View Full Version : Anyone ever hear of "Virus Undead"?

03-Feb-2009, 06:06 PM
While it does not look like a "pure" Zombie movie, it does appear it deals in part at least with reanimated corpses. It was tough to really make it out I do not have sound here at the office, and the website is partially in German.




I like that they are a small budget production house and that they seem to have achieved some very high quality footage, and the production value seems much higher than their budget implies.

Anyone have thoughts or info?

04-Feb-2009, 06:32 AM

04-Feb-2009, 12:57 PM
Thanks for the link.

Interesting the review did not sound horrible, I wonder how much zombies factor into it. I saw a scene in the trailer that looked to have a horde of "zombie-ish" people outside a door but it was brief and could be misleading.

If anyone has seen it please let us know.

I did read that it was inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's "The Bird's which makes me think it is not a "classic" zombie tale but more a mix bread at best.

04-Feb-2009, 01:28 PM
Okay, we have a new challenger to "Bangkok Dangerous" for the most nonsensical film title award! ;)

04-Feb-2009, 01:41 PM
My New Year's Resolution is to stop cold buying independent zombie DVDs. I've been burned SO much over the last couple of years. If you want proof, check out my half.com selling list! :)

04-Feb-2009, 01:52 PM
Yeah I would by no means run out and buy the thing, even though the production value looks good. I would want to check it out first, it could be a raging pile of schitte and the level to which reanimated dead play a role is still out.

The title is not at all inspired, new, or ground breaking. In fact I was under the impression it had a cool sounding German name that translates out to that which we see in English... then again it could be schitte in both languages.

04-Feb-2009, 02:04 PM
I guess the first screenshot looks promising. I might have to add it to netflix!

04-Feb-2009, 02:21 PM
The ample breast in the screencap certainly looks interesting!

04-Feb-2009, 02:30 PM
I painstakingly select those two screen caps from all those available, and I tell you I had to look over that first one for quite a while to make my decision. In the end it seemed it would give the most bang for the buck.

I know it made an immediate impression on me.

Though is it a love scene or is she a freshly reanimated ghoul about to eat his face off?

Then again... boobs.

04-Feb-2009, 03:02 PM
Meh, I could do without another movie about sex-addicted teenagers getting into trouble. :rolleyes:

04-Feb-2009, 03:03 PM
Meh, I could do without another movie about sex-addicted teenagers getting into trouble. :rolleyes:

Speak for yourself! The more the better! :D

04-Feb-2009, 03:06 PM
Speak for yourself! The more the better! :D

Whatever, tits are all well and good but I can get them in real life. Movies with characters I care about are harder to come across.

[EDIT: No sick puns intended... :confused:]

04-Feb-2009, 03:13 PM
Whatever, tits are all well and good but I can get them in real life. Movies with characters I care about are harder to come across.

[EDIT: No sick puns intended... :confused:]

I'll take both please. (BTW, you walked right into that one.:D )