View Full Version : Anti-French Sentiment

04-Jan-2009, 01:56 PM
Ok, I'm not gonna discuss the anti-french sentiment persay... But I happened across this article:


And I have to say, you can tell that the US is a very young country, because damned, those are some of the most ****ing immature, laughable, pathetic things I've ever heard!

Especially this part:

"Congressman Billy Tauzin from Louisiana, the only Cajun in the United States House of Representatives, removed the French language section of his official website because of anti-French sentiment. Congressman Roy Blunt began using jokes implying that the French were cowards."

Well, say what you will about France. At least they haven't got people with the minds of 12 year olds in their government.

04-Jan-2009, 02:03 PM
"Congressman Billy Tauzin from Louisiana, the only Cajun in the United States House of Representatives, removed the French language section of his official website because of anti-French sentiment. Congressman Roy Blunt began using jokes implying that the French were cowards."
That's playground s**t right there.

Well, say what you will about France. At least they haven't got people with the minds of 12 year olds in their government.
Quite agree. Not only that but I have a few French friends and have visited the country a few times. Decent people; hospitable, friendly, intelligent and cool to chat with.

04-Jan-2009, 02:12 PM
Doesn't France elect porn stars? I could be thinking about Italy...

04-Jan-2009, 02:15 PM
Yeah, that was Cicciolina. Italy.

04-Jan-2009, 04:19 PM
Yeah, that was Cicciolina. Italy.
Lucy Pinder for PM!!! :)

Actually, I've been surprised by her on CBB, so not the stereotype at all...and she votes my way, so that's always a plus. :p

04-Jan-2009, 05:05 PM
from that article:

"Commentators have characterized the French as being ungrateful for opposing U.S. foreign policy after U.S. soldiers fought to liberate France from Nazi Germany during World War II.
Such feelings were inflamed by an incident in April 2003, when vandals desecrated the graves of British soldiers who died in France during World War I.
Graffiti, including "Dig up your rubbish, it's contaminating our soil" was painted on gravestones and around the British military cemetery in Étaples, near Calais. Although no Americans were buried in that cemetery, the incident further fueled anti-French sentiment in the US."

You may find some comments "laughable" but I dont find the desecration of the graves of English soldiers who gave thier lives to liberate that country "laughable" at all. Americans view the English soldiers they fought along side of during those wars as brothers.

God, why would you even be a sh*t stirrer and post something like this?
this is the same person who whined to Axlish when
I called Uwe Boll a Nazi, but thinks it ok to insult an entire country.

when I told people on other sites that a mod actually edited my post because i called Uwe Boll a nazi, they thought I was joking.

04-Jan-2009, 05:41 PM
Actually the french are worse than 12 year olds when it comes to the federal europe issue,any of sarkozys rants about the irish no vote will tell you that!and they are still bitter that the british expeditionary force didnt fight to the last man for france in 1940.
There is a mutual love/hate relationship between britain & france,and there probably always will be.
On the positive side i went home with a french girl after a night out back in may,and she was hot :p

04-Jan-2009, 05:52 PM
when I told people on other sites that a mod actually edited my post because i called Uwe Boll a nazi, they thought I was joking.

I apologize you feel that way, but I didn't edit your post. Also, you didn't call Uwe Boll a nazi, you called germans nazis (edit: Or rather, equated him, a german, to being a nazi, which is equivalent to equating a black person with you know what). So it's a bit different.

As for desecrating english graves, yes, that IS shitty behavior. But I don't go around hating England, Turkey, Denmark or the US because some really, stupid teens out of several million inhabitants did something stupid. And anyone who thinks that way is just an idiot, sorry, but it's had to be said.

I'm very much amused by the whole "Freedom Fries" thing, which reminds me of my early school years as a 7 year old. I mean, that's not even teenage shit, that's elementary fucking school stuff! :lol::lol::lol:

And same with the congressmen. I can't even begin to fathom that people like that are actually IN the government. Makes the congress look like some kinda stupid kindergarten.

04-Jan-2009, 06:16 PM
That sort of crap makes me hang my head in shame...

04-Jan-2009, 06:55 PM
Well, say what you will about France. At least they haven't got people with the minds of 12 year olds in their government.

So Chirac qualifies as the mind of a 13 year old then?:rockbrow:

Personally I've been to France before and I enjoyed the people and the country, but that doesn't stop me from taking a cheap shot at the French for a quick laugh every now and then. All this French-bashing isn't that big of a deal to be honest, it's not like I get pissed off every time some jackass takes a cheap shot at Americans.

04-Jan-2009, 06:55 PM
Mmmm, I bask in the glow of the thinly veiled anti-U.S. sentiment that somehow ignores the fact that other countries all over the world are filled with jackasses and similar sorts of tripe.

Mmmm, it's like warm sunshine on my skin.

04-Jan-2009, 06:58 PM
the "freedom fries" situation is a bit juvenile.

but i think that the u.s. gets waay more of a bad rep than france, and the anti-american sentiment is far more widespread than the anti-france sentiment.

04-Jan-2009, 07:07 PM
France is still around?

04-Jan-2009, 07:09 PM
As for the anti-american sentiment, yes, that's widespread. And yes, there are childish dickheads out there who say "I'm not gonna buy anything american and support imperialism!", but I've yet to come across a case where someone erases out the name of a country they like, or politicians deleting english speaking parts of their website because they hate the US. That sort of crap simply belongs in pre-school.

I don't mind people saying funny stuff about France, as long as they're correct (Yes, France DID win wars. Infact, France kicked Englands arse five times in a row during the coalition wars. But it's also true they've won considerably less wars :p ).

And as for Chirac, and especially this new president. Yes. They are idiots. But that doesn't stop french fries from being a damn good meal.

04-Jan-2009, 08:11 PM
And as for Chirac, and especially this new president. Yes. They are idiots. But that doesn't stop french fries from being a damn good meal.

Now I didn't say anything bad about french fries, in fact I'm actually starting to get hungry with all this talk, and yes the freedom fries thing was a bit of a fiasco but I think in reality it's come down to the point where there isn't too much left you can do to stick it to the French. It's all been done before!

05-Jan-2009, 02:26 AM
All I remember of France is they saved the US in the Revolutionary War... yes, I've seen The Patriot.

05-Jan-2009, 07:38 AM
All I remember of France is they saved the US in the Revolutionary War... yes, I've seen The Patriot.

Would that be The Patriot with Mel Gibson or Steven Segal? Because both are likely to give an equally accurate account of the Revolutionary War:p

05-Jan-2009, 11:53 AM
Would that be The Patriot with Mel Gibson or Steven Segal? Because both are likely to give an equally accurate account of the Revolutionary War:p

Hey. The one with Mel Gibson was actually pretty good...

05-Jan-2009, 04:51 PM
Mel Gibson... and yeh, I know it's a movie, but still...

05-Jan-2009, 05:58 PM
Well, in the interest of being pro-French...Good one (http://africa.reuters.com/top/news/usnJOE50103B.html), guys!

05-Jan-2009, 11:40 PM
Anybody that slams France needs to study American history. Not only did they help us in the Revolution, but they gifted us with that big statue in New York harbor, you know, Miss Liberty?


06-Jan-2009, 12:53 AM
Anybody that slams France needs to study American history. Not only did they help us in the Revolution, but they gifted us with that big statue in New York harbor, you know, Miss Liberty?


Yeah, after they tried to give the damn thing to someone else first. Those wonderful gift-givers.

06-Jan-2009, 02:50 AM
Mmmm, I bask in the glow of the thinly veiled anti-U.S. sentiment that somehow ignores the fact that other countries all over the world are filled with jackasses and similar sorts of tripe.

Mmmm, it's like warm sunshine on my skin.


Yeah we do some stupid shit over here in the U.S. . . . That never happens anywhere else in the world.:rolleyes:

06-Jan-2009, 05:51 AM
I'm very much amused by the whole "Freedom Fries" thing, which reminds me of my early school years as a 7 year old. I mean, that's not even teenage shit, that's elementary fucking school stuff! :lol::lol::lol:

Most people I know think of "Freedom Fries" as being a immature joke though up by some idiot, we all still call them French Fries even though they are not French.

Anyway, I have been to France, the tourists areas are beautiful, but be careful what corner you turn in Paris, you may run into a giant steaming pile of dog crap... literally, I stepped in one because it's all over the non-tourist areas (or at least it was when I was there).

I am not Anti-French, those I dealt with seemed like they were decent people. The only person who was rude to me during my entire trip was a lady on the metro who pushed me out of the way to get off the train instead of stepping around me (there was plenty of room), but I am not going to hold one person in a hurry accountable for the entire country. Like I said previously, the French I dealt with seemed like they were decent people.

EvilNed, you shouldn't hold an entire country accountable for a few idiots, especially if they are from the southern states.

06-Jan-2009, 01:49 PM
Hey. The one with Mel Gibson was actually pretty good...

I wasn't criticizing its entertainment value, I was only criticizing it for its accuracy.

06-Jan-2009, 01:55 PM
EvilNed, you shouldn't hold an entire country accountable for a few idiots, especially if they are from the southern states.

I was mostly laughing at the congressmen, and business people really. I've never run into such childishness at such a high level!

06-Jan-2009, 03:08 PM
I've never run into such childishness at such a high level!

You need to crack open some news resources, then, Ned. I feel as though I've seen half a dozen or so incidents of fistfights in cabinet-level meetings, politicians at political rallies or legislative hearings in Europe (albeit usually Eastern Europe) and Asia over the last few years alone.

06-Jan-2009, 03:16 PM
You need to crack open some news resources, then, Ned. I feel as though I've seen half a dozen or so incidents of fistfights in cabinet-level meetings, politicians at political rallies or legislative hearings in Europe (albeit usually Eastern Europe) and Asia over the last few years alone.

Source? Don't want to sound like an idiot, or a prick, but I've never come across them really. Except those two groups of priests in Jerusalems who started a fistfight.

06-Jan-2009, 07:01 PM
Source? Don't want to sound like an idiot, or a prick, but I've never come across them really. Except those two groups of priests in Jerusalems who started a fistfight.

ned, you could put a coffee table book together about all of silvio berlusconi's idiotic moments and he was the leader of italy for years.

then there is the fact that people in europe (who fancy themselves as so much more cultured than americans or canadians) routinely kill each other and riot over fucking soccer games. hell, the italian league had to play to empty stadiums a year or so ago because of all the violence.

there are, unfortunately, morons everywhere on planet earth.

06-Jan-2009, 08:56 PM
Source? Don't want to sound like an idiot, or a prick, but I've never come across them really. Except those two groups of priests in Jerusalems who started a fistfight.

just google "parliment fight" Ned.

Honestly I understand your point about the freedom fries thing. But so what? What is the point of even bringing about this old topic anyways? We get it. .you don't like the U. S. Let's move on shall we.

06-Jan-2009, 09:52 PM
ned, you could put a coffee table book together about all of silvio berlusconi's idiotic moments and he was the leader of italy for years.

True, I forgot about him. But he's a total dickhead, and more of a baby than any amount of anything could ever hope to muster.

then there is the fact that people in europe (who fancy themselves as so much more cultured than americans or canadians) routinely kill each other and riot over fucking soccer games. hell, the italian league had to play to empty stadiums a year or so ago because of all the violence.

If by soccer, you mean football, then yes. I know what you mean. ;) And football fans are idiots too. But I've yet to see them hold congress.

As for the Parliament fight, that's just the way we do it in Russia.

07-Jan-2009, 04:44 PM
First off, i dont want anyone thinking i dont like Ned.
I always have, and still do.

we had a disagreement about Uwe Boll
my calling him a nazi in Neds eyes led to the
fact I was calling all german people nazis and
that was wrong to insult a whole country,
yet here he is insulting a whole country.

I dont even care.

But 'this is how we do things in russia"?


I am sorry but the sensors in my computer have
officailly declared this a Moronic Thread.


07-Jan-2009, 05:28 PM
Ok, I'm not gonna discuss the anti-french sentiment persay... But I happened across this article:


And I have to say, you can tell that the US is a very young country, because damned, those are some of the most ****ing immature, laughable, pathetic things I've ever heard!

Especially this part:

"Congressman Billy Tauzin from Louisiana, the only Cajun in the United States House of Representatives, removed the French language section of his official website because of anti-French sentiment. Congressman Roy Blunt began using jokes implying that the French were cowards."

Well, say what you will about France. At least they haven't got people with the minds of 12 year olds in their government.

I've mentioned before the $hit my french mate got from/in the US when France didn't join in the Iraq invasion... Unbelievable!

07-Jan-2009, 06:34 PM
Meh. This thread was started for one reason only, as far as I'm concerned, and that was to stick a thumb in people's eye over a dead news issue.

07-Jan-2009, 06:36 PM
I've mentioned before the $hit my french mate got from/in the US when France didn't join in the Iraq invasion... Unbelievable!

Never heard that story before. Mind telling?

Meh. This thread was started for one reason only, as far as I'm concerned, and that was to stick a thumb in people's eye over a dead news issue.

Actually, I got seriously pissed and wanted to vent. But I suppose that depends on how you view it.

07-Jan-2009, 06:52 PM
You need to crack open some news resources, then, Ned. I feel as though I've seen half a dozen or so incidents of fistfights in cabinet-level meetings, politicians at political rallies or legislative hearings in Europe (albeit usually Eastern Europe) and Asia over the last few years alone.

Whuh? Europe isn't a country, it's a bit unfair to slag off one country based on what another does. we might as well lump mexico & canada in with the US

07-Jan-2009, 07:01 PM
Whuh? Europe isn't a country, it's a bit unfair to slag off one country based on what another does. we might as well lump mexico & canada in with the US


Did you read my reply within the context of this thread? I'm unsure how what I wrote could lead you, in any way, to believe that I was referring to Europe or Asia as countries in and of themselves, OR that I was doing anything other than pointing out that people act crazy everywhere by way of a quick off-the-cuff example.