View Full Version : This bother in Gaza then..

06-Jan-2009, 10:02 PM
..without wanting to start a flame thread,whats your opinions on it?Personally i think Israel is within its rights to respond seen as Hamas broke the ceasefire & continues to fire those rockets,obviously the pictures of palestinian kids caught up in Israels response are shocking,but i guess thats why Hamas fire from civilian areas as they know that will happen & they will get pictures like those...

Civilised debate,not some of the Nazi rants ive read in other places folks!

06-Jan-2009, 10:35 PM
not too much of a middle eastern history buff, but from the limited amount of knowledge i do have of the situation, i feel that israel is acting in a just manner. pretty sure hammas is all about skull-fucking israel's corpse, and with them launching over 5k rockets over the last several years into what is now israel's territory, they've just been asking for an ass-kicking.

i'm a bit prejudiced against islamic extremist types, though, but i really feel that they are a huge step in the wrong direction for society....although society does plenty of harm to itself, these sorts of hateful ideologies need to be exterminated.

mind you, i don't pay an excessive amount of attention to the matter, nor am i aware of all facts in the history between israel and its neighbors, but it seems to me like the obvious aggressors are the hammas party. israel is merely reacting in a normal manner.

07-Jan-2009, 12:37 AM
"You don't throw rocks at a machine gun. You don't elect people to throw rocks at a man with a machine gun then wonder why you get shot standing next to him."

08-Jan-2009, 01:40 AM
Israel, didn't that state, uhh, not exist till we put it there?

There will never be peace between these factions. Personally I'd ask them to fight it out over a battle of Civilization, at least no-one would get killed that way, and it's just as real as the gods they are fighting for.

Oh look a fatwa has just been placed on my head... >.>

sarcasm aside, no you don't throw rocks at machine guns and expect not to get hammered. But also, I'm sure if those innocent people said to the hamas militants "please dont throw rocks at those bad-ass machine guns" they'd get shot. I can't help but think the civvies in gaza are taking a severe ass-raping because they cannot get heard without getting shot.

Israel has to defend offensively though. If those missiles get any further...

08-Jan-2009, 09:00 AM
Its all kicking off even further now,rockets have been fired into israel from lebanon,its gonna get ugly :stunned:

08-Jan-2009, 04:05 PM
Personally, I think everyone needs to keep their noses out of it. It seems every country on this planet wants to "weigh in" and try to control things.

Bottom line is, f*ck the world. The world isn't the one over there; it's between Israel and its enemies. Let them kill each other all they want, and eventually the matter will be settled. Then just deal with whoever's left.