View Full Version : Sony lays off 16,000 workers

09-Dec-2008, 09:55 PM
F**king hell! :stunned:

Click (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-10118970-92.html) for article.

09-Dec-2008, 10:05 PM
whilst i know they do far more than the ps3, could you imagine if they whent under with the credit crisis?, would new companies take up blu-ray, r would hd-dvd see it as its time to shine?, and imagine the bidding war between ms and nintey over the exclusives.

-though maybe if the ps3 did fail, and noone wants it to, but if it did, sega could work on a new dreamcast, since the ps2 was the reason they whent under, itd be nice and karmic yknow?:lol:

10-Dec-2008, 01:16 PM
Just in time for the holidays. I think Nintendo is pocketing a nice chunk of Sony's usual profits.

I hope it isn't BluRay that is crippling them, I just invested :(

10-Dec-2008, 02:29 PM
Bad news all around with regards to lay offs, eh? Personally, I never would have guessed that Sony could lay off that many people and still remain viable across most of their divisions. Then again, I never would have guessed that SONY had a "global workforce" of 160,000! :stunned:

10-Dec-2008, 04:28 PM
I wouldnt even say its sonys fault either, its happening all over at the moment! I deal with a lot of large companies in the industry i work in & theres people being laid off left right & centre! Big companies like sony will survive it but their cutting loose deadwood & tightening up to weather the current economic storm. Dont be suprised if even microsoft lay off a few people in the future!

10-Dec-2008, 04:49 PM
Sad to hear of any worker losing his bread, but hoping that this might prompt Sony to lower their PS3 price so that I can finally go out and get me one.

Seriously troubling, though, the number of companies filing for Chapter 11 these days. It's likely to get a lot worse before it gets better, folks.

10-Dec-2008, 06:21 PM
Seriously troubling, though, the number of companies filing for Chapter 11 these days. It's likely to get a lot worse before it gets better, folks.

Yeah, we're doing collections like crazy where I work in direct anticipation of a major uptick of business filing for bankruptcy with our industry.

10-Dec-2008, 11:49 PM
Man I just want things to be less debt-e again. Wont see that for years.

11-Dec-2008, 12:20 AM
We here at Wachovia are still waiting to see what will happen with our jobs after the merger with Wells Fargo is complete. So I feel the pain and worry as well. Still keeping my fingers crossed tho.

11-Dec-2008, 05:47 AM
Sony: "Merry Christmas bitches!"

2 million jobs lost this year in America, something like 200,000 in Nov. alone. Ah, good times...:(

11-Dec-2008, 02:15 PM
Anyone read anything recently on what analysts think the bottom-out point will be? I read something a while ago, but I think we passed it last month :(

11-Dec-2008, 10:36 PM
Anyone read anything recently on what analysts think the bottom-out point will be? I read something a while ago, but I think we passed it last month :(

The only things I've heard is that we can expect to be in recession for about 2 years BEFORE we start seeing turn around & that, no, there's more to come...:(

12-Dec-2008, 05:37 PM
Mmmm... credit crunch

where there is a problem there is a oppertunity, I opened a company about 6 months ago and have seen it to nothing but grow (minus a few hiccups), of course it could fall over, but I am set to be able to employ at least one member of staff by feb maybe 2 if a few more deals go through.

I also feel there are too many people blaming the government for this s***t and no ones taking responsibility for themselves... too many people on the doll not taking on menial labour jobs and then complaining theres not enough work, and its the polish persons fault, or they dont pay enough, etc... Also there are many many people out there that just kept on taking credit as long as it was available, both living beyond there means and not taking into consideration how to pay back these credit cards or loans, then saying stupid **** like I cant afford it why do people expect me to pay back for the car I bought or the number of nights out I paid for on my credit card... etc...

anyway now the **** has hit the fan... We gotta numpty for prime minister, who creates loads of extra paperwork for small businesses so they can waste time doing this rather then actully going out getting business, and then we pump billions of tax payers money into the banks rather then investing this into training schemes, schools, hospitals, youth restructuring programs, police, small business development programs, etc... Stuff that might actully ease and help the economy

anyway personal rant over... :mad:

12-Dec-2008, 05:40 PM
We gotta numpty for prime minister...
What prime minister? We ain't got one. Just a champagne quaffing dickhead begging for a bullet. :)

12-Dec-2008, 06:54 PM
My wife used to work for Sony. I'm glad she got out. If she were layed off at this time of the year, we would be in a very bad spot...

12-Dec-2008, 08:14 PM
What prime minister? We ain't got one. Just a champagne quaffing dickhead begging for a bullet. :)

Did you read about how the germans ripped into brown over his shoddy financial decisions?brilliant!i would have paid good money to see browns face as they slapped him down! :D