View Full Version : Wal-Mart worker dies after shoppers knock him down

28-Nov-2008, 10:31 PM
A very good reason to never patronize Wal-Mart (as though anyone needs a good reason to begin with): Wal-Mart worker dies after shoppers knock him down (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iDXtETwP7G17BQsO07DecwxuziLgD94O1UD01)

28-Nov-2008, 11:19 PM
Who would've thought that black friday was so deadly?

Women focusing on a good sale is dangerous.:|

28-Nov-2008, 11:25 PM
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

it amazes me how frenzied some morons can get over the day-after-thanksgiving sales.

29-Nov-2008, 01:19 AM
Oh the humanity!!!!!

But seriously I tend to go to Best Buy for Black Friday (more of a hang out with friends overnight deal than buying stuff) but this year I chose to sleep in. Apparently I made the right choice. In this case I don't blame Walmart, I blame the idiots who killed him to get a deal on an Xbox or anything else. I can't find the link but I saw on the news that a woman also had a miscarriage after being pushed to the ground over something.

29-Nov-2008, 01:29 AM
It's almost unbelievable...almost :(

29-Nov-2008, 07:28 AM
Jesus christ, it's a shop.....people need to calm the f**k down...this is exactly what Romero has been banging on about!

29-Nov-2008, 02:38 PM
Totally agree. This kind of thing just shows the worst side of humanity. Are we really worth saving? I'm beginning to doubt it, somehow...

29-Nov-2008, 04:41 PM
Are we really worth saving?

Absolutely not. The human race needs to be wiped off the face of the planet and let nature take it's course.

...well, at least these types of consumerist savages.

29-Nov-2008, 05:03 PM
If they were able to find out the people involved resposible for this, should they be prosecuted?

Involuntary Manslaughter much?

29-Nov-2008, 05:57 PM
I haven't gone out to shop. Nothing has caught my eye, yet. I might pick up some dvds as gifts later today. Maybe.....

29-Nov-2008, 06:42 PM
If they were able to find out the people involved resposible for this, should they be prosecuted?

Involuntary Manslaughter much?
It's a case of criminally negligent homicide on the part of both Wal-Mart and the customers involved. Retailers/shoppers will do anything to make/save a nickel and apparently, murder can now be included on that list. The irony of this photo should be lost on nobody.


29-Nov-2008, 09:36 PM
Just goes to show, you can't please all the people all the time... or keep them all alive, apparently. :(

30-Nov-2008, 12:24 AM
Who says capitalism doesn't kill?

30-Nov-2008, 03:07 AM
If this is what people will do here to save a few bucks, God help us if we go into a full blown depression creating swarms of looters like these animals, err... shoppers.

30-Nov-2008, 03:51 AM
This vid is from a couple of years ago.


Idiots. I agree with Doob on this one. Wal-Mart knows how this Black Friday crap goes. They should have had security keeping order from the moment these simps began to camp outside the doors.


30-Nov-2008, 08:34 AM
hearing about and seeing footage of the lunacy of the american shopping fanatics who fight over materialistic crap helps me appreciate romero's message in dawn. it also makes me wanna play dead rising and go out and put a bunch of zombies out of their misery.

01-Dec-2008, 01:14 AM
Just another case of people who have no morals and values at all. Its like half the world isn't human anymore because they're devoid of feelings. Their only concern is getting the latest deal or cutting in front of you to make it to that red light first. All I can really say is WTF?

01-Dec-2008, 04:34 AM
After having worked retail 12 years back in the old days I can say I hate "Black Friday" more than most anything in life. It is an utter nightmare. Line from the front door to the back & then people are angry because there are lines even though every register is open 100% max & we even had baggers (& this WASN'T a grocery store!) Made me hate the holidays for YEARS.

If you want to see how childish & immature the average "adult" is in the country &/or develop a hate, loathing, contempt & general low opinion of 90% of humanity than go work retail. :rant: :mad: :annoyed:

01-Dec-2008, 04:16 PM
If you want to see how childish & immature the average "adult" is in the country &/or develop a hate, loathing, contempt & general low opinion of 90% of humanity than go work retail. :rant: :mad: :annoyed:


i worked at borders books for several years while i was in college. the way that some supposed adults act in public never failed to amaze and disgust me.

01-Dec-2008, 06:00 PM

i worked at borders books for several years while i was in college. the way that some supposed adults act in public never failed to amaze and disgust me.

I agree. I worked retail for a number of years, also. I used to dread Thanksgiving weekend, because of traffic, parking, and a$$holes in general. Some people act like turds if you sell out of an item. Even with it still in the ad. Tough sh!t. Next time buy online or wake up earlier. Fortunately, I was at a place where I could not be fired, so I could deal with certain people any way I choose. *S*

02-Dec-2008, 12:32 AM
I would be shocked if someone told me that the majority of "people" in that crowd were not on Welfare.

02-Dec-2008, 01:05 AM
Who said that?


Meh, who would have guessed...

02-Dec-2008, 01:55 AM
I would be shocked if someone told me that the majority of "people" in that crowd were not on Welfare.




02-Dec-2008, 02:12 AM
In an era where everything that makes sense about race relations is termed "racist," is it any wonder why we're failing as a nation.

And that's really funny coming from you, Exatriedes.

02-Dec-2008, 02:59 AM
We just talked about this incident in my history class today (yes, I'm in college). Some people brought up some good points, but I was the only one out of thirty people to immediately think of zombies. What does that say?

02-Dec-2008, 03:05 AM
We just talked about this incident in my history class today (yes, I'm in college). Some people brought up some good points, but I was the only one out of thirty people to immediately think of zombies. What does that say?

It's sad, but very close to the truth.

02-Dec-2008, 06:48 AM
I agree. I worked retail for a number of years, also. I used to dread Thanksgiving weekend, because of traffic, parking, and a$$holes in general. Some people act like turds if you sell out of an item. Even with it still in the ad. Tough sh!t. Next time buy online or wake up earlier. Fortunately, I was at a place where I could not be fired, so I could deal with certain people any way I choose. *S*

Yep. Want to watch most "adults" melt down? Tell them one simple thing: no. No you can't have every thing your own way, no I'm not going to give it to you, no I'm not going to give you what you want, no the customer is NOT always right. Most of them will throw a childish tantrum in no time. (I used to work in customer service *ugh*. The amount of attempted return fraud was staggering.)

Now I work in a order fulfillment center for the online orders of a major retailer, which means our "Black Friday" was actually TODAY. God this sucks...:annoyed:

02-Dec-2008, 06:24 PM
In an era where everything that makes sense about race relations is termed "racist," is it any wonder why we're failing as a nation.
Though it was bound to happen, turning this into a clichéd welfare/class/race issue misses the point entirely, which is the real reason "why we're failing as a nation" ...if you truly need a reason for it.

02-Dec-2008, 08:38 PM
Though it was bound to happen, turning this into a clichéd welfare/class/race issue misses the point entirely, which is the real reason "why we're failing as a nation" ...if you truly need a reason for it.

i too find the ravings of lower middle class whites amusing. people who have never done anything to better themselves, who have no education, no real skills but yet feel the need to rail against the world and blame their situation on someone else because they have failed at every thing they've tried in life. fu*king sad but very fu*king funny (to me at least).

02-Dec-2008, 11:00 PM
Though it was bound to happen, turning this into a clichéd welfare/class/race issue misses the point entirely, which is the real reason "why we're failing as a nation" ...if you truly need a reason for it.

The reason that we are failing is that people no longer feel the need to plan for the future, or put off gratification. We live in a "gimme it and gimme it now" society -- and this encompasses all races and all classes. When the bottom falls out, few have the means to survive for very long because they spent tomorrow's money yesterday on crapola they didn't really need.

Those people at Wal-Mart weren't lining up to buy food and other essentials ... they were lining up to buy TOYS ... DVD players, TVs, CDs, radios, iPods, games and on and on ad nauseam and a young man who was working for a living paid for it with his life (although, being an "inside man" he had probably stocked up on TOYS of his own and was looking forward to playing with them when his shift ended).

Quite possibly, if the tables were turned, he just might have been a "stomper" instead of a "stompee".

Romero was a prophet when he made Dawn of the Dead ... we are the creators of our own brutality ...



03-Dec-2008, 02:43 AM
truer words never spoken... hit the head of the nail there.

03-Dec-2008, 08:05 AM
truer words never spoken... hit the head of the nail there.
