View Full Version : Batman: Arkham Asylum

19-Dec-2008, 02:55 PM
The three games I'm looking forward to the most in 2009 are Ghostbusters, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Arkham is written by Paul Dini of Batman: The Animated Series fame, and also features the voices of Kevin Conroy(Batman) and Mark Hamill(Joker) from the same series.

TEASER (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/batmanarkhamasylum/video/6202062/batman-arkham-asylum-teaser-trailer)

You video game buffs would probably be glad to know that this game runs on the Unreal Engine 3. The same as Gears of War 2. The developers also promise a grittier, more adult game. They actually refer to it as in the style of Bioshock.:cool:

It's about time that the world of Batman gets the proper video game treatment. So yeah....another awesome game for 09.:)

19-Dec-2008, 04:01 PM
Interesting, I've been watching the teasers that have been getting leaked out, looks interesting, perhaps I'll stray from my usual "shoot some sh*t" gaming and explore this avenue.

Now if you don't mind, I've got some grumpiness to do, now that my new rig won't be ready before Xmas because of bastarding Intel making sure the stars aligned to make my Quad Core processor not work, thus stopping me from cum-shotting all over Crysis and STALKER: Clear Sky (the latter of which I've been waiting to play since the start of feckin' September) over the holiday season.

Still ... perhaps Santa will bring me Gears of War 2 for my SexBox369.

And then I can expel aforementioned man juice during January ... which I predict to be the darkest, grimmest, most depressing January for the nation ... not for me really, I've got another project lined up at least, and this new rig finally showing up to jack me off continuously, so I've got nothing to cry about ... instead I'll just have a grump about like a proper Brit, Charlie Brooker style.


20-Dec-2008, 01:33 AM
i heard conroy and hamil and i was sold.

20-Dec-2008, 01:51 AM
i heard conroy and hamil and i was sold.


I know...right? I had heard about the game, what it was about, and how it was made, but it wasn't until I hear about Dini/Conroy/Hamill's contribution that I really cared.

Maybe this will be the first respectable Batman game...

20-Dec-2008, 09:48 AM
dude it bloody should, hell i wish they wold have got conroy to dub over bale in a dark knight special edition, now that bitch sounded tough without having to do the mouth full -o- gravel routine.

20-Dec-2008, 10:52 AM
dude it bloody should, hell i wish they wold have got conroy to dub over bale in a dark knight special edition, now that bitch sounded tough without having to do the mouth full -o- gravel routine.

30-Jan-2009, 12:08 PM

Hearing Hamill and Conroy together again brings back fond memories.:cool:

17-Apr-2009, 01:12 PM
Pretty cool trailer featuring Bane (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/48039.html)

Also....a Trailer for Harley Quinn (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/48061.html). Voiced by Arleen Sorkin. Same as BTAS. This game is turning into a BTAS reunion. I love it.:D

28-Jun-2009, 08:15 PM
there's a couple of new trailers up on XBL which look pretty good. looks like an awesome game, think i'll be picking this one up.

the fact that you're in an asylum makes me kinda puzzled, though...why not relase a sandbox-style batman game? i'd much rather roll around in gotham in the batmobile (there's the GTA-addict in me talking) and hang out at the batcave, go out and bust random heads, and have a more open-world game rather than a linear one where you're stuck in one location throughout the entire game.

plus it think it'd be kinda lame if you start out in arkham asylum with no weapons or cool bat-toys and "level up" and get all kinds of kick-ass weapons and poweres delivered by alfred via helicopter drop or something.

i'm hoping the guys behind this game's development just assume that batman came in with enough shit to take on an army and let you start crackin' skulls and using your bat-tazer from jump street.

28-Jun-2009, 10:13 PM
i heard conroy and hamil and i was sold.

I almost leapt out of my seat when I read this... then I realised you were talking about Kevin, not Jarlath. :lol:

04-Aug-2009, 04:08 PM

looking forward to checking this one out...

04-Aug-2009, 04:11 PM
Damn....my free live account just ended. Oh well. It's not like I needed the demo to convince me to buy the game, anyway...

Can't wait for this game. I just started Gears of War(I'm late, I know), so hopefully i'll have that done before the 25th.

04-Aug-2009, 04:16 PM
i've got a 1-month live card from ms from when my xbox red-ringed....pm me if you want and i'll send you the code.

07-Aug-2009, 07:40 AM
The demo is up if you guys want to download it. I haven't yet, but I am going to soon.

11-Aug-2009, 07:17 PM
Pretty good demo once you get used to the controls and features. I really enjoyed the stealth and stalk theme. Killer Croc looks cool.

11-Aug-2009, 08:38 PM
Pretty good demo once you get used to the controls and features. I really enjoyed the stealth and stalk theme. Killer Croc looks cool.

Played it last night. Seems like this game is going to be lots of fun. It was awesome hiding in the darkness and swinging/gliding from wall to wall.:hyper:

19-Aug-2009, 11:30 PM
Bang up for this game

Mr. Clean
25-Aug-2009, 12:15 AM
This game looks sick....It'll be added to my collection apon release...

darth los
25-Aug-2009, 06:42 PM
This game looks sick....It'll be added to my collection apon release...

Gamefly has already sent my copy and I should have it by friday. i'll quickly post my thought's on it after i log in 3-5 hours or so.


Mr. Clean
26-Aug-2009, 11:56 AM
It's a bad ass game...The gameplay does feel a little stiff but Harley Quinn makes up for it :o

darth los
26-Aug-2009, 05:24 PM
It's a bad ass game...The gameplay does feel a little stiff but Harley Quinn makes up for it :o

I must admit I've always been a little jealous of the joker because she was his sidekick. WTF man!?! How the Hell did he score a hot piece of ass like that!?! :stunned:

And ya gotta love her voice. It's cute in a Fran Drescher/Rosie Perez kinda way.


Mr. Clean
28-Aug-2009, 01:58 AM
I must admit I've always been a little jealous of the joker because she was his sidekick. WTF man!?! How the Hell did he score a hot piece of ass like that!?! :stunned:

And ya gotta love her voice. It's cute in a Fran Drescher/Rosie Perez kinda way.:cool:

You Seen her in the Game? :D

Spider Rico
28-Aug-2009, 02:39 AM
The heck with Ms. Quinn. Is the game worth getting? I also heard that in the PS3 version you can play as the Joker in some side missions! :hyper:

Mr. Clean
29-Aug-2009, 03:30 AM
I think the game is worth getting...and I have heard that too about being able to play as Joker on the PS3....but I wouldn't know from first hand experience...I'm a 360 guy...If it helps any, I'm pretty sure that it confirms what your saying on the back of the PS3 game case

darth los
29-Aug-2009, 01:28 PM
You Seen her in the Game? :D

Not yet. I just popped it in. I should have a feel for it by the end of the weekend.


29-Aug-2009, 03:43 PM
i finished it. its super awesome. a definite buy for comic fans. actually i've heard it called the greatest comic book game ever made, and i agree. harley is super hot, but the makeup puts me off.

darth los
01-Sep-2009, 08:32 PM
I'm running through the game pretty quickly. It seems as if the game is pretty much whatever you want it to be. If you want to explore and look for riddles you can do that, or, if you wanna get right down to business there's that option as well.


darth los
11-Sep-2009, 06:06 PM


Batman is officially cool in games again. The developer's impressive Metroid-esque Batman: Arkham Aslyum has resulted nearly two million copies being of the game sold already, according to a report in the LA Times. To keep the ball rolling, Rocksteady and Eidos are releasing downloadable packs for Batman: Arkam Asylum, based on a comment on the European PlayStation Blog.

The LA Times article does't specify whether Batman: Arkham Asylum sold or shipped more nearly two million, however. The difference is important. Shipped means the games are in the hands of or on their way to retailers with the potential to be sold, whereas sold means exactly what you'd think -- the games have been purchased. Based on today's NPD Group numbers, shipped sounds more likely.

As for the downloadable packs, little is known about them, but it's probably safe to assume they're in the same vein as the pre-order (Scarecrow) or PS3 exclusive (Joker) challenge rooms. The PlayStation Blog says two packs are on the way -- Insane Night on September 17 and Prey In The Darkness on September 24. Keep in mind, those are European dates. I should know more about the US soon


11-Sep-2009, 06:23 PM
Awesome! This makes me glad I bought Arkham Asylum on PS3. I can actually get this DLC without screwing around with Live.

I still haven't finished the game, though. Taking this one slow after tearing through my last few games too quickly.

darth los
11-Sep-2009, 06:44 PM
Awesome! This makes me glad I bought Arkham Asylum on PS3. I can actually get this DLC without screwing around with Live.

I still haven't finished the game, though. Taking this one slow after tearing through my last few games too quickly.

Try taking the settings off of easy then. :p


11-Sep-2009, 07:06 PM
Try taking the settings off of easy then. :p

How did you know?:p

Shit man...I always start with easy. If it's fun the first time around, I go back and try the harder settings. I play video games to enjoy them. Not get pissed off and throw stuff around the room when I can't complete something.:D

darth los
11-Sep-2009, 07:17 PM
How did you know?:p

Shit man...I always start with easy. If it's fun the first time around, I go back and try the harder settings. I play video games to enjoy them. Not get pissed off and throw stuff around the room when I can't complete something.:D

I'm not knocking you dude. Just pointing out that if you're goign to have the difficulty set to easy then you're not going to have a very long or challenging gaming experience. Perfect example:

We run through the No Mercy campaign of left 4 dead on easy in about 40 minutes. However, when we crank it up to expert it takes well over 3 hours if for no other reason than we meet way more resistance along the way.


12-Sep-2009, 11:06 AM
How did you know?:p

Shit man...I always start with easy. If it's fun the first time around, I go back and try the harder settings. I play video games to enjoy them. Not get pissed off and throw stuff around the room when I can't complete something.:D
I'm the same ... except without the "go back and try the harder settings" bit. :lol:

12-Sep-2009, 02:47 PM
How did you know?:p

Shit man...I always start with easy. If it's fun the first time around, I go back and try the harder settings. I play video games to enjoy them. Not get pissed off and throw stuff around the room when I can't complete something.:D

with a lot of stuff i try hardest first, then slowly lower it to gage ti to me, unless its very story heavy then ill do an easy run first to get the plot, but with something like devil may cry or dead space you just want to go nuts y'know?, like expert in left 4 dead.

darth los
14-Sep-2009, 01:58 PM
I would say that dead space's hadest difficulty settings are tougher than left for dead's.

With that said anybody can have the settings on anything they like, just don't complain about the shortness of campaigns. They go hand and hand ya know. :D


14-Sep-2009, 03:22 PM
How about an "Extra Easy" setting where Superman swoops in and takes care of everything for you? :lol:

30-second game, including banter.

14-Sep-2009, 03:32 PM
I would say that dead space's hadest difficulty settings are tougher than left for dead's.


are you joking?!?, in left 4 dead on expert yo have constant streams of hundreds of fast moving enemies tear-arseing it at you, with things pulling you away, choking you, exploding on you to lure more, and on expert spawn more on the map, theres the tanks, on average 5 a movie, witches that are almost impossible to avoid, and the human factor of 3 friends who might not let you know there throwing a molotov till your aflame.
-compared to dead space on hard which is just dead space where the enemies take more hits to die and you take less. you still have lasers, cutting tools, chainsaws, missiles, telekinesis and stasis ect. the simple fact that one has guns that shoot in a striaght line as opposed to dead spaces myriad of weapon that spray over an aera, combined with at MOST 12 enemies in a room, non of which too fast, and those that are can be frozen in stasis.

no matter how you play it dead space on hard is still pretty darn easy, left 4 dead on expert is much, much harder.

darth los
14-Sep-2009, 05:19 PM

are you joking?!?, in left 4 dead on expert yo have constant streams of hundreds of fast moving enemies tear-arseing it at you, with things pulling you away, choking you, exploding on you to lure more, and on expert spawn more on the map, theres the tanks, on average 5 a movie, witches that are almost impossible to avoid, and the human factor of 3 friends who might not let you know there throwing a molotov till your aflame.
-compared to dead space on hard which is just dead space where the enemies take more hits to die and you take less. you still have lasers, cutting tools, chainsaws, missiles, telekinesis and stasis ect. the simple fact that one has guns that shoot in a striaght line as opposed to dead spaces myriad of weapon that spray over an aera, combined with at MOST 12 enemies in a room, non of which too fast, and those that are can be frozen in stasis.

no matter how you play it dead space on hard is still pretty darn easy, left 4 dead on expert is much, much harder.

I guess it depends on who you talk to.

Believe it or not me and my 10 year old son beat the Death Toll campaign on expert the other day, in 1 hour 16 minutes no less. An that's having to babysit two a.i.'s.

To top it off i was the last man standing and we hadn't even dealt wth the second tank yet. I had to light it, run for my life, kill a boomer in the house grab a pipe bomb, ran for the docks, killed a hunter in the bushes, killed a smoker that grabed me on the dock, threw my pipe bomb and was home free.

What's so hard about that? :confused:


17-Sep-2009, 01:52 PM
Maybe I missed something that you guys can fill me in on....

Throughout the game you hullucinate and then go into Scarecrow's dimension or whatever.....how does this happen? If you're going by the books, cartoons, or films then he has to make you either inject or inhale the fear serum. So how is it that batman hallucinates during gameplay for no apparent reason? Did I miss something?

Anywho....I'm only about halfway through the game, but still loving every minute of it. This is a definite purchase for anyone that hasn't got it yet. Too much fun...

17-Sep-2009, 02:25 PM
Played the demo last night, seems like more of a stealth game than anything?

not overly impressed, well presented but not my sort of game.

As for difficulty settings, I start highest and go lower only if I'm getting absoutely owned. Went straight in on Veteran for all the COD games and have completed them all on Vet apart from MW due to a scratched disc...

17-Sep-2009, 02:33 PM
Played the demo last night, seems like more of a stealth game than anything?

It's a mixture of stealth and hand-to-hand combat.

21-Sep-2009, 10:38 PM
Just finished it. As a casual gamer I usually don't go back and play games again, but this one is getting the reboot in just a few minutes.

I can't praise this game enough. In the immortal words of Woody, "If you don't have one....GET ONE!"

22-Sep-2009, 10:06 AM
Just finished it. As a casual gamer I usually don't go back and play games again, but this one is getting the reboot in just a few minutes.

I can't praise this game enough. In the immortal words of Woody, "If you don't have one....GET ONE!"
A ringing endorsement then.

Will get my ass a copy ... when it's cheaper. :p

I've got a bunch of games to play till then, so it can wait for me.

darth los
22-Sep-2009, 04:18 PM
Yeah, I can't say that about most games that come out but this is definitely one i don't mind paying the 60 bucks for.


22-Sep-2009, 05:06 PM
I'm not knocking you dude. Just pointing out that if you're goign to have the difficulty set to easy then you're not going to have a very long or challenging gaming experience.
Dunno about that. I was playing Mass Effect on easy last night and was having proper problems with one fight.

09-Apr-2010, 01:02 AM
picked up a used copy of this today...enjoying it so far. doesn't seem like it's gonna have a lot of replay value, though, probably a one-and-done game i'll trade in within a month or so.

darth los
21-Apr-2010, 07:47 PM
Didn't know whether to start a new thread or not but here's an update on the sequel.



21-Apr-2010, 07:56 PM
Talia? :hyper:

This game has a lot to live up to, so hopefully they can pull it off.

How many villains are they going to try to use, anyway? In the teaser there are hints to Catwoman, Two Face, Penguin & Black Mask. Now also Talia and Freeze? They could also throw in Rhas, as well. Big line up.:stunned:

Hopefully I'll be finished with Red Dead Redemption by August because this will be a day one purchase. Now where's an official trailer?!?

darth los
21-Apr-2010, 08:00 PM
Talia? :hyper:

This game has a lot to live up to, so hopefully they can pull it off.

How many villains are they going to try to use, anyway? In the teaser there are hints to Catwoman, Two Face, Penguin & Black Mask. Now also Talia and Freeze? They could also throw in Rhas, as well. Big line up.:stunned:

Hopefully I'll be finished with Red Dead Redemption by August because this will be a day one purchase. Now where's an official trailer?!?

Well, it can't be too far off.

On the cast though, perhaps they'll go for a legion of doom type of thing where they all realize their failure to kill the bat alone and join forces?
