View Full Version : Just previewed the new HD TVs...in 3D!!!

04-Dec-2008, 05:35 PM
Just saw at work the new HD 3D Tvs, they are normal HD TVs but with a 3D setting, and when you activate it and are watching a 3D programme it's just undescribable...so damn cool...you have to wear glasses but they are clear lenses and not the standard blue/red combo - you get perfect colours all round so not tinted at all....

We watched a promo for Gladiators and it was just fantastic, you have proper depth of field, I just can't describe how cool it is...it doesn't leap out of the screen at you by a long shot but you have real focus on what the camera is looking at and everything else feels totally in the back or foreground, this is quite simply going to change the world of gaming when it comes out!!!

04-Dec-2008, 05:54 PM
Im still looking forward to this being developed...
