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View Full Version : RIP Eric Farag - Second Assistant Director

26-Jan-2009, 03:16 PM
It is with great sadness today that I learned our 2nd Asst. Director, Eric Farag, was killed in an automobile accident in the Fairfax Virginia Area on January 24th 2009.

Eric, 20, was determined to get into the indie film game. Always dedicated and eager to do whatever you needed, Eric brought a great enthusiasm to the set of the production.

Eric was a huge help assisting us in filming the Roadblock Zombie massacre scene in Deadlands 2, and took on not only 2nd asst director duites, but also acted as our set PA as well.

Eric was about to embark on making his feature film this year, which we all wished him great success with, and offered any assistance if he needed it.

Truly a sad day for the production to learn about this untimely loss to the indie film community.

26-Jan-2009, 03:27 PM
Dude... :(

26-Jan-2009, 07:45 PM
Sorry to hear that DJ...

26-Jan-2009, 09:59 PM
Terrible news...

26-Jan-2009, 10:09 PM
Man, that's a fucking heartbreaker. I'm really sorry to hear that. :(

You should to dedicate the movie to him. From what you've told us about his wanting to get recognised on the indie scene, etc., it would be fitting.

26-Jan-2009, 10:38 PM
sounds like a cool kid ! sad story

26-Jan-2009, 11:54 PM
I was thinking of dedicating the movie to him. I am actually going through set photos to see if I have one of him during the shoot that I can put in the end credits with the dedication.

He was a very cool kid, he was on the set before I arrived, he did PA and 2nd AD and even First AD duties. Worked his ass off for nothing, I think I gave him gas money that weekend, but that was about it. A real trooper. I wish I could have seen him do his first feature film. The guy was a talent.

27-Jan-2009, 12:37 AM
I was thinking of dedicating the movie to him. I am actually going through set photos to see if I have one of him during the shoot that I can put in the end credits with the dedication.
Yes Gary, Deadlands 2 should carry a special credit. The guy deseerves it, man.

27-Jan-2009, 12:39 AM
man, same age and same career path, sends a shiver down your spine. its a damn shame it really is. props to him for doing what he loved though, there's many people our age who leave school, go straight on the dole and sit getting high all day rather than bother, its a shame the worlds lost one of the ones that does decide to try.

27-Jan-2009, 12:42 PM
I can't imagine the loss to friends and family. Eric, was a bright spirited guy. Never had anything negative to say. Was always ready to jump up and go. He was a listener, an observer, and a learner. The dude was a sponge, he would ask questions, give his POV, and took charge of whatever task assigned him.

It truly is a sad loss.

27-Jan-2009, 02:05 PM
Sorry to hear about this loss. That's horrible.

27-Jan-2009, 06:09 PM
My heart does go out to his family. He was only 20 years old at the time of his death. They have an RIP page for him on Facebook. (RIP Eric Farag) you can post on the wall and what not, just in case anyone wanted to say anything.

Also, I have decided he will get the film dedicated to him. I am just trying to contact his family to make sure they are ok with it, and support it.

Will Not Say
01-Nov-2011, 10:33 PM
Hey do you have access to any of the films that Eric Farag was connected with? I Was a friend of his way back when.

02-Nov-2011, 09:23 PM
Yes, I am the director of Deadlands 2, so I have all access to that film.

They're available on Amazon or eBay