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View Full Version : Contacting the man himself (GAR)

20-Jan-2009, 05:05 AM
I'm looking for a way to reach George himself. Does anyone here have a contact for him or someone who can get him in contact with him. If so please PM me otherwise I'll just try to reach him through his agent.

20-Jan-2009, 06:24 AM

20-Jan-2009, 07:01 AM

LOL :lol::lol:

20-Jan-2009, 10:43 AM

PMSL :lol::lol::lol:

Seriously, though:
GeorgeAndrewRomero@WhyWouldIWantToGiveOutMy ContactDetailsAndHaveStalkerFansCallingMeAtAllHour sOfTheDayandNightOfTheLivingDead.com

20-Jan-2009, 01:32 PM
I have many times tried to track down this information, and other than companies who say they will SELL you celebrity contact information I honestly can not find anything.

The sad thing is if you have funding, and are a legitimate company with a proposition for Mr. Romero there has to be a way to contact him.

20-Jan-2009, 02:20 PM
You can get autographs by sending a request here:

George A. Romero
The Gersh Agency
232 North Canon Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Other than that, I don't think they post that kind of imformation for free. The only way to get it unless someone has it is probably just those people that sell the addresses.

Even then, it might be the above. :annoyed:

20-Jan-2009, 02:27 PM
I have many times tried to track down this information, and other than companies who say they will SELL you celebrity contact information I honestly can not find anything.

The sad thing is if you have funding, and are a legitimate company with a proposition for Mr. Romero there has to be a way to contact him.

Through his agent. That's why people who work in the movie business have agents - to filter the "legitimate" job offers and correspondence from the rest.

20-Jan-2009, 02:34 PM
Yes, reaching him through his agent is my fallback. Just curious if anyone had a connection to him otherwise.

20-Jan-2009, 06:40 PM
DrSin, I had been given Romero's home address by a friend of mine, but it is not something for general publication - certainly I wouldn't want my address given out at random.

May I ask why you need to contact Romero?

20-Jan-2009, 08:11 PM
George A. Romero
Turd Towers
69 Steamer Lane

20-Jan-2009, 08:54 PM
George A. Romero
Turd Towers
69 Steamer Lane

That gave me a much needed chuckle. :D

20-Jan-2009, 08:59 PM
George A. Romero
Turd Towers
69 Steamer Lane

Come on man. . that's a little harsh. We can all poke fun at the recent movies now and then and all. But this direct insulting for insulting's sake is unwarrented. This is a George Romero fan site for goodness sake. Come on.

20-Jan-2009, 09:06 PM
Come on man. . that's a little harsh. We can all poke fun at the recent movies now and then and all. But this direct insulting for insulting's sake is unwarrented. This is a George Romero fan site for goodness sake. Come on.

No, I didn't mean it like that at all!! I LOVE George Romero and ALL his movies. Although Land and Diary are not my favourites, they're still comparatively fantastic compared to virtually all other zombie flicks. I was not meaning that as an attack on George at all, never even considered that it would be taken like that, I was just being silly to get a cheap rise out of the OP.

No - what you don't understand (yet) - is that I am still a ten year old at heart who finds turds and farts to be inherently hilarious regardless of context. :lol:

20-Jan-2009, 10:03 PM
Well that's ok then!!:D

21-Jan-2009, 12:22 PM
1060 West Addison
Chicago, IL

21-Jan-2009, 12:45 PM
1060 West Addison
Chicago, IL

"1060 West Addison? That's Wrigley Field!!" :lol:

21-Jan-2009, 01:20 PM
Through his agent. That's why people who work in the movie business have agents - to filter the "legitimate" job offers and correspondence from the rest.

And who is his agent? Would anyone happen to have his contact information?

If your sources have him living in feces-ville or at a major ballpark... I am not interested.

21-Jan-2009, 01:23 PM
Why not just wait until he is appearing at a fan convention?

21-Jan-2009, 01:23 PM
And who is his agent? Would anyone happen to have his contact information?

If your sources have him living in feces-ville or at a major ballpark... I am not interested.

Lighten up man! :)

If you sign up for IMDB Pro you should be able to get contact details for the agents of pretty much anyone currently working in the business. There is, apparently, a two week free trial.

21-Jan-2009, 03:20 PM
I find it kind of funny that you guys want to know his contact info but have yet to give a hint as to why. You think famous people give out their information like candy so that every fanboy out there can show up at their door step/fence and go..."ooohhhhh god, it is you. I....love...you...man."

As mentioned before, go to a convention or send something to be autographed. If you're wanting the info for documentaries, tv shows, and purposes like that.....HPotD is not the first place I would look.;)

21-Jan-2009, 04:45 PM
He's Rep'd by the Gersh Agency in LA.

HPotD is not the first place I would look.;)

It's not the first place I looked either, but never hurts to cast a wide net.

21-Jan-2009, 05:06 PM
He's Rep'd by the Gersh Agency in LA.

It's not the first place I looked either, but never hurts to cast a wide net.

Uh oh.

TGA has a policy that neither it nor any of its agents or other employees shall accept or consider any unsolicited material, ideas or suggestions of any nature whatsoever ("Unsolicited Materials"). Accordingly, you may not use this website or information obtained there from to submit Unsolicited Materials to TGA via any means (including, without limitation, via mail, fax or e-mail). Should you nevertheless contravene this express prohibition by sending Unsolicited Materials to TGA, please be advised that the Unsolicited Materials will not be considered by anyone at TGA, and if possible they will be returned to you with no copies kept. Unsolicited Materials will not be forwarded to or discussed with any third parties.

In theory, they should still pass on mail 'care of' their office to GAR's attention.

21-Jan-2009, 05:37 PM
It's not the first place I looked either, but never hurts to cast a wide net.

HPotD is not exactly what I would call a "wide" net in this sort of circumstance. It's like masterbating to the View. It just won't work out.:lol:

21-Jan-2009, 07:20 PM
Uh oh.
In theory, they should still pass on mail 'care of' their office to GAR's attention.

Not at all worried about that. I'm looking to setup a meeting with him to discuss a licensing deal. Very different than submitting a work.

HPotD is not exactly what I would call a "wide" net in this sort of circumstance.

No, but people here have had contact with him before. It was my hope that someone has a good contact rather than calling the front-desk at his agency. I'm fine with calling the front-desk, it just takes longer.

21-Jan-2009, 07:35 PM
Again, I have access to his address but refuse to give it out unless I know the reason behind the need to contact him. I asked for this, yet received no response.

EDIT: Sorry, I now see that you had already mentioned that you wanted to discuss a licensing deal - rendering my last post moot - but nevertheless his home address would not be appropriate for this particular issue. Gersh Agency would indeed be the proper channel to send this through, provided that you are inquiring about a property that GAR has control over. Licensing issues for DOTD 78, for example, need to be directed to Rubenstein, et al.

22-Jan-2009, 12:42 AM
home address would not be appropriate for this particular issue.

I agree, that's why I didn't respond to you. I was more hoping that someone had his agent's email or at least his name, but I just contacted Gersh instead.

22-Jan-2009, 12:44 AM
Well, best of luck, good Doctor!

22-Jan-2009, 05:22 AM
I'm looking to setup a meeting with him to discuss a licensing deal.
CR Management (http://www.crmgt.net/)

22-Jan-2009, 01:37 PM
I find it kind of funny that you guys want to know his contact info but have yet to give a hint as to why.

I say this with all due respect. I fail to see why anyone would HAVE to explain anything to you. If someone asks a question, you can decide if you want to give that knowledge out. If you don't you don't. No one HAS to tell you why they are asking for it, if you want to know and that is a deal changer for you then you can feel free to ask as someone did here in this case.

My reasons are my own, if you want to know ask and at that point I could of course make my own decision if I want to share that with you. Since i have not already, chances are I don't want to. Fair enough right?

Perhaps I have come into a sizable amount of money and I want to fund a project, and I would like to see if Mr. Romero is willing to sign on as a collaborator for a fair salary. Is that really your business? Can you think of reasons I wouldn't want to tell you? I can.

You think famous people give out their information like candy so that every fanboy out there can show up at their door step/fence and go..."ooohhhhh god, it is you. I....love...you...man."

No in fact I don't think this, and yet famous people have contact information that is widely available to everyone. Some people have access to it, and some is easy to track down. In the case of Mr. Romero and his representatives a number of people have found this to be slightly more difficult for a number of reasons.

More over... do I strike you as a fan boy? I am not about to show up at anyone's door holding a sign I made with my moms lipstick in zombie make up telling "gar" I love him and want to birth his love child.

As mentioned before, go to a convention or send something to be autographed. If you're wanting the info for documentaries, tv shows, and purposes like that.....HPotD is not the first place I would look.;)

That certainly is one option, and in that setting you are showing up as a fan, he is not in a business frame of mind. He is there on business already, committed to a course of action, and he would find it hard to listen to anyone discuss business of another venture. It is not the proper forum or setting at all. It would however be a great way to get him to sign my bub die cast action figure... which I do not own.

In business like all other things first opinions are key, and there is a proper way to handle all situations. If you had a business idea for me and you came to me while I was eating dinner with notes scribbled on napkins I would likely shrug you off. You could have the best idea in the world but it might never be heard because of how you approached me, where you approached me, or who was around at the time.

HPotD is not exactly what I would call a "wide" net in this sort of circumstance. It's like masterbating to the View. It just won't work out.:lol:

Well... by itself it certainly is NOT a wide net. It would make up one piece of a "wide net" which was the point that was being made. Casting a wide net means trying to put as many feelers out there as possible. Low and behold the person who wanted contact information actually got something that satisfied them by coming here I would say including this site as part of their "wide net" yielded some fruit.

The view joke was REALLY funny by the way and I am totally stealing that.

22-Jan-2009, 01:45 PM
^ Yeah, bassman, didn't you know? The internets is serious business! :lol:

22-Jan-2009, 01:48 PM
God Damn Thorn. Who shit in your Capn Crunch this morning? I never said I personally wanted to know what it was all about. Just that I found it funny that someone was asking for Romero's personal information without a hint as to why.

I wasn't attacking anyone. Take a seat and relax bro...

^ Yeah, bassman, didn't you know? The internets is serious business!

:lol: I know...how could I be so stupid?

22-Jan-2009, 03:06 PM
CR Management (http://www.crmgt.net/)

I thought he was rep'd by Gersh?

22-Jan-2009, 03:19 PM
Could be that they handle licensing for merch/licensing etc. or some such? Dubious has his ear to the ground on these sorts of things, so it's definitely worth your time to follow up, I'd say.

Just a guess and an opinion, from me.

22-Jan-2009, 05:25 PM
I agree, that's why I didn't respond to you. I was more hoping that someone had his agent's email or at least his name, but I just contacted Gersh instead.
Good deal. Hope it works out for you, brother. Good luck!

I thought he was rep'd by Gersh?
Dubious has an uncanny knowledge of things in this realm, so I am certain that lead is likely to be viable. In this regard, with a licensing issue you might get more mileage from a manager than an agent. Not that I know this for certain, mind you, but I do know for sure that Dubious knows more than most about the proper channels to follow to get what you want. All the same, good luck again DrSin!

26-Jan-2009, 03:54 PM
^ Yeah, bassman, didn't you know? The internets is serious business! :lol:

Do people really even say that anymore? let me bust out another used up internet saying... "tired internet jargon is tired".

God Damn Thorn. Who shit in your Capn Crunch this morning?

It was the Stay Puffed marsh Mellow Man.

Honestly though I was not worked up at all merely pointing out some facts, it seemed to me the guy was just trying to get some information in good faith and a respectful way and was hit with a wall of sarcasm. I was simply addressing that.

26-Jan-2009, 04:41 PM
Do people really even say that anymore? let me bust out another used up internet saying... "tired internet jargon is tired".

Oh I didn't realise the Internet Meme Fashion Police were watching. I'm sorry Officer Passive-Aggressive. :lol:

Just kidding man. Honestly, I was just a bit taken aback by how angry you got over a bit of lighthearted, harmless ribbing. I guess it doesn't always translate well in text format.

27-Jan-2009, 12:06 PM
Oh I am kidding too, I am passive aggressive though that is spot on. Always have been. I really was not angry though just making points I think that speaks to your point about tone being lost over the internet. If it came off as angry or rude I apologize as that was not m intention at all.

No harm done at all on either side I don't imagine except the poor OP who is no doubt a broken man due to this shameless and senseless attack. If he can ever manage to pull himself out of his spiraling thoughts of suicide and dread perhaps he will return to us.

27-Jan-2009, 12:12 PM
No harm done at all on either side I don't imagine except the poor OP who is no doubt a broken man due to this shameless and senseless attack. If he can ever manage to pull himself out of his spiraling thoughts of suicide and dread perhaps he will return to us.

That's if he not already succeeded in his quest and is now on a tropical island, rubbing suntan lotion into old Georgie's back. :lol:

27-Jan-2009, 12:21 PM
That's if he not already succeeded in his quest and is now on a tropical island, rubbing suntan lotion into old Georgie's back. :lol:


Or you know sipping martinis and discussing a great money making idea that have them both clapping their hands together like giddy school girls.

He could come back and hire you, bass, and I as personal assistants.

27-Jan-2009, 12:33 PM
That's if he not already succeeded in his quest and is now on a tropical island, rubbing suntan lotion into old Georgie's back. :lol:

I doubt it would be a true tropical island, more like Sanibel Island.... :)

27-Jan-2009, 12:48 PM
Gersh is his talent agency, Chris Roe is his Manager.

I have IMDB Pro, I was going to give you his managers information, but you already got it, so no need.

27-Jan-2009, 01:44 PM
That's if he not already succeeded in his quest and is now on a tropical island, rubbing suntan lotion into old Georgie's back. :lol:

Thanks DJ, very helpful info.

27-Jan-2009, 01:56 PM
LOL, I think you meant to quote DJ, not kracken! :)

29-Jan-2009, 02:23 PM

29-Jan-2009, 02:43 PM
Since you asked Bassman, here is why I would like to meet George Romero.

I want to meet George. I think em and him would mesh well. I would tell him my ideas for a new zombie story, and he'd tell me what he thought of it. We would talk all day and night, eating breakfast and lunch together. I would go out on family trips with him and his family, handle his tax returns, and take his kids to swimming practice. We'd stay up all night chit chatting, telling each other about our own respective problems, and cry on each others shoulders. We'd wipe our tears and i would gently stroke his beard, while running my tongue over his glasses, trailing a long line of saliva across his coke bottle lenses.

We'd head up stairs, me behind him, rubbing his back, and cooing into his ears. We sit down at the foot of his bed, and I would rub and jostle his formidable belly, kneading out any fat lumps. His face would start to turn red as I twirled my fingers in his chest hair, making tiny little knots of gray hair across his liver spotted chest. I'd slowly push him down, and start massaging his feet, using my finger nails to dig the fungus from underneath his yellow, smelly nails. I'd twirl it around in between my fingers, sniffing it on occasion, and run my tongue across it.

It would taste like popcorn covered in sewage water.

I would use my teeth to slowly nibble away at his nails, all the while massaging his inner thighs. He would find it rather ticklish, and start moving around like a newborn being tickled by its parent. I would then run my tongue over his calloused feet, getting into every nook and cranny available. At this point, I would start to slap his belly with a DVD copy of Day of the dead, making him moan like a zombie from one of his films. I would put on some soothing music; sounds of nature, or maybe some barry white, and begin to use the DVD case to tickle his unwashed, sweaty pits. With my other hand, I would slowly clamp electrodes to his nipples, and begin feeding an electrical charge into his erect man boobs.

He would call me Bub, and I would call him Doctor Frankenstein; His breathing would start to become ragged and shallow at this point. I would comb his beard into the shape of a windmill, and blow on it. Afterwords I would cuddle with him and the collection of his DVDs that he has, and tell the DVDs that it's all right, I am here, and I am never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.

We would have shepherds pie and pizza for breakfast, and repeat the days activities to the end of times.

29-Jan-2009, 03:15 PM
Interesting fantasies you have.....

One small adjustment you might want to make

and take his kids to swimming practice
I am pretty sure his youngest is about 20, so they could drive themselves if they chose to take swimming practice! :)

29-Jan-2009, 03:58 PM
Since you asked Bassman, here is why I would like to meet George Romero....

For the first time in my life... I disagree with this sign...


29-Jan-2009, 04:16 PM
Epic, Mo.


29-Jan-2009, 04:28 PM

That's really good mo.

29-Jan-2009, 11:15 PM
Mo, that is the funniest and most disturbing fantasy I have ever read on here.

Thanks for making me laugh so hard and ultimately provoking numerous coughing fits due to my chest infection. As mentioned above... Truely epic.

Don't smoke kids, the effects aren't fun later in life... :skull:

30-Jan-2009, 04:27 PM
Since you asked Bassman, here is why I would like to meet George Romero.

I want to meet George. I think em and him would mesh well. I would tell him my ideas for a new zombie story, and he'd tell me what he thought of it. We would talk all day and night, eating breakfast and lunch together. I would go out on family trips with him and his family, handle his tax returns, and take his kids to swimming practice. We'd stay up all night chit chatting, telling each other about our own respective problems, and cry on each others shoulders. We'd wipe our tears and i would gently stroke his beard, while running my tongue over his glasses, trailing a long line of saliva across his coke bottle lenses.

We'd head up stairs, me behind him, rubbing his back, and cooing into his ears. We sit down at the foot of his bed, and I would rub and jostle his formidable belly, kneading out any fat lumps. His face would start to turn red as I twirled my fingers in his chest hair, making tiny little knots of gray hair across his liver spotted chest. I'd slowly push him down, and start massaging his feet, using my finger nails to dig the fungus from underneath his yellow, smelly nails. I'd twirl it around in between my fingers, sniffing it on occasion, and run my tongue across it.

It would taste like popcorn covered in sewage water.

I would use my teeth to slowly nibble away at his nails, all the while massaging his inner thighs. He would find it rather ticklish, and start moving around like a newborn being tickled by its parent. I would then run my tongue over his calloused feet, getting into every nook and cranny available. At this point, I would start to slap his belly with a DVD copy of Day of the dead, making him moan like a zombie from one of his films. I would put on some soothing music; sounds of nature, or maybe some barry white, and begin to use the DVD case to tickle his unwashed, sweaty pits. With my other hand, I would slowly clamp electrodes to his nipples, and begin feeding an electrical charge into his erect man boobs.

He would call me Bub, and I would call him Doctor Frankenstein; His breathing would start to become ragged and shallow at this point. I would comb his beard into the shape of a windmill, and blow on it. Afterwords I would cuddle with him and the collection of his DVDs that he has, and tell the DVDs that it's all right, I am here, and I am never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.

We would have shepherds pie and pizza for breakfast, and repeat the days activities to the end of times.
Bravo, man. :lol:

30-Jan-2009, 04:45 PM
He's going to be in Chicago the first week of March. I'll ask him for a way to reach him. :rolleyes:

Worth a shot, eh?