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29-Jan-2009, 05:12 PM
Seems like this congressman is more worried about a conservative media conspiracy: Gingrey apologizes over Limbaugh (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0109/18067.html)

I'd vote for Gingrey if he'd had the balls to stand up to these goons.

29-Jan-2009, 06:14 PM
Limbaugh is openly conservative, and is a commentator rather than a reporter. Gingrey told Limbaugh that Limbaugh was being too hard on the Republican leadership in Congress. Where's the conspiracy?

29-Jan-2009, 06:17 PM
Where's the conspiracy?
If there truly is a "liberal media," then Gingrey wouldn't have had to back down on anything to some openly-conservative commentator.

29-Jan-2009, 06:23 PM
If there truly is a "liberal media," then Gingrey wouldn't have had to back down on anything to some openly-conservative commentator.

Assuming the media is the only social force that could cause someone to back down from anything.

29-Jan-2009, 06:30 PM
Assuming the media is the only social force that could cause someone to back down from anything.
Apparently, Gingrey wasn't concerned with any social force other than Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity in this case.

Why would CNN (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/01/28/gingrey-apologizes-for-limbaugh-criticism/) remove this story less than 24 hours after it was posted?

29-Jan-2009, 08:18 PM
gee, how dare this guy have a mind of his own and dare to disagree with that pill popping, drug addict, asshat limbaugh. that guy is a scumbag, no wait that is actually an insult to scumbags everywhere. of all the forms of media which i hate none even comes close to how much i abhor radio loudmouths of either political persuasion.

i love this little snippet on conservative values:

I believe I was sent to Washington to fight for and defend our traditional values of smaller government, lower taxes, a strong national defense, and the lives of the unborn.”

smaller govt. translation: less regulation and the regulatory agencies left have less power. the rich and corps. get to ride total roughshod over everyone even more than now.

lower taxes translation: the rich and corps. pay less. plus, where the fuck is the money to run the govt. going to come from? you know the money that keeps the interstate system going, funds the military, the student loan program, payments to disabled veterans and federal retirements, the list could go ad infinitum.

strong national defense translation: fuck everyone else who isn't an american. unilateralism is the watchword here. also see above, with lower taxes where is this fucking money going to come from? wait the republicans have god on their side (or so the evangelicals claim) maybe he is good for a loan.

lives of the unborn translation: conservatives feel they have the right to tell another person what do with their own body and be involved in things they have no right being mixed up in.

this bit i find truly frightening:

“Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, and other conservative giants are the voices of the conservative movement’s conscience. Everyday, millions and millions of Americans—myself included—turn on their radios and televisions to listen to what they have to say, and we are inspired by their words and by their determination,” Gingrey said.

jesus h. christ in a chariot driven sidecar, this might be one of the saddest and most horrific things i've ever read. why bother to think for yourself when you can simply turn off your brain and regurgitate what clowns like hannity, limbaugh and gingrich are saying. i can hear some of their listeners now: "Thinking?! that's for leftist pinko commie fags. we'll have none of the unamerican shit around here, boy."

29-Jan-2009, 08:20 PM
gee, how dare this guy have a mind of his own and dare to disagree with that pill popping, drug addict, asshat limbaugh. that guy is a scumbag, no wait that is actually an insult to scumbags everywhere. of all the forms of media which i hate none even comes close to how much i abhor radio loudmouths of either political persuasion.

i love this little snippet on conservative values:

smaller govt. translation: less regulation and the regulatory agencies left have less power. the rich and corps. get to ride total roughshod over everyone even more than now.

lower taxes translation: the rich and corps. pay less. plus, where the fuck is the money to run the govt. going to come from? you know the money that keeps the interstate system going, funds the military, the student loan program, payments to disabled veterans and federal retirements, the list could go ad infinitum.

strong national defense translation: fuck everyone else who isn't an american. unilateralism is the watchword here. also see above, with lower taxes where is this fucking money going to come from? wait the republicans have god on their side (or so the evangelicals claim) maybe he is good for a loan.

lives of the unborn translation: conservatives feel they have the right to tell another person what do with their own body and be involved in things they have no right being mixed up in.
Good post, good points.

29-Jan-2009, 08:21 PM
Gingrey was concerned about the reaction of his constituents, who are Limbaugh fans. A conspiracy isn't so open.

As for the CNN article, the date was merely updated. Insert the new date in the URL, and you can see that the story is still there (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/01/29/gingrey-apologizes-for-limbaugh-criticism/). Conspiracy eliminated!

29-Jan-2009, 08:50 PM
Gingrey was concerned about the reaction of his constituents, who are Limbaugh fans. A conspiracy isn't so open.
Nowhere am I claiming that there is a media conspiracy. Rather it's a comment about those that favor certain conspiracy theories while routinely claiming that others don't exist.

As for the CNN article, the date was merely updated. Insert the new date in the URL, and you can see that the story is still there (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/01/29/gingrey-apologizes-for-limbaugh-criticism/). Conspiracy eliminated!
No conspiracy implied, I just wanted to know where the article went as I would have rather linked to CNN than Politico. ;) Thanks for pointing out the updated link. :D

30-Jan-2009, 12:25 AM
Pub, I think what Dub is saying is that the theory of the media being liberally driven is discounted by the Republican's concern over their own media icon's opinions.

30-Jan-2009, 03:34 AM
Wait, hold on. There's still a Republican party? Now, I'm confused. :lol: