View Full Version : I think Rehabilitation is the only answer.

02-Dec-2008, 03:43 PM
I think that if the dead walk, our only hope for survival is to get them to do what we want. I am going to admit I was wrong to disagree with Frankenstein as I watched Day. We need to get them to act the way we want them to act.

As such I have prepared a program to assist people in rehabilitating any zombies that may fall under their care. Family members, ex girlfriends you killed during the zombie uprising because you knew you could get away with it, that cute boy who never called you back who now will never leave you...

These are the more advanced steps since all of us here at HPoTD are pro.


02-Dec-2008, 04:03 PM

This made me think.....what if we teach them to drink booze? You know how they shamble and can barely walk, so if they become drunks then we're good to go.:p

02-Dec-2008, 04:07 PM
Hey that's how the white man dealt with the threat of the red man (Native Americans). Why not the threat of the dead men? (Life Challenged)

If the drinking thing doesn't work out we can always put small pox on their blankets...

02-Dec-2008, 11:09 PM
If the drinking thing doesn't work out we can always put small pox on their blankets...


03-Dec-2008, 11:56 AM
Why not the threat of the dead men? (Life Challenged)

:lol: There totally would be a PC party for the undead.

Here's a funny video I posted on here a few years back...

03-Dec-2008, 08:24 PM
hahaha oh my god that is a riot!

04-Dec-2008, 04:17 AM
Sorry to get off on a serious note, but Frankenstien's insistence on getting the zeds to do what we want always bothered me. One of the themes in all the movies is that the zombies "are us". How many people do you know that do what you want? Zombies would be even less inclined than the living I think to be successfully conditioned with the "promise of some reward". Greed sometimes motivates someone to do what someone else wants, and sometimes there is some type of scheming involved... (if I do this now, I can get him to do this for me later). Doubtful the zeds would or could think this way. Rhodes was actually right, they should have killed them all.

04-Dec-2008, 06:53 AM
Sorry to get off on a serious note, but Frankenstien's insistence on getting the zeds to do what we want always bothered me. One of the themes in all the movies is that the zombies "are us". How many people do you know that do what you want?

Well, first...he was nuts.:p He obviously had some childhood issues, which he was acting out. He reasoning actually did make sense, in a warped sort of way. He's a basically trying to condition them , just as he says, we were conditioned to good behavior, "on promise of some reward", or punishment for bad behavior. ("Bastard! Be civilized! Be civil-IZED!!!")

04-Dec-2008, 02:40 PM
I personally am a fan of the "kill them all" option rather than condition them through training like Pavlov's dogs. Even dogs bite the hand that feeds them from time to time, with an animal (and primal man at his most base is very much just an animal) is no different.

When your dog bites you you need some ouchie spray and a band aide. When a zed bites the hand that feeds it you need a a bullet to the head.

More over if we say used them as seeing eye dead, or used them to say wash dishes... how sanitary would the world be? We would have to develop a dead containment scuba suit to strap them in to keep the stink and disease in.

Nah, I say kill them all.

06-Dec-2008, 06:39 PM

This made me think.....what if we teach them to drink booze? You know how they shamble and can barely walk, so if they become drunks then we're good to go.:p

Your post about getting zombies drunk just jogged my memory about a zombie flick that I saw not too long ago, though I cannot recall the name. It was about a bunch of surviors holed up in what looked like an abandoned power station up in the hills of Los Angeles. The film was barely average, and largely forgettable, except at some point the main characters discover that zombies hate alcohol, and that if you are reeking of booze then they won't attack you. Booze as a zombie repellant came off as a somewhat novel idea, though kind dumb.

The film ends with the two protagonists getting ripped and then going out the main gate to go zombie hunting, staggering around and laughing from the booze. Wasn't the worst zombie film I ever saw, but not really anything worth going out of your way to seek out.

08-Dec-2008, 12:49 AM
Your post about getting zombies drunk just jogged my memory about a zombie flick that I saw not too long ago, though I cannot recall the name. It was about a bunch of surviors holed up in what looked like an abandoned power station up in the hills of Los Angeles. The film was barely average, and largely forgettable, except at some point the main characters discover that zombies hate alcohol, and that if you are reeking of booze then they won't attack you. Booze as a zombie repellant came off as a somewhat novel idea, though kind dumb.

What movie is this? Anyone know? Yo, was it a rental?

08-Dec-2008, 03:46 AM
Frankenstein was an idiot. "Oh, let's 'condition' them!" Oh, really? And just how do you propose we train a billion zombies at once with only a handful of us, Dr. Science?!

His idea was unworkable from the start.