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View Full Version : the best living dead game 4 x-box

17-Jan-2009, 02:27 PM
give me your thoughts on what you think is the best zombie game on the x-box, new or old whats your favorite

17-Jan-2009, 02:54 PM
Old or new Xbox?

Xboxwise, Stubbs The Zombie was a good blast, as was House Of The Dead III (which had HOTD2 as an unlock). Would have been nice to have played City Of The Dead, shame it was cancelled.


360wise, most people will say either Dead Rising or Left 4 Dead. I would choose L4D because DR was boring and repetitive as hell.

So yeah, Left 4 Dead. :D

17-Jan-2009, 05:10 PM
i bought my kids a 360 for xmas and i want a zombie game and i want to know which one to buy

17-Jan-2009, 05:25 PM
Dead Rising for singleplayer.

Left 4 Dead if they plan on playing online.

17-Jan-2009, 05:59 PM
Dead Rising captured what I loved about Dawn of the Dead perfectly. I when I play it, I stick on the Dawn soundtrack and pretend I'm in the movie! :lol:

17-Jan-2009, 06:29 PM
It's a damn shame that City of the Dead got cancelled, it had potential, far more than the Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green game ever had (even though the mods were tip top).

Dead Rising is good fun I say, I've played it a good four or five times now - not the story, just running around slaying zombies - it does get old, but just pace yourself and leave a while till you next play it, and bingo-bango-there-you-go-go.

Haven't played Left 4 Dead, so can't comment on it.

17-Jan-2009, 06:44 PM
Like pretty much everyone else has already said, its a straight 50/50 choice between left4dead or dead rising.. personally i prefer dead rising, the only thing missing from it is the multiplayer.

17-Jan-2009, 07:45 PM
id say stubbs the zombie, since, as fun as left for 4 dead is, stubbs is longer, has a more whole "world" its set in and its a blast to play.

you start in a suburb of 1950's retro futuristic americana, mr sandmans playing, you eat a brian, they get up, they and you eat a brian then theres 4 ,then 8 then 16 then 32 then 64 then 128 then 256 and so on and so on, as good as left for dead is its got the mass zombies of rising, the co-op play thats loads f fun of l4d dead and its made in the halo engine so it plays like a dream.

17-Jan-2009, 09:49 PM
Dead rising
Left four dead, left 4 dead just gets repetitive and its total lack of a story line besides go from point a to point b was a disappointment.

18-Jan-2009, 03:37 AM
Dead rising
left 4 dead just gets repetitive and its total lack of a story line besides go from point a to point b was a disappointment.
When was the last time you played a multiplayer game with a story line? Games like Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike & Left 4 Dead are revered because of their tried and true gameplay combined with the fun of co-operating with your friends and teammates. I don't even know why Valve put a singleplayer mode in the game.

At least in L4D we get bits of story from the hastily written notes to friends/family on the walls of the saferooms. That, along with the sound design, was some cool attention to detail.

18-Jan-2009, 01:53 PM
When was the last time you played a multiplayer game with a story line? Games like Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike & Left 4 Dead are revered because of their tried and true gameplay combined with the fun of co-operating with your friends and teammates. I don't even know why Valve put a singleplayer mode in the game.

At least in L4D we get bits of story from the hastily written notes to friends/family on the walls of the saferooms. That, along with the sound design, was some cool attention to detail.

actually if you play through no mercy in commentary mode they do get really in deph about how they dont tell you a plot but there are subtle hints constantly throughout to give the story.

18-Jan-2009, 04:21 PM
thanks guys ,sounds like its gotta be dead rising for me

20-Jan-2009, 01:30 PM
thanks guys ,sounds like its gotta be dead rising for me

Dead Rising is an in-depth SINGLE PLAYER game. If your children enjoy playing games cooperatively, you must get Left 4 Dead, otherwise you're going to hear a lot of bickering about whose turn it is.

21-Jan-2009, 06:52 PM
Dead Rising is an in-depth SINGLE PLAYER game. If your children enjoy playing games cooperatively, you must get Left 4 Dead, otherwise you're going to hear a lot of bickering about whose turn it is.

if dead rising is as good as it looks then the kids wont get a chance to play it cos i'll be on it:lol::lol:

22-Jan-2009, 02:20 AM
Dead Rising is a really good game, but my pick would be Left 4 dead for it's group replayabililty, the only downside to the replay factor being the limited amount of levels.

22-Jan-2009, 04:10 AM
Dead Rising is a really good game, but my pick would be Left 4 dead for it's group replayabililty, the only downside to the replay factor being the limited amount of levels.

but technically via dlc they could add new packs for years to come, which is apparently the plan of action for that game.

since a sequel for a game with no actual main story is kinda redundant.

22-Jan-2009, 01:13 PM
but technically via dlc they could add new packs for years to come, which is apparently the plan of action for that game.

It'd be nice if they actually do that, but with the history of developers promising things like that...

since a sequel for a game with no actual main story is kinda redundant.

But it's what makes the company more money (the most important thing).

22-Jan-2009, 02:29 PM
Speaking of Left 4 Dead, has anyone tried to vote you guys off online games? It happened last night. Someone tried to, but it was quickly voted down. *L* Funny thing about it. I was the highest scoring leader of the group. And the only one who was successfully killing noninfected. WTF?!

22-Jan-2009, 02:37 PM
I haven't played Left for Dead, but I'll give you my opinion that you should watch out with Dead Rising. It's fun at first, but it gets old pretty quick...

22-Jan-2009, 08:26 PM
Speaking of Left 4 Dead, has anyone tried to vote you guys off online games? It happened last night. Someone tried to, but it was quickly voted down. *L* Funny thing about it. I was the highest scoring leader of the group. And the only one who was successfully killing noninfected. WTF?!

only time i ever voted off someone was when they kept killing everyone in the safe room at the start of the subway level of no mercy, they kept doing it adn calling everyone a faghag so i kicked the bitch.