View Full Version : Saddest Scene

03-Feb-2009, 10:26 PM
What in y'all's opinions is the saddest scene in any of GAR's movies? which scene makes you cry, or sad?

this might be weird, but I nearly tear up every time at the scene when Bub walks in to see Logan's dead body on the floor. that, in my opinion, is the saddest scene in any of his movies.

Another sad-ish scene is when Roger and Peter and Stepehen kill all the zombies in the mall and they look over the balcony at all the dead zombies, then they look over at Roger. idk, with the music and seeing Roger on his knees and them looking at him, it was just kinda sad to me. kinda foreshadowing.

03-Feb-2009, 10:40 PM
Bub/Logan, certainly. Followed marginally by the scene of a lonely Peter drinking a bottle of champagne by Roger's grave site.

03-Feb-2009, 11:00 PM
Well, there are a lot of sad scenes in GAR movies.

It was sad when Martin gets killed (even though he himself was a killer).

I was personally very sad when the scene of a topless Patricia Tallman ends in Knightriders :)

The numbed shock on Peter and Fran's faces when Flyboy zombie gets his brains splattered all over the hideout wall was sad.

Numerous scenes involving Roger's death were sad, certainly including the 2 already mentioned.

The "blood pressure biker" never getting to see his results was sad :)

The Bub seeing Logan scene was sad, however, seeing as he is a flesh eating zombie, that kind of makes it less sad for me. Somehow I think that even though Bub never attacked Logan when he was chained up, I bet he would have attacked Logan is Logan left him unchained. As much of Logan seemed to .... "like" Bub, he was never stupid enough to give it a try.

Ben getting shot after surviving the Night was sad.

I am not sure if it is the saddest, but I think the most poignant scene is when Roger and Peter are going downstairs with Roger in the wheelbarrow, and Peter says "Look here man,...I ..uh" and Roger says "I know, shut up will ya?" This short scene with very simple dialogue says so much about the men and the situation. They were expressing their love for each other (in a non-gay way, for the smart-asses!), but as tough SWAT guys, they were not "supposed" to express these types of inner feelings. That is why Peter doesnt know exactly how to say it, and Roger tells him to shut up, because he knows what Peter is trying to say, and feels the same way, and doesnt want his friend to have to break the "tough guy code" by expressing his feelings.

03-Feb-2009, 11:08 PM
"when you're done with the roll, we'll drop it off at the drug store."

i think that is the one of the sadder moments in any of the films.

03-Feb-2009, 11:22 PM
Tom and Judy's death in Night, Peter in the basement in Dawn, Miguel slapping Sarah in Day, etc.

03-Feb-2009, 11:26 PM
Actually for me it's when he kills the monkey in Monkey Shines. . .sad sad that. How she comes up to him all sweet and trusting and the he bites the shit out of her and shakes her. Granted. . that monkey was evil and all. . but still. . . .I guess I just have a soft spot in my heart for monkeys.

03-Feb-2009, 11:29 PM
"when you're done with the roll, we'll drop it off at the drug store."

i think that is the one of the sadder moments in any of the films.

I didnt find that line particularly sad. It was more mean spirited. And I bet at least a few people here never saw that line. I felt sad for Flyboy though, as he was trying to be fun/playful, and Fran just totally shot his ass down with that comment.

03-Feb-2009, 11:34 PM
Pretty much the whole of land, just knowing that film exists makes me cry.

04-Feb-2009, 12:07 AM
I felt sad for Flyboy though, as he was trying to be fun/playful, and Fran just totally shot his ass down with that comment.

that's why i think it sad - flyboys reaction. it seems like that scene (the entire scene not just that line) was showing how fran and steven were drifting part.

04-Feb-2009, 12:21 AM
Ben's death in Night, and... the slapping in Day. Other than that...

04-Feb-2009, 12:36 AM
Knightriders, when the crown gets handed over the that punk savini! Always made me feel really sad!

04-Feb-2009, 12:39 AM
Well, there are a lot of sad scenes in GAR movies.

It was sad when Martin gets killed (even though he himself was a killer).

I was personally very sad when the scene of a topless Patricia Tallman ends in Knightriders :)

The numbed shock on Peter and Fran's faces when Flyboy zombie gets his brains splattered all over the hideout wall was sad.

Numerous scenes involving Roger's death were sad, certainly including the 2 already mentioned.

The "blood pressure biker" never getting to see his results was sad :)

The Bub seeing Logan scene was sad, however, seeing as he is a flesh eating zombie, that kind of makes it less sad for me. Somehow I think that even though Bub never attacked Logan when he was chained up, I bet he would have attacked Logan is Logan left him unchained. As much of Logan seemed to .... "like" Bub, he was never stupid enough to give it a try.

Ben getting shot after surviving the Night was sad.

I am not sure if it is the saddest, but I think the most poignant scene is when Roger and Peter are going downstairs with Roger in the wheelbarrow, and Peter says "Look here man,...I ..uh" and Roger says "I know, shut up will ya?" This short scene with very simple dialogue says so much about the men and the situation. They were expressing their love for each other (in a non-gay way, for the smart-asses!), but as tough SWAT guys, they were not "supposed" to express these types of inner feelings. That is why Peter doesnt know exactly how to say it, and Roger tells him to shut up, because he knows what Peter is trying to say, and feels the same way, and doesnt want his friend to have to break the "tough guy code" by expressing his feelings.

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that one. That's one of the more "poignant" scenes for me. At least for its length.

04-Feb-2009, 01:37 AM
Sad, eh?


I think Charlies dog-like devotion to Riley was something sad. I kept thinking that semi-retarded Charlie was going to die at some point and I would feel sorry for him. Like if a dog died trying to defend it's human friend from zombies. That would be sad.

Otherwise, I can't think of any particular scene. I guess I associate it all with being shocked and/or numb more than anything else.

04-Feb-2009, 06:34 AM
definitely bens death in night. it was just a bold ,in your face full stop on the narrative that said a lot on what romero thought about the human condition at the time i think, plus if you didnt know it was coming it really hit you like a brick wall.

04-Feb-2009, 01:15 PM
Ben in Night was sad, very sad. For me it was tragic, and of course ironic.

I also think that Helen being killed by her own daughter was very sad, while I was not a fan of the use of the spade it was a terrible way for a mother to go. Killed and eaten by your own daughter. Also she did not fight back, she did not really resist other than some minor back peddling. She just pleads with her daughter, afraid of what she is but too paralyzed by indecision to save herself.

If find that sad.

04-Feb-2009, 06:34 PM
When Roger gets bitten.

When Ben gets shot.

When Riley tells Charlie, "You go ahead. I'll catch up," as he goes to the garage looking for his car. I always think he's going to ditch Charlie right there and drive off alone.

------ and....

When Riley doesn't shoot Big Daddy at the gas station in Uniontown even though he realizes that Big Daddy is getting smart.

When Dead Reckoning doesn't mow Big Daddy down in the streets of Uniontown during the raid finale.

When the Jay & Silent Bob military guys beyond the motor pool don't shoot Big Daddy when he appears from the brush and grass.

When Brubaker doesn't shoot Big Daddy when he approaches the fences at the motor pool.

When the military guy in the streets surrounding the Green doesn't shoot Big Daddy as he makes his way toward the skyscraper.

When the guards protecting the Green don't shoot Big Daddy as he busts through the glass doors.

When Kaufman doesn't shoot Big Daddy in the head as he flees to the garage.

When Kaufman's driver doesn't kill Big Daddy using the car.

When Riley doesn't shoot Big Daddy with Dead Reckoning as he sees him leaving the city and they make eye contact.

Those things made me sad.

Next time I go on about all the times Jason didn't die in Diary. :)

08-Feb-2009, 01:02 AM
I think when they zoom out after flyboy and fran were done doing each other. I just felt bad for steve-o, thats ganna be an awkward breakfast.

Uncle Rege
08-Feb-2009, 01:48 AM
Bens death in the original nold. Was deffinitly f'd up. Also, in nold 1990 when they chainsaw the door open only to find Ben has died and become a zombie, after all the struggle, and fighting. Bulldog and Hondo blow him away as if he were just another one of those "things". To then be tossed into the fire, with nobody even looking into his wallet to see who he was, or to contact family members once the shit got sorted out. That applies to all of the bodies tossed into the fire. They were still living-breathing-eating-shitting human beings at one time. But its kinda cool at the same time that they came along and got shit cleaned up and did what they had to do.

08-Feb-2009, 06:48 AM
Oh man how can people not be mentioning the end of Knightriders? When Ed Harris's character makes his final journey, and rights all the wrongs and clears his conscience before the final moments...man...I was 14 when I saw that film and it made me cry then, and still brings a tear to my eye now-days but it's more nostalgic dreaming than anything else...still...knightriders is one of the most beautiful movies ever made.

09-Feb-2009, 01:45 PM
Ben's death in Night has always been more frustrating to me than saddening. The guy survives the whole night, then gets killed by some guys trying to help. It's one of those moments when I yell at the screen "No, don't do it!" or something like that. But it is also sad as well.

I think the scene Philly SWAT mentioned is also very touching. That unspoken tension and knowledge of what's going to happen is tragic.

09-Feb-2009, 02:02 PM
Oh man how can people not be mentioning the end of Knightriders? When Ed Harris's character makes his final journey, and rights all the wrongs and clears his conscience before the final moments...man...I was 14 when I saw that film and it made me cry then, and still brings a tear to my eye now-days but it's more nostalgic dreaming than anything else...still...knightriders is one of the most beautiful movies ever made.

I guess since this is a Dead board, the natural reaction is to think in terms of those movies. The actual question WAS any of GAR's movies, so, yeah, this one would be right up there. Others already mentioned some of the saddest from the Dead films. For the non-Dead, this one would probably be it for me.

The whole movie actually has an air of bittersweet, wistful sadness about it. The death of dreams. The cost of staying true to your ideals. What it means to try & live your dreams in the "real" world.

Beautiful, under appreciated, movie. One of my favorites. Pair in up w/ "Excalibur" & you've got yourself a nice little double feature there.;)

09-Feb-2009, 02:11 PM
You really hate Big Daddy, don't you?

10-Feb-2009, 04:58 AM
Oh man how can people not be mentioning the end of Knightriders? When Ed Harris's character makes his final journey, and rights all the wrongs and clears his conscience before the final moments...man...I was 14 when I saw that film and it made me cry then, and still brings a tear to my eye now-days but it's more nostalgic dreaming than anything else...still...knightriders is one of the most beautiful movies ever made.

Hey, I mentioned Knightriders on the 2nd post ;)

10-Feb-2009, 06:25 PM
From Night= When Ben dies, I was surprised that after all his struggling he got shot.
Dawn=Roger's dead, I was sad and mad because he got himself bit
Day= Bud's realizing his new friend Doc was dead. That was sad

11-Feb-2009, 08:28 PM
Peter standing over Rogers grave after serving Stephen and Fran dinner always gets to me

11-Feb-2009, 08:37 PM
Bub finding Logan dead is the worst by far. My wife literally cried when she first saw it.:lol:

Then I would probably have to go with Ben getting shot. But I think that's more like a "WTF?!?!? OMG!!!" moment rather than a sad moment.

The rape scene in The Crazies is sad/creepy, too.

11-Feb-2009, 09:36 PM
Bub finding Logan dead is the worst by far. My wife literally cried when she first saw it.:lol:

Then I would probably have to go with Ben getting shot. But I think that's more like a "WTF?!?!? OMG!!!" moment rather than a sad moment.

The rape scene in The Crazies is sad/creepy, too.

Yeah, the rape scene is definitely creepy. A dad and his daughter. Very creepy.

13-Feb-2009, 01:50 PM
You know I do not think I have never seen the Crazies. Is it worth the watch?

13-Feb-2009, 02:07 PM
You know I do not think I have never seen the Crazies. Is it worth the watch?

Oh yeah. Very low budget, a la Martin, but definitely good.

14-Feb-2009, 03:05 AM
You know I do not think I have never seen the Crazies. Is it worth the watch?

Well, in the interest of honesty, if GAR hadnt made it, I probably would not think twice about it. But it was interesting.

14-Feb-2009, 03:24 AM
Peter standing over Rogers grave after serving Stephen and Fran dinner always gets to me

yeah, that "one for my homey" moment is sad and one of the more poignant moments in any of GAR's films.

14-Feb-2009, 03:27 AM
I'm gonna be watching it WITH George next weekend!! :p:p:D

You know I do not think I have never seen the Crazies. Is it worth the watch?

:D;) :p

17-Feb-2009, 01:05 PM
I'm gonna be watching it WITH George next weekend!! :p:p:D

:D;) :p


I am a GAR zombie purest I honestly have not had much interest in other GAR films, I even watched Bruiser! (I really did not enjoy it all that much)

Just never watched the Crazies odd huh? I imagine I will do that tonight now that I feel all bad about not having watched it yet and stuff. THANKS THANKS A LOT.

darth los
17-Feb-2009, 08:09 PM
I'm gonna be watching it WITH George next weekend!! :p:p:D

:D;) :p

Good luck trying to get him to remember anything about the making of the film. Judging from the commentary for dawn he's just not that into details.


17-Feb-2009, 08:34 PM
Good luck trying to get him to remember anything about the making of the film. Judging from the commentary for dawn he's just not that into details.


Bah, don't care. . just excited for the experience!!!!

17-Feb-2009, 10:20 PM
yeah, that "one for my homey" moment is sad and one of the more poignant moments in any of GAR's films.

I always think of that scene in those terms too!:lol: