View Full Version : WWZ - Battle of Yonkers

28-Jan-2009, 12:37 PM
Holy crap! (http://chud.com/articles/articles/17944/1/A-GLIMPSE-AT-WORLD-WAR-Z039S-BATTLE-OF-YONKERS/Page1.html)

28-Jan-2009, 01:12 PM
Eeeek! YES!

*Crosses Fingers*

"Please don't ruin this movie, please don't make the zombies run, please don't ruin this movie...."

28-Jan-2009, 01:46 PM
Looks like your normal, average, everyday in Yonkers. :)

Okay, maybe a bit cooler and more zomberific!

28-Jan-2009, 01:58 PM
Really nice find, I have to be honest it does remind me of Yonkers... but the dead remind me of tourists heading for the slot machines and the pony races.

28-Jan-2009, 02:11 PM
If the movie turns out as cool as that art, then WWZ could kick ass, but again I wasn't found of the book all that much.

I just don't like the fact Marc Foster got the directing Job. Quantum of Solace was utter garbage, and I have a feeling he is going to fuck up WWZ.

28-Jan-2009, 02:41 PM
The artist says :

This was one of the most difficult images I've ever done. Incredibly challenging to the point where I wanted to quit. But through thick and thin I forced myself to complete it."
Ummm.... lets not be too melodramatic or anything.....

28-Jan-2009, 03:44 PM
The artist says :

Ummm.... lets not be too melodramatic or anything.....

Hehe, yeah...I know there used to be times when I wanted to give up on a project, but they were few and far between, and though this guy looks to be light years ahead of my scant talent, the layout and patterns don't look overly complex. So yeah, it comes off a bit histrionic.

28-Jan-2009, 04:54 PM
Eeeek! YES!

*Crosses Fingers*

"Please don't ruin this movie, please don't make the zombies run, please don't ruin this movie...."

just checked and seen that it comes out in 2010. hope it's realy good. we need a new, good zed. movie. starting to get the shakes from not having a fix. lol

28-Jan-2009, 05:11 PM
it's cool but i thought the battle was a bit silly..how the author portrayed the governments handling of it i mean...

Maybe i just have too much faith in the military :)

28-Jan-2009, 05:17 PM
Maybe i just have too much faith in the military :)

I know exactly what you mean. Poor planning, at high levels, and political meddling rarely leads to issues with our modern military :shifty:


darth los
28-Jan-2009, 06:39 PM
Holy crap! (http://chud.com/articles/articles/17944/1/A-GLIMPSE-AT-WORLD-WAR-Z039S-BATTLE-OF-YONKERS/Page1.html)

One can only hope for the best but I'm sure they'll find some way to screw this one up too.

YAY OPTIMISM !!! :hyper:


28-Jan-2009, 07:46 PM
that picture is amazing. let's hope this rubs off onto the film.

29-Jan-2009, 12:58 AM
Couldn't agree more. Whatever the outcome, I'll buy this movie.

29-Jan-2009, 01:51 AM
i have high hopes for this flick since it is being written by JM Straczynski of babylon 5 fame. if anyone can do this up right, he can.

30-Jan-2009, 12:59 AM
Nice concept art, though the only way I can see them pulling this off is with CGI which will undoubtedly look like CGI and have the director overplaying his hand. Just imagine if Hitchcock's The Birds had been made with CGI and you'll get the picture.

30-Jan-2009, 01:04 AM
Oh man... that's a scary thought, DC.

30-Jan-2009, 01:43 AM
They could pull it off with just the background as CGI I'm sure. That would work well.

30-Jan-2009, 02:39 AM
even if they do a few CGI ghouls, it probably won't be half as bad as the CGI in land.

30-Jan-2009, 02:52 AM
even if they do a few CGI ghouls, it probably won't be half as bad as the CGI in land.

or the CGI in i am legend.

30-Jan-2009, 03:27 AM
or the CGI in i am legend.

One of the worst film making choices EVER!!!!!

30-Jan-2009, 03:37 AM
CGI is can work, if it is done correctly. I got hopes for Mel's son.

30-Jan-2009, 04:23 AM
even if they do a few CGI ghouls, it probably won't be half as bad as the CGI in land.
Why do we have to settle for half-bad when we should expect all-good?

or the CGI in i am legend.
That's what I'd be worried about, or even the CGI in Lord of the Rings-- well-designed and appropriate for a fantasy drama but unrealistic and short-sighted for a horror drama.

30-Jan-2009, 11:03 AM
And another...


30-Jan-2009, 11:19 AM
Kick ass concept art ... ... it'd better have shamblers in it though, the book did - and so should the bloody movie, the template is already there in print in the book - and the book was excellent.

*fingers crossed "they" don't fuck it up*

30-Jan-2009, 02:13 PM
*fingers crossed "they" don't fuck it up*

Dude Marc Foster is directing, THEY WILL fuck it up. Have you seen Quantum of Solace?

They should get Ridley, nah scratch that... Tony Scott to do it.

30-Jan-2009, 02:33 PM
Dude Marc Foster is directing, THEY WILL fuck it up. Have you seen Quantum of Solace?

They should get Ridley, nah scratch that... Tony Scott to do it.

I don't know, DJ. To be sure, it's an interesting choice, but hasn't Forster done some decent stuff in the past? Monster's Ball, Stay and Stranger Than Fiction come to mind, as at least decent finished product. And I really liked Finding Neverland. Maybe someone used to presenting a more intimate story can bring back the sense of personal drama & connectedness that today's horror movies are missing.

Now, I know when you make your mind up about something, DJ, there's no going back and you argue the matter to the death, so I'll just say that it definitely is an interesting and off-genre choice and leave it at that. I, too, am wary, but it's natural to be wary when dealing with a hotly anticipated adaptation.

30-Jan-2009, 03:15 PM
Dude Marc Foster is directing, THEY WILL fuck it up. Have you seen Quantum of Solace?

They should get Ridley, nah scratch that... Tony Scott to do it.

Hopefully QOS will be like 1941 was to Spielberg! A slap in the face and a learning experience!

30-Jan-2009, 03:50 PM
CGI needs to be done right, and that can change for all of us.

For me CGI needs to remain in the back ground. The minute you bring an entire creature/character to life in CGI and stick it DIRECTLY in front of the camera you are inherently going to find yourself on a slippery slope. I am Legend totally blew it in the CGI department. They should have rendered mob scenes with CGI and let actors, puppeteers, and traditional FX handle the up close work.

Gollum in LOTR was a bit different, he did not bother me too much he was subtle, shot well to hide much of of the bad of CGI his movements which were slight for the most. He did not leap 10 feet pound through glass and make a myriad of facial expression showing the intimate details of his mouth. ALL at the same time. There is only so much you can do with CGI.

Now if it is ONE character you can commit much more time to it, and it becomes easier to pull off. AN ARMY of CGI? Well things go to hell really fast and it is distracting to the eye.

30-Jan-2009, 05:47 PM
Hopefully QOS will be like 1941 was to Spielberg! A slap in the face and a learning experience!
No ADD camerawork, no action-up-front-then-bugger-all-for-ages pacing, and most importantly NO RUNNERS! :eek:

30-Jan-2009, 06:31 PM
QoS was very affected by the writers strike as well, keep that in mind. And writers are basicly the people who turn movies into good movies.

30-Jan-2009, 08:52 PM
QoS was very affected by the writers strike as well, keep that in mind. And writers are basicly the people who turn movies into good movies.

Mostly - but a good script can easily be cocked up by rubbish acting, directing and so on too - speaking in general here.

Also, there can be a duff script that becomes something far better during production.

Swings and round-abouts I suppose...

31-Jan-2009, 01:48 PM

Mostly - but a good script can easily be cocked up by rubbish acting, directing and so on too - speaking in general here.

Yes, no doubt. But as David Mamet once said, even a schoolplay based on a good script can be really good. And it's not because of the actors or directing.

Also, there can be a duff script that becomes something far better during production.

Which, I'd like to point out, is called re-writing and was not allowed during the QoS production.