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View Full Version : Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated trailer

22-Jan-2009, 04:40 PM


Animated version of Night of the Living Dead.

22-Jan-2009, 04:43 PM
What, what?

This looks fun! Can't wait to check out the you tube vid when I get home.

Thanks for the share, Eyebiter!

22-Jan-2009, 04:52 PM
Not a big fan of the different styles of animation, but it looks like it could be fun...

22-Jan-2009, 04:59 PM
looks kind of trippy. i'm not sure if the animation style is something that i'll end up liking but i'll certainly give it a look.

22-Jan-2009, 05:07 PM
Looks quite cool in the trailer, but I think an hour-and-a-half of different seizure-inducing animations would drive me crazy.

22-Jan-2009, 06:08 PM
ha, interesting at the end there, there were some toys used in a somewhat Adam & Joe Show way - indeed, back when I was 15 a friend and I made a soft-toy version of Night of the Living Dead with a cardboard farm house and various bits and pieces lying around my bedroom.

I then did a soft-toy version (with a bit more effort exerted) of The Evil Dead.

13-Feb-2009, 09:20 PM
I see your zombie animation, and raise you some zombie puppets:


13-Feb-2009, 09:31 PM
pretty kick-ass first post. i thought the "real world" reference at the beginning was pretty funny, but think it would have been better overall if they'd kept the original audio (even the dialogue). i realize that would be tough, given that it's a live-stage show.

welcome the the wonderful homepage of the dorks, by the way;)

13-Feb-2009, 09:41 PM
Well, thanks for the warm welcome, Prof!

Confidentially, this isn't found footage.

This is a project my theatre/drinkin' buddies have put on, two years running.

I was curious what the hard-core fans think.

13-Feb-2009, 10:13 PM
i sorta wondered if you had some level of involvement. nice job. :thumbsup:

what took you so long to find us?

15-Feb-2009, 03:13 AM
I've lurked a couple times in the past, but I'm generally not a 'joiner' when it comes to the Inter-tubes.

Yeah, I sorta came to realize that if I want this little pet project to really find it's audience, I gotta go straight to the source.

15-Feb-2009, 03:17 AM
so where do you put this show on at? what region of the country, at least?

15-Feb-2009, 03:45 AM
We're a puppet collective located out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin who call ourselves the Angry Young Men.

(Even tho' we're not all that angry, not gettin' any younger, and have a few wimmins in the group)

(Sorta misleading, I s'pose)

Anyhow, the whole project came about when a friend working promotion for the It Came From Lake Michigan film festival told me that the organizers were looking for other activities beyond the usual film screenings & workshops. She knew that I had been diving into puppetry with some gusto, so we received an open invite to 'bring something to the party'.

I had originally thought about doing something along the lines of Dracula (shades of Forgetting Sara Marshall, I know, but we would've done it first :p), but I wanted something a bit more...visceral for the audience of B-movie fanatics that would be attending.

I had seen the 3-D NOTLD remake at the Midnight Movie a month or so previous. It was okay, but what it made me remember was the copyright issues surrounding the original film. Anybody could do a remake of this story.

In other words, I wouldn't get sued.

Getting my theater cronies on board was the easy part. I would simply go to each of them, ask "Do you want to be part of a zombie puppet show?", and get a resounding "hells yeah!!" from all of them.

I had thought about doing a straight retelling. But I have a talent for cheap laughs and the pace of the original film is awful slow in places. Fine for building a sense of dread in a horror film, not so good for a funny puppet show.

I took a page from the Rutles. Anybody remember those guys? Monty Python sends up the Beatles. The parody went so deep into the "Story of the Beatles", it was plain that the folks making fun also loved their subject dearly. That was the approach I wanted to take, 'specially considering my audience was going to be hard-core film nuts who would know the original inside-out.

Skipping ahead, we did the show in Oct '07, folks loved it, and everybody involved wanted to know when we were doing it again. So we did it again last Halloween at a local venue (A shout out to the good folks at Bucketworks). More good reviews.

So I'm trying to make it a yearly thing.

18-Feb-2009, 01:34 AM
Billy Ray welcome to our community and I love your artwork!
I am sortof an folk artist too and I am enjoying the snipits I have seen already and I can't wait to see the whole thing.
You all truly are talented!!

19-Feb-2009, 06:29 PM
Well, thanks for the compliment, Debbieangel!

In March we're going to begin the process of "rebuilding the cast".

I'll try to keep 'all up to date with pictures & such as it happens.

08-May-2009, 11:51 PM
I see your zombie animation, and raise you some zombie puppets:


Welcome BillyRay, and quite an awesome NOLD puppet show - hilarious! Well done, sir! I wish your production would make it's way out to the west coast since this is by far the most enjoyable "stage production" of NOLD I have seen yet. Total kick ass fun time!

Dude, I am sure you are going to end up being quite a fun board member for the rest of us nerds to correspond with.

Once again, well done!! I salute you.

19-May-2009, 05:05 PM
I see your zombie animation, and raise you some zombie puppets:


Ok, I just watched this on YOUTUBE and thought it was quite funny and good.

Cheers Billy Ray

23-Mar-2010, 12:55 PM
Lengthy interview with the guy behind this project (http://www.shootforthehead.com/356-Interview-with-Night-of-the-Living-Dead-Reanimated.html)

And I believe this is a new-ish trailer.


darth los
24-Mar-2010, 06:26 PM
Did ya get a load of the hinzman bobblehead? :lol:
