22-Dec-2008, 05:46 PM
Alright dudes,
Just got a new 5-button mouse (USB) today, but found that it won't work at all with my PS/2 adapter thingymajig, that came with my current 3-button mouse (which is USB also).
My keyboard is PS/2, and I really like that keyboard's layout and keys, so I'm not changing to USB from PS/2 - and my new KVM Switch is PS/2 as well to accomodate my wish to maintain my current rather noiiice keyboard.
It's also an issue of available USB slots on my current rig, and working in my KVM switch when my new rig arrives. (I know what I like, I like what I like, and that's that - so kindly no snobby, scoffy comments telling me to ditch PS/2 and go all USB ... which is hardly like going from SD to HD, so shaddup.)
Anyway, my question is - does any know of/can recommend an adapter for a USB mouse to definitely make it work with a PS/2 slot?
Or are some mice simply totally unable to work with PS/2, even with an adapter? :confused:
Just got a new 5-button mouse (USB) today, but found that it won't work at all with my PS/2 adapter thingymajig, that came with my current 3-button mouse (which is USB also).
My keyboard is PS/2, and I really like that keyboard's layout and keys, so I'm not changing to USB from PS/2 - and my new KVM Switch is PS/2 as well to accomodate my wish to maintain my current rather noiiice keyboard.
It's also an issue of available USB slots on my current rig, and working in my KVM switch when my new rig arrives. (I know what I like, I like what I like, and that's that - so kindly no snobby, scoffy comments telling me to ditch PS/2 and go all USB ... which is hardly like going from SD to HD, so shaddup.)
Anyway, my question is - does any know of/can recommend an adapter for a USB mouse to definitely make it work with a PS/2 slot?
Or are some mice simply totally unable to work with PS/2, even with an adapter? :confused: