View Full Version : Sausage Poll

11-Dec-2008, 02:43 AM
I'm bored, and I noticed the mention of sausage on another thread, so it gave me an idea.

Real simple: how do you prefer your breakfast sausage? In link form, or patties?

I myself go for the links. Patties always seem to be less flavorful to me.

11-Dec-2008, 03:07 AM
Patties all the way. Links disturb me. .:shifty:

11-Dec-2008, 05:10 AM
I like both types, I'd would be okay with whatever one was served up tbh. Chose links tho.

11-Dec-2008, 05:30 AM
Links, but patties can be quite nice, as well.

11-Dec-2008, 05:49 AM
Links plz.

11-Dec-2008, 12:45 PM
Links are REAL sausage!

11-Dec-2008, 02:11 PM
Are sausages a breakfast-only thing in the US?

Anyway, I chose links, because that's the only way I've ever had it.

11-Dec-2008, 04:03 PM
Are sausages a breakfast-only thing in the US?

the kind of sausages SRP is asking about are breakfast only.

11-Dec-2008, 04:24 PM
Patties for me.

The doctor says I can't have any food that resembles a penis. You know how many foods resemble penises?? The BEST kinds!:p

06-Jan-2009, 07:35 PM
Patties for me.

The doctor says I can't have any food that resembles a penis. You know how many foods resemble penises?? The BEST kinds!:p

Something tells me you have that Ghostbusters lunch box...I just don't want to know what you keep in it:p

06-Jan-2009, 08:09 PM
Something tells me you have that Ghostbusters lunch box...I just don't want to know what you keep in it:p


Nearly a month later and someone gets it.

09-Jan-2009, 06:59 PM
do we even get patties in the u.k cos iv never seen them

09-Jan-2009, 07:03 PM
do we even get patties in the u.k cos iv never seen them
Sausage and egg McMuffin's from Maccys. ;)

darth los
09-Jan-2009, 08:15 PM
Patties for me.

The doctor says I can't have any food that resembles a penis. You know how many foods resemble penises?? The BEST kinds!:p

Yeha, I love superbad as well. probably my favorite movie.

But seriously dudes. A FREAKIN' SAUSAGE POLL. :stunned: How did you guys fall for that one !?!

Two alternate names for a penis. :lol:

11-Jan-2009, 05:03 PM
I like both types, I'd would be okay with whatever one was served up tbh. Chose links tho.

I agree, but given the choice I go with Smoked Sausage everytime.

20-Jan-2009, 08:23 PM
I voted for patties for this reason...patties generally seem to be the same type. Links vary widely, in exactly what is in them and in taste. I love the taste of sausage patties. I like some links as far as taste goes, others, not as much. So if given the option of "patties or links", with no knowledge of what the links may be, I would go with patties every time.

20-Jan-2009, 09:02 PM
links are real meat, patties are pre processed crap, sure you can get stuff over here SHAPED like link sausage but when you try some proper farmhouse cumberland shit you wont eat that 80% water crap you get in supermarkets again.

21-Jan-2009, 12:23 AM
links are real meat, patties are pre processed crap, sure you can get stuff over here SHAPED like link sausage but when you try some proper farmhouse cumberland shit you wont eat that 80% water crap you get in supermarkets again.

You forget that here in the US, we are used to eating processed crap all the time. A lot of times, it tastes good, regardless of the health benefits and/or quality of whatever is in there. So if US patties are processed crap, bring on the processed crap! :)

21-Jan-2009, 12:38 AM
Patties are just easier to break up and mix in with my grits. And I don't like the consistancy of the hard case around link sausage.

21-Jan-2009, 12:40 AM
Patties are just easier to break up and mix in with my grits. And I don't like the consistancy of the hard case around link sausage.


21-Jan-2009, 12:54 AM
Patties are just easier to break up and mix in with my grits. And I don't like the consistancy of the hard case around link sausage.

i cant be the only one thinking gravel right now.

21-Jan-2009, 12:58 AM
i cant be the only one thinking gravel right now.

:lol: It sounds a lot more appetizing than "bangers and mash"!!!

21-Jan-2009, 04:45 AM
links are real meat, patties are pre processed crap...
Agreed, mate.

Sausage butties mofo!
Split dem links (WTF is it with this 'link' crap, just sausages to me :lol:) down the middle and bung 'em between two slices or a phat ol' roll. Brown sauce, f**k yeah!

:lol: It sounds a lot more appetizing than "bangers and mash"!!!

Chic Freak
21-Jan-2009, 12:00 PM
:lol: It sounds a lot more appetizing than "bangers and mash"!!!

I'm probably walking into some sort of in-joke here, but bangers and mash is a lush meal :)

I voted links because as far as I'm aware, I have never eaten a sausage patty.

21-Jan-2009, 12:52 PM
In Scotland, a lot of people call patty sausage "Lorne sausage" (no idea why) or simply "sausage" (singular). Links are called "sausages" (note the plural "s").

Thus, "I had sausage for breakfast" and "I had sausages for breakfast" refer to two totally different things. Where I come from, Patty is a common woman's name, and therefore not usually applied to food. :)

When I was a little boy I used to call Lorne sausage "knitted sausages" because they reminded me of the knitted squares my gran used to make into blankets. I was a strange child.

23-Jan-2009, 11:50 PM
You know, I don't even know what Bangers and Mash is. It just sounds so. . i don't know. . .lewd i guess.