View Full Version : Ghostbusters: The Videogame gets a release date

09-Jan-2009, 01:49 AM

According to a press release from Sony Pictures, the upcoming Ghostbusters video game will release on June 16. The game is set to release alongside the Blu-ray edition of Ghostbusters. Both are being released in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the film, first released in 1984. No further details are given about the game, as the press release chiefly concerns the Blu-ray release of the film. Of course, you could always read Joystiq's hands-on with the game if you want details.

Ghostbusters was picked up by Atari late last year after it was left without a publisher thanks to the merger of Activision and Vivendi.

And now begins the waiting game.

09-Jan-2009, 03:18 AM
I think the waiting game began a loooooong time ago for some. . . (purposefully does not look at Bassman while whistling and sliding away)

09-Jan-2009, 12:00 PM
Why not just keep it in the Who You Gonna Call thread?

Anyway....it was announced long ago that it would be June. The real exciting news of this is the announcement of what's reported to be on the Blu Rays. New features.:hyper: