View Full Version : Did anyone watch the Bird Flu movie last night?

10-May-2006, 08:28 PM
Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America

How was it?

10-May-2006, 08:46 PM
there was a series like that on in the uk no sky one a while back called terror alert, one was about bird flu, another anthrax and it was wierd since it was shown to be real, and there were scenes where guys with shot guns were they were chasing anyone out there town incase they were infected that kinda stuff would make for a good film.

or book.

but bird flu in then u.s?, with such varying climates it has along with sheer size and as i showed in the site i put a link up too america has tons of abandoned , silent hill, style towns if a virus did show up in the us id grab some supplys and head there.

with a radio.

11-May-2006, 10:20 PM
Just another thing Big Brother uses to scare the hell out of you about.