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View Full Version : Diary of the Dead Forum

02-Dec-2008, 12:33 PM
Due to the age of the film, we have made the decision to remove the diary of the dead forum.

All the posts and topics which were in there have been moved into the Dead Discussion general forum, so nobody's postcount will suffer.


02-Dec-2008, 01:47 PM
Yay! Step 3 in forgetting Diary of The Dead was ever made has finally taken place! Soon all responses to anyone referencing "that diary zombie movie" will be answered by me in a patient, yet forceful tone extolling the virtues of that wonderful film, "The Zombie Diaries".

Let's just hope we never need to get to step 7 in forgetting Diary of the Dead was ever made: Nuke it from orbit :shifty:

02-Dec-2008, 06:13 PM
Soon all responses to anyone referencing "that diary zombie movie" will be answered by me in a patient, yet forceful tone extolling the virtues of that wonderful film, "The Zombie Diaries".
I suppose everyone needs to champion something. It makes them feel needed.

02-Dec-2008, 06:34 PM
I suppose everyone needs to champion something. It makes them feel needed.

Yes, clearly people make all sorts of comments on the internet to make themselves feel important. :D