View Full Version : What other forums do you post in?

20-Jan-2009, 10:05 PM
Having lurked around these forums occasionally since about 2000, I actually only started posting here a short while back. I used to be a regular on the All Things Zombie forums, and posted on there quite a bit (under a different screen name), but the owner has pretty much abandoned the site for quite some time and the quality of the boards has begun to slip - now it seems to be about 50% survivalist wannabes using zombies as an excuse to argue over which automatic rifle is best, or whether building a moat filled with kerosine around their house is a good idea, and 50% kids who've seen Dawn 04, hate Romero and are convinced the zombies are gonna rise tomorrow. So I jumped ship.

I also used to post on the Sphere Wars forum (a Phantasm message board), but it was deleted.

I was just curious - do any of you guys regularly post on other forums (living dead, or non-living dead) or have you ever been on another board that just died out or became too obnoxious to bear? Come on - post your message board memories and nightmares here.

20-Jan-2009, 11:57 PM
none. this is the only one. i have dabbled in some other forums from time to time but usually lose interest quickly or am turned off by the antics that are allowed to go on.

i've been coming here for eons, have met some cool people and made some great net friends here over the years. HPOTD is a proper internet community, you come at first for the dead discussion but you hang around because of the people you meet. i don't really feel that i need any other forums.

21-Jan-2009, 01:01 AM
I'm on Edoropolis, but really that place is really boring and kinda exclusive to outsiders, so I don't bother too much anymore. This place rocks.

21-Jan-2009, 01:18 AM
Head-Fi, SnusOn, SimHQ, FlightSim, G-Shock, and of course HOTD.

21-Jan-2009, 01:25 AM
the forums for chris survival horror quest, the currently down silent hill uk forum, 4 player podcasts forum and the wow europe message board are the only ones i frequent.

21-Jan-2009, 02:00 AM
Michael-Myers.net, NightOwl Productions, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, and Here...

21-Jan-2009, 04:58 AM
Quite a few, most of which I can't link here. ;)

Other than a punk forum I also moderate, the Shenmue Dojo and, of course, Steptoe And Son forums.

21-Jan-2009, 05:29 AM
http://www.rossboxing.com/ For fight news and training advice.

http://www.gamefaqs.com/ For video games. News, tips, codes, etc.

http://mechapinoy.net/forum/index.php For model kit building. It is a Filipino website and I was the only American member for a while. There are a couple more now, but I am still the only white guy. Mecha is very popular on here.

triste realtà
21-Jan-2009, 07:15 AM
I also used to post on the Sphere Wars forum (a Phantasm message board), but it was deleted.

Me too. I finally got One Dark Night and there is a lot of picture noise similar to what they simulated with Grindhouse, but it's not bad and it's a great movie. I'm happy with the Bloody School Girls pack it came in. It has Hal Holbrook in one of the movies and a Joe Bob Briggs commentary on the other one.

21-Jan-2009, 07:58 AM
On www.dune2k.com A site all about Frank Herberts Dune (And that bastard money grubbing son of his)

http://thedeadwalk92428.yuku.com/directory the dead will walk, a forum based zombie role playing game. Longest game so far is over 100 pages!


I use to post on allthingszombie as well, but things got crazy and pretty much wasn't a zombie forum anymore. We had a mini "Stud forum" for roleplaying ect. It got so bad that the mod's at one point shut down all threads in the "survival" category and reset it.

It didn't work, and the forum went to shit.

21-Jan-2009, 09:52 AM
I use to post on allthingszombie as well, but things got crazy and pretty much wasn't a zombie forum anymore. We had a mini "Stud forum" for roleplaying ect. It got so bad that the mod's at one point shut down all threads in the "survival" category and reset it.

It didn't work, and the forum went to shit.

Yeah, it's still the same. Initially, a lot of gun stuff used to get posted in the "Zombie Talk" section, so he made a new section for "Undead Survival and Defence", which was intended to keep the survivalist talk in one place, and keep the rest of the board for zombie/horror movie discussion. But it backfired, and the presence of the "USD" board just pulled in dozens upon dozens of wannabe Rambos with nothing more than a passing interest in zombies. So what you've got now is a forum where Survival and Defence is the main topic of discussion, and every second thread is a double thread that no one has bothered to clean up. I think DeadKev is just sick of the survival nuts and has pretty much abandoned the place, and the other mods aren't doing much. It's sad. :(

21-Jan-2009, 11:52 AM

But I visit none of those as much as HPotD.

21-Jan-2009, 06:30 PM
I occasionally look at other forums when needing to find out bits of info, but I have to say, I'm just too lazy for multi-forum-living ... I'm a whore for HPOTD and that's enough for me. :)

HPOTD FTW! :cool:

21-Jan-2009, 06:52 PM
I post on various music forums & a couple of Doctor Who forums, one of which I run

http://leisurehive.informe.com whore whore whore

21-Jan-2009, 07:57 PM
http://leisurehive.informe.com whore whore whore
Oh shit, yeah. :o

21-Jan-2009, 08:10 PM
Quite a few, most of which I can't link here. ;)

The NAMBLA forums, perchance? :lol:

21-Jan-2009, 08:11 PM
talk paintball
tank talk (large scale RC model tanks)
stuckinadoorway (ocd forum,occasionally use it when im having a shitty time)
dontstayin.com (clubbing forum)
PC gamer UK
& thats about it really,i used to post on a couple of other clubbing websites a lot but they've gone now.When im on the net i mainly bum facebook :o

21-Jan-2009, 08:27 PM
Tricky you ever been airsofting?

21-Jan-2009, 08:41 PM
Tricky you ever been airsofting?

nah never tried it,looks fun enough but paintball has always appealed to me more!(even that episode of byker grove didnt put me off :lol:)
Im in the process of joining the T.A. at the moment though so even paintball will probably seem like kids games once ive started training!

21-Jan-2009, 08:48 PM
Paintball is better but Airsoft in an urban environment is also fun. It HURTS though. Like, your tshirt is stuck to your back with blood by the end of it :lol: Good luck with the TA

21-Jan-2009, 08:53 PM
(even that episode of byker grove didnt put me off :lol:)

Hah! That was the only episode I ever watched all the way through. Best bit of acting (or pretty much anything) Ant McPartlin ever pulled off.

Bit silly though, when you think about it - aren't paintballs non-toxic and water soluble? I've had matte emulsion in my eye before, wasn't very pleasant but I still have perfect eyesight.

21-Jan-2009, 08:59 PM
cheers,im nervous about it though, my local detachment is a mortar platoon & some of their lads are involved in some heavy fighting in afghanistan at the moment which is a scary thought,the TA arent the "weekend warriors" they used to be anymore!but the extra money,life experience & i suppose a feeling of wanting to have served my country is why i want to do it.I may back out yet,but im going to give it a shot to see if i can hack it!
Back to paintball though,i'd love to do the oklahoma D.Day scenario over in the US,it looks immense!

Hah! That was the only episode I ever watched all the way through. Best bit of acting (or pretty much anything) Ant McPartlin ever pulled off.

Bit silly though, when you think about it - aren't paintballs non-toxic and water soluble? I've had matte emulsion in my eye before, wasn't very pleasant but I still have perfect eyesight.

here it is,in all its glory!

to be fair the paint wouldnt blind you,but the impact of the balls definitely would!i got shot in the back of the head last time i went a few weeks ago & it floored me!