View Full Version : Best Resident evil film ?

27-Dec-2008, 01:39 AM
Which Resident evil film did YOU like the best ?

27-Dec-2008, 01:53 AM
I've only seen the first two, neither of them were amazing but I'd have to say I prefer the first one mainly because of it's claustrophobic vibe.

27-Dec-2008, 01:54 AM
I guess out of the 3 the first one is the closest to watchable.. but why dont you just ask me whether i would rather eat your turds, vomit or piss? it would be far less painful to endure..

27-Dec-2008, 02:04 AM
i like the cgi opening of the resident evil remake for the nintendo gamecube, followed closely by the cutscenes in the games for the ps1.

in my opinion, the resident evil movies are all a pathetic excuse for entertainment. one was crap, two was even worse, and i couldn't sit through five minutes of 3.

thanks anyway!!:D

27-Dec-2008, 02:06 AM
I quite enjoyed the first movie. The second one was utterly horrible. The third was watchable.

27-Dec-2008, 02:12 AM
I'd have to go with the first Resident Evil moive too.

27-Dec-2008, 03:03 AM
I quite enjoyed the first movie. The second one was utterly horrible. The third was watchable.

I've yet to see the third film, but agree with your opinion of the first two, Clang. I actually thought RE1 was a blast. Very fun, fairly well done even a few scares (for me, anyway). And yes, I know they were all quick-cut-make-you-jump types of scares, and some people have no respect for that, but I think it's fun to jump...so sue me :D

Neither of the first two were artful horror (whatever that would entail), but they were fun for me.

27-Dec-2008, 03:31 AM
I agree with you guys i liked the 1st film aswell..I think they kinda messed up the story in the 3rd film..:mad:

27-Dec-2008, 04:32 AM
I would say the 1st, but I hate them all.

27-Dec-2008, 10:23 AM
3 since it didnt try to adapt any of the games into a movie and made something totally different, wereas 2 was watchable but crap, and the first was an annoying 2 hour bull**** ride, no tyrants, or hunters, or spiders, or wasps, or plants, just.one.licker.

thats NOT resident evil. thats a bad zombie movie with those damn velocoraptor screeching things.

27-Dec-2008, 10:27 AM
Hated them all.

27-Dec-2008, 03:17 PM
First one - liked the 'locked in with nowhere to go' vibe...

27-Dec-2008, 08:41 PM
Resident Evil: Degeneration. It just came out on DVD, so get it!

27-Dec-2008, 11:41 PM
Yeah about that, I could not get it today i am so pissed.

Resident Evil: Degeneration. It just came out on DVD, so get it!

28-Dec-2008, 12:24 AM
Resident Evil: Degeneration. It just came out on DVD, so get it!

I was going to nominate this one. If nothing else, it has characters from the games in it. How novel!

28-Dec-2008, 02:43 AM
Only seen 1 and 3. The first one has Michelle Rodriguez in it, so it loses by default. So I gotta go with 3. Despite me hating it almost as much.

Infact, I hate the Resident Evil films very much. Almost as much as I hate Michelle Rodriguez.

28-Dec-2008, 02:46 AM
Only seen 1 and 3. The first one has Michelle Rodriguez in it, so it loses by default. So I gotta go with 3. Despite me hating it almost as much.

Infact, I hate the Resident Evil films very much. Almost as much as I hate Michelle Rodriguez.

****in' A

why she keeps getting work with her broad range of surly bitch to surly and moody bitch is nothing short of a miracle.

28-Dec-2008, 07:30 AM
As a movie the first one is the best. If we ignore the movie and just count the first twenty minutes of the second movie than I think its pretty good ( I actually really like everything without the Alice character being to involved and the scene of the police and Umbrella officers fighting the zombie hordes was really cool IMO). Granted the rest of it was not that good but if I could pull those parts and work around them I think it has potential. The third one is what happens when writters get themselves into dead ends.

28-Dec-2008, 12:08 PM
the 1st one is tolerable. the second is sh*te. the third is a harmless time waster.

28-Dec-2008, 01:03 PM
The only thing that makes these films watchable is Milla Jovovich. Other than her it's an insult to movies, an insult to film-fans and an even bigger insult to Romero and the original games. Complete and utter f**king wank, and if you like them, you are a tasteless waste of human space on this planet...

lol...only kidding...but you do suck, quite a bit...seriously...:D:D

28-Dec-2008, 04:20 PM
Milla Jovovich is beautifull but her character should not be the main protagonist, she is to superpowerd. As for which movie I liked the best, its difficult to choose. I guess I will say the first one.

28-Dec-2008, 06:39 PM
i'll just stick to the games, thanks anyway.

28-Dec-2008, 06:44 PM
Favourite Resident Evil movie? That would, of course, be this one:


I'm still upset that this version was never made, but Paul Anderson's watered-down, mediocre snoozefest did.

28-Dec-2008, 08:22 PM
one of the mods should turn this thread into a poll. just make sure you add the option of "all resident evil movies are horrible".....i predict that would be the top answer:lol:

Edit: i've not seen "degeneration" yet, but that one has actual characters from the games, so perhaps it's not a total sh!t-fest...but the other so-called resident evil movies are total crap.

28-Dec-2008, 10:55 PM
I am a big Fan of the RE games,But the movies let me down i thought they where gonna be like the games..

29-Dec-2008, 05:25 AM
Favourite Resident Evil movie? That would, of course, be this one:


I would have love to have seen that version get made.:(

29-Dec-2008, 11:15 AM
They should have let GAR make the RE movie, he had his son play through the game so he could write the script from there as well! But oh no, you've gotta get the rubbish Paul Anderson (as opposed the awesome PT Anderson) to come along and fist-f*ck it into total naffness.

RE1 was pants, as well as tame.

RE2 was also rubbish, but better than RE1 - but that's hardly a compliment.

RE3 ... least sh*t of all three ... that's as good a review as you'll get for that 'movie' - but, RE3 is also a massive rip-off of Day of the Dead throughout. RE3 makes little sense, they barely bother looking at the buggered out world they're in, the characters are morons who still believe they can survive a zombie bite ... and the zombies are scream like raptors and leap about in jump suits like rubbish kung-fu film baddies.

Ugh, it's so naff ... all of them are.

I've still got RE:Degeneration to watch mind you, but methinks (from what I've heard) that's a lot better than RE1-through-3.

The Resident Evil movie franchise sums up what is wrong with the horror genre today ... and even, the wider arena of youth-targetted movies ... and game-to-movie adaptations.

30-Dec-2008, 12:05 AM
I would have love to have seen that version get made.:(

With you there, bro!
:( :rant: :D

I have still yet to see RE3, but anything made by Russell Mulcahy must at least be worth watching. Like Highlander, the movie might not exactly be smartly scripted but I will bet it has some great visuals!

30-Dec-2008, 01:45 AM
To be fair, I spit on all the RE movies because they did not use GAR as the director. So, I guess I am biased.

Trying to be as impartial as I can be, I liked the games, found the first to be tolerable. Found the second to be a waste of time. The third was also tolerable. But I still cannot get over the idea that they had secured Romero for any of the properties and then turned him loose.