View Full Version : Zombie film season / definitive NotLD

03-Feb-2009, 04:18 PM
Have just launched my own 'zombie film season' at home and am forcing the rest of the family to enjoy its delights! My intention was to include the 5 romero flicks, dawn remake, 28 days/weeks later double bill and the resident evil trilogy (all from my private collection). Please suggest your ultimate zombie season. Kicked off last night with NotLD from my 'Trilogy of the Dead' boxset and realised it is the 1990 edit! Oh dear, I was a little embarrassed especially with the additional scenes and I think some of the original which have been cut also. Can anyone tell me where I can get a definitive edition on dvd?

03-Feb-2009, 04:42 PM
You do realize that 28 Days/Weeks Later are NOT zombie films, right? You need to scratch those off the list before you do anything else.
Also, no need for young kids to be "forced" to watch Romero's zombie films. That's just...odd.

03-Feb-2009, 05:24 PM
Return of the Living Dead and Fulci's Zombie should be included.

Here are two options for "real deal" versions of NOTLD...



03-Feb-2009, 10:02 PM
Return of the Living Dead and Fulci's Zombie should be included.

What Axlish said. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things, Dead Alive, Shaun of the Dead, Let Sleeping Corpses Lie

If you likey the Eye-tallian stuff then: The Beyond, Gates of Hell, Hell of the Living Dead, Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror.

If like LOW budget, z-grade flicks: The Dead Next Door, Flesh Eater.

I could go on & on...:D