View Full Version : Brilliant Marketing

29-Jan-2009, 04:40 PM
Here is an example of brilliant marketing: PETA designs a Super Bowl advertisment which NBC rejects for depicting "a level of sexuality exceeding (their) standards" and the story makes headlines thus saving PETA millions in actually having to pay for any airtime.

Hot PETA ad banned from Super Bowl (http://www.usnews.com/blogs/fresh-greens/2009/01/27/hot-peta-ad-banned-from-superbowl-sex-doesnt-sell.html)
Screwing Herself with Broccoli (http://www.alleyinsider.com/2009/1/screwing-herself-with-broccoli-and-other-reasons-nbc-banned-petas-super-bowl-ad-ge)
NBC can't sell Super Bowl ads (http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/11/nbc-still-can-t-sell-super-bowl-ads-ge-)

Hard to believe that GE has never broadcast a Victoria Secret commercial (http://www.nbcwashington.com/around_town/fashion/Victorias_Secret_Fashion_Show.html) before.

Wow, talk about a crackpot (http://www.spot-on.com/archives/jackson/2009/01/define_ethical.html):
"You are probably familiar with PETA. That's the organization that uses back door tactics to push its radical agenda that includes the banning of pet ownership; the group who sees a puppy snoozing comfortably on your bed and thinks the "ethical" thing to do would be to kill him rather than have him "exploited" so cruelly."

29-Jan-2009, 04:55 PM
I may not care for PETA and their message. But, I liked what I saw.

29-Jan-2009, 05:23 PM
I may not care for PETA and their message. But, I liked what I saw.
Obviously, the ad spot is tongue-in-cheek designed to upset the uptights.

What part of the "message" don't you agree with? Does it sit well with you that the food we consume is being raised in the filthiest, most inhumane conditions possible?

Chic Freak
29-Jan-2009, 06:40 PM
Haha. That advert's awesome. I love the way she throws the asparagus in the air at the end.

Did you see Dita's ads for PETA? Another example of using sex to sell their message, although I always found her a rather odd choice of frontwoman as she openly wears fur and encourages others to do the same.


29-Jan-2009, 07:02 PM
Did you see Dita's ads for PETA? Another example of using sex to sell their message, although I always found her a rather odd choice of frontwoman as she openly wears fur and encourages others to do the same.
"Dita Von Teese"... is that a real name?

Chic Freak
29-Jan-2009, 07:28 PM
"Dita Von Teese"... is that a real name?

No, it's a stage name. Her real name is Heather Sweet. Which still sounds like a stripper name to me! Don't know why she bothered to change it.

29-Jan-2009, 07:40 PM
What part of the "message" don't you agree with? Does it sit well with you that the food we consume is being raised in the filthiest, most inhumane conditions possible?

PETA goes a little beyond that. They hold that the food we consume (or much of it) shouldn't be consumed at all.

29-Jan-2009, 07:57 PM
PETA goes a little beyond that. They hold that the food we consume (or much of it) shouldn't be consumed at all.
And perhaps they are correct as far as factory-bred meat is concenrned. Regardless, it's a far less radical agenda than the opposition: Food Disparagement Laws (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_libel_laws)

Her real name is Heather Sweet. Which still sounds like a stripper name to me!

29-Jan-2009, 10:14 PM
It's amusing how PETA like resorting bimbos in bikinis to get their message across. How sexist :p

29-Jan-2009, 10:24 PM
this talk about one of my least favorite entities in the world has inspired me to out and have a hamburger.

i'm not much of an animal lover at all beyond cats. in fact, some of you know this about me already, but i have a hatred for domestic dogs that borders on psychosis. i mean hatred not dislike, total and undying fucking hatred.

29-Jan-2009, 11:59 PM
The ad wouldn't work anyway. The ridiculousness of it just makes people laugh at it. It wouldn't sway anybody. So why bother with it?

30-Jan-2009, 12:17 AM
The ad wouldn't work anyway. The ridiculousness of it just makes people laugh at it. It wouldn't sway anybody. So why bother with it?

The point is to get their name [even moreso] out there. This way people will be like "Hm? What company is this that they refused to air the ad of? I'll check it out." The ad itself wasn't the point.

30-Jan-2009, 04:43 AM
It's a shame that the "content of the commercial" is the reason NBC chose not to air it.

There are better reasons to shun this reprehensible group.


Animal lovers they definitely are not.



30-Jan-2009, 02:22 PM
Vegans, man...they freak me out.

But the idea of purposefully floating a overly sexed up commercial to garner publicity, without having to drop hard currency for the airtime, is brilliant.

30-Jan-2009, 02:36 PM
Vegans, man...they freak me out.

I hear ya. I would flip out if I went a week without a steak, hamburger, or ribs.

I didn't think the ad was all that bad. I enjoyed it, but I don't really see the need in banning it. Especially for the Super Bowl. I think there's been worse...

31-Jan-2009, 12:30 AM
Here is an example of BRILLIANT marketing:

But the idea of purposefully floating a overly sexed up commercial to garner publicity, without having to drop hard currency for the airtime, is BRILLIANT.

Brilliant? How about "crafty", or "sneaky"?



31-Jan-2009, 03:17 AM

ever see the south park titled "fun with veal"? pretty amusing stuff.

31-Jan-2009, 03:19 AM

ever see the south park titled "fun with veal"? pretty amusing stuff.

or as a radio station in cincinnati used to say "if we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?"

31-Jan-2009, 03:22 AM
I loved it.

Unfortunately, White BRead America and it's Puritan ways don't.

People should really lighten up about Sex. :rolleyes:

31-Jan-2009, 03:35 AM
while it is a visually appealing ad (for rabbits, vegetarians, hetero males and lesbians alike), it's still a pretty shady way to draw attention to their cult.

31-Jan-2009, 04:20 AM
or as a radio station in cincinnati used to say "if we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?"

My comment to people is "If god didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made 'em taste so good." :p

Chic Freak
31-Jan-2009, 08:33 AM
People should really lighten up about Sex. :rolleyes:

Agreed. I honestly believe the world would be a better place if they did.

while it is a visually appealing ad (for rabbits, vegetarians, hetero males and lesbians alike), it's still a pretty shady way to draw attention to their cult.

Shady? It's only a bit of fun.

Oh, and in case anyone gives a rat's ass on what i think of the meat issue, my position is that meat isn't murder but factory farming is torture! I have no problem with the principle of killing animals if it is done humanely.

31-Jan-2009, 09:37 PM
There are better reasons to shun this reprehensible group.


Animal lovers they definitely are not.
You are truly a gullible sucker if you fell hook, line and sinker for Petakillsanimals.com.

The web site and domain are owned by the "Center for Consumer Freedom" which is the front group of known DC-area corporate-shill lobbyist Rick Berman.

"Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) (formerly called the "Guest Choice Network") is a front group for the restaurant, alcohol and tobacco industries. It runs media campaigns which oppose the efforts of scientists, doctors, health advocates, environmentalists and groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, calling them "the Nanny Culture -- the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, anti-meat activists, and meddling bureaucrats who 'know what's best for you.' "

Corporate attack-dog Berman couldn't care any less about you or another human being unless it means putting dollars is his pocket, sucker.

i'm not much of an animal lover at all beyond cats. in fact, some of you know this about me already, but i have a hatred for domestic dogs that borders on psychosis. i mean hatred not dislike, total and undying fucking hatred.
Actually, if you hate dogs so much, you're obviously against puppy mills while being all for responsible spaying practices needed to control the stray population. It simply means having a lot less dogs around, which is great for people that hate dogs.

How about varmints? Do you hate varmints, too? If so, there's a group for you:

http://www.varminthunter.org/patch7.gif (http://www.varminthunter.org/)

They even have their very own "clubhouse," though the good ol' boys down in Texas have a much cooler logo:

http://www.texasvarminthunter.com/header_logo.jpg (http://www.texasvarminthunter.com/)

My comment to people is "If god didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made 'em taste so good." :p
Heh, a friend of mine used to say, "Vegetables -- the food that food eats" and we'd laugh.

Unfortunately, he passed away of intestinal cancer while in his 40s, so poor eating habits have deprived me of his witty sense of humor. :(

31-Jan-2009, 09:58 PM
or as a radio station in cincinnati used to say "if we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?"

or to quote tycho brahe "i quit being a vegetarian when i realized animals are incredibly delicious."

01-Feb-2009, 03:20 AM
You are truly a gullible sucker if you fell hook, line and sinker for Petakillsanimals.com.

The web site and domain are owned by the "Center for Consumer Freedom" which is the front group of known DC-area corporate-shill lobbyist Rick Berman.

"Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) (formerly called the "Guest Choice Network") is a front group for the restaurant, alcohol and tobacco industries. It runs media campaigns which oppose the efforts of scientists, doctors, health advocates, environmentalists and groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, calling them "the Nanny Culture -- the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, anti-meat activists, and meddling bureaucrats who 'know what's best for you.' "

Corporate attack-dog Berman couldn't care any less about you or another human being unless it means putting dollars is his pocket, sucker.

So hows about it, Doobie, does PETA kill animals, or not?



BTW: I care little for either group, PETA or PKA.


Corporate attack dog Pellar.

01-Feb-2009, 03:26 AM
when it comes to eating meat i think we can all agree that wimpy is pure filth.

01-Feb-2009, 04:14 AM
Actually, if you hate dogs so much, you're obviously against puppy mills while being all for responsible spaying practices needed to control the stray population. It simply means having a lot less dogs around, which is great for people that hate dogs.

actually the reason that i hate domestic dog so much is due to the fact that i have been attacked 3 fucking times by dogs in my life for no reason at all. there were some real idiots in the neighborhood that i grew up in that refused to control their german shepards, animals that were responsible for two of the attacks on me (when i was 9 and 12), the second time tore me up really badly. if one of my neighbors hadn't intervened and beaten the shit out of the dogs to get them off of me, i probably wouldn't be here.

ultimately and thankfully, animal control came, took the dogs, put them down and my parents sued the shit out of the owners.

obviously we are polar opposites on the whole animal thingy. let's just agree to disagree and agree that we both love Rush.

01-Feb-2009, 04:59 AM
How about varmints? Do you hate varmints, too? If so, there's a group for you:

http://www.varminthunter.org/patch7.gif (http://www.varminthunter.org/)


"Ah hates varmints!"



01-Feb-2009, 06:03 AM

"Ah hates varmints!"

that just made me choke on my drink. thanks for the laugh. your sense of humor kills me sometimes.

01-Feb-2009, 01:53 PM
the first thing i said to myself when i saw that ad was "Jesus, those ladies need some meat on their bones"

01-Feb-2009, 02:30 PM
actually the reason that i hate domestic dog so much is due to the fact that i have been attacked 3 fucking times by dogs in my life for no reason at all. there were some real idiots in the neighborhood that i grew up in that refused to control their german shepards, animals that were responsible for two of the attacks on me (when i was 9 and 12), the second time tore me up really badly. if one of my neighbors hadn't intervened and beaten the shit out of the dogs to get them off of me, i probably wouldn't be here.

ultimately and thankfully, animal control came, took the dogs, put them down and my parents sued the shit out of the owners.

obviously we are polar opposites on the whole animal thingy. let's just agree to disagree and agree that we both love Rush.

You cant hold that against all dogs of all breeds though surely?my staffordshire bull terrier is the softest friendliest dog you could ever meet!

01-Feb-2009, 10:35 PM
that just made me choke on my drink. thanks for the laugh. your sense of humor kills me sometimes.



02-Feb-2009, 11:38 AM
I see nothing wrong with that video, so what if the chick was masturbating with broccoli? Licking a pumpkin, etc... Think of how good the pumpkin and Broccoli feel. :p