View Full Version : Biggest Bad-Ass in a zombie movie

Mr. Beakman
06-Feb-2009, 02:05 AM
So who do you think it is? Ben(Duane Jones), Ben(Tony Todd), Peter, Roger, or who ever else and why. For me it has to be Peter. He keeps his cool in all the pressure situations, while seriously F-ing up both the living and the dead when necessary. Curious to see what everyone thinks. It can be from any movie. Use the priest from Dead Alive if you think it's justifiable.

06-Feb-2009, 04:08 AM
We just did this one a few weeks ago. My answer is still Peter. He picked up a zombie, over his own head and tossed it off the balcony in one scene! That, my friend, is the definition of "bad ass".

06-Feb-2009, 04:16 AM
Well, Peter is the easier answer to give. Ben from Night 90 was pretty bad ass though. He fought his way back to the farmhouse from the gas pumps, kicking zombie ass all the way!

06-Feb-2009, 11:29 AM
We just did this one a few weeks ago. My answer is still Peter. He picked up a zombie, over his own head and tossed it off the balcony in one scene! That, my friend, is the definition of "bad ass".

I guess when you throw a mannequin its pretty easy. :p

I too agree with Peter, just because he is one cool mutherfucker.

06-Feb-2009, 12:01 PM
The News Reporter in night....


06-Feb-2009, 12:16 PM
What about Barbara from NOTD'90? She was walking alone at night with all the zeds. That takes some major guts!

06-Feb-2009, 12:21 PM
The News Reporter in night....


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I was in need of a good chuckle, thanks bassman! :D

I'd make a joke about weedy little Billy from Day, but he actually proved himself to be quite an effective little zombie ass-kicker.

31-Mar-2009, 11:50 AM
It has gotta be Tony todd (night of the living dead remake) He really shows no fear in this movie against the zombies.:)

31-Mar-2009, 01:50 PM
Peter...the man is a legend, no doubt about it. a fucking ICON of zombie movies.

After that I think Billy was awesome...takes a swig of some whiskey, conks a zed on the head with a spade and goes back to his flask!

Ben from Night90 was awesome too....

But Roger is my favourite character alongside Peter...two total badasses.

31-Mar-2009, 06:08 PM
All are total pansies when compared to the meathook trio.


31-Mar-2009, 06:28 PM
Peter is the consummate bad-ass, only seconded by a tie between Pillsbury and Roger.

darth los
31-Mar-2009, 06:44 PM
It has gotta be Tony todd (night of the living dead remake) He really shows no fear in this movie against the zombies.:)

Peter...the man is a legend, no doubt about it. a fucking ICON of zombie movies.

After that I think Billy was awesome...takes a swig of some whiskey, conks a zed on the head with a spade and goes back to his flask!

Ben from Night90 was awesome too....

But Roger is my favourite character alongside Peter...two total badasses.

I'd have to say Peter, because it's just a fact. :p

But Tony Todd's Ben was badass too.

Atleast Peter had training that enabled him to kick ass.

Ben showed no fear from the get go. And as was previously mentioned he fought his way back to the farmhouse with his meathooks. Now that's a man right there!! :thumbsup:


31-Mar-2009, 08:32 PM
All are total pansies when compared to the meathook trio.
Don't mess with the dude in the middle. :lol:

darth los
31-Mar-2009, 08:42 PM
Don't mess with the dude in the middle. :lol:

He looks like the butcher dude who dated the maid on the brady bunch and it so happens that they both hook meat for a living.

Coincidence. I THINK NOT !! :elol:


31-Mar-2009, 09:23 PM
Don't mess with the dude in the middle. :lol:
That's Randy Burr. I think they made him use the meat hook to kick it down a notch. He looks as though he's ready to tear bodies apart with his bare hands. The cap says it all.

Gary Streiner is standing behind him brandishing the handgun. When these hardcore maniacs come to "rescue" you, run!

01-Apr-2009, 01:44 AM
I'm not sure where I get this from (maybe it's in Russo's novelisation) but didn't the whole meathook thing have something to do with the posse not wanting to touch the bodies physically through fear of infection. So they hooked the body and dragged it to the nearest bonfire.

As for the biggest badass, it would probably have to be...


...purely for the manly way he says "so f**king what". :lol:

01-Apr-2009, 12:55 PM
Security guard guy in the Dawn remake turned from skank to Clint Eastwood badass in a hurry. He went hard core.

We need this same thread for novels where we can nominate Wet Work and Dead in the West for badasses.

We need this same thread for novels where we can nominate Wet Work and Dead in the West for badasses.

darth los
01-Apr-2009, 01:52 PM
That's Randy Burr. I think they made him use the meat hook to kick it down a notch. He looks as though he's ready to tear bodies apart with his bare hands. The cap says it all.

Gary Streiner is standing behind him brandishing the handgun. When these hardcore maniacs come to "rescue" you, run!

Funny, that's exactly what I thought ben was thinking when he saw who was coming to "rescue" him.


01-Apr-2009, 05:06 PM
I'm not sure where I get this from (maybe it's in Russo's novelisation) but didn't the whole meathook thing have something to do with the posse not wanting to touch the bodies physically through fear of infection. So they hooked the body and dragged it to the nearest bonfire.
The process described in Russo's novelization is that the posse would use machetes to hack the heads off the ghouls. Using meat hooks and gloves, they would carry the heads and carcasses to be burned, and then any hands and instruments that touched the dead bodies would be washed in alcohol and water.

It's much less specific in the movie, though the concept probably originated during production. Obviously meat hooks were used for the shock effect, but it was probably outside the budget to actually show any heads being lopped off (though there is at least one posse guy seen carrying a machete in the film).

The posse in NIGHT are still the ultimate badasses simply because they are so brutal and crudely depicted, not to mention they were the first. They run roughshod over the entire area, shooting and burning everything in their path with everyday instruments such as hunting rifles, meat hooks and gasoline, and they do it as though it's business as usual. The posse in the NIGHT remake is just a poor, over-the-top caricature of the original.

Randy Burr looks as though he'd been hunting ghouls for years; you can just imagine his wife reminding him to take a cap and jacket as he heads out to join the posse o' badasses.

01-Apr-2009, 11:06 PM
DubiousComforts I actually think you might have a better chance of winning most bad ass if you photoshop out the 16 year old kid in the background:eek:

01-Apr-2009, 11:36 PM
What about "Chilly Billy" Cardille, all he was carrying was a microphone? That's "badass" if you ask me ..no weapons, only words to protect himself. lol

02-Apr-2009, 12:05 AM
The posse in the NIGHT remake is just a poor, over-the-top caricature of the original.
Yeah but wrestling zombies in a pen drunk on Jim Beam looked fun. :D

02-Apr-2009, 04:34 PM
DubiousComforts I actually think you might have a better chance of winning most bad ass if you photoshop out the 16 year old kid in the background:eek:
I don't know... hanging out with veteran ghoul hunters like Randy "Meat Hook" Burr and Tony "Boom Boom" Pantanella at 16 years old is pretty badass. I couldn't even drive a vehicle at that age.

What about "Chilly Billy" Cardille, all he was carrying was a microphone? That's "badass" if you ask me ..no weapons, only words to protect himself. lol
You're right, Chilly Billy was quite the badass, smoking his cigarette and remaining entirely cool under pressure. "Tell 'em we're gonna stay with it, Steve, and everything appears to be under control." You get the feeling that he'd had years of experience reporting on flesh-eating ghoul outbreaks, and this was just another walk in park.

04-Apr-2009, 10:02 PM
DubiousComforts I actually think you might have a better chance of winning most bad ass if you photoshop out the 16 year old kid in the background:eek:
I don't know, brother, I would not at 16 have been enough of a badass to take a revolver and a meathook and trek through the boondocks hunting ghouls, Buddy Holly specs notwithstanding.