View Full Version : Antropophagus the beast

Eagle Eye
21-Jan-2009, 11:52 AM
This movie (Anthropophagous) was one of the video nasties that went into the DPP39 list, Also known as The grim Reaper on the dvd release which is cut to pieces. The original Pre cert (VIP label) was fully uncut and can reach up to £100 today.

Anyone else seen this movie?


21-Jan-2009, 12:25 PM
I've seen a terrible bargain-bin cut version of the movie under the title The Grim Reaper. I believe it was lifted from an R-rated US print of the film, which replaced the original synthesiser soundtrack with a cheesy one lifted from an old B-movie, and is missing two extreme gore scenes - i.e. the fist-abortion-cannibalism scene (yes, it's not a very nice film) and the intestine eating at the end - which sort of removes the only notable parts of the film, leaving a rather boring adventure/murder mystery with just a couple of eerie visuals to recommend it (the scenes where the lightning illuminates the Anthropophagus killer standing in the darkness was quite cool).

The copy I had was, I believe, the one distributed in the UK by Hollywood DVD. I would not advise anyone to purchase this version, not only due to the cuts, but because the print was so hideously muddy; the daytime scenes looked washed out and faded like an old newspaper, while most of the night scenes are so dark as to be virtually invisible.

Eagle Eye
21-Jan-2009, 02:26 PM
The ShriekShow R1 dvd version is a good one to buy.