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View Full Version : 360 update causing RROD?

06-Feb-2009, 01:19 PM

Luckily I'm not on XBL, so I don't update my 360 unless a game requires it (in which case, it does it from the disc).

Not sure if it's the case or not, but thought I'd post it to give folks a heads-up in case they hadn't heard the chit-chat online.

06-Feb-2009, 01:22 PM
thanks, you've made me scared to turn my box on.

06-Feb-2009, 01:22 PM
i only got my x-box at xmas so should i not bother with any updates at all

06-Feb-2009, 01:40 PM
I updated mine the other day. No problems here. I do not know what the update even did.

06-Feb-2009, 02:21 PM
Yup, updated mine too. No probs my end.

06-Feb-2009, 04:07 PM
never heard of this problem, mine updated fine.

06-Feb-2009, 05:36 PM
Total bullshit. People always cry about different things causing their system to RROD. Their systems were bound to fail and just happened to do so at a certain time. Just about every single game and update has at least one page/thread dedicated to "this game causes RROD!".

06-Feb-2009, 05:38 PM
Total bullshit. People always cry about different things causing their system to RROD. Their systems were bound to fail and just happened to do so at a certain time. Just about every single game and update has at least one page/thread dedicated to "this game causes RROD!".

That's what I was thinking. Sounds more like a coincidence than a problem. I bet these people are bitching because they didn't get the warranty or something.

Wait....is that free warranty still in affect for every 360 owner?

06-Feb-2009, 06:08 PM
That's what I was thinking. Sounds more like a coincidence than a problem. I bet these people are bitching because they didn't get the warranty or something.

Wait....is that free warranty still in affect for every 360 owner?

Yes, it is. I still have 1 1/2 of a year left on mine. I hope it RRoD before it expires or I will have to open it up and fix it myself.

06-Feb-2009, 06:39 PM
Figured I'd just post this article just in case, I myself know fudge all about it - like I said I don't have XBL - but aye, probably a coincidence issue.

Although it's undeniable that MS screwed the pooch and the pussy at the same time over the 360 in terms of reliability. On every other level it's pwn-central (well, maybe not the fifty-quid-subscription every year to XBL if you're so inclined ... the PS3 has that shit for free, doesn't it?)

Anyway, before MS had to dish out a billion-and-a-bit on that RROD thing, I paid up for an additional two years on my overall warranty, because with hearing about the horror stories I figured it'd be prudent ... just in case, you know.

darth los
06-Feb-2009, 06:39 PM
i only got my x-box at xmas so should i not bother with any updates at all

If it were only that simple. If you don't update they won't let you on live.


06-Feb-2009, 08:59 PM
(well, maybe not the fifty-quid-subscription every year to XBL if you're so inclined ... the PS3 has that shit for free, doesn't it?)

Yes, the PS3 network is free. However, I hear that it's pretty bad and rough finding people to actually play games with.

I don't think $50 a year for XBOX Live is really that bad at all. That's less than $5 a month.

07-Feb-2009, 06:54 AM
mike ive got a ps3, psn aint bad, its just.... it looks nice, but its really fiddly. id say the xbox live service is a one step thing, the psn is like 3 or 4, its not better or worse, just cumbersome.

08-Feb-2009, 12:26 AM
Although it's undeniable that MS screwed the pooch and the pussy at the same time over the 360 in terms of reliability. On every other level it's pwn-central (well, maybe not the fifty-quid-subscription every year to XBL if you're so inclined ... the PS3 has that shit for free, doesn't it?)

The Playstation Network is free, but compared to the Xbox Live Service it is garbage. Basically Sony has the game companies come up with their own online structure which they work into the PSN where as Xbox has a unified system set up and the game companies are able to use that unified architecture to make their game work properly.

The $50 a year spent on the XBL service is well worth it considering it's ease of use, the fact that you do not need a different user name on every game (you just use your xbox live profile name), you do not need to hunt down your friends in each game individually (since the XBL profile names are used), you can instantly jump online to play, most games will tell you when your friends are playing when they are started and many other features.

The Playstation Network can not compare.

08-Feb-2009, 10:04 AM
Fair play.

I wasn't really comparing the services (I've not used either), just purely on cost alone.

It's the least you'd expect though, from paying fifty quid a year, you'd expect a good service...likewise you could say "what can you expect from something free"?

Common sense is free, how about ploughing some of that into the PSN then? :D Sounds like the PSN could use some of it.

The only downside to not having XBL (or a HDD actually) is that I won't be able to play The Lost DLC for GTA IV.