View Full Version : Lump of wood found on Mars

03-Dec-2008, 03:21 PM

WTF? :confused:

Click (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandtechnology/science/3544076/Picture-sparks-claims-of-wood-on-Mars.html) for article.

03-Dec-2008, 03:37 PM
It does look like wood. But as they say in the article, it's probably just the angle on a rock.

Eagle Eye
03-Dec-2008, 03:40 PM
Yes I agree, How would a lump of wood end up on Mars?

03-Dec-2008, 04:01 PM
The picture, which was taken as part of Nasa's Mars Exploration Rover mission in May 2004, has given excitable internet message board users reason to believe that a civilisation has formed on the planet.

Oh, fer christsakes :rolleyes:

03-Dec-2008, 04:01 PM
So is Dane engraved on that back of thing or what? These rovers are so useless.

03-Dec-2008, 04:02 PM
thats kinda cool though

03-Dec-2008, 04:30 PM
These rovers are so useless.

How so? They've given thousands of pictures of the surface of Mars....

03-Dec-2008, 05:00 PM
Look closely and you'll see

Symphonicx 4 Britney Spears

03-Dec-2008, 05:02 PM
How so? They've given thousands of pictures of the surface of Mars....

I sense facetiousness in his statement, Bassman.

03-Dec-2008, 05:34 PM
i imagine thats just a bit of rock weathered that way in the vicious dust storms on mars,certainly aint gonna be wood!

03-Dec-2008, 05:48 PM
i imagine thats just a bit of rock weathered that way in the vicious dust storms on mars,certainly aint gonna be wood!
Either that, or it's a Cadbury's Flake ... ON MARS!


03-Dec-2008, 06:14 PM
:lol: if flakes grow on mars then get me on the next rocket!

But seriously,the pictures from mars are some of the most uninspiring ever!it just looks like any desert on earth through a red filtered lens. The fact mankind has got there is a big achievement, but the planet itself is like being locked in a white room with terry wogans voice playing 24 hours a day :dead:

03-Dec-2008, 06:16 PM
How so? They've given thousands of pictures of the surface of Mars....

Yes, thousands and thousands of pictures.

Superficial pictures. Ohhh and ahhh sort of pictures for the general public.

A strange, humanoid figure was spotted in one of those pictures. Did we get any close-ups to determine whether it was rock sculptured by years of erosion or otherwise by the rovers? No. Just uppity brush-off by NASA/JPL.

Now we have this mysterious piece of rock-wood. Will the rovers give us anymore detail of what this is or will their NASA/JPL masters send them off for more pretty snaps for the masses?

03-Dec-2008, 06:18 PM
Well obviously they don't expect people to really believe it's wood. The article even says that...

03-Dec-2008, 06:25 PM
looks more like big piece of slate rock.

imagine if they did find like a single petrified little tree or something, that would be an epic picture.

04-Dec-2008, 02:11 AM
What if? That's all humans ever say! I'm sick of it! ...Uh, I mean, uh, I'm human... Really, I'm normal! Believe me!

04-Dec-2008, 02:27 AM
paranoia runs rampant again i see.

first off the mars rovers have performed longer and better than anyone could've hoped for in their wildest dreams. they are both going on 5 years now on the surface of mars, a far cry from the original 3 to 8 month mission.

second they were sent to mars to investigate the possibility that mars was once wetter and warmer than it is today. both have proved that rather conclusively. water once did exist as a liquid on the surface of mars and the planet was much warmer than it is today.

third they were not sent there to go chasing off after every strange looking rock to satisfy the paranoid delusions of a lunatic fringe who think that everything in the world has a conspiracy behind it. not only is there very little scientific merit in such endeavors, the amount of work it would take to shift gears and alter the rovers programming, plus the time it would take to reach said strange rocks is simply not worth it in the long run.

some of you need to get the fu*k over yourselves. NASA does not exist to satisfy your every whim and delusion. the mars rovers are designed for and are being used to answer fundamental questions about the state of the climate on mars long ago not to go chasing after rocks that look weird. a simple search will yield many, many rock formations on earth that look like everything from birds to animals to human faces, all produced by natural weathering. mars has some of the most vicious sandstorms known and the human imagination can a mountain out of an anthill sometimes.

04-Dec-2008, 02:45 AM
the human imagination can a mountain out of an anthill sometimes.


04-Dec-2008, 03:58 AM
paranoia runs rampant again i see.

first off the mars rovers have performed longer and better than anyone could've hoped for in their wildest dreams. they are both going on 5 years now on the surface of mars, a far cry from the original 3 to 8 month mission.

second they were sent to mars to investigate the possibility that mars was once wetter and warmer than it is today. both have proved that rather conclusively. water once did exist as a liquid on the surface of mars and the planet was much warmer than it is today.

third they were not sent there to go chasing off after every strange looking rock to satisfy the paranoid delusions of a lunatic fringe who think that everything in the world has a conspiracy behind it. not only is there very little scientific merit in such endeavors, the amount of work it would take to shift gears and alter the rovers programming, plus the time it would take to reach said strange rocks is simply not worth it in the long run.

some of you need to get the fu*k over yourselves. NASA does not exist to satisfy your every whim and delusion. the mars rovers are designed for and are being used to answer fundamental questions about the state of the climate on mars long ago not to go chasing after rocks that look weird. a simple search will yield many, many rock formations on earth that look like everything from birds to animals to human faces, all produced by natural weathering. mars has some of the most vicious sandstorms known and the human imagination can a mountain out of an anthill sometimes.

Word to your mother!!!!

04-Dec-2008, 06:28 AM
paranoia runs rampant again i see.

first off the mars rovers have performed longer and better than anyone could've hoped for in their wildest dreams. they are both going on 5 years now on the surface of mars, a far cry from the original 3 to 8 month mission.

second they were sent to mars to investigate the possibility that mars was once wetter and warmer than it is today. both have proved that rather conclusively. water once did exist as a liquid on the surface of mars and the planet was much warmer than it is today.

third they were not sent there to go chasing off after every strange looking rock to satisfy the paranoid delusions of a lunatic fringe who think that everything in the world has a conspiracy behind it. not only is there very little scientific merit in such endeavors, the amount of work it would take to shift gears and alter the rovers programming, plus the time it would take to reach said strange rocks is simply not worth it in the long run.

some of you need to get the fu*k over yourselves. NASA does not exist to satisfy your every whim and delusion. the mars rovers are designed for and are being used to answer fundamental questions about the state of the climate on mars long ago not to go chasing after rocks that look weird. a simple search will yield many, many rock formations on earth that look like everything from birds to animals to human faces, all produced by natural weathering. mars has some of the most vicious sandstorms known and the human imagination can a mountain out of an anthill sometimes.

I think this merits further investigation:


Strange Looking Rock Discovered on the Surface of Mars.



04-Dec-2008, 07:07 AM
I think this merits further investigation:


Strange Looking Rock Discovered on the Surface of Mars.



BWWAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :lol::D:lol::D:lol::D

Just remember, as we gaze upon Mars, Mars may also be gazing back...


05-Dec-2008, 02:21 AM
I think this merits further investigation:


Strange Looking Rock Discovered on the Surface of Mars.



Laws No! deez black folks on mars! and to think we were promised little green men.

05-Dec-2008, 07:51 AM
third they were not sent there to go chasing off after every strange looking rock to satisfy the paranoid delusions of a lunatic fringe who think that everything in the world has a conspiracy behind it. not only is there very little scientific merit in such endeavors, the amount of work it would take to shift gears and alter the rovers programming, plus the time it would take to reach said strange rocks is simply not worth it in the long run.

some of you need to get the fu*k over yourselves. NASA does not exist to satisfy your every whim and delusion. the mars rovers are designed for and are being used to answer fundamental questions about the state of the climate on mars long ago not to go chasing after rocks that look weird. a simple search will yield many, many rock formations on earth that look like everything from birds to animals to human faces, all produced by natural weathering. mars has some of the most vicious sandstorms known and the human imagination can a mountain out of an anthill sometimes.

Yeah, but if they found a rock that looked like a huge pocket protector, then we'd be deluged with millions of up close snaps of that thing.

06-Dec-2008, 05:35 AM

Go to this site ... click on the NASA photo link ... zoom in on the lower left corner ... scroll around a bit, you'll find the humanoid.

I also spotted what appeared to be a deer taking a drink of water just to the right of the humanoid, and a rock that looks like Obi-Wan to the right of the "deer".

Mike is correct. This appears to be a trick of light. NASA COULD if they wished send the rover over that way for a closer look, but it might take weeks to reach it ... those rovers are slooow ...



06-Dec-2008, 05:12 PM
Yes they are, but at least they work. And who knows? Maybe one day we'll go to Mars. Y'know, if 2012 doesn't happen...