail disc. The same disc you paid $60 for a month ago.

what a crock of shit....

08-Apr-2009, 12:07 AM
When asked to justify why gamers who already shelled out $60 for a copy of RE5 should have to pay extra to unlock content included on the disc, a Capcom representative said: "Versus mode represents content that was created outside the scope of the original design of Resident Evil 5. This is an all new mode that required additional resources to create, not to mention the additional bandwidth costs."
Haha, how lame. :rolleyes:

08-Apr-2009, 12:25 AM
i'm so fucking sure. like capcom's been totally oblivious to the trend of online gaming and multiplayer. or maybe the RE(tarded) design team (who ought to be smacked a few times) had been locked away in a cave for years with no contact with the outside world, only releasing tidbits such as screenshots and videos with carrier pigeons, then a shitty demo, and then emerged into civilization with their "masterpiece" and were like: "WTF is xboxlive? we can create a multiplayer mode? oh shit, quick, STOP THE FUCKING PRESS!!!!"

perhaps this is why the fucksticks at capcom are trying to stay officially hushed about DR2 mulitplayer...so they can try to fuck us again when they claim they "never really considered multiplayer as necessary feature needed to experience the things they wanted to achieve with an epic title such as Dead Rising 2" or some corporate greed bullshit along those lines.

fuck capcom. they better pull a rabbit out of a hat with DR2 or i'm building a voodoo doll to put a bankruptcy curse on their company.

sorry, got kinda worked up about that one...but i almost hate everything about resident evil these days since those shit movies and these new action-oriented games, and this charging to allow players to access features on already on the goddamn disc is the icing on the motherfucking cake. i'm off to the gym now.

EDIT: given how terribly clunky and tank-like the controls were on that fucking terrible demo, i imagine multiplayer is gonna be about as fun as having your skin scrubbed with steel wool and gasoline.

08-Apr-2009, 01:22 AM
Now I realize this is a niche outlook but I don't really care all that much but its more achievements and due and if the patch was free it would not include more achievements(microsoft policy). For those how could care less about achievements or trophies I can see why it pisses you off.

darth los
08-Apr-2009, 05:01 PM
Now I realize this is a niche outlook but I don't really care all that much but its more achievements and due and if the patch was free it would not include more achievements(microsoft policy). For those how could care less about achievements or trophies I can see why it pisses you off.

I don't even think it's that at all. As someone who absolutely loves unlocking achievements I don't mind paying for extra content. When it's so expansive or warrants me doing so.

My problem is, and i think others feel this way as well, is that paying for something that used to come standard in the original game is unacceptable. The content comes on the damn disc for pete's sake !! :mad:

That's being in an exclusive relationship for 2 years all the while having uprotected sex and then one day your woman tells you she wants to use condoms. That's unacceptable. Once thing are a certain way you just can't go back.


09-Apr-2009, 02:06 AM
Well seeing as no one here has reverse engineered the content as it stands im gonna have to go with Capcom's statement that the content is not simply a unlock key.

"The code for Resident Evil 5’s versus mode feature is small, tiny for two competitive online modes. Seeing a 1.8MB file for Xbox 360 owners and a 351KB download on the PS3 led to discussion that the versus mode was not a new feature with its own budget as a Capcom previously commented.

Despite the miniscule download Capcom Vice President Christian Svensson stands his ground and says, “Keys are 100K or less. It is not a key. We have said in the past, it uses assets from the disc (like levels, models, audio, etc.) but the code is new and does not exist on the disc.”

Small 100K files used to unlock content are common. Capcom is no stranger to the process, Street Fighter IV’s alternate costumes are unlocked this way. While the Resident Evil 5 versus mode download is 3x to 18x larger than an unlock key it still seems abnormally small.


09-Apr-2009, 04:54 AM
i don't care how they try to jazz up the details with techno-jargon, it's still a fucking bullshit move on capcom's part. and i think that the majority of gamers would agree with me.

09-Apr-2009, 08:48 AM
The last good resident evil game was 3,it got silly after that!now imagine how much better a zombie mod for far cry 2 would be...:p

09-Apr-2009, 01:09 PM
I wish RE would go back to its roots. I'm playing 1 & 2 on the Wii and forgot how much they rocked! Is it that hard to develop a classic zombie game???

09-Apr-2009, 01:35 PM
The last good resident evil game was 3,it got silly after that!now imagine how much better a zombie mod for far cry 2 would be...:p

Resident Evil 0 was exactly like 1-3. I loved every minute of it.

09-Apr-2009, 03:03 PM
The last good resident evil game was 3,it got silly after that!now imagine how much better a zombie mod for far cry 2 would be...:p

Resident evil was always a silly silly game.

At least 4 tried something different, and was wildly successful/critically acclaimed/just an amazing game.

I do see where everyone is coming from though with the hate, and it is understandable, but to say the new games are shit seems (at least to me) a method of directing the disgust that old time fans have at capcoms choice to change the direction of the series...IE, not warranted in the least.

I would love to see a remake of resident evil 2, but new games where the enemies are zombies? no thanks, that got old after the first 6000 games featured zombies as the main enemies.

darth los
09-Apr-2009, 04:44 PM
i don't care how they try to jazz up the details with techno-jargon, it's still a fucking bullshit move on capcom's part. and i think that the majority of gamers would agree with me.

Of course it's bullshit. The bottom line is that they are charging for something that should come on the disc. Other games, like GOW 2 atleast come with basic versus modes and you have the option of buying new maps but you don't NEED to. Here they're sayingif you want to play vs. pay for it.

I wish RE would go back to its roots. I'm playing 1 & 2 on the Wii and forgot how much they rocked! Is it that hard to develop a classic zombie game???

Imo, the best game in the RE series is the remake for gamecube. They caught lightning in a bottle with that one which is ever unlikely to be reproduced. So i guess we should just enjoy that one because it looks unlikely that they'll ever go back to the "old" formula any time soon, if ever. :(


09-Apr-2009, 04:55 PM
There have been about a dozen "classic" RE games; zombies, tank controls, and slow paced puzzle solving. To be honest, I they're quite boring to go back and play and don't hold up very well.

God forbid they try something different with the last two games.

darth los
09-Apr-2009, 06:40 PM
There have been about a dozen "classic" RE games; zombies, tank controls, and slow paced puzzle solving. To be honest, I they're quite boring to go back and play and don't hold up very well.

God forbid they try something different with the last two games.

What!?! You didn't enjoy spending hours looking for a key that only helps you unlock a room that contains a shard of a crest that you need to get another key...etc. :lol:

I for one am glad they did. Imo, RE 4 is a superior game to 5 all around.


09-Apr-2009, 07:25 PM
Its not the way the game plays that puts me off the resident evil games now,its good that they are moving with the times with regards to playability,the thing that completely puts me off is the plot!in the first game although it was still far fetched it was believable & it was a good horror story type affair,then the games from there on started shedding the indie horror style story & expected us to swallow all the ridiculous cack that followed!or maybe i just got older & it all seemed a bit daft to me....

09-Apr-2009, 09:24 PM
watch from 0:42-0:50.
...so basically, if you and another dude meet up in an alleyway, you just stand there and shoot each other, and the dude with the best gun wins. nice job, capcom. here's another vid in case you didn't quite get the full experience with that last clip.

RE4 may be a good game in its own right, but capcom shouldn't have taken the series in that direction....and i'd be willing to bet that the majority of long-time RE fans would totally agree.

most everyone i've talked to prefers RE4 to RE5, the demo was enough for me to see that they've added nothing new or worthwhile, just an annoying AI partner, or the ability to play co-op, which i think greatly detracts from the things that made the first games so great...and yeah, i still play the REmake on the GC.

09-Apr-2009, 09:58 PM
Here's a novel idea, Prof: why not actually PLAY THE GAME instead of bashing it every chance you get.

You might just enjoy it like the majority of us have.

09-Apr-2009, 10:48 PM
wasn't that what the demo was for? if i couldn't even finish one mission out of boredom and lack of enthusiasm, why would i waste any more time/$$ playing it when i can just rip on it over the internet?;) honestly though, the demo was enough for me to get the idea of what to expect, and it's not worth going into again. i sat at a buddy's house the other night and watched him play it on his ps3, and aside from the graphics, i wasn't very impressed with what i saw.

i've just been venting a bit lately cuz the versus mode concept doesn't really work for RE, imo...and then capcom has to go and charge for it, then try to justify their actions. their handling of this is cause for concern in my little world, as they are the company behind the game i'm looking forward to the most this year, DR2, which is rumored to have a multiplayer mode of sorts.

09-Apr-2009, 10:58 PM
Yeah, that sums it up for me, Prof.

Here's a novel idea, Prof: why not actually PLAY THE GAME instead of bashing it every chance you get.
He played the demo and didn't like it. I played the demo and didn't like it. At least two of my friends bought the game and took it back within a couple of days. And your point is what exactly?

darth los
13-Apr-2009, 04:49 PM
wasn't that what the demo was for? if i couldn't even finish one mission out of boredom and lack of enthusiasm, why would i waste any more time/$$ playing it when i can just rip on it over the internet?;) honestly though, the demo was enough for me to get the idea of what to expect, and it's not worth going into again. i sat at a buddy's house the other night and watched him play it on his ps3, and aside from the graphics, i wasn't very impressed with what i saw.

i've just been venting a bit lately cuz the versus mode concept doesn't really work for RE, imo...and then capcom has to go and charge for it, then try to justify their actions. their handling of this is cause for concern in my little world, as they are the company behind the game i'm looking forward to the most this year, DR2, which is rumored to have a multiplayer mode of sorts.

but i suppose you've got a point, and like thumper's mother used to say, "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."...so with that, i'm done posting anything related to RE5...

watch from 0:42-0:50.
...so basically, if you and another dude meet up in an alleyway, you just stand there and shoot each other, and the dude with the best gun wins. nice job, capcom. here's another vid in case you didn't quite get the full experience with that last clip.

RE4 may be a good game in its own right, but capcom shouldn't have taken the series in that direction....and i'd be willing to bet that the majority of long-time RE fans would totally agree.

most everyone i've talked to prefers RE4 to RE5, the demo was enough for me to see that they've added nothing new or worthwhile, just an annoying AI partner, or the ability to play co-op, which i think greatly detracts from the things that made the first games so great...and yeah, i still play the REmake on the GC.

And if you thinks the game sucks ass then why shouldn't you voice your opinion whenever you feel like it.

The fact is that RE4 is a waaaaaaaaaay better game than 5. What's wrong with saying that? We waited damn near 5 years for this and if I may say so, it's a disapointment. I wouldn't say it's a waste of money, because it's a solid game. A sequel should take what worked with the first game and keep it. ( Don't fix it if it's not broken) and take what was flawed about it and make it better. Instead, the series has regressed.

Another fact is that the vs. mode IS GAY!! I downloaded it and then promptly got shot up in slayers. I couldn't even score high because some douchebag kept killing me before i could string anything together. It's way too easy for troublemakers to mess up the gaming experience for others. Until they fix that i won't be partaking in the festivities.


13-Apr-2009, 07:08 PM
I couldn't even score high because some douchebag kept killing me before i could string anything together. It's way too easy for troublemakers to mess up the gaming experience for others.

Thats one of the reasons ive cut right back on playing online multiplayer games,it was something i loved at first but got all too tired of spawn campers,aimbots,cliquey servers who kick you for no damn reason & team killers who shoot you when your going after the vehicle/weapon they want.Battlefield 2 & counter strike source were the main ones where i saw all this bad behaviour but the online RTS games can be just as bad!The online gaming world is far too full of snotty teenagers with attitude problems :mad:

darth los
14-Apr-2009, 03:19 PM
Thats one of the reasons ive cut right back on playing online multiplayer games,it was something i loved at first but got all too tired of spawn campers,aimbots,cliquey servers who kick you for no damn reason & team killers who shoot you when your going after the vehicle/weapon they want.Battlefield 2 & counter strike source were the main ones where i saw all this bad behaviour but the online RTS games can be just as bad!The online gaming world is far too full of snotty teenagers with attitude problems :mad:

In RE 5 They should atleast make it so that in slayers players can't harm each other, they can only go after the majini. I really feel like this is the worst 400 microsoft points I ever spent. :mad:

This is really bad business for capcom. Sure they got over on thousands of people and made their money. But the next time gamers are going to be really wary so capcom ends up losing in the end. People don't easil forget companies that play them for fools.


15-Apr-2009, 12:09 AM
Here's a novel idea, Prof: why not actually PLAY THE GAME instead of bashing it every chance you get.

You might just enjoy it like the majority of us have.

That's really the problem with the a.d.d. generation (having nothing to do with when you were born) If it doesn't grab you in 10 minutes off to the next thing. And the fact everyone has a voice on the internet and often the loudest and most brash comments catch the attention suddenly its real because the heard starts repeating it? I'm sorry but what has been blow out of proportion is that some element are preferred in Re4 to Re5 that doesn't make it better or worst and being that I just replayed Re4 I can certainly say there seems to be some nostalgia getting way out of hand.

15-Apr-2009, 01:26 AM
That's really the problem with the a.d.d. generation (having nothing to do with when you were born) If it doesn't grab you in 10 minutes off to the next thing. And the fact everyone has a voice on the internet and often the loudest and most brash comments catch the attention suddenly its real because the heard starts repeating it? I'm sorry but what has been blow out of proportion is that some element are preferred in Re4 to Re5 that doesn't make it better or worst and being that I just replayed Re4 I can certainly say there seems to be some nostalgia getting way out of hand.

I agree with this to some degree...but I've played both and still think RE4 is much better. IMO RE5 has some good elements but not the 'wow' factor RE4 brought to the table.

15-Apr-2009, 02:49 AM
That's really the problem with the a.d.d. generation

i was trying to stay out of this thead, but i've got to pop in long enough to inform you that a.d.d. isn't something i'm afflicted with. my dislike of this game has nothing to do with it not "grabbing me" in the first 10 minutes. all (valid) reasons i have for not liking this game can be found in previous post in this thread, so don't lump me in with a bunch of kids with short-attention spans, please.:|

01-Dec-2009, 12:32 AM
so it looks like they're doing a dlc for re5 that has chris and jill (the master of unlocking ftw) going to a very familiar-looking mansion:


any of you guys with re5 see this yet? looks decent enough, better than the main re5 story, imo. this may actually be the thing to get me to pick up a copy of re5, if i can find a decent price on it. but there's still no way i'm paying for a versus mode.

i'd love to see re go back to its roots, or at least a current-gen remake of re1 (another remake in addition to the gamecube one, yeah) or re2.

01-Dec-2009, 05:56 AM
If it's the same controls and gameplay, no thanks. Capcom have only done this because of the wave of fanboy criticism directed at RE5 for changing the rules too much.

01-Dec-2009, 06:15 AM
capcom just ought to listen to fans. i FUCKING GUARANTEE that if they did a faithful and jazzed-up remake of RE2, it'd sell like crack rocks on the day the welfare checks come in.

01-Dec-2009, 06:27 AM
capcom just ought to listen to fans. i FUCKING GUARANTEE that if they did a faithful and jazzed-up remake of RE2, it'd sell like crack rocks on the day the welfare checks come in.
In the form of a first person shooter with the original shamblers in it. :cool:

01-Dec-2009, 07:42 AM
If it's the same controls and gameplay, no thanks. Capcom have only done this because of the wave of fanboy criticism directed at RE5 for changing the rules too much.

yep, unless there planning to do a resi 0 on this its just going to be the walk through spencers mansion that we saw in the same flashback like 9 times during the game.

01-Dec-2009, 07:44 AM
i noticed that in that youtube clip there's not a single shambling zombie...unless i missed one. still, i think i may have jumped the gun in saying this looked worth a play. only an hour in length is what i've heard, so fuck that.

still sitting out on the re5 experience, and proud of it.:p

darth los
17-Dec-2009, 08:03 PM
Update !! :hyper:


December 17, 2009 - Capcom has revealed the second and final piece of download content for Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition.

The new downloadable content, Desperate Escape, sees Jill Valentine partnering with BSAA agent Josh Stone as they attempt to escape from the Tricell facility and meet up with Chris and Sheva in the final fight with Albert Wesker.

Two new costumes will be made available as well, Chris (Heavy Metal) and Sheva (Business). The new outfits, along with Josh Stone, will also be added to the growing roster of the upcoming Mercenaries Reunion mode.

Both download chapters, Desperate Escape and Lost in Nightmares are included in the Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition, due out for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 for $49.99 on March 9, 2010. The download versions of Desperate Escape will be out on March 3 for Xbox 360 and March 4 for PlayStation 3.
