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View Full Version : Another Christian overreaction-RFIDs are "sign of the beast"?

02-Mar-2006, 08:09 PM

Apparently, the christians are at it again by calling technological advancements the sign of a beast. Hmmm, I always thought pokemon cards were. But anyway, this is an interesting read. If you don't know what RFIDs are, check out this article:


In the first article, theres a good point made that social security numbers also triggered a huge apocalyptic uproar. Nothing happened. We just had Clinton and Bush come along in the future. :D

03-Mar-2006, 12:30 AM
meh, they had this same freak out about, the internet, Compact discs, fire, dildos, and of course bottled water.

they're a backwards people, it's best to just leave them go.

03-Mar-2006, 02:39 AM
Right now there are companies developing subdermal RFID chips that can be used for electronic transactions. In the future, instead of swiping your credit card, simply wave your hand over a sensor.

The credit card companies will initially market this to young adults, it will become the hip thing to get. Widespread adoption of this chip will be an important milestone toward a cashless economy.

What are the Drawbacks? Well some say total information awareness = Big Brother

Every cell phone sold today has a GPS chip installed. This information is starting to be collected, used to track certain individuals movements. Some scientists fear the wide implementation of RFID technology will take that tracking to the next level.

Of course there are some that will resist getting the chip implant. But will that make a difference in the long run?

Consider what happens when your drivers license, passport, and credit card all have RFID chips. It then becomes very easy to track the movement of people in urban areas. Simply set up passive sensors connected to a computer database, and you can keep an eye on peoples movements, buying habits, daily activities.

While some might argue this technology already exists with credit cards, the question is do you REALLY trust government and large corporations with that much information? Do we as consumers deserve any level of Anonymity in the future?

For those that think this is all science fiction, check out the makers of the VERI-CHIP, Applied Digital Solutions

03-Mar-2006, 04:20 AM
Obviously she is not a very educated Christian. If you read the bible, especially the part she is referencing, then you will see that the events fortold will happen in a specific order with the mark of the beast being near the middle of the apocalyptic events.

Fearmongers... gotta love 'em

03-Mar-2006, 10:13 AM
And despite the public not wanted ID Cards here in the UK, the Labour government bribed and threatened their way towards pushing it in anyway...hopefully there'll be a further hearing and more decision making, it's an utter disaster in the making - BIG scale disaster.