View Full Version : What are your views on the P$3?

15-Dec-2008, 05:09 AM
Here are last months NPD sales for game systems.

November 2008 Hardware Sales

* Wii -- 2,040,000
* Nintendo DS -- 1,570,000
* Xbox 360 -- 836,000
* PlayStation Portable -- 421,000
* PlayStation 3 -- 378,000
* PlayStation 2 -- 206,000

Since those numbers have been released, CNN Money has gone as far as calling the PS3 a sinking ship (read article here http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3171823 ). Combine the lack of sales last month, Sony laying off 16,000 people world wide and the lack of games I do not think that things are going to pick up for Sony anytime soon.

I don't want to see all the people out of work, but if Sony were to fall I wouldn't feel too bad. I have had a few big problems with their customer service department, including one person telling me that I could pay $50 over the phone with my credit card or $75 check or money order by mail to get my PS2 fixed for the disk read error and there was no guarantee they would fix it because I got my play time out of it. This was the second time in a year I had to send it in for the disk read error, which they lost a class action lawsuit over and were required by court order to fix it for free for a period of time (and the second time mine broke that order had just expired). On top of that, every single Sony product I have bought and registered has ended up with me getting a letter in the mail about some class action lawsuit because they used known defective parts when building the products. The only Sony products I have bought that did not stop working in an unusually short period of time was my CD Burner (still works great 6 years later) and my digital camera (which did result in my getting one of the lawsuit letters regarding defective lcd screens).

So yeah, if the PS3 fails like it seems to be doing, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Another question, has anybody else noticed the decline in PS3 sales as the prices of Blu Ray players drop lower than the cost of the PS3? I have been doing my own personal survey at work when people get Blu Ray movies and ask if their player is a PS3 or a stand alone Blu Ray player. Up until 2 or 3 months ago 9 out of 10 said it was a PS3 and now it's about 50/50. Any thoughts on this?

And for the record, even though I have a large dislike for Sony, I will admit that Blu Ray is impressive, they actually did a good job with that one.

15-Dec-2008, 05:21 AM
ps3 has been dead for quite some time in my book. i can only name two people who own one, and one of those dudes won his in a random drawing. the only reason he kept it is for the blu-ray player. he still plays his 360 quite a bit, but has yet to buy a single ps3 title. almost everyone of my friends who plays video games has an xbox360, none of them were even interested in the ps3 when it arrived...at an ungodly price....with very few games that weren't already available on 360.

15-Dec-2008, 08:48 AM
Here's my view on gaming in whole,
If you want a console with traditional games get a 360, can't go wrong, the problem is that PS3 and 360 are the same thing, some screen resolution and bigger storage just aren't as big a draw as Sony hoped and their losing exclusives and killer apps fast no thanks to high development costs I reckon Metal Gear Solid 4 is the next to go. Blu Ray's okay but not the leap that VHS to DVDs were and people just aren't about to replace their collections yet.
Wii has been well supported by Nintendo but there's been no first party game of interest this christmas for Wii or DS, no Mario, Zelda or Metroid and western third party developers really need to invest in more traditional games then they have been on both the big N's systems. I suppose The Conduit is a start.

15-Dec-2008, 09:50 AM
The PS3 is a stinking pile of turd. I won mine in a competition and traded it in less than a month later. I bought Elder Scrolls IV on it and couldn't really tell the difference between the 360 version I had. I bought a few more games over the month and none of them were really mindshattering. Also, it's an overcomplicated brick, just too much to wade through before actually playing a game.

Metal Gear Solid 4 was the great hope for Sony and it was FAR from game of the year. In fact, I wouldn't even put it in the top ten. I like to play games, not watch 40 minutes of cutscenes followed by 10 minutes gameplay. Gran Turismo is the only thing they have left now and, to be honest, that title has had it's day.

Blu-Ray is cool and all, but it's not going to take over DVD - that's quite apparent.

15-Dec-2008, 10:07 AM
Well, BR won't take over yet.

They came too early with BR on the PS3 I think. BR is more expensive than DVD, the vast majority of people don't have the sheer size of TV screen to make it worthwhile.

The PS3 has too much stuff with it, it's too much of a technological showcase, it's too many things (or trying to be), when people just want a games machine - step forward, the Xbox360.

The only problem with 360 is the technical problems, which they'll definitely fix the f*ck out of for their next console.

I don't know of any of my mates having a PS3, they've all got 360s and/or Wiis. Just looking at Console Wars, it's clear who's in third place. Sony made one blunder after another with the PS3, and their arrogance and presumed right of place has seen them end up in third.

15-Dec-2008, 12:14 PM
I quite like the PS3 from playing on a friends a few times, but in all honesty i completely lost interest in console gaming with the last generation (ps2 etc),mainly down to the fact i discovered how damn good & versatile proper PC gaming is!Buy a good well researched PC and it will last you longer than any generation of console,people bitch that you constantly have to upgrade your pc every couple of months to play decent games but thats a load of sh*te,mines 15 months old now & im still running the latest stuff on max settings

15-Dec-2008, 12:34 PM
I quite like the PS3 from playing on a friends a few times, but in all honesty i completely lost interest in console gaming with the last generation (ps2 etc),mainly down to the fact i discovered how damn good & versatile proper PC gaming is!Buy a good well researched PC and it will last you longer than any generation of console,people bitch that you constantly have to upgrade your pc every couple of months to play decent games but thats a load of sh*te,mines 15 months old now & im still running the latest stuff on max settings
Which is exactly why I researched the ass out of my new rig (currently being built), because it has to last me at least five years, but preferably further, and be open to the odd additional tweak (e.g. SLI) further down the road.

My previous rig (and current rig, used for everything that isn't editing and gaming ... although I'm still editing on it for the moment until the new one turns up) only had the RAM doubled and the graphics card changed. That was it in terms of upgrades.

This time I've spent twice as much, but it's very beastly. I've gone high-end-nay-higher on this one, my previous one was more of a mid-range model/level of spec.

So yeah, this whole "upgrade it every month, and within a week it's out of date" type stereotyping is ill-informed and simplistic, especially considering that console games are all built on PCs in the first place. :p

The plus side of a console though, is the lack of having to bother about your spec once your rig is older, PC gaming certainly demands more thought over-the-piece (in terms of the culture, and being able to game on a PC, and modding and so on), PC gaming is definitely a more hardcore crowd mostly ... well, on the higher end anyway, any old chump can play The Sims 2.

I'll definitely enjoy having the ability to get into some hardcore PC gaming when I want to again, but to also have the more relaxed (generally) gaming atmosphere of my 360, so I've got the best of both worlds.

Ya-boo-sucks to the PS3 I rekon, Sony screwed the pooch left-right-and-centre on that one, it's not gone well has it?

15-Dec-2008, 03:01 PM
When I was younger and the xbox came out I was like "never will I switch over." Now I've relized the error of my ways and say "Never will I switch back to sony."

15-Dec-2008, 03:29 PM
The ps3 is a good unit...haven't heard about their red ring of death have we...

It is a good unit due mainly to the blue ray. It is the next big thing and having a game station that plays pretty good games and the blue ray player at the same time is a plus plus in my book.

I do not own a PS3 but I do have a 360...which is awesome! I went the whole PC route for a long time and realized how finicky they were. Not to say that they haven't advanced and perhaps one day I will return. I use my PC for work and internet and my 360 for gaming, mainly online. My kids like the selection of games for the 360.

I would consider a PS3 at some point, maybe in the next wave of gaming rigs. They just don't have any must have titles right now.

15-Dec-2008, 05:22 PM
im thinking about getting one for the , lets face it, minimal number of good exclusives and the bluray player but its the gamecube of this generation, its a great console with a great number of games but its competition has way more going for it yknow?
if they did like ms and made the bluray and optional external addon i think it would be in a much better state but it launched too late with too little big name exclusives, and its never going to come close to the numbers of the playstation 2.

-and god knows the impact ff13 on the 360 is gonna be bad, i can see imports going into japan the day of release.

15-Dec-2008, 07:25 PM
its the gamecube of this generation...

Ouch! :)

its a great console with a great number of games but its competition has way more going for it yknow?

Agreed! And to a degree, I'm happy. Healthy competition and healthy business are great, but it is kind of nice owning a single game system, having another in the house and owning a PC and not feeling I'm missing out on some sort of gamer entertainment by not having yet another game system.

Hopefully, Sony can weather the storm and get back to the drawing board.

15-Dec-2008, 07:47 PM
The only reason I'd have to buy a PS3 would be for 'Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5'. I just re-bought a PS2 and Persona 4 last week, and I'm blown away at how a Japanese-style RPG can feel so fresh and fun. It shares my Game of the Year spot with Left 4 Dead.

Blu-Ray is great and all, but I believe that digital distribution and downloading HD movies is the future.

Edit: Also, having a high-end PC is all but worthless nowadays, what's there to play on the platform besides Crysis and the upcoming Starcraft 2? MMO's? Bleh.

15-Dec-2008, 08:03 PM
Edit: Also, having a high-end PC is all but worthless nowadays, what's there to play on the platform besides Crysis and the upcoming Starcraft 2? MMO's? Bleh.

company of heroes,crysis,far cry 2,fallout 3,the ridiculously huge back catalogue of PC games of all genres,all the stuff created by the modding community,Operation flashpoint 2 when its released,the medieval series,all the upcoming pc games etc etc... and although a some of those games are available on the consoles,the PC does it better

15-Dec-2008, 08:21 PM
company of heroes,crysis,far cry 2,fallout 3,the ridiculously huge back catalogue of PC games of all genres,all the stuff created by the modding community,Operation flashpoint 2 when its released,the medieval series,all the upcoming pc games etc etc... and although a some of those games are available on the consoles,the PC does it better

And to add that list, real quick...

The whole Total War series (though not quite as good after the original Medieval Total War was released), anything Paradox games puts out (Hearts of Iron series, Victoria series, Europa Universalis), MMOs (as just because they are not to some people's taste, is not to say they are worthless for the rest of us).

A hell a lot of tactical or strategic simulator games that, as Tricky mentioned, can thankfully quite often be modded up to snuff, or modded for variant content.

16-Dec-2008, 09:56 AM
Ooh, Coin stuck his foot in that one. :sneaky::p Bravo Tricky & Aces. :)

Also add in that PCs just are better for shooters (let's no argue, PC just is better for shooters), and that console games are built on PCs in the first place, and well ... shut yo' mouf. :D

16-Dec-2008, 10:43 AM
Yup playing a shooter on a console is like trying to take a p*ss with boxing gloves on (including unzipping fly)
Consoles have their place for gamers with shorter attention spans & a penchant for quick fix arcade style gaming, but the PC still is & always has been the place for real gamers!you dont get any decent RTS or simulator games on consoles,such as blitzkrieg, sudden strike, the total war series, silent hunter, op flashpoint (ok that came out on console about 6 years after the PC version), company of heroes, tiger vs T34 etc ,or if they do then they are watered down,simplified & the quality of the graphics reduced (ive seen far cry 2 on the PC & 360,on the surface they look the same,but the 360 version has had a lot of the little details removed)

16-Dec-2008, 12:15 PM
Little details removed? Explain dear Sir, I've been meaning to get around to FC2 at some point (perhaps a bit further down the line, what with me still needing to catch up on several other more important titles) ... so, what are the differences?

16-Dec-2008, 01:12 PM
I don't really know much about the PS3, but I know that it sure does look awesome on a huge 1080p TV. :stunned:

Quick question - I told my brother that he should get Bioshock for his PS3. So he did and I happened to be at his house when he put it in. It took 15 minutes to load! Is that a normal thing for the PS3?

16-Dec-2008, 01:37 PM
Quick question - I told my brother that he should get Bioshock for his PS3. So he did and I happened to be at his house when he put it in. It took 15 minutes to load! Is that a normal thing for the PS3?

If that's really the case, it's no wonder why I hear so many people talking about how they barely touch their PS3.

16-Dec-2008, 03:27 PM
I don't really know much about the PS3, but I know that it sure does look awesome on a huge 1080p TV. :stunned:

Quick question - I told my brother that he should get Bioshock for his PS3. So he did and I happened to be at his house when he put it in. It took 15 minutes to load! Is that a normal thing for the PS3?

quite a few need to be installed upon the first play, in some cases for up to half an hour (capcom recommended going and making yourself a sandwich whilst dmc4 installed:rolleyes:) and others like metal gear will get so far into the game and do a shorter instillation of the next section multiple times throughout.

sure lost oddessy was on four discs, but when your playing it 20 seconds after the disc is popped in i dont mind switching em.

16-Dec-2008, 04:18 PM
quite a few need to be installed upon the first play, in some cases for up to half an hour (capcom recommended going and making yourself a sandwich whilst dmc4 installed:rolleyes:) and others like metal gear will get so far into the game and do a shorter instillation of the next section multiple times throughout.

sure lost oddessy was on four discs, but when your playing it 20 seconds after the disc is popped in i dont mind switching em.

He's right about that. I had to do it for Dynasty Warriors 6, Resistance 2, and others. It is supposed to make the game runs faster and smoother. Sometimes the install is optional.

Btw, unless you have a PS2, then try to get a 1st run PS3 60 GB.

16-Dec-2008, 04:27 PM
He's right about that. I had to do it for Dynasty Warriors 6, Resistance 2, and others. It is supposed to make the game runs faster and smoother. Sometimes the install is optional.

Btw, unless you have a PS2, then try to get a 1st run PS3 60 GB.

the local gamestations got a preowned 60 gig so if i get a ps3 next week thats the one im getting, why they would choose to make it NOT play such a plethora of fantastic games from the ps2's immense back catalogue is beyond me and anyone with a sense of logic.

16-Dec-2008, 04:51 PM
the local gamestations got a preowned 60 gig so if i get a ps3 next week thats the one im getting, why they would choose to make it NOT play such a plethora of fantastic games from the ps2's immense back catalogue is beyond me and anyone with a sense of logic.

Arrogance and dick-headishness on Sony's part. They want us to spend more money on a PS2 if we want backwards compatibility. Seriously, they said that. Btw, I will let you guys know how awesome God of War 3 is when it comes out.

16-Dec-2008, 05:47 PM
Little details removed? Explain dear Sir, I've been meaning to get around to FC2 at some point (perhaps a bit further down the line, what with me still needing to catch up on several other more important titles) ... so, what are the differences?

The PC game is obviously the master version, possessing the highest-quality lighting options, superior anti-aliasing and tweakables covering many aspects of the environment, such as the vegetation, shading, texture quality and ambient effects. Both Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game have all of their variables hard-locked, so it's difficult to tell exactly what has been pared down, but it's fairly obvious that texture quality has taken quite a hit (that said, it's only really noticeable close-up and on ground textures). Water, shadowing and environmental effects have been dialled back significantly, but during the course of the action, such window-dressing is hardly essential to the gameplay.

The overall impression is that the console versions are doing a supremely impressive job of emulating the superior PC visuals. Nothing is missing in terms of actual environmental objects; the African wilderness has been left unmolested in its transition to console. Even on measurable, repeatable instances of pop-in, both PS3 and 360 worked in the same way as the PC code.

However, there are some minor gripes. You can't have failed to notice the poor shadows in the 360 code. Dunia is using the NVIDIA hardware PCF technique (percentage close filtering - Google 'NVIDA PCF' for arguing-the-toss purposes) to merge its shadows with the environment - no problem for PC and PS3, but PCF isn't implemented on the ATI Xenos chip. Rather than try another solution that produces a similar look, Ubisoft simply turned off transparencies on shadow edges. All shadow edges. Instead, there's an interlace/screen-door style effect that looks a lot worse than the PS3 or PC versions and is by far the biggest blemish on the Xbox 360 game's copybook.

So there we go, while the gameplay is essentially identical, both console versions have been watered down to be able to run ok, therefore PC = win :p

16-Dec-2008, 06:29 PM
company of heroes,crysis,far cry 2,fallout 3,the ridiculously huge back catalogue of PC games of all genres,all the stuff created by the modding community,Operation flashpoint 2 when its released,the medieval series,all the upcoming pc games etc etc... and although a some of those games are available on the consoles,the PC does it better

I already named Crysis, and Far Cry 2 and Fallout 3 are on consoles. Also, it's easy to name a great catalog of games for any console if I go back far enough. There's a future for PC gaming, seeing as they'll always be a part of daily life, but you couldn't name anything worthwhile coming out within the next year.

User-created mods are usually not worth the time. 95% of the time they scream "I'm an amateur with mod tools!", and it shows.
With barely any NEW releases coming, rampant piracy, and the vast majority of gamers unwilling to upgrade, it just seem like there's much keeping developers on the platform. As far as "PC doing it better", I'll agree with you to a point. Consoles have the cutting edge graphics for about a year before PC takes over again, that's true. Higher resolution textures and picture quality are a given. But based purely on gameplay, there's little to no difference between PC and console besides the accuracy of a mouse. Even then, the only practical use of being that accurate is if you're playing a fast-paced online game like Counter Strike.

Unless you're Will Wright, releasing a PC game (sans simultaneous releases with consoles) isn't a sound financial decision. If it doesn't say "Sims" on the box, it's not going to sell as well as it would on 360 or PS3; another reason PC centric developers like Epic have made the switch.

The bottom line - there are only 1 or 2 must have PC titles released a year. That's a fact.

There are over a dozen that I could spout of for 360 alone. Don't you wanna play Resident Evil 5?

Edit: PS3 is too expensive! There, had to keep something in this thread related to the OP.

16-Dec-2008, 10:13 PM
What I love about PC is that there's so much more diversity in what you can find, because you have all the big games that are also on consoles as well as scores of PC-only titles, big or small, new or old. Tricky mentioned Blitzkrieg which (along with it's mods, expansions and other games based on the BK engine) I have gotten more hours of play out of than a lot of my other games.

On the PC there's a lot of smaller, independent companies doing interesting new things or catering to their niche market whatever that may be, but for them it's not usually profitable to release on anything but the PC, so it swings in roundabouts I guess.

Anyway, the PS3... financially it's never been an option. Then there's the fact that only one of my friends got one while we were at school, whereas at least 7 or 8 of my other friends got the 360. Then round that off with a relatively poor list of titles at the time it's easy to see why it wasn't a hard decision.
However I am starting to notice some PS3 exclusives that tickle my interest a tiny bit. Still, nothing yet to make me want to even consider shelling out for the console.

The (supposedly) better graphics and Blu-Ray has never been an issue, I would never let them (especially the Blu-Ray) take presidence over whether I actually want the games the console has to offer.

16-Dec-2008, 11:27 PM
The bottom line - there are only 1 or 2 must have PC titles released a year. That's a fact.


17-Dec-2008, 03:25 AM
Ooh, Coin stuck his foot in that one. :sneaky::p Bravo Tricky & Aces. :)
F**k off did he. Who want's to splay out a trillion squids on a PC rig to play s**t that's already out on 360?

360 is £129. Shut yer mowf!

17-Dec-2008, 09:35 AM
I have a ps3 and an xbox...both paid full whack for...

I love my 360, even though I'll be on my fourth now, and the one I just had replaced is faulty too...bummer...but I'd put up with all these little issues for the great selection of games.

It all comes down to one thing: selection of games. Ps3 has about 4 games worth playing, and two of them I absolutely ****ing hate...(unchartered and mgs4). I've owned the console for nearly a year and have played 4 games on it in total. I have a fair few blu-ray movies but this is a CONSOLE. I want to play bloody games on it too!!!

Sony have totally dropped the ball on the ps3. It's a complete piece of rubbish and I'm glad the 360 is trouncing it. it's a ****e product and an insult to gamers, and techie fans. There's so much potential in that system and Sony have realised little to none of it.

17-Dec-2008, 05:12 PM
F**k off did he. Who want's to splay out a trillion squids on a PC rig to play s**t that's already out on 360?

360 is £129. Shut yer mowf!

Give it a year when 360 games start looking wank compared to the latest PC titles, tune will change :p
Anyway if you know what your doing you can build a high spec PC for the price the 360 was on launch ;)

17-Dec-2008, 05:31 PM
Give it a year when 360 games start looking wank compared to the latest PC titles, tune will change :p
Anyway if you know what your doing you can build a high spec PC for the price the 360 was on launch ;)

360 games pretty much DO look wank compared to PC games...

but hey, I plug it in, and it works

17-Dec-2008, 05:47 PM
360 games pretty much DO look wank compared to PC games...

but hey, I plug it in, and it works

The 360? Yeah, when it works. But I don't have to tell someone on his 4th 360 that.

17-Dec-2008, 06:08 PM
Meh, I would rather have a 360 that can play any game made for it with out graphical hiccups.

Then have to worry about upgrading ram, graphics, and sound cards every 3-5 months to play the newest game.

I got my 360 on launch day in the united states, and the worst thing that happened to it was the power brick died one day.

The PS3 had potential, but it was squandered with shoddy marketing and a lack of good titles.

Maybe make a poll for this thread?

17-Dec-2008, 06:42 PM
Ooh, Coin stuck his foot in that one. :sneaky::p Bravo Tricky & Aces. :)

Also add in that PCs just are better for shooters (let's no argue, PC just is better for shooters), and that console games are built on PCs in the first place, and well ... shut yo' mouf. :D


I'd take anyone here on kbm vs joypad!


Come on peeps...who's up for beating me at halo 2 PC with their Keyboard? Let's f**kin' AVE IT!

17-Dec-2008, 06:52 PM
I was never a fan of the Playstation brand & always went the other way with consoles. Nintendo, Sega Dreamcast, Xbox & Xbox 360 so the PS3 never piqued any intrest from me. I could live without their exclusive titles & all of the other great games that I was interested in are either exclusive to the 360 or multi-platform. To get Blu-Ray I just purchased a Blu-Ray player. Makes it easier if there is a problem as well. Now if I have a problem with my Blu-Ray play I don't also lose my gaming console when it needs to be repaired.

As to the debate between PC & console gaming, I'll always choose a console over a PC. Being 43 I have played many games on both PC & many different consoles. I just prefer being able to sit in my comfy recliner, with my wireless controller & microphone, playing games on my console on my 46 inch 1080p LCD TV :D. Personal preference & comfort for me :cool:.

17-Dec-2008, 07:34 PM
Then have to worry about upgrading ram, graphics, and sound cards every 3-5 months to play the newest game.

Can we please stop having folks saying this sort of thing. First of all, it flat out ISN'T true, FACT.

Second of all, when do you ever have to change "the sound card" for a game?

As for RAM - nope, in the five years I've had my current rig, I doubled the RAM - one upgrade, didn't cost much at all. Same with the graphics card, upgraded it once, didn't cost much - I wasn't putting in much cash or effort into the upgrades either.

Also, I bought a mid-range rig at the time anyway.

I've recently bought (now being built) a spiffing high-end rig. Mind you - it's PRIMARY purpose is for video editing. Gaming is SECONDARY.

I don't buy a PC specifically for gaming. Gaming is just something I can do when I get a new rig, and in this case, I've specifically sought to future proof myself well.

Also - PC games are a lot less expensive than console games.

Average 360 game is £40 to £45 a shot. PC game, £25 to £30.

Consoles - new ones - catch up with PC, and possibly stand a bit ahead, but very quickly fall behind in terms of resolution and extra detail (such as Tricky explained about FarCry 2). About 2/3's through a console's life span, usually, they start getting overtaken by the latest and greatest PC games quite often, and then the PC remains ahead until the new console comes along to catch up again.

PC gaming online, also, is free (most of the time - barring possible Steam costs (I don't use it, so don't know), and of course the whole WoW thing (but you'd be a moronic company not to make a bit of green off the back of such dedicated individuals)...)

Meanwhile on Xbox360, it's what, £50 a year?! Eff that!

Also, of course, PCs do far more than a console ever could - although methinks Sony were wanting to prove otherwise with the PS3 (but failed miserably). If you buy a gaming console, you want a gaming console, not a PC.

If you buy a PC, you want a PC that does a whole ass-load of sh*t - including (if you're so inclined) play games.


Now, let's throw this silly "upgrade every three months" garbage out the window, as it's simply not true. It's like if I said "the PS3 is teh most successful console evar!!1!!1!!", or "the 360 is fortress of unbreakable hardware" - I could say it, but it doesn't make either statement true. :lol:

Fact is, console titles are built on PCs. PCs provide different gaming experiences than the console does, from the modding community (many segments of which are dedicated and damn near pro in their own right), to a wide variety of RTS and RPG titles, to technical boundary-pushers like Crysis (PC only), or games that are multi-platform, but which provide the greatest visual experience on a PC, due to the increased grunt - which is totally customisable.

The PC gaming industry is generally for the slightly more (or downright more) hardcore gaming market. People who (usually) want exceptionally high resolutions, who want to mod-the-buggery out of a popular title (it's where the smash-hit Counter Strike came from, let's not forget). It's and industry which is open to the leetest of leet competitive gamers, and industry which ultimately pushes the console market itself continually forward.

PC gaming isn't designed for a bunch of people to couch-out to, or stoners to burn out to, or for Brodie to pass the time while in bed with that grumpy chick from 90210. :p

I have a 360, and I got it because my existing PC had finally admitted defeat for games. But also - I just wanted to get to play certain titles, as well as have a simple gaming experience when I wanted to, the kick-back-and-play style ... although to be honest, I'm usually hunched forward on my seat, hammering the buttons and diddling the thumb sticks like a champion flange-flicker.

Different strokes for different folks, I decry neither version, but I do decry this preposterous "upgrade every three months" bullsh*t lie that keeps getting pulled out. :rolleyes:


Anyway, rant over...I'll go back to awaiting the arrival of my new Quad Core editing monster ... that can also play games. :)

And then Xmas Day, when hopefully Santa will bring me Gears of War 2 for my 360 ... so I can hunch forward, hammering and flicking, in a laid back manner. :D



Noticed this on Yahoo earlier:


Looks like MS knew about the disc scratching all along, and even thought about putting extra foam tabs in (at a cost of 50 cents per console :rolleyes:) ... but didn't. Lawsuit-a-go-go.

Methinks the 'NextBox' will be built like a brick sh*thouse, forged out of a mountain as old as time itself.

17-Dec-2008, 08:33 PM
Give it a year when 360 games start looking wank compared to the latest PC titles, tune will change :p
No it wont. Never been a PC gamer, not gonna start now. A slight improvement in graphics doesn't warrant the high maintenance.

Oh, not wishing to rock the boat but anyone here think Crysis was meh?

I'd take anyone here on kbm vs joypad!


Come on peeps...who's up for beating me at halo 2 PC with their Keyboard? Let's f**kin' AVE IT!
*high five* :cool:

Mouseclickers? They creep me out...

18-Dec-2008, 07:31 AM
Yes, Crysis was WANK.

and so are PC gamers....

hahaha :D

18-Dec-2008, 08:46 AM
Yes, Crysis was WANK.

and so are PC gamers....

hahaha :D

whilst crysis is indeed known for being made of wank, pretty as owt, but made of wank nonetheless, the level creation kit has made it a tempting purchase.

18-Dec-2008, 09:09 AM
Have you actually played Crysis all the way through on the PC or just going by what you've read somewhere?ive played a lot of games in my time & think Crysis is a good one!ive played it through 3 times which is something i havent done with a lot of other games i own (and i usually buy all the must have games)

18-Dec-2008, 09:10 AM
More of the same blah-blah-blah.

I go to all the effort of laying out a rational analysis of the PC gaming culture, and you lot just trounce back in with your big muddy boots blowing raspberries. :rolleyes:

And am I decrying console gaming? Far from it, but I'd prefer to have a discussion beyond scattered cheap shots and mis-truths which would by more at home in the muddled clutter of paper Crash Gordon has in his clunking fists at PMQ's, than on a forum where the breed of poster is far more intelligent and coherant.


Next up in MZ's world ... enjoying the best of both gaming worlds.

I think we can all agree that the PS3 has been, perhaps not "epic fail", but certainly "bought in bulk fail". Dear-dear ... but I never liked their joypads anyway, they'd absolutely f*ck my thumbs up.

18-Dec-2008, 09:41 AM
Have you actually played Crysis all the way through on the PC or just going by what you've read somewhere?ive played a lot of games in my time & think Crysis is a good one!ive played it through 3 times which is something i havent done with a lot of other games i own (and i usually buy all the must have games)

yeah ive played it through a couple of times (i discovered when it comes to games my mac ,in fact, is ****ing bangin') and its just a generic shooter, great graphics to be sure, but your just a faceless marine guy shooting generic enemies, they could have done much more with the potential it had, but i think a lot of people just lord it up as being untouchable against criticism because of the graphics but you take them away and its pretty mediocre. you never care about the protagonist, your not drawn into the plot and the world doesn't feel like a world, more like a series of tubes (lol, reference) that lead from gunfight scene to gunfight scene, it feels less like a world and more like a mod of a tech demo for "what we can do when it comes to blowing houses up".
As glitchy as it was i much prefer farcry since it felt , even though it blatantly wasn't, that you were just on the edge of some massive island chain at the start and you progress through it.
i could go on a bit more but i really think its so overrated, people expect you to be in awe, possible cowering and/or quivering like a miner in a hp lovecraft story who dug too greedily and too deep and discovered some dark secret of the earth, over its somehow unseen ,infallible magnificence.

but then you play it and go "huh, so thats it. .....im gonna go play half life 2 or stalker now"

18-Dec-2008, 10:35 AM
Have you actually played Crysis all the way through on the PC or just going by what you've read somewhere?ive played a lot of games in my time & think Crysis is a good one!ive played it through 3 times which is something i havent done with a lot of other games i own (and i usually buy all the must have games)

admittedly I havent' played it til the end, but I've certainly had a go. It's just clunky and crap, it's like in the intro movie the character is seen changing his suit's abilities in a matter of miliseconds but in the real game it's a slow and ****e annoying process that's let down by keyboard and mouse...

and optimised for the 360 controller? Gimmie a break. That was a joke.

Besides all said and done...the only thing I thought it had going was the huge levels...but for a combat based game, the combat was a let down

More of the same blah-blah-blah.

I go to all the effort of laying out a rational analysis of the PC gaming culture, and you lot just trounce back in with your big muddy boots blowing raspberries. :rolleyes:

And am I decrying console gaming? Far from it, but I'd prefer to have a discussion beyond scattered cheap shots and mis-truths which would by more at home in the muddled clutter of paper Crash Gordon has in his clunking fists at PMQ's, than on a forum where the breed of poster is far more intelligent and coherant.


Next up in MZ's world ... enjoying the best of both gaming worlds.

I think we can all agree that the PS3 has been, perhaps not "epic fail", but certainly "bought in bulk fail". Dear-dear ... but I never liked their joypads anyway, they'd absolutely f*ck my thumbs up.


What do you expect man? Personally I don't have time to write a stunning analysis of the joys of console gaming - it's for some not for others....I mean I think you'll find that the majority of people here understand that from a purely technical point of view, PC gaming may have the edge...It's just that regardless of that, people love what they get the most fun from. For some it's the Wii, which I gawk at...for others it's the ps3, others the xbox, and people like you - PC...

Personally I can't imagine anything worse than having to trawl through the smallprint on a game simply to find if the spec is fitting of my machine...so I continue to gawk at your love for PC gaming - I think you're bloody mad...!! But hey, your boat is floating, so I'm happy that you're happy...

You're still a bunch of fruitcakes for thinking that a keyboard and mouse is a good way of playing a game...

And you're even worse for sitting through those installs, rig builds, crashes, and whatnot....

But on the other hand....xbox number 4 for me...I'm bloody stupid for putting up with inferior hardware...

swings and roundabouts eh?

18-Dec-2008, 11:30 AM
Well I'm floated on two sides by my 360 and my soon-to-come new PC.

It takes more effort to play a PC game than a console game, but for consoles it's literally "buy game, open box, insert, play" (well, unless it's a PS3, then you have to add "go away, make sandwich" to the list :p). It depends from game to game, GTA IV is apparently a nightmare to install (a friend of a friend spent a whole sodding HOUR doing it), but other games are far swifter.

It's easier to patch them up, download it, transfer it via a flash drive if your gaming rig isn't online, install, boom - done. And also, the mod-fanbase even release fixes and patches of their own for games, so if you're that way inclined, there's another avenue of fixing for you.

But really, any game on any platform can be a buggy mess, or a rock solid monolith. I didn't find FarCry to be buggy ... although it was fussy, meanwhile Doom 3 and Half-Life 2, far more forgiving and accepting of a wide range of system specifications.

That in itself, for some, is part of the fun of PC gaming. It's like cars - some people just like a car and go "ooh, pretty", others like to know everything about them, or get under the hood, or modify them till their heart's content, or build one themselves and specify the spec. It's a whole culture of its own.

KB+M mind you, superior for shooters.

As I've also said in another thread addressing that particular issue, it's just as comfortable as a joypad, it's just a case of what you're used to. With KB+M your hands are pretty much laid flat, draped over the devices. With a joypad you're actively gripping something - the 360 pad is superior in every way to the PS pad in my view however.

Your hands can cramp up on either though, but at least neither of them rape my thumbs like the Playstation pad buttons do, christ, I remember playing Tony Hawk 2 on PS1 in free lessons in the sixth form, my thumbs were killing me afterwards. Such an awful joypad in my view.

Joypads however, are superior for racers/fighters and similar.

A PC game can, or likewise can't, crash as much or as little as a console. I've had plenty of freezes/crashes/failures with Saints Row 2 on the 360, or plenty of "cannot read disc" errors when the 360 gets lost finding data on the disc, so it just gives up. You never have that on the PC, but you do get crashes if - you're computer is f*cked for some reason (likewise a console can be f*cked for some reason), or if the game is poorly coded (likewise the same can and does happen on a console).


Before I ramble on too much, what I'm saying is, more than some people here might think otherwise, the PC and consoles are far more evenly matched over-the-piece.

The real argument comes from PC-to-PC, or console-to-console.

The Wii has sh*t graphics compared to the 360, but the 360 doesn't have the level of innovation that the Wii has.

And the PS still has a rubbish controller. :p

18-Dec-2008, 01:09 PM
PC gamers are still wankers though....

LOL...!!!! :D :D :D

18-Dec-2008, 03:04 PM
Come on Sym,admit it,you didnt have a 6 button mouse configured when you played crysis did you? :p i can play the game as shown in the intro movie cos i have my side buttons set for the suit modes ;) a quick twitch of the thumb and im in maximum strength (yes that had to be in bold,to match the games speech lol) or cloak....engaged
Crysis maybe isnt the best game ive ever played,but its a damn good one!

18-Dec-2008, 03:51 PM
six button mouse?!

LOL....the very thought!

18-Dec-2008, 04:28 PM
Has anyone downloaded Home, yet?

18-Dec-2008, 04:47 PM
is that the 2nd life style thing for the ps3? I wanna see that real bad actually...

18-Dec-2008, 04:49 PM
Damn, I could do with another six button mouse, my existing one packed up a few months ago (had it since five years ago, has had a LOT of use).

*goes off to have a looksee*

18-Dec-2008, 04:55 PM
The thing I don't like about gaming on computers is the same thing I don't like about the Wii. When I play games, I want to recline on the couch and relax. Not sit at a desk or stand up/move around.

18-Dec-2008, 05:08 PM
The thing I don't like about gaming on computers is the same thing I don't like about the Wii. When I play games, I want to recline on the couch and relax. Not sit at a desk or stand up/move around.

That's a selling point for me too - but most new gfx cards have DVI output so anyone can hook up their PC to their HD TV...my PC runs on a 42" high def TV in 1920x1080 output - games look amazing, much better than the xbox - but I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit on my sofa with a wireless keyboard and mouse, just doesn't work...

18-Dec-2008, 05:12 PM
is that the 2nd life style thing for the ps3? I wanna see that real bad actually...

Yeah, that's it. *L* Sony just opened the beta for it a few days ago. I have been beta testing it for over 2 1/2 years now. I couldn't openly talk about it in the past, because my user name on here is also my user name for my XBL and PSN accounts. We were told not to leak any information about it. It wouldn't be difficult for Sony to track me if I talked on the net about it. *L* And they were checking.

18-Dec-2008, 05:22 PM
saw something about this about a year ago actually, maybe less...some guy at a conference was demo-ing it...looks impressive but what's the draw with it? Is it any good?

18-Dec-2008, 05:40 PM
a 6 button mouse is the norm these days,you have your standard left & right clicks (shoot & aim down sights for me on FPS),the mouse wheel which rolls (weapon cycle) but also pushes as a button (usually set as my melee or grenade on FPS) & two thumb buttons on the left side of the mouse which i usually have set as interact & reload (or in crysis case one of the thumb buttons is my suit controls) easy as chips!
i was a dedicated console gamer from being 10 years old right up to being about 22,but since then the PC has been the daddio for me.My PC can do anything the consoles can do,but the consoles cant do half the stuff my PC can do,theres no contest really :cool:

18-Dec-2008, 05:50 PM
That's a selling point for me too - but most new gfx cards have DVI output so anyone can hook up their PC to their HD TV...my PC runs on a 42" high def TV in 1920x1080 output - games look amazing, much better than the xbox - but I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit on my sofa with a wireless keyboard and mouse, just doesn't work...
You can plug an Xbox controller into your PC these days, so you can continue to march towards obesity in a reclined position. :D

I've just ordered myself a new mouse, woo-woo. I missed my side buttons. :)

18-Dec-2008, 06:04 PM
saw something about this about a year ago actually, maybe less...some guy at a conference was demo-ing it...looks impressive but what's the draw with it? Is it any good?

To clear things up. Home is not a game, but a virtual cafe where you meet up with people to play games. You create a Sony version of a Mii, but without the cute features. The platform is similar to GTA. Especially, in looks. I haven't switched to open beta, yet. I am not sure what is diffrent. Other than it changed a lot during the early testing phases. CAW was lacking in options. I hope they changed it. You get your own pad, btw. And can customize it to your liking, but it was also lacking during the testing period.

There is a game room that includes a few crummy old school arcade games, bowling, and pool. Pool is the best feature. So far, I think Home is overhyped.

I do know they recently turned off the voice chat. I am not sure for how long. Lots of racist and immature people have been logging on.

18-Dec-2008, 06:35 PM
You can plug an Xbox controller into your PC these days, so you can continue to march towards obesity in a reclined position. :D

I've just ordered myself a new mouse, woo-woo. I missed my side buttons. :)

Yeah I tried plugging my controller in, worked a treat for Halo 2 PC which is what I've been pwning the keyboard people on - but Crysis integration was embarassing, and older games (especially those from Activision) don't support anything but keyboard and mouse, requiring third party software to allow a controller to emulate a keyboard...ugh

18-Dec-2008, 08:03 PM
But then again, it's like if you tried to make a console have the KB+M combo, it'd be silly and against type. More so for consoles, rather than PCs though, due to the PCs greater ability to be and do many things, unlike a console which is pretty much just for games ... although Sony thought otherwise ... and fell over themselves in the process.

Obviously older games, even fairly recent ones, aren't going to support the 360 controller, it's really only come about because of all this "games for windows" stuff, trying to make 'PC gaming easier' ... but to be honest, it's not that difficult to do anyway, unless you happen to be a complete moron, then it's just not for you in that case. (To be clear, I don't mean you, I'm talking about people in general). :p

Right, I'm off to watch more Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe, tatty-bye-bo! :)

21-Dec-2008, 09:47 AM
Dawn of war 2 is reason enough to warrant me upgrading my current PC. Seriously, I'm more excited for that game then anything that is coming out on any console this (or next) year, and i am predominantly a console player.

But I've always been a strategy game fan...Total annihilation was my favorite, then Dawn of war...

too bad i can't find my cds for TA anymore :(

ahh well, time to go back to my SPESS MEHRENS OF THE BALD REHVENS chapter with their Metal Boxes.

21-Dec-2008, 05:47 PM
I found a PS3 exclusive worth buying. Valkyria Chronicles

21-Dec-2008, 09:13 PM
I found a PS3 exclusive worth buying. Valkyria Chronicles

damn straight it is.

21-Dec-2008, 09:35 PM
You played it? I finished the demo last night.

darth los
22-Dec-2008, 01:47 PM
I just bought my PS3 and i love it. I bought in mainly for a BR player. I figured that for a 100+ dollars more I could have a blu-ray player and a bitchin' system. I don't plan to play many games on it besides console exclusives like tekken 6 & God of War 3. I don't want the drive to burn out. Anything that's on both consoles i'll get on the 360.

But yeah, the movies look stunning on my 50 inch plasma, Noticably better than the HD output my cable company provides.


23-Dec-2008, 04:30 AM
Tekken 6 is on 360.

darth los
23-Dec-2008, 03:44 PM
Tekken 6 is on 360.

Ok. Forget what i said then. They're screwed! SCREWED I TELL YOU !!!!!!!!!!

It definitely seems as if the 360 takes more of sony's titles than the other way around.


23-Dec-2008, 04:27 PM
It definitely seems as if the 360 takes more of sony's titles than the other way around.
I have to admit, it was a bit of a shocker when I learned Tekken 6 was coming to 360. I think PS3's lack of sales made Namco have a rethink.