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05-Dec-2008, 11:00 AM

05-Dec-2008, 03:55 PM
Well... No offense to any norwiegans around here, but I always found that language to be a bit too "jolly" to fit anywhere near a horror film. :p

And I love how they tried to make DIGITAL VIDEO look old and dated...

05-Dec-2008, 06:31 PM

Nazi Zombies are just funny, simple as ... and they're also lame when they run. :rolleyes:

Christ, what's with all the running zombies lately?! :annoyed:

05-Dec-2008, 06:39 PM
I always thought that nazis were stylish.

05-Dec-2008, 07:22 PM
Nazis...the last of the real worlds supervillains. They were a photogenic enemy.

05-Dec-2008, 10:08 PM
I always thought that nazis were stylish.

"Nazis...I HATE these guys!"


('Course here is the counter-point....)


06-Dec-2008, 08:14 PM
Despite the running zombies, it looks good!

06-Dec-2008, 09:17 PM
Looks like a *lot* of fun, but i agree that at a minimum frozen zombies should be pretty slow. I'm not that against fast moving zombies in some films, but...I mean...they are at below freezing temperatures.

Maybe they have satanic, bale fire keeping them moving. :shifty:

06-Dec-2008, 10:41 PM
this movie looks interesting but seems to me to be "shock waves' told in the snow.

06-Dec-2008, 11:18 PM
Christ, what's with all the running zombies lately?! :annoyed:

Hey...you have to keep the childrens' attention. It makes more money that way.:dead:

06-Dec-2008, 11:28 PM
"I told you we should of gone to the beach" lol

So why do the zombies attack? To protect their nazi gold war medals?

Looks good though

Why all this nazi stuff in zombie movies? anyone remember zombie lake?

06-Dec-2008, 11:36 PM
Why all this nazi stuff in zombie movies? anyone remember zombie lake?

I remember Zombie Lake. It was the first ever zombie movie I saw when I was a wee lad. It was on the Creature Double Feature one saturday afternoon.

07-Dec-2008, 12:41 AM
"I told you we should of gone to the beach" lol

So why do the zombies attack? To protect their nazi gold war medals?

Looks good though

Why all this nazi stuff in zombie movies? anyone remember zombie lake?

there is also the movie i referenced above "shock waves." nazi experiments that go after people stranded on a tropical isle.

07-Dec-2008, 02:19 AM
so were at 3 nazi zombie movies?

07-Dec-2008, 07:14 AM
Hey...you have to keep the childrens' attention. It makes more money that way.:dead:

Why is it that running zombies are always made out to be constructed for a less intelligent viewing audience? sorry, i must be missing something.

07-Dec-2008, 07:42 AM
so were at 3 nazi zombie movies?

Like I said in a previous thread, they should just keep doing them till they get a masterpiece, because Nazis + zombies is a great, initial premise; two tastes that taste great together.

I'll brook no dissent on this matter :)

07-Dec-2008, 03:48 PM
Why is it that running zombies are always made out to be constructed for a less intelligent viewing audience? sorry, i must be missing something.

Your not missing anything. Besides, you said it, not me. :)

07-Dec-2008, 04:20 PM
Why is it that running zombies are always made out to be constructed for a less intelligent viewing audience? sorry, i must be missing something.

That's just my opinion. And I'm sure I'm not alone with it.

07-Dec-2008, 04:49 PM
No your definately not alone with it. Running zombies are the devil.

10-Dec-2008, 12:09 AM
Just wondering if anyone else has heard of this yet? a mate of mine posted it on another forums i go on and it looks interesting..

Trailer (http://www.deadsnow.com/)



10-Dec-2008, 12:51 AM
Meh. . . might be good for a laugh or two.

10-Dec-2008, 01:39 AM
Looks fun, kinda like The Fog but set in the snow. :D

10-Dec-2008, 03:38 AM
Just wondering if anyone else has heard of this yet?

Yup. Neil posted a link to the trailer a few days ago and discussion is further down the page of this forum.

I do agree it looks like it could be great fun, but a lot of us felt it would have been a bit better if the dead in question didn't run.

Either way though, I think it looks like a ball.

10-Dec-2008, 12:14 PM
Why is it that running zombies are always made out to be constructed for a less intelligent viewing audience? sorry, i must be missing something.

It is more a sign of the times thing, we as a culture are a give it to me now sort of people. From Europe, to the US, and elsewhere in between. The days of sitting back and enjoying slow cuts, long held shots for effect, and talking heads are long gone.

We are the MTV generation, and we are accustomed to seeing images blasted into our brain much faster, in rapid succession with cuts so fast at times you can not even appreciate the artistic framing of the shot.

It is not that people who like running zombies are less intelligent, it is that this particular spin on the genre A) Goes against what we have accepted as the classic GAR rules and B) It takes the zombie out of it, you might as well watch a movie where Nazi's attack people, and they happen to be cannibals. If you follow me.

10-Dec-2008, 12:25 PM
I'm not so cynical about the whole notion, except I do believe that fast zombies are used in a film such as Yawn04 because the teenager target audience are morons who enjoy shows like Super Sweet Sixteen, and the likes of James Gunn and Zack Snyder have no idea how to make a slow zombie scary or workable.

But look at The Dark Knight - an epic success - and it doesn't involve fast cutting, shaky-cam, or chimps slapping keys on a typewriter to manufacture the script.

TDK is thoughtful, it's deeply intelligent, it's moral. It doesn't rely on OTT fakery, and tries to do as much real as absolutely possible. It's directed with intelligence and power and thought, the writing is considered, the camerawork is spell-binding, rather than fit-inducing, the editing is gripping rather than over-cooked, burnt out and chucked in the bin so you can eat a ham sandwich instead ... I could go on, and on, but I'm just making a point.

So there is definitely that kind of filmmaking that you describe, Thorn. But the type I've just described is far from over, and certainly never will be, if anything it's the classic style of long-held tradition.

Shakycam and over-editing is relatively speaking, a fad.

10-Dec-2008, 01:55 PM
Oh I have to agree, especially as it pertains to films outside the horror genre. There are still great movies being made, that is not to say they do not have faster cuts than you saw in the 70's and more style in direction but there are still classic story tellers and there is a lot to be enjoyed. If not for that I wouldn't be such a ravenous movie fan. I simply couldn't.

Sadly the horror genre seems to attract a far greater number of hacks that rely on cheap gimmicks, gags, and things of that nature.

10-Dec-2008, 02:44 PM
I actually prefer running zombies now..i mean lets be realistic, shamblers are not very threatening at all, and it is silly to think they would grow at a rate that couldn't be contained. It's not like it'd take long to figure out that the only way to kill them is a shot to the head, and kill groups much like the ones in NOTLD could destroy so many shamblers in such a short time..and that is just the civilian population....

Although why am I trying to argue realism in a friggin zombie movie? Ugh.

I'm not going to lie, I don't give 2 s*its about social commentary or any of that...I watch films to be entertained, if i wanted to think about the rise of commercialism, and the gap between the rich and the poor, i'd read a book on the subject.

I mean, the first 15-20 minutes of Dawn of the dead 2004 was more entertaining and gripping then either Night or Dawn, and if the movie would had continued being good, it would have blown George Romeros films out of the water. Instead we see the survivors go "Hurr, I dun wna to dii in dis saef maul. Les get 2 and Ice-lend sum wurr in the big waatar derp".

Running zombies= scarier and more threatening. Although, it is hard to take them seriously in this film..it seems like a horror comedy, not a horror movie...

Sorry for derailing thread etc.

10-Dec-2008, 05:43 PM
I'm just gonna pretend Mo is on a baconator high, and slide on by that post...

Anyway, aye the horror genre is definitely open to a lock of hack-jobs, same as the action genre I'd say. They can both be relatively cheap, and can get away with low substance, and low quality because they can manage a low budget.

Speaking of 'gore porn' (:rolleyes: I hate that term), there's a new Brit horror called "Mum & Dad" that comes out on Boxing Day. It's apparently rather ruddy rockin', was made for £100,000, and it's true, proper horror in the vein of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre - f*cked up essentially, and not in a SAW 5 way, in a proper horror way.

I guess genres that are more open to cheap budgets, are likewise more open to cheap filmmakers not bothered to invest some brain matter into their work ... I mean, there's not many James Gunns to the pound in the world of political epics, for example, is there? :lol:

10-Dec-2008, 06:02 PM
I'm not so cynical about the whole notion, except I do believe that fast zombies are used in a film such as Yawn04 because the teenager target audience are morons who enjoy shows like Super Sweet Sixteen, and the likes of James Gunn and Zack Snyder have no idea how to make a slow zombie scary or workable.

Amen, brother. Well said.

i mean lets be realistic, shamblers are not very threatening at all, and it is silly to think they would grow at a rate that couldn't be contained. It's not like it'd take long to figure out that the only way to kill them is a shot to the head, and kill groups much like the ones in NOTLD could destroy so many shamblers in such a short time..and that is just the civilian population....
I don't know, the shamblers posed a pretty viable threat throughout the GAR films. Yeah, the running zombies are faster, but the shamblers claimed their fair share of victims in their own right. And, strangely, they seem to me much more creepy and ominous than any sprinting ghouls.

Sadly the horror genre seems to attract a far greater number of hacks that rely on cheap gimmicks, gags, and things of that nature.

Yojimbo agrees with Thorn yet again. Snyder and Boll are prime examples of directors not fit to smell my $hit.

10-Dec-2008, 06:58 PM
I actually prefer running zombies now..i mean lets be realistic, shamblers are not very threatening at all, and it is silly to think they would grow at a rate that couldn't be contained.

Ok, let's be realistic:

Running zombies? Yeah, they do cause suspense and fit great in an actionfilm.

Shamblers? They're way scarier, cause suspense, dread and terror.

So which are scarier? Eeeaaasy pick.

10-Dec-2008, 07:27 PM
I'm loathe to get drawn into yet another goddamn shambler vs. runner debate, however I agree that shamblers are thematically scarier than runners.

Runners can be scary to a degree and are, of course, scarier from a "OMG-what-if-this-really-happened" perspective, but for an overwhelming sense of dread and inescapable menace, shamblers just fill the role to a tee.

10-Dec-2008, 08:37 PM
Like I said in a previous thread, they should just keep doing them till they get a masterpiece, because Nazis + zombies is a great, initial premise; two tastes that taste great together.

I'll brook no dissent on this matter :)

This is why I wish they would finally make Worse Case Scenario. Some of the most awesome trailers I have ever seen. . but no movie to back it up dammit!!

Look it up. . Worst Case Scenario. .badass nazi zombies on the beach and in hot air baloons. Some freaky stuff.

10-Dec-2008, 09:04 PM
I'm loathe to get drawn into yet another goddamn shambler vs. runner debate, however I agree that shamblers are thematically scarier than runners.

Runners can be scary to a degree and are, of course, scarier from a "OMG-what-if-this-really-happened" perspective, but for an overwhelming sense of dread and inescapable menace, shamblers just fill the role to a tee.
I'll whip out my old chestnut argument of:

Anything running at you, screaming like a raptor, is scary.

10-Dec-2008, 09:13 PM

ummm. . topic people?

Agree to disagree. . etc etc. . and move on shall we?

triste realtą
10-Dec-2008, 11:22 PM

Can't find a trailer for Oasis of the Zombies but the whole movie is on youtube

Here's a guy reviewing four films with clips/trailers and British accent for the natives:


11-Dec-2008, 09:48 AM
Even though it was a chore watching that guy's video (I appreciate the effort, but his delivery needs work, as well as his organisation - and stop saying "erm" all the time!) :p

Anyway, I've got Zombie Lake and Oasis of the Zombies, had a cheesy euro-zombi phase in my final year at uni, if I'm not mistaken, and I too had seen Zombie Lake clips on "Zombiethon", and found it utterly hilarious.

I actually have an idea for my own euro-zombi spoof, but have never done anything about it before scribble some ideas down, but they're ideas nonetheless.

23-Dec-2008, 04:20 AM
I think the zombie costumes looks really good especally the muted colours on the uniform and the dead skin in contrast to the swastika. As for running zombies just do as I do and think of them as ghouls, they wont be as scary as the zombies but they will bring more action. This movie is going to come out for sure and I think its going to be pretty fun. It is defintly for the teenagers and my impression is that its not taking itself very serioursly.

23-Dec-2008, 11:12 AM
There's Zombie Lake, Oasis of the Dead, Night of the Zombies, Shock Waves, Outpost and now this. Am I missing any? I haven't watched Outpost yet, but it's new and doesn't have running zombies. Tho, I do think they fire off their guns.

As for TDKs action scenes, I disagree. They were fastly cut in perfect MTV style. The car chase totally lost me.

23-Dec-2008, 02:50 PM
As for TDKs action scenes, I disagree. They were fastly cut in perfect MTV style. The car chase totally lost me.

*Looks to the horizon to see if he can glimpse Bassman sprinting towards the thread*


23-Dec-2008, 03:55 PM
*Looks to the horizon to see if he can glimpse Bassman sprinting towards the thread*

*MZ comes barging into the thread*

Fast cut like MTV? Are you high? MTV cutting is like that "Rock Show" music video by Blink182, literally a cut every two seconds (or perhaps less crazy, depending on the show or whatever).

But Dark Knight is nowhere near MTV editing. It cuts faster than Batman 89, easily, but Batman 89 also has a far slower pace (it's practically sedate upon a recent re-viewing of it).

During the chase it doesn't cut all over the place, some cuts are fast, but other shots hold for a good solid length of time, it's more about cutting to suit the specific moments, and the cutting varies throughout the film, but mostly it cuts a nice medium between fast cutting, and slow cutting ... so really, moderate speed cutting - and that in itself, depends entirely on the scene at hand.

It's not like TDK is "Spun" or anything! Far from it! :eek:

23-Dec-2008, 04:17 PM
*Looks to the horizon to see if he can glimpse Bassman sprinting towards the thread*



I agree with MZ....TDK is nowhere near the fast cut style of most films today. Especially when you compare it to Batman Begins. Begins was close to the style, but not quite as bad as most.

One thing to consider about the 6 key Imax scenes in TDK.....the Imax film is so large the cameras can only hold three minutes of footage. So they had to work around that and did a great job of it, if you ask me.

06-Jan-2009, 11:38 AM
Review at AICN - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/39666

06-Jan-2009, 01:50 PM
Ok, still sounds fun to me! The minute I saw the zombies in the trailer I was hoping for a decent beginning and a fun ride, you could tell it wouldn't be oozing with loads of true fright, dread or the like, but I'll take fun.

Thanks for the heads up, Neil!

Soon tension goes out the window and you find yourself wondering «Hey! Where the fuck did he get that gatling gun?!»


06-Jan-2009, 01:57 PM
*MZ comes barging into the thread*

Fast cut like MTV? Are you high? MTV cutting is like that "Rock Show" music video by Blink182, literally a cut every two seconds (or perhaps less crazy, depending on the show or whatever).

But Dark Knight is nowhere near MTV editing. It cuts faster than Batman 89, easily, but Batman 89 also has a far slower pace (it's practically sedate upon a recent re-viewing of it).

Well. Again, I just disagree. I'm thinking about both the Hong Kong scene and Car Chase really. Both of the scenes totally lost me, and both of the scenes were definetly too heavy on the cutting. Reminded me alot of that modern "MTV editing" people keep criticizing around here. :p

(and when I say lost me, I mean literally, lost me. Both of em, and that only happens when there's real fast pacing and editing at work. Nope, no, sir... TDK is definetly not outside of that fold!)

24-Jan-2009, 12:53 AM
Ok, so I just randomly found a whole clip from this movie. Very funny. It's a spoiler though so watcher beware.


24-Jan-2009, 01:48 AM
Ok, so I just randomly found a whole clip from this movie. Very funny. It's a spoiler though so watcher beware.


Woooo Hoooo, that looked like fun!

My fav part:

The biting into a crisp apple sound when the first zed took a chomp out of the guy! :lol:

24-Jan-2009, 02:32 AM
Woooo Hoooo, that looked like fun!

My fav part:

The biting into a crisp apple sound when the first zed to a chomp out of the guy! :lol:

Yeah, it actually looks pretty good. Gonna have to check it out.

24-Jan-2009, 02:34 AM
Thanks for sharing the find, btw, Clang :)

24-Jan-2009, 02:39 AM
no problemo!!

24-Jan-2009, 11:08 AM
Actually that does look quite entertaining ... will have to check it out.

I'd prefer a dubbed version though.

24-Jan-2009, 12:46 PM
I liked the trailer. Enough for me to check it out once it hits DVD. Shocked a zombie film made it to Sundance. Usually they only accept happy go lucky films with a message.

24-Jan-2009, 02:04 PM
Thanks for the clip, clang! I liked it, too. Will have to check it out.

24-Jan-2009, 04:29 PM
Say what you want about nazi's but one thing 4 sure they had great dress sence and always looked good

this does look very good

anybody ever remeber worst case scenario from holland
hope it's not another doomed project like that :annoyed:

29-Jan-2009, 08:22 PM
anybody ever remeber worst case scenario from holland
hope it's not another doomed project like that :annoyed:

Yeah. . Worst Case looked like it had so much promise. Just awesome awesome zombies. But Dead Snow is in the Can. . made. .done. . and ready to watch. I'm adding it to my que first chance I get.

02-May-2009, 01:49 AM
well friends and neighbors, i've seen this and i think it a damn decent movie and worthy way to spend a friday evening. i won't spill too much but it isn't your "average" zombie flick and the overall story smells a bit like "the fog." there are some decidedly unzombie like things about the reanimated nazis but overall it all works nicely. there is quite a bit of humor in this movie - esp. when our mild mannered norwegian heroes go into nazi zombie killing mode. i got it in norwegian with english subs and i'll have to say at first go through, i like it quite a bit

02-May-2009, 01:56 AM
well friends and neighbors, i've seen this and i think it a damn decent movie and worthy way to spend a friday evening.

Sweet, Mike! I've been looking forward to getting a look at this. Has it been released internationally/was it easy to get?

02-May-2009, 02:07 AM
Sweet, Mike! I've been looking forward to getting a look at this. Has it been released internationally/was it easy to get?

i, ahem, acquired a copy of it.:shifty: i'm not sure what its release status is but it was very easy to get hold of.

02-May-2009, 02:17 AM
i, ahem, acquired a copy of it.:shifty: i'm not sure what its release status is but it was very easy to get hold of.

Say no more :shifty:

02-May-2009, 08:55 AM
well friends and neighbors, i've seen this and i think it a damn decent movie and worthy way to spend a friday evening. i won't spill too much but it isn't your "average" zombie flick and the overall story smells a bit like "the fog." there are some decidedly unzombie like things about the reanimated nazis but overall it all works nicely. there is quite a bit of humor in this movie - esp. when our mild mannered norwegian heroes go into nazi zombie killing mode. i got it in norwegian with english subs and i'll have to say at first go through, i like it quite a bit


Dare I say this film was better than Valkyrie?

Maybe that's the sick bastard in me talking. :evil:

15-Jun-2009, 04:21 PM
With the US limited release of this film starting June 19th (!! :) ) I'm not surprised to hear there are some commercials and ads being pumped out for this film now, but a friend of mine, who is not apt to joke about shit like this, tells me he saw an ad for this film on...CNBC!

Sounded weird to me, but he was quite serious. Anyone else seen any commercial spots for the film?

15-Jun-2009, 10:13 PM
Say no more :shifty:

Wink wink, nudge, nudge.


19-Aug-2009, 02:29 AM
Saw this last week. Pretty fun little ride. It is in no way a serious zombie movie. Pretty funny actually. Check it out.

09-Sep-2009, 06:09 PM
I saw this on sale today for the first time in Asda near my work, (walmart to you americans :p ) and thought i'd check in here to see what its like before giving it a watch! Sounds like its worth one viewing anyway!

09-Sep-2009, 06:35 PM
I saw this on sale today for the first time in Asda near my work, (walmart to you americans :p ) and thought i'd check in here to see what its like before giving it a watch! Sounds like its worth one viewing anyway!
I got it in the post this morning - will, naturally, blog-juice about it in due course when I see it.

The tagline is "Ein! Zwei! Die!" - how can you resist that? :D

15-Sep-2009, 09:35 PM
I watched this tonight and enjoyed it more then I thought I would. I give it 7 out of 10

15-Nov-2009, 07:58 PM
We just projected it in our basement last night. Such a fun movie. All I could utter at the end was "...fucking awesome." The whole time everyone was laughing out loud and shouting cries of excitement. Highly recommended!!! The only downside is that the zombies are the typical modern-day track star zombies. But, this isn't trying to be a serious movie so it's easy to look past the Carl Lewis nazis (oxymoron).

15-Nov-2009, 08:57 PM
Well... No offense to any norwiegans around here, but I always found that language to be a bit too "jolly" to fit anywhere near a horror film. :p

And I love how they tried to make DIGITAL VIDEO look old and dated...

thats why u film it on real reels and do like tarantino did for grindhouse to date it by dropping the print in some dirt and rocks

Zombie Snack
15-Nov-2009, 11:16 PM
We watched dead snow this weekend....it was ok, nothing special, think of all the usual gags from all the popular horror films over the years, add nazi gold loving zombies and snow...thats your movie. I give it 5 out of 10

16-Nov-2009, 04:03 AM
We just projected it in our basement last night. Such a fun movie. All I could utter at the end was "...fucking awesome." The whole time everyone was laughing out loud and shouting cries of excitement. Highly recommended!!! The only downside is that the zombies are the typical modern-day track star zombies. But, this isn't trying to be a serious movie so it's easy to look past the Carl Lewis nazis (oxymoron).

love ur signature quote. if theres ever a real remake of dawn,dave chappelle should play that part

16-Nov-2009, 05:32 PM
love ur signature quote. if theres ever a real remake of dawn,dave chappelle should play that part

Funny, I've always said that looked exactly like Dave Chappelle!

16-Nov-2009, 05:45 PM
fuck brad pit, now i can only hear the word in my head as "nassiez":lol:

07-Dec-2009, 02:36 AM
My brother just got a copy of this and I borrowed it tonight. He gave it rave reviews, I can't wait to get a free moment to view it.:hyper:

09-Dec-2009, 04:31 AM

The Opening Sequence is one of the coolest I have ever seen.

I watched with the English Audio tonight. I'm going to rewatch it with the subtitles tomorrow. (Yes, I was afraid that all the 'reading' would distract me ;))

The soundtrack and score are fantastic!

If you get a chance to see this, I highly reccomend it. It's a great combination of Action/Horror/Camp. I loved every freaking second of it.

Notable scenes:

The sex scene in the outhouse followed by the lovely lass getting pulled down in the shithole by the Nazi. :lol:

The fat kid getting his melon yanked apart and his brain hitting the floor. :lol:

Not one, not two, but three zombies experience death by snowmobile ;)

The premice of the male characters being medical students comes into play at least twice that I can recall. The scene where the kid on the snowmobile stitches up his own neck with a hook and line is gut wrenchingly realistic.

The other scene is pretty cheese, but gory enough to make up for it. I love that the dude opts to slice and dice his own arm off with a chainsaw he has coated in zombie blood, in order to avoid infection. Alrighty then ;)

The scene where Martin and the other kid bust into the shed made me shed a tear for the A-Team. :D Speaking of, there is a pretty decent nod to Indiana Jones. There is also a scene where a Norweigan does an impersonation of Arnie, which I watched dubbed in english and therefore listened to an American actor impersonate Arnie...:confused:

It did take them way too long to decide to abandon that flimsy cabin. But, it doesn't drag out the movie, so it's excusable.

Best line ever: "Well, where did you get a machinegun?" :lol::lol::lol:

These are definitely not Romero zombies. They're fast, they can think, and they use weapons. However, they do look like a buncha dudes that have been naturally mummified by ice. (This also made them brittle enough to kill with a single backhand, a characteristic the victims only ever seemed to exploit by sheer accident and not catch on to.)

The old guy that swings by the cabin cracked me up. "Make me some coffee, I'm drinking your beer. Anybody mind if I smoke? And oh yeah, there are Nazi Zombies on the loose. I gotta split, I'm gonna go pitch my tent in the woods and act surprised when I get my ass killed." :lol:

The end was pretty predictable. Ala Pirates of the Caribbean.

Okay...it had some flaws. But overall, it was a great watch. I'm definitely buying my own copy after I return my brother's.