View Full Version : Worst serial killer ever?!

03-Dec-2008, 12:28 PM
Not necessarily the individual who killed the most, but the most evil/depraved one...

My vote goes to Gilles de Rais - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_De_Rais

Eagle Eye
03-Dec-2008, 12:44 PM
Ed Gein http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Gein

03-Dec-2008, 01:43 PM
My vote also goes to Gilles de Rais. I love it that he's a "good guy" character in Luc Bessons film of Jeanne D'Arc!

03-Dec-2008, 01:47 PM
Bittaker & Norris. Real lowlifes.


BTW, shouldn't it be Worst instead of Worse?

03-Dec-2008, 02:37 PM
Ed Gein http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Gein
Ed Gein only killed 2 people or so, he dug up most of the bodies that he used as trophies. Technically he isn't even a serial killer because you have to murder at least 5 to qualify as such.

If we're talking bodycount then maybe Dr. Harold Shipman who killed 218 proven victims and up to 450 possible victims overall in a three year period.


If we're talking favourites then it has to go to Robert Maudsley, a proper nutter in my opinion. Apparently he was the inspiration for Hannibal The Cannibal.

In 1977, Maudsley and another inmate took a third patient (a convicted paedophile) hostage and locked themselves in a cell with their captive, before torturing him to death. When guards eventually smashed their way into the cell, the hostage's skull was found cracked open, a spoon wedged in his brain and pieces missing. It is believed that Maudsley ate part of his victim's brain.

A new guard at Wakefield, who was unaware of Maudsley's personality, attempted to enter his cell one day in 1978, and Maudsley started laughing. The guard stopped before opening the door and asked him why he was laughing. Maudsley shrugged and replied, "I just can't help myself. If you come in here, I'm going to have to kill you." The guard became so frightened that he began crying, to which Maudsley responded, "It's nothing personal. I don't mean anything by it, but if you come within reach, it's what I'll have to do.".

One afternoon in 1978 he killed two more fellow prisoners. Maudsley's first victim of the day was sex offender Salney Darwood. Maudsley had invited Darwood to his cell, where he garroted and stabbed him before hiding his body under his bed. He then attempted to lure fellow prisoners into his cell, but all refused. Maudsley then went on the prowl around the wing hunting for a second victim, eventually cornering and stabbing prisoner Bill Roberts to death. He hacked at his skull with a makeshift dagger and smashed his head against the wall. Maudsley then calmly walked into the prison officer's room, placed the dagger on the table and told him next roll call would be two short.

He remains in solitary confinement 25 years on, and once a day he is allowed out of his cell for one hour's exercise in a yard 20 feet long by 12 feet wide. Every move he made was always under watchful eye of at least five guards.


03-Dec-2008, 02:53 PM
Ed Gein http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Gein

Ed Gein didn't kill enough people to be classed as a serial killer? He only killed one woman (I say "only...)...the rest were just corpses he dug up and wore....

mine goes to Fred West, that guy was f**king sick.

03-Dec-2008, 03:01 PM
mine goes to Fred West, that guy was f**king sick.
West was an eyelid licker of the highest order. Raped his 13 year old daughter 3 times and filmed the whole thing before murdering her and burying the corpse under his patio. Sicko.

03-Dec-2008, 03:13 PM
He did worse, he subjected his kids to years of torture, the ones that survived ended up as drug addicts, suicide attempts etc....very sad....I had a "mate" (read flatmate) who was a police officer and one day he came home in tears because they make officers watch West's videos as training...madness.

03-Dec-2008, 03:15 PM
One of West's victims, Lucy Partington, was a cousin of writer Martin Amis.

Eagle Eye
03-Dec-2008, 03:53 PM
Ed Gein didn't kill enough people to be classed as a serial killer? He only killed one woman (I say "only...)...the rest were just corpses he dug up and wore....

Then I will go with:

Thug Behram http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thug_Behram

03-Dec-2008, 04:22 PM
Wow ive never been more disgusted in the world then I am now.

03-Dec-2008, 05:29 PM
how bout andrei chickatilo. he murdered 52 children and women between 1978 and 1990. the story behind this one is pretty interesting. the cop in charge of the investigation was hampered by the ineptness and idiocy of soviet bureaucrats at every turn. when he realized he had a serial killer on his hands he requested permission to contact the FBI and scotland yard for help. he was basically laughed at.


then there is this suck fu*k, cincinnati's own serial killer, donald harvey. harvey was an orderly at the VA hospital and drake hospital in cincy. he killed between 36-87 people. the true number will probably never be known because he managed to keep his crimes hidden for 17 years. i have a childhood friend who works as a nurse at drake hospital and he told me once that when he is on duty, he often wonders, "i wonder if ol donald ever topped someone in this room?"


he escaped the death penalty (which is a joke in ohio anyway) but will never see the light of day again:

On August 18, 1987, Harvey pled guilty in Cincinnati on 24 counts of aggravated murder, four counts of attempted murder, and one count of felonious assault. A twenty-fifth guilty plea, four days later, earned him a total of four consecutive life sentences, barring parole for the first 80 years of his term.

03-Dec-2008, 06:06 PM
What about the fameous comedy team of Burke and Hare? Supplied a medical school and even had a killing method named after Burke.


03-Dec-2008, 06:11 PM
He did worse, he subjected his kids to years of torture, the ones that survived ended up as drug addicts, suicide attempts etc....very sad....I had a "mate" (read flatmate) who was a police officer and one day he came home in tears because they make officers watch West's videos as training...madness.

Holy crap!

Well, I guess they have to be 'broken in' to such sights, but geeeeez, that must be an ordeal and a half just watching that stuff ... *shivers* ... this thread's giving me the heebie-jeebies.

What's up with Neil of late, this is his second thread about serial killers this week ... I thought blokes went through the 'serial killer phase' during their teens (true thing actually). I watched a whole bunch of those docs on Channel 5 back when it was new that profiled serial killers, morbid curiosity I guess.

What is is about teenage boys and digging into info about serial killers? :rockbrow:


Anyway, there's some sick-ass freaks out there, bloody hell.

03-Dec-2008, 06:35 PM
And what about the worst one in the world? Harold Shipman - murdered over 250 people and the true number is still not known!

03-Dec-2008, 07:47 PM
And what about the worst one in the world? Harold Shipman - murdered over 250 people and the true number is still not known!

But as per my OP, he sedated them, which in the realms of being murdered is surely one of the better ways to go... See the write up of the guy I suggested for the 'title'...

04-Dec-2008, 06:07 PM
How about Ted Bundy? Granted, he didn't kill the most, but he was the "All-American guy next door" who was able to lure girls away right in front of a crowd (in a couple instances), brazenly go into a sorority house and kill, and take two girls within hours of each other on the same day. He was slick, smart, and he said himself that if he talked to a female more than 10 minutes he could never kill her because he would see her as an actual human being.
Looked so normal, but underneath..... :skull:

04-Dec-2008, 06:34 PM
But as per my OP, he sedated them, which in the realms of being murdered is surely one of the better ways to go... See the write up of the guy I suggested for the 'title'...

murder is still murder no? hehe

04-Dec-2008, 06:57 PM
murder is still murder no? hehe


Shipman = Injection, slip away into a gentle slip...

Rais = "Rais then raped the child as it was hanged from a hook by the neck. Before the victim died, Gilles took the child down, comforted it, repeated the act and either killed the child himself or had it slain. At times they were dealt mortal wounds before de Rais sodomized them. He would then take his pleasure as the child died. Occasionally, he would perform a sex act with a dead child."

Ummm... Hmmm....

04-Dec-2008, 07:14 PM
"Rais then raped the child as it was hanged from a hook by the neck. Before the victim died, Gilles took the child down, comforted it, repeated the act and either killed the child himself or had it slain. At times they were dealt mortal wounds before de Rais sodomized them. He would then take his pleasure as the child died. Occasionally, he would perform a sex act with a dead child."

Ummm... Hmmm....
Ed Kemper beheaded his mother, slept with the head for days, f**ked it (and the body), then put it up on the mantlepiece and threw darts at it. Ummm... :D

05-Dec-2008, 03:35 AM
All those serial killers were good, not bad. They got the job done.

The worst of all time was Bobby Buford from Hoboken, New Jersey. In the spring of 1998, he attempted to stab 13 separate women - and failed each time.

05-Dec-2008, 12:27 PM
One afternoon in 1978 he killed two more fellow prisoners. Maudsley's first victim of the day was sex offender Salney Darwood. Maudsley had invited Darwood to his cell, where he garroted and stabbed him before hiding his body under his bed. He then attempted to lure fellow prisoners into his cell, but all refused. Maudsley then went on the prowl around the wing hunting for a second victim, eventually cornering and stabbing prisoner Bill Roberts to death. He hacked at his skull with a makeshift dagger and smashed his head against the wall. Maudsley then calmly walked into the prison officer's room, placed the dagger on the table and told him next roll call would be two short.

You know you're all 52 cards short of a full deck when you do something like that. However, I had to LOL when he went to the office about Roll Call.

06-Dec-2008, 03:52 AM
My entry would be Albert Fish.


The Wiki article doesn't go into a lot of detail, but I read about him in the past on another site (maybe court tv's website, I don't recall" and this guy was bad, they don't really know how many people he killed because he cannibalized them and on top of that he was a compulsive liar. I remember reading that children were told that the "Grey Man" would get them if they didn't behave, the grey man being one of his names. He was basically a serial killer who was also an urban legend while alive.

06-Dec-2008, 04:17 AM
i think it comes down to who do you find the spookier: a killer who tortures, mutilates, dismembers and degrades his victims or a killer who calmly takes it upon themselves to rid the world of people who are already vulnerable in a relatively clean way without rage and grisly violence.

i find the latter creepier. folks like donald harvey, michael swango and shipman who worked in the medical profession, who take it upon themselves to decide that someone else would be better off dead. people who kill without rage, calmly and without torment, who simply look at an already suffering patient (a patient who is looking to them for comfort and treatment in fact) and decide to end that person's life for their own personal thrill or gain.

people like that put the creeping blue wolf willies on me for sure. they usually kill far more people than their violent counterparts - over 200 for shipman, maybe as many as 87 for donald harvey, between 30 and 60 for swango, and they usually get away with what they are doing for far, far longer than their rage filled, dismembering serial killer colleagues.

06-Dec-2008, 02:35 PM
One afternoon in 1978 he killed two more fellow prisoners. Maudsley's first victim of the day was sex offender Salney Darwood. Maudsley had invited Darwood to his cell, where he garroted and stabbed him before hiding his body under his bed. He then attempted to lure fellow prisoners into his cell, but all refused. Maudsley then went on the prowl around the wing hunting for a second victim, eventually cornering and stabbing prisoner Bill Roberts to death. He hacked at his skull with a makeshift dagger and smashed his head against the wall. Maudsley then calmly walked into the prison officer's room, placed the dagger on the table and told him next roll call would be two short.
You know you're all 52 cards short of a full deck when you do something like that. However, I had to LOL when he went to the office about Roll Call.
It's very hard to dislike Maudsley because he has so many cool stories attached to him. So what does he look like? There's hardly any pics of Maudsley but this tiny image should be enough to put the willies up anyone.

http://i3.bebo.com/040a/1/small/2008/04/03/12/6251863173a7336423728s.jpg :stunned:

06-Dec-2008, 04:06 PM
yeah, maudsley is a decidedly messed up dude.

In 1977, Maudsley and another inmate took a third patient (a convicted paedophile) hostage and locked themselves in a cell with their captive, before torturing him to death. When guards eventually smashed their way into the cell, the hostage's skull was found cracked open a spoon wedged in his brain and pieces missing. It is believed that Maudsley ate part of his victim's brain.

A new guard at Wakefield, who was unaware of Maudsley's personality, attempted to enter his cell one day in 1978, and Maudsley started laughing. The guard stopped before opening the door and asked him why he was laughing. Maudsley shrugged and replied, "I just can't help myself. If you come in here, I'm going to have to kill you." The guard became so frightened that he began crying, to which Maudsley responded, "It's nothing personal. I don't mean anything by it, but if you come within reach, it's what I'll have to do."

08-Dec-2008, 07:10 PM
It's very hard to dislike Maudsley because he has so many cool stories attached to him. So what does he look like? There's hardly any pics of Maudsley but this tiny image should be enough to put the willies up anyone.

http://i3.bebo.com/040a/1/small/2008/04/03/12/6251863173a7336423728s.jpg :stunned:

Holy crap, he looks like an old boss of mine... who was a female. Come to think of it, she could be pretty mean at times, but I don't think she has killed anybody... yet.