View Full Version : Dead Rising 2 announced for Xbox 360 and PS3

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09-Feb-2009, 03:51 PM
Naysayers owned! That leaked video was the real deal:

I Know all of this has already been said but jeez guys, this fooled some of you?

Sequel to 1.5 million-plus seller announced for multiple gaming platforms
London – February 9, 2009 - Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today confirmed that Dead Rising™ 2 is in development for three different gaming platforms: the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment’s PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) and the PC. The sequel to the 1.5 million-plus selling Dead Rising™, Dead Rising 2 will take the franchise to a new level of zombie-killing fun with tens of thousands of zombies, the all new gambling paradise of Fortune City to explore and conquer plus a host of new in-game objects that can all be used as deadly weapons to stave off the zombie assault.

Dead Rising 2 is set several years after the infamous zombie invasion of Willamette. Unfortunately, the zombie virus was not contained at the conclusion of Dead Rising, spreading unchecked throughout the United States and Dead Rising 2 depicts a country where zombie outbreaks continue to strike.

Dead Rising 2 is being developed in partnership with up and coming Canadian developer Blue Castle Games. A number of members from the original Dead Rising team will be working alongside Blue Castle Games throughout the development process, including Capcom’s global head of research and development, Keiji Inafune, who as the game’s Producer will play an active role in the project.

Released in 2006, Dead Rising won praise across the globe for its mix of intense zombie action and dark humour, garnering numerous awards including IGN’s “Most Innovative Design for Xbox 360”, Gamespot’s “Best Action-Adventure Game” for 2006 and “Action Game of the Year” at the 2006 Spike TV Video Game Awards.

Further details concerning the story and gameplay of Dead Rising 2 will be made available shortly.

Capcom is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment for game consoles, PCs, handheld and wireless devices. Founded in 1983, the company has created hundreds of games, including best-selling franchises Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mega Man and Devil May Cry. Capcom maintains operations in the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Tokyo Korea and Hong Kong, with corporate headquarters located in Osaka, Japan. More information about Capcom can be found on the company web site, www.capcom.com.

Capcom, Mega Man, Resident Evil, and Devil May Cry are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd., in the U.S. or other countries. Dark Void and Street Fighter are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Capcom U.S.A., Inc. “All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

Blue Castle Games is a full service 3rd party developer located in Vancouver, Canada. Formed in 2005, Blue Castle fulfilled a desire to start a company where creativity, experience and hard work come together to create outstanding games. Blue Castle’s highly experienced teams provide predictable development cycles, stable multiplatform development and the highest levels of quality. More information can be found on the company website, www.bluecastlegames.com.


09-Feb-2009, 03:59 PM
Is that a large cell phone?:rockbrow:

09-Feb-2009, 04:00 PM
One more shot:

09-Feb-2009, 04:02 PM
Holy f**kbeans! :stunned:

Let's hope they sort out the text display and shitty save system this time around.

09-Feb-2009, 04:15 PM
sweet, but i still dont trust that trailer, for one thing theres "diarrhea in a backpack" in kanji plus the stuff in the trailer doesn't suit what we see here.

still, awesome.

09-Feb-2009, 04:19 PM
sweet, but i still dont trust that trailer, for one thing theres "diarrhea in a backpack" in kanji plus the stuff in the trailer doesn't suit what we see here.
Yeah, my sentiments too. That video was dogshit.

09-Feb-2009, 04:24 PM
im just thinking, if thats official, then its representative of the final product, its not the same guys as the first one, and we all know what happened to silent hill when those dickwads in nottingham got hold of the psp rites...

09-Feb-2009, 04:41 PM
im just thinking, if thats official, then its representative of the final product, its not the same guys as the first one, and we all know what happened to silent hill when those dickwads in nottingham got hold of the psp rites...
Dead Rising is a game that's going to be reaaaally hard to screw up, they've just got to make sure the quests are as fun as killing zombies. Anyway, quotes like this lead me to believe it's in the right hands.

Dead Rising 2 is being developed in partnership with up and coming Canadian developer Blue Castle Games. A number of members from the original Dead Rising team will be working alongside Blue Castle Games throughout the development process, including Capcom’s global head of research and development, Keiji Inafune, who as the game’s Producer will play an active role in the project.

Blue Castle also developed "The Bigs", which was an awesome arcade-style baseball game. Keep the faith alive!

09-Feb-2009, 04:42 PM
The save system sucked something awful and made the game rather difficult to play for me. I thought the camera aspect was pretty cool, I hope they bring that back or something else interesting like that.

09-Feb-2009, 04:58 PM
Awesome news! I just hope it doesn't take place entirely in a casino/hotel... even if there are some stores in there, it still seems like an environment that will get old pretty quickly.

The only thing I would like them to fix is, like Capn said, the damn text!!! I only had a problem with the save system at first... after a little bit of gameplay, I appreciated it because I realized it added to the challenge.

09-Feb-2009, 06:46 PM
So, where's Andy? *L*

09-Feb-2009, 07:55 PM
I forgot to mention it's coming to PC as well, for those who didn't read the press release.

I happened to like the save system in the original, it helped keep that frantic feeling of being overwhelmed by making you decide which cases you felt were most important.

09-Feb-2009, 08:39 PM
Ah man - DR2 on PC?!

God Mode ... cheats ... mods ... DAWN OF THE DEAD 1978 MALL MODIFICATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*jizz everywhere*

Holy vagina this is awesome news - heck-fookin-yes!

Also - another screenie:

PROPER save system, more variety in terms of weapons and fighting styles, as well as location - just a casino would be a bit naff, we need some town around it as well.

Also a proper gradation (if that's a word) of difficulty modes to suit more types of players ... also, PROPER shooting and aiming ... plus making things flow better, for movement to feel more free, and make it easier to pull off kick ass movies - and obviously keeping the freedom of how you want to play the game, which we had in the first Dead Rising.

09-Feb-2009, 09:42 PM
i wasn't even sure we'd hear any direct confirmation from capcom for a month or so at least. such good news, but the shitty part is waiting this one out. as i've already said, this is gonna be a day-1 purchase for me, possibly even pre-order, and i might even be inclined to pony up for a collector's edition...whoa, i need to calm down, i'm way to excited about this.

anywho, this has officially made my motherfucking day.:D

(those pics would work better if scaled down a bit)

10-Feb-2009, 12:07 AM
So, where's Andy? *L*

Right here, even if this is official, im still skeptical by the way, that video still looks like a crock of shit and i sincerely hope its not a reflection of the final product.

God Mode ... cheats ...

I Sincerely and honestly hope your disappointed, from the bottom of my heart. i really do.

10-Feb-2009, 03:31 AM
Right here, even if this is official, im still skeptical by the way, that video still looks like a crock of shit and i sincerely hope its not a reflection of the final product.

I Sincerely and honestly hope your disappointed, from the bottom of my heart. i really do.

dude, those pics hint at epic levels of kick-assery. riding a dirtbike straight into a zombie's face?

that vid didn't show a lot of new stuff, mainly re-hash from DR1. i think what we saw was probably very early stages of development...those pics hint at an even better game that the original, imo...which is saying something, as i think the original is still one of the best games out for the 360.

i really hope they throw in an improved "infinite mode" where you don't have to worry about starving, etc...just killing some undead fockers. with friends online, of course. 4-player co-op would be the shit, better than left4dead by a long-shot.

some of those DR1 achievements were a pain in the ass (7-day survivor comes to mind...and my andy-like epic fail), but most of the achievements were a blast. i hope they have plenty of cool ones this time around too.

here's what i want to see in DR2:
4-player co-op
multiple save files (liked the save system from the first one, but once is enough)
more explorable locations (not just a casino)
lots of unlockable costumes
smarter AI for other survivors

...not much else comes to mind at the moment, dead rising 1 was so kick-ass i really don't think they need to improve on too much.

Dead Rising 2 is at the top of my list of games i'm looking forward to. hopefully it'll be out sometime this year...

10-Feb-2009, 03:49 AM
This is easily my most anticipated game this year, too. It's as close and best as we'll get (for now) to Romero's zombie universe in videogame form.

10-Feb-2009, 03:52 AM
yeah, we should perhaps start a "most anticipated game of '09 poll"....sorry bassman, but i think your ghostbusters would be a runner-up now.

10-Feb-2009, 09:51 AM
God Mode and Cheats on the PC I meant, you loony. :rolleyes:

Ever heard of Trainers?

That would mean endless crazy amounts of daft fun without having to try and play properly at the same time, like if you wanna just fuck around, or if you wanna put together a video for YouTube or whatever.

10-Feb-2009, 12:21 PM
smarter AI for other survivors

Thank you sweet baby Jesus.

10-Feb-2009, 03:47 PM
Just came across this buds!!

Preorder for Xbox 360 (http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/4-/8989356/Dead-Rising-2/Product.html)

Already have it preordered. :p

10-Feb-2009, 03:49 PM
yeah, we should perhaps start a "most anticipated game of '09 poll"....sorry bassman, but i think your ghostbusters would be a runner-up now.

Oh come on dude....we all know that DR2, Ghostbusters, Alan Wake, and all those other high profile games don't have a chance against 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand.


Seriously though....I'll probably pass on DR2 if it doesn't bring a bunch of new things to the table. It will be a rental at best. The original just got too old and too boring too fast.

10-Feb-2009, 03:52 PM
i'll buy it if it allows you to tape swords to your motorcycle, so when you drive you can cut zombies apart.

or attaching chainsaws to a length of steel chain, and using them as nun chucks

10-Feb-2009, 04:07 PM

or attaching chainsaws to a length of steel chain, and using them as nun chucks


10-Feb-2009, 04:11 PM
I liked the first one, I however found it a bit restricting. For a game that said you could go anywhere and do anything.... and use anything as a weapon. Really there were very few locations. Was it fun? Hell yes, but repetitive in my opinion as well. That said I like how they are saying in this one you will be able to explore the ENTIRE city.

My one wish is co-op multi-player.

Single player games are fine, replay-ability goes up by leaps and bounds if you can have a buddy along with you for the ride.

I would go with the PC version. I have an XBOX 360 and WII but to be honest I am a PC gamer and always have been. More options, more modding possibilities, and controls I prefer.

10-Feb-2009, 04:22 PM
landmines glued onto the crushing face of a sledgehammer, swords attached to a car battery that is in a back pack...

ninja stars with a packet of gun powder on them, which lights one fire when they contact with air...

i could go on...the game would be steller if you could make your own weapons..

10-Feb-2009, 07:58 PM
Just came across this buds!!

Preorder for Xbox 360 (http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/4-/8989356/Dead-Rising-2/Product.html)

Already have it preordered. :p
Jesus, they're early. :p

Mind you, that's a pretty damn good price for a brand new 360 game - usually it's £39.99 - but that's a whole tenner cheaper, dizamn!

Ah yeah - smarter (or just flat out smart, rather than hugely thick) NPCs would be a great thing. Leading any NPCs around the mall was a nightmare, they just stood around and waited to get killed and displayed absolutely no sign of thinking on their own ... so that part was pretty lazy.

Hopefully with the experience of DR1, as well as plenty of online and player feedback since it was released, and with a Western developer mainly behind it, perhaps we'll get the changes we've been seeking.

11-Feb-2009, 11:54 PM
Wishlist for Dead Rising 2:

Retool controller layout
The ability to move and shoot while in over the shoulder mode
Better AI for the living... The zeds AI was fine.
Better custom soundtrack support... I like to play Goblin, Library cues for dotd and John Harrison's music while I play but the cutscenes go mute if you have custom soundtrack going.

That would pretty much make the game perfect

12-Feb-2009, 02:56 AM
That said I like how they are saying in this one you will be able to explore the ENTIRE city.

What?!?! I haven't come across a story about that! Please show me a link so I can confirm that my video game dreams have come true!!!!

12-Feb-2009, 04:29 AM

ditto. i've not heard anything about that yet, but i think it's kinda unlikely.

what i'd love to see is a cross between DR, GTA, and Fallout3, like a giant MMO. now that would be a game for the ages.

20-Feb-2009, 11:53 AM
Its not confirmed its the whole city but the released information says the country is infected and its set in a infected city, hopefully not jus casino hotel but think they will do a DR1 one main big building and a bit of outside

28-Feb-2009, 11:43 PM
i just returned from a week's vacation down in the gulf coast, and i spent a good bit of my time in a number of casinos ( i even won a couple of hundred bucks:D), and i've gotta say, the entire time i was thinking of DR2. most casinos i went to had at least two restaurants, gift shops, hotels, and all kinds of places that would work well as a setting for DR2.

28-Feb-2009, 11:50 PM
Yeah, mock of a Vegas strip, or--even better--a small Indian Reservation-style casino resort would be great!

01-Mar-2009, 10:34 AM
Yeah, mock of a Vegas strip, or--even better--a small Indian Reservation-style casino resort would be great!
Being able to go outside and into houses and stuff would also be awesome - as would being able to clear out and block off certain parts too, so that you could quite possibly block off the entire place and just lord it over your domain, mocking the zombies shambling about outside ... muahahahahaaaaaa. :elol:

01-Mar-2009, 12:50 PM
or--even better--a small Indian Reservation-style casino resort would be great!

"Yar', that thar' fee-togra-phar use-ta cuvva wars down in thar yonder ind'jun buur'al grauhnd.
course, tha's afore tha grauhnd whent sau-or, samtimes, ded is bedder...."

05-Mar-2009, 02:40 PM
It will be mostly under sand. Did any of you see Res Evil Extinction? That's the bad news. The good news is that once you get there, you get to pick between Ali Larter and Milla Jovovich.

05-Mar-2009, 04:56 PM
It will be mostly under sand. Did any of you see Res Evil Extinction? That's the bad news. The good news is that once you get there, you get to pick between Ali Larter and Milla Jovovich.
Ali Larter methinks, Jovovich is getting scrawnier by the year.

Just because Resi3 had Vegas as a dustbowl, doesn't mean DR2 would as well. Perhaps a bit, but not like in that movie (which was a rubbish movie too :lol:).

27-Mar-2009, 10:11 PM
Houston, we have multiplayer:


oh my.:D

28-Mar-2009, 09:21 PM
Houston, we have multiplayer:


oh my.:D

Holy shit! On top of the fact that we'll be able to see SIX THOUSAND zombies on-screen at once!!!

29-Mar-2009, 10:07 PM
Something tells me zombie genociders gonna be harder than 15 minutes in a garage this time around.

29-Mar-2009, 10:29 PM
We need this to be on PC too. I don't wanna have to buy a lame-ass console just to paste zombies.

Modern PCs can run games with much more visual detail and better performance than consoles, it opens the door to modders which pretty much guarantees the titles longevity for years to come, and there's no hassle with platform licensing. There's no reason NOT to do it!!


30-Mar-2009, 10:00 PM
We need this to be on PC too. I don't wanna have to buy a lame-ass console just to paste zombies.

Modern PCs can run games with much more visual detail and better performance than consoles, it opens the door to modders which pretty much guarantees the titles longevity for years to come, and there's no hassle with platform licensing. There's no reason NOT to do it!!


Oh god!, the cycle begins anew!

Close your eyes and don't look, no matter what you hear don't look!

That said, console gamers!- FLAME ON! :lol:

30-Mar-2009, 10:10 PM

*Update*: Apparently, the information regarding multiplayer was a mistake, according to a statement from Laura Scholl herself. Today, clarifying her comments from GDC, she specifically contacted IGN, stating, "In my 'During the Dead Rising 2' presentation at GDC this past Friday, while I was describing how Blue Castle is using mental mill technology in character development, I mistakenly referred to the game as multiplayer instead of multiplatform. I apologize for the confusion. The game is indeed multiplatform and Blue Castle has done an amazing job creating incredibly photorealistic characters -- from their skin tone to their clothing -- in heavily populated and complex levels throughout the game. Gamers are going to be thrilled with how the game feels, looks and plays." We contacted Capcom, but they had no comment regarding the new statement from Scholl or multiplayer for Dead Rising 2.

31-Mar-2009, 08:46 AM
Capcom botched Dead Rising Chop Till You Drop on the Wii, what could have possibly stopped them making it like a cross between 128 Marios and Grand Theft Auto?
I thought that with the announcement the game was using the RE4 engine it could have been a brilliant combo of Resident Evil 4's set piece action gameplay and DR's time management instead it contains neithers qualities.

31-Mar-2009, 10:25 AM
Oh god!, the cycle begins anew!

Close your eyes and don't look, no matter what you hear don't look!

That said, console gamers!- FLAME ON! :lol:

Huh? :rockbrow:

31-Mar-2009, 02:28 PM
We need this to be on PC too. I don't wanna have to buy a lame-ass console just to paste zombies.

Modern PCs can run games with much more visual detail and better performance than consoles, it opens the door to modders which pretty much guarantees the titles longevity for years to come, and there's no hassle with platform licensing. There's no reason NOT to do it!!

Should have read the OP, your prayers have been answered:

London – February 9, 2009 - Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today confirmed that Dead Rising™ 2 is in development for three different gaming platforms: the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment’s PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) and the PC.

31-Mar-2009, 02:55 PM
Should have read the OP, your prayers have been answered:

I got two things to say:




21-Apr-2009, 11:15 PM
The latest:

Capcom aired the first gameplay footage of Dead Rising 2 in Tokyo this morning, showing the game’s protagonist attacking zombies in casinos with a chainsaw and a broom.

He was also shown wearing an animal skull like a mask. Scary.

A movie for the game was promised for XBLA soon, but no specific details were given.


22-Apr-2009, 02:57 AM
and his name shall be chuck....:cool: and for those of you who didn't like the 72-hour limit, bad news...still a day one purchase for me, pre-order most likely, perhaps even a collector's edition if it's available. now if only we'd get a release date (of 09, maybe holiday season?)


22-Apr-2009, 03:56 AM
and his name shall be chuck....:cool: and for those of you who didn't like the 72-hour limit, bad news...still a day one purchase for me, pre-order most likely, perhaps even a collector's edition if it's available. now if only we'd get a release date (of 09, maybe holiday season?)


Well Capcom say's it a 2010 fiscal release... I had a chance to talk with Chris Kramer via xbl and he says the are pushing for a 2009 calendar release but nothing promised.

22-Apr-2009, 10:01 AM
Well Capcom say's it a 2010 fiscal release... I had a chance to talk with Chris Kramer via xbl and he says the are pushing for a 2009 calendar release but nothing promised.
I'd rather have a game that works and has all the annoying bugs and 'character' worked out of it, than some rushed piece of wank. Besides, there's BioShock 2 and COD6 later this year to name but two.

I do look forward to seeing said footage though.

22-Apr-2009, 02:14 PM
Besides, there's BioShock 2 and COD6 later this year to name but two.

Neither of these games deal with killing zombies, though.

BTW - It's not COD6, it's Modern Warfare 2; Infinity Ward's taking what they did with COD4: Modern Warfare and starting their own series.

22-Apr-2009, 05:25 PM
Neither of these games deal with killing zombies, though.

BTW - It's not COD6, it's Modern Warfare 2; Infinity Ward's taking what they did with COD4: Modern Warfare and starting their own series.
I know it's Modern Warfare 2, but I couldn't be arsed to type all that at the time, hence "COD6". :D

Regardless of content, I'm speaking more about "big name releases", and indeed, big name FRANCHISE releases.

Perhaps it'd be more financially prudent of them to release it in 2010?

22-Apr-2009, 10:14 PM
I know it's Modern Warfare 2, but I couldn't be arsed to type all that at the time, hence "COD6". :D

Regardless of content, I'm speaking more about "big name releases", and indeed, big name FRANCHISE releases.

Perhaps it'd be more financially prudent of them to release it in 2010?

Why would it be more prudent? DR2 is not a triple a title and it is not really expected to be a juggernaut. Also Blue castle has been working on the game for a long time im not worried about it being buggy or unpolished.

28-Apr-2009, 01:20 PM


28-Apr-2009, 01:46 PM
I read about this coming out not to long ago. Im a PS3 person my self, and I was soooooo annoyed that Dead Rising only came out for the Xbox, and I spraffed my pants when I found out that the sequel was coming out for the PS3.
There are rumours of an awesome online aspect (e.i co-cp modes, death matches, team matches etc), and with it coming out on the PS3 it would really benefit from the extra graphic/gameing power.
The setting (Las Vagas) is so mint, and what’s more fun than spending hours re-killing zombies and then placing bets heh? Nothing, that’s what!

28-Apr-2009, 02:35 PM
HOLY SHIT! That new trailer is fucking ace!

You can actually tie chainsaws to the dirtbike?!

I was sold before, but this is icing on the cake. Can't wait!

Edit: added some new screenshots:







And some new gameplay impressions:

More items and physics:

In Dead Rising 2 they have an "awful lot more props and an awful lot more physics." The items, at least during the demo, are all marked with a little icon, so you know you can go and pick them up by pressing the B button. As he talks, we see Greene use furniture, a cash register, bats, a dice stick and even a moose head as a weapon.

New aiming mechanics and gun suprises:

Brady has Greene pluck a machine gun from the ground and starts emptying it into the wall of seething zombies. Blood sprays everywhere. While holding the gun there is a large targeting reticule on the screen and Greene can strafe as he fires.

"Guns are not the prime weapons of Dead Rising 2," Brady says. "It's a sandbox game about playing the game your way. If you are a gun fan, we have some big surprises for you."

Vehicles and Chuck's profession:

"Our guy is wearing a bike jacket," Brady says. "Chuck Greene is a motorcross guy. We plan on making vehicles a much bigger part in this game."

Greene hops onto a dirt bike and guns it into the crowd of zombies, working his way up the crowded street. When he hits zombies they fly into the air. It's an amazing spectacle to witness: A man on a dirt bike parting a sea of zombies.

At the end of the street, Greene does some impressive donuts, sending more zombies into the air, and then turns and comes back down the street. The kill count is now 410.

More zombies than ever:

There are now 7,000 zombies on the screen, the game and its new engine's max.

Greene drives through them at full speed, bodies and body parts fly everywhere, it's just absurd, a solid wall of zombies. He cuts through them as if they were grass. When he hits the clearing, the kill count is now at 1,646, and he's at level 22.

More to come:

Inafune promises that what we saw last week was only the tip of the undead iceberg.

"What you saw here today is only a very, very small fraction of what will be in the game," he said. "There are things like the story, characters, bits and pieces you don't know about that will also be in the final game as well. "

28-Apr-2009, 05:43 PM
It's certainly looking promising, now I just need to decide whether I get it for PC or Xbox360...hmmm.

The video makes it look cool, although obviously the audio samples (some of them) were from DR1.

I'm glad they've done something about the aiming system, anything would be better than what they had in the first game, but I do hope there's a lot more to offer us than last time - as well as more emphasis on fun, rather than hardcore gaming (that sodding time limit, one difficulty level, never having enough ammo, weapons breaking too easily etc).

28-Apr-2009, 09:55 PM
Am I the only one that thinks killing zombies with a Moose Head is freaking awesome? :rockbrow:

28-Apr-2009, 10:37 PM
i thought i was having a good day because i just got the first walking dead hardcover in the mail today, but this news waiting for me after work has officially made my day. some days it just pays to be a zombie fanatic.:cool:

looks similar to the first one in many ways, which is good. increased emphasis on vehicles is also very good, as the vehicles in DR1 were virtually worthless. not asking for gta-style detail, physics and overall driving experience, just a vehicle that doesn't go tits up after five minutes. increased AI for the supporting characters would also be nice.

great trailer, loving the dirt-bike action, loads of chainsaws, plenty of zombies...my only complaint is that there's no hint of a release date...:( other than that, this trailer has restored my faith in capcom....as long as they don't try to charge for multiplayer.

i'll buy it if it allows you to tape swords to your motorcycle, so when you drive you can cut zombies apart.

or attaching chainsaws to a length of steel chain, and using them as nun chucks

remember when you made this post back in february, mo? pretty close to your idea, i think you should go ahead and start saving your spare change between now and whenever this is released.

29-Apr-2009, 08:37 AM
Am I the only one that thinks killing zombies with a Moose Head is freaking awesome? :rockbrow:
No, you are not alone. I love the Moose, and killing Zombies, so this just makes me tooooooo happy :p

Coinreturn : Thanks for posting the screen shots and the info up, they are fucking ace! :D

29-Apr-2009, 03:57 PM
From the trailer it looks as though you can only go inside one casino and in the front of it aswell. Looks good though none the less

29-Apr-2009, 05:11 PM
From the trailer it looks as though you can only go inside one casino and in the front of it aswell. Looks good though none the less
I'd imagine there's more indoor action than that - but importantly the trailer shows you outside on a stretch of the Vegas strip, so perhaps we'll get more outdoor action that allows you to go inside a variety of areas as well.

It'd also be cool if you could block off areas and clear them of zombies completely - barricade the doors, and crawl in through an access hatch or a vent or something - that'd be cool.

Even a mode where there was a certain number of zombies, and that was it, they don't respawn, if you slay them all, you've slain them all. That'd be cool.

30-Apr-2009, 07:17 AM
It'd also be cool if you could block off areas and clear them of zombies completely - barricade the doors, and crawl in through an access hatch or a vent or something - that'd be cool.

That would be neat, particularly if they managed to tie it in with a ‘free roaming’ aspect, being able to create little ‘safe zones’ for your self so you have time to rest up or re-load or what ever.

I’d like to see something in the game that was covered in the Zombie Survival Guide: The affect the constant moaning from the Zombies could have on a human. It would be neat to see some sort of ‘sanity gauge’, I don’t mean that the main character can loose the plot and get extra strength or anything like that, but more that it would have a negative affect. The longer you were around the constant moaning, the worse the affect: disorientation, blurred vision, slowly depleting health. Also the number of Zombies around could impact the speed of the affect i.e. the more moaning Zombies, the faster the negative effect would happen

30-Apr-2009, 09:32 PM

they had that effect in the first dead rising. you never noticed it because frank west was a total badass. nothing fazes him. ever. he's covered wars, ya know...

and chuck greene looks like he could beat frank west's chubby ass, so i doubt they'll bother with the psychological fatigue.

hope they release this trailer on xboxlive soon so i can download it and watch it on my HDTV instead of a crappy monitor.

EDIT: nevermind, it's already up.

05-May-2009, 12:33 PM

they had that effect in the first dead rising. you never noticed it because frank west was a total badass. Nothing fazes him. Ever. He’s covered wars, ya know...

Cool man, im a PS3 bloke my self so I only managed to get a little game time in with Dead Rising on my little brothers Xbox, so I haven’t seen all the features of the actual game, or know the history of the main character. But im stoked that the game is now coming to the PS3 platform

12-May-2009, 07:48 PM
Even a mode where there was a certain number of zombies, and that was it, they don't respawn, if you slay them all, you've slain them all. That'd be cool.

I think they had that in the first one, but it was the population of the town which was something like 53,000. There was an acheivment for it anyway.

13-May-2009, 09:47 AM
I think they had that in the first one, but it was the population of the town which was something like 53,000. There was an acheivment for it anyway.
Aye, that was an achievement ... but I think they just kept respawning regardless ... I think anyway, I've never actually bothered trying for it.

13-May-2009, 09:57 AM
I’d like to see something in the game that was covered in the Zombie Survival Guide: The affect the constant moaning from the Zombies could have on a human. It would be neat to see some sort of ‘sanity gauge’, I don’t mean that the main character can loose the plot and get extra strength or anything like that, but more that it would have a negative affect. The longer you were around the constant moaning, the worse the affect: disorientation, blurred vision, slowly depleting health. Also the number of Zombies around could impact the speed of the affect i.e. the more moaning Zombies, the faster the negative effect would happen

Someone's been playing Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, right? :D

13-May-2009, 12:54 PM
I think they had that in the first one, but it was the population of the town which was something like 53,000. There was an acheivment for it anyway.

Nah, that wasn't in the first one. I have that achievement. The zombies constantly respawn in the first DR, there is no finite amount.

darth los
13-May-2009, 04:30 PM
I couldn't say either way but I can tell you that the number 53,000 is also very close to the genocide achievement in left 4 dead where you have to reach 53,595 infected killed.

Similar numbers, perhaps that's what people are thinking of.


13-May-2009, 08:21 PM
the achievement in dead rising is called "zombie genocider" and you get it by killing around 53k zombies. the left 4 dead achievement is called zombie genocidest" and you get it for killing that many zombies plus one.

darth los
13-May-2009, 08:40 PM
the achievement in dead rising is called "zombie genocider" and you get it by killing around 53k zombies. the left 4 dead achievement is called zombie genocidest" and you get it for killing that many zombies plus one.

Gee, ya think the creative teams consulted each other on that one? :confused:

13-May-2009, 09:57 PM
Gee, ya think the creative teams consulted each other on that one? :confused:

It's an homage to DR. :moon:

30-May-2009, 08:05 PM
The atmosphere, camera angles, and zombie animations remind me very much of Dawn '78 mixed with Resident Evil 2:


30-May-2009, 08:25 PM
aye i agree, total raccoon city vibe going on there.

30-May-2009, 09:02 PM
Such a cool and evocative trailer for what, unfortunately, might just be a repetitive, runaround gore-fest.

30-May-2009, 11:11 PM
I watched the trailer on mute and had "Alone In The Dark" by Testament playing... what a perfect match up it was.

12-Jun-2009, 04:30 PM
Another trailer is on XBL.

22-Dec-2009, 11:53 PM
like most games that i get excited about, seems like dead rising 2 may be delayed a bit...


this isn't necessarily about developmental issues (since dr2 looks and plays pretty much like dr1), more likely it's just capcom wanting to time their releases so they don't get beat in sales by the competition.

it would be understandable if they were using the extra time to beef-up the mp modes or adding co-op, however...:|

23-Dec-2009, 02:09 AM
I'd be pissed if there wasn't so much to play in Q1 2010, but I'll probably have more than enough gaming goodness to hold me over until DR2 releases.

23-Dec-2009, 04:25 AM
Being that DR2 was the last title announced out of the group it would be a safe bet that will be the title that does NOT see a 2010 calendar release...

23-Dec-2009, 10:07 AM
Why these dozy fuckers all just realise that they should all just release games throughout the year, rather than just cramming them all together at certain times of year is beyond me. It's really annoying.

I mean hell, there was a right old log-jam in November for me with games just flooding in, and there's still old ones that have been out for ages that I've never even played yet (e.g. Left 4 Dead, and FarCry 2).

Then you add new ones to the "must play" list and you're never on top of it all - Batman Arkham Asylum, The Saboteur, Assassin's Creed 2 ... come on dudes, spread the love out throughout the frickin' year already.

11-Feb-2010, 08:43 PM
Microsoft is having it's X10 event in San Fransisco today, lots of new info coming out:

At X10 Capcom also confirmed that Dead Rising 2 will be released in Europe on September 3 rd, (August 31 st in North America), but ahead of this Xbox 360 owners will get an exclusive taste of the action to come with the release of Dead Rising 2: CASE ZERO, a prologue that will provide a link between the original Dead Rising and the events that await in Dead Rising 2. Dead Rising 2: CASE ZERO will be stand alone and entirely consist of unique content that will not be in Dead Rising 2.

12-Feb-2010, 09:40 AM
At X10 Capcom also confirmed that Dead Rising 2 will be released in Europe on September 3 rd, (August 31 st in North America), but ahead of this Xbox 360 owners will get an exclusive taste of the action to come with the release of Dead Rising 2: CASE ZERO, a prologue that will provide a link between the original Dead Rising and the events that await in Dead Rising 2. Dead Rising 2: CASE ZERO will be stand alone and entirely consist of unique content that will not be in Dead Rising 2.
Great, so something only on Xbox Live then I guess?

I'm sick and tired of being screwed for not having XBL.

12-Feb-2010, 09:47 AM
For the price of a single game, think of all the juicy goodness you could be downloading on Live.

12-Feb-2010, 10:08 AM
For the price of a single game, think of all the juicy goodness you could be downloading on Live.
PLUS the price of an XBL subscription, and getting an Xbox hard drive (which are ludicrously pricey considering how cheap normal HDDs cost) ... then factoring in our broadband connection that's all over the place in terms of speed, never bettering 1.6mbps.

darth los
12-Feb-2010, 07:21 PM
The hell with all that.

I just can't wait to get my hands on that live action movie! :hyper:



13-Feb-2010, 03:32 AM

:lol: The weapon combinations are just awesome.

13-Feb-2010, 03:48 AM

:lol: The weapon combinations are just awesome.

i predict a bowling ball with a pipe bomb wedged in it.

13-Feb-2010, 09:14 AM

13-Feb-2010, 10:04 AM

I do hope the weapons don't run out as fast as they did in DR1, which was really lame. You'd get a chainsaw and then it'd break in no time.

The motorbike seems to have decent physics to it though, so hopefully vehicles will handle far more realistically. I also hope there are various things to mix up the gameplay if you, like me, will just decide to run around killing zombies rather than bothering with the story (the story mode was too annoying and restrictive and even hard, for me in DR1).

Rancid Carcass
14-Feb-2010, 01:56 PM
Being that DR2 was the last title announced out of the group it would be a safe bet that will be the title that does NOT see a 2010 calendar release...

Don't know if anyone else has seen this on IGN:

Dead Rising 2 Gets a Release Date
Capcom's zombie thriller will rise later this year.
by David Clayman

US, February 11, 2010 - Today at Microsoft's X10 event there was plenty of news about their upcoming lineup. One game the IGN office is particularly excited about is the follow-up to the zombie action game Dead Rising.

Dead Rising 2 is scheduled to be released in American on August 31st, in Japan on September 2nd, and in Europe on September 3rd of this year. While you'll have to wait awhile to get your zombie killing fix, it was also announced today that there will be a playable prologue to Dead Rising 2 released on Xbox Live.

We'll have more news from the San Francisco based Microsoft event as the day continues.

Time to start saving those pennies... :D

14-Feb-2010, 05:24 PM
Aye, saw this a few days back, but was too lazy to post.

About time we got a date on it, I've had that bitch pre-ordered for ages ... although not as long as I have Alan Wake, or had STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. :rockbrow:

14-Feb-2010, 09:30 PM
So.... do we actually have a release date yet?

15-Feb-2010, 12:24 AM
So.... do we actually have a release date yet?

Two posts above you:

Dead Rising 2 is scheduled to be released in American on August 31st, in Japan on September 2nd, and in Europe on September 3rd of this year.


15-Feb-2010, 09:54 AM
I do hope they've fixed the retarded text issue that the first game had on SDTVs.

10-Apr-2010, 09:57 PM
Game Informer had a cover story on DR2 this month, and the big piece of news that was revealed is that the entire campaign mode is available for 2 player co-op. Some tidbits from the article:

1) Changed Save system with multiple save slots

2) Full 2 player co-op throughout the game

3) New interactive combo/environment kills system that replaces the old camera picture taking system to gain EXP.

4) Set in a casino that is itself a mall

5) Combining weapons to make new items like a football and grenade, boat paddle and chainsaw, etc.

10-Apr-2010, 10:26 PM
co-op for the campaign is great news....any word on multiplayer? last i heard, the multiplayer was set-up like some fucking tv game show or some crap...what i want is mulitplayer free-roam or objective based games (set in the actual game setting, not some tv studio)

11-Apr-2010, 07:43 PM
Co-op is awesome news. But I hope they don't mean it's set entirely in one casino... I was under the impression that you could go out onto city streets, from an early video.

13-Apr-2010, 05:25 PM
co-op for the campaign is great news....any word on multiplayer?

That's what I want to know. It was a shame DR1 wasn't MP, but I certainly hope DR2 is.

I do, however, like the idea of co-op. That'll be cool - my son and I can kick some zombie ass together. :D

13-Apr-2010, 06:38 PM
August 31! I'm marking my calender now.

13-Apr-2010, 07:48 PM
That's what I want to know. It was a shame DR1 wasn't MP, but I certainly hope DR2 is.

I do, however, like the idea of co-op. That'll be cool - my son and I can kick some zombie ass together. :D

what if its some battletoads bullshit and it has friendly fire?:sneaky:

13-Apr-2010, 07:57 PM
Although I've made it known that I wasn't a big fan of the first Dead Rising.....Multiplayer makes me reconsider this one. The improved saving system doesn't hurt, either.

But the question of the day is....same-console multiplayer or only the online bullshit?

13-Apr-2010, 08:08 PM
i imagine it'll be XBL only bass, sorry. like somebody (possibly you) was saying the other day, all games are pretty much geared towards online/forcing fans to get online to enjoy the full monty.

13-Apr-2010, 08:14 PM
i imagine it'll be XBL only bass, sorry. like somebody (possibly you) was saying the other day, all games are pretty much geared towards online/forcing fans to get online to enjoy the full monty.


I don't get that, either. I mean I know they want to make more money off the online folk, but 50% of the fun of video games when I was a kid was playing with friends that are sitting there in the same room with you.

It's a shame, really. I've tried live for a while and it wasn't for me. So because I don't want to have it, I now can't play games with my wife or buds?
At this rate, the next generation of systems won't even have multiple controler inputs.:dead:

13-Apr-2010, 08:34 PM
what if its some battletoads bullshit and it has friendly fire?:sneaky:


Well, the friendly fire wouldn't bother me too much. It adds realism, but I would prefer if it was an option I could turn on or off. :D

Bassman/CP - I'm with you guys. I don't like the idea of being "forced" into MP (which is what M$ and others do) either. As an option, yes, but not forced to do so. The idea I can't play a game in single player or co-op with friends sitting right next to me bugs me.

13-Apr-2010, 08:52 PM
They probably won't include a split-screen option in DR2 simply because it would be a technical nightmare, all those zombies would probably lead to lots of choppiness and slowdown.

13-Apr-2010, 11:01 PM
I'm really excited for this game. I remember when the first one came out, I ran out and bought a 360, the game, and took 4 days off from work. I even covered my windows with dark fabric so I wouldn't be bothered by the sunrise after playing the game all night that first night. I barely slept that 4 days and looked like a zombie myself when I finally went back to work. Good times.

13-Apr-2010, 11:51 PM
August 31! I'm marking my calender now.

Let's not forget that's the holiday known as MikePizzoff's birthday.

13-Apr-2010, 11:57 PM
hey, that's one of my brother's birthday, too! think i'll celebrate by buying dead rising 2.:D

15-Apr-2010, 03:24 AM
They probably won't include a split-screen option in DR2 simply because it would be a technical nightmare, all those zombies would probably lead to lots of choppiness and slowdown.

This is the real reason for the cutting down on split screen gaming in this generation. It really is a technical issue and has NOTHING* to do with bilking people put of money.
It takes extra dev time and money to put together something that runs smoothly on one console. That said MT Framework (Capcom's propitiatory engine) Has proven to handle splitscreen so I wouldn't count it out yet.

*See "M$" exclusive games such as the Halo Franchise or Gears of War off split screen offline multiplayer and co-op

15-Apr-2010, 03:38 AM
Let's not forget that's the holiday known as MikePizzoff's birthday.

That will be one heck of a b-day present.

20-Apr-2010, 04:13 PM
New trailer from Captivate 2010, finally some story bits. Isabella is back, too:


20-Apr-2010, 07:00 PM
man, i'm pumped about this game. looking forward to seeing a leaked achievements list soon. most of the achievements from the first game were a fun time....maybe not the 7-day survivor or transmissionary.

21-Apr-2010, 08:37 PM
some co-op footage:



from what i see, gameplay appears very similar to the original, which is a good thing, but they've added enough features that it doesn't feel like a half-ass sequel.

august 31st can't come soon enough! think i may even take a little mini-vacation to properly soak in this one when it finally gets here.:hyper:

21-Apr-2010, 10:58 PM
Great looking clips! And August 31st may seem like an eternity away, don't forget about Case Zero coming out on Xbox Live, should make the wait a little easier:

Ahead of the full game, Capcom will release original downloadable content exclusively on Xbox Live with Dead Rising 2: CASE ZERO. This Prologue consists of unique content not available in the full retail release of Dead Rising 2 will introduce new protagonist Chuck Greene as he and his daughter find themselves caught in the desert town of Still Creek thathas been overrun with zombies. Set two years after the Willamette incident and three before the action of Dead Rising 2, Dead Rising 2: CASE ZERO will help bridge the gap between the two titles and give players a taste of the new gameplay they will experience in Dead Rising 2 as they create combo weapons, rescue survivors and take on a ruthless Psychos before making their escape.

21-Apr-2010, 11:03 PM
ah, hell yes! i'd almost forgotten about that. any idea of a release date or pricing? i really hope they don't pull an activision trick and charge more than they should. 800ms points sounds fair to me. depends on what all they throw in there, i guess.

22-Apr-2010, 02:21 AM
ah, hell yes! i'd almost forgotten about that. any idea of a release date or pricing? i really hope they don't pull an activision trick and charge more than they should. 800ms points sounds fair to me. depends on what all they throw in there, i guess.

When it was announced it was said to come somewhere around a month before DR2 hits shelves.

22-Apr-2010, 10:17 AM
So is the co-op only for XBL, or can two people in the same room play the game split-screen?

As for Case Zero - yet another ass-fucking for those without XBL. :rolleyes:

22-Apr-2010, 01:10 PM
So is the co-op only for XBL, or can two people in the same room play the game split-screen?

It better be both. If I can't play with someone in the room i'll be pissed. I think Bassman was right - video games, when I was young, were fun because you invited your friends over and everyone took turns playing the game - in the same room. Online play is fine, and I like it for certain games, but I'd also like the option to play a game with my son while we're in the same room. ;)

22-Apr-2010, 02:03 PM
I am not sure I care about co-op playing on this game in particular. I play the original very often and I have never thought about playing with another person in a co-op way.

I just want them to do things bigger better and faster than before.

Now, if there is a co-op mode I will give it a shot and I would prefer it be a split screen so you can play with someone in the same room.

But it wouldn't piss me off if there was no co-op.

22-Apr-2010, 04:34 PM
One thing I want is for the weapons to last longer - they were weak-as-fuck in Dead Rising 1, always breaking. Oh, and aiming guns was fucking useless in DR1, so hopefully that's fixed ... ... and the save game issue (both lack of slots, and sparse save locations). Indeed, why can't we have the ability to save wherever we're standing at the drop of a hat, and then when we resume we're either right there again, or at the nearest save spot, or the nearest safe location? That'd make sense to me.

22-Apr-2010, 04:43 PM
sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but from what i've heard, i'm pretty sure the split screen option is out, guys.

and soulsyfn, trust me, co-op will be a good time with dead rising 2.

22-Apr-2010, 05:10 PM
How come in that second video the zombies aren't paying any attention to either player?

22-Apr-2010, 05:14 PM
those are actually zombies from the "return of the living dead" series and are trying to remember their lines and get into character...:lol:

22-Apr-2010, 07:04 PM
those are actually zombies from the "return of the living dead" series and are trying to remember their lines and get into character...:lol:

:lol: :lol:

I guess for them, remembering "BRAINS!" was a challenge. :D

22-Apr-2010, 07:27 PM
Oh, and aiming guns was fucking useless in DR1, so hopefully that's fixed ...

No shit, dude. I started DR1 the other night hoping to find something I missed the first two times so that I could get into DR2. I got to one of the first "missions" with the guy you have to shoot in the western restaurant....WTF?!?!?? I forgot how awful the aiming and attacking was on this game. It's so bad I gave up yet again.

Seriously though....SHIT aiming system. And I couldn't even get the damn controls to invert for some reason(yes, i'm an invert controller guy). Needless to say I was pretty angry by the time I gave up and turned it off.:lol:

22-Apr-2010, 11:53 PM
Yes aiming has been fixed as it is a western dev team* that is primarily handling responsibilities on this one. You will be able to left trigger to zoom and right trigger to fire while walking.

The save system has been tweaked but I dont believe you will be able to save whenever you want.... They want consequence and the tension from the fact that you can loose some progress if you fuck up.

*Blue Castle Games

23-Apr-2010, 02:30 AM
valve revealed why frank west isnt the protagonist in this game:


23-Apr-2010, 05:35 AM
valve revealed why frank west isnt the protagonist in this game:


I thought about mentioning this but it's abit of a spoiler.

23-Apr-2010, 05:49 AM
I thought about mentioning this but it's abit of a spoiler.

no its not, its an easter egg.

unless frank west from dead rising is actually in the passing an bears relevance to the plot.

I havent played it yet but i found this doubtful.

23-Apr-2010, 07:02 AM
It's kind of hard to miss in the game and its a surprise, Most Easter eggs require some hunting...Hence the term Easter egg... I have played the game. And some not all may have wanted to learn about it by playing the game.

23-Apr-2010, 10:00 AM
valve revealed why frank west isnt the protagonist in this game:


Zombies are too fast? :confused:

Is that from L4D or something? Ah must be - "passing" in the image URL - ah right, move along...:shifty:

23-Apr-2010, 01:46 PM
Zombies are too fast? :confused:

Is that from L4D or something? Ah must be - "passing" in the image URL - ah right, move along...:shifty:

dont you have any mates with a 360 and live? you could use a cheap memory stick using the last patch to turn it into a 360 memory device, buy it on your mates, put it on the stick and-

actually, doesnt it cement it to the one account or is that just arcade games?

-OR, transfer your account to the stick, go round a mates, use a free live card thats in damn near every game to get the 72 horus or whatever, buy and download the passing, take it home and install it.

actually, would it work without a connection at all?

actually, does nick even play l4d?

Find out next time on dragonball Z!:hyper:

23-Apr-2010, 02:10 PM
I seriously cant wait for this game... I got my preorder on Amazon months ago and I cant wait for the day i come home to the game magically just appearing from the post master!

23-Apr-2010, 05:30 PM
dont you have any mates with a 360 and live? you could use a cheap memory stick using the last patch to turn it into a 360 memory device, buy it on your mates, put it on the stick and-

actually, doesnt it cement it to the one account or is that just arcade games?

-OR, transfer your account to the stick, go round a mates, use a free live card thats in damn near every game to get the 72 horus or whatever, buy and download the passing, take it home and install it.

actually, would it work without a connection at all?

actually, does nick even play l4d?

Find out next time on dragonball Z!:hyper:

Jesus H Christ ... what a lot of hassle - fuuuuuuuuuck that.

I've still never played L4D, nor do I have XBL as you well know. A mate or two does, but memory sticks are only as big as 512mb (official ones, not tempting fate with any non-official shit) and they're insanely hard to find so I've found ... still got 230mb on mine though.


I don't think young Klaus plays L4D. Something about there not being a 'snort' gameplay function.

Klaus? :confused: "Snort" function? @confused:

I think you'll find I'm confuddled. :shifty:


One thing's for sure ... mu'fukkas run. :shifty::rant::shifty:


24-Apr-2010, 11:27 AM
Nicklaus. Bone ash. ;)

BTW, unrelated to the topic but related to the last few posts. Nice graffiti in 'The Passing' with 'Roger, see you at the mall. Francine.'


Yeah, I mean, who doesn't want to see zombies snorting bone ash? I mean come on people of the world. :D

Got my DR2 pre-ordered, but Mafia 2 comes out just before it - so I'll be prioritising Mafia 2 (which looks sexy as all get out, I think Capn agrees with me on that point, if memory serves - one sexy looking game). So 'fairly similar but still cool with me sequel' will take a back seat to Mafia 2 for me, as I've never played Mafia 1 (so it's all brand new to me) and it just looks all kinds of sexy.

Then afterwards I'll be able to enjoy DR2 for what I want out of it - *Aldo Raine mode on* killin' zombies. *Aldo Raine mode off*

24-Apr-2010, 03:22 PM
Jesus H Christ ... what a lot of hassle - fuuuuuuuuuck that.

I've still never played L4D, nor do I have XBL as you well know. A mate or two does, but memory sticks are only as big as 512mb (official ones, not tempting fate with any non-official shit) and they're insanely hard to find so I've found ... still got 230mb on mine though.

See, if you havent got a regular net connection to it you wouldnt know but the last update made it so you can plug in any cheap 2gig memory stick you can find in partners like like £4 and make it a memory device for the 360, up to 16gig but 2 gigs is more than enough.

-now that i think about it do you HAVE the nxe on your xbox or is it the old blades crap?:stunned:

24-Apr-2010, 05:56 PM
The fuck is "nxe"?

I recently moved my profile onto my 512mb stick (which has 230mb left on it now) to install the update I've been getting pestered about every fucking time I insert a game, which has now allowed me to have that silly avatar guy in the corner (although I did fully customise him :p) ... so that's where I'm at with my Xbox. The only updates that get applied are the ones carried on videogame discs themselves.

I don't follow on this 2gig/16gig memory stick business you're on about - explain for us non-XBL laymen, would you kindly?

24-Apr-2010, 06:08 PM
The fuck is "nxe"?

I recently moved my profile onto my 512mb stick (which has 230mb left on it now) to install the update I've been getting pestered about every fucking time I insert a game, which has now allowed me to have that silly avatar guy in the corner (although I did fully customise him :p) ... so that's where I'm at with my Xbox. The only updates that get applied are the ones carried on videogame discs themselves.

I don't follow on this 2gig/16gig memory stick business you're on about - explain for us non-XBL laymen, would you kindly?

Well shit, now i gotta.

the last update to the 360 means you take any usb external memory device and plug it in a usb slot in "memory" select it and something like 'format for 360 use' and its not a memory stick for the console, up to 16 gigs, allowing for installed games, saves, account info ect. to be moved around.

25-Apr-2010, 10:01 AM
Oh right, so a normal memory stick, like one I'd use on a PC, but dedicated to 360 use, could be used to store and back-up data, as well as download shit from XBL to use on your own 360? How do I know if I've got that update or not, seeing as I only ever update from game discs (got the avatar update from AC2).

What about updates to the console itself in order to play such content, could you download those updates to a USB stick and then somehow transfer them?

I also take it that the USB stick would plug in where the control pads go, right?

25-Apr-2010, 10:11 AM
"control pads."

"plug in."

is this the 70's? you plug usb memory sticks in the usb ports.

Basically you might have it you might not, any update will probably be included in the dlc download or not be madatory.

controller cables, good lord.

this deserves a nuzlocke:


25-Apr-2010, 10:15 AM
Yeah, they're control pads ... and yes, I stick with cables - none of that battery shit having to charge them up to play a freakin' game. And yes, you tend to "plug in" stuff into slots, sheesh...

A touch of the old school would do you good.

25-Apr-2010, 10:20 AM
And yes, you tend to "plug in" stuff into slots, sheesh...

A touch of the old school would do you good.


Why would you think this?!?

£4 for a charger and having no wires or goddamn batteries, feels good man.

-this deserves a second reaction picture, just because:


25-Apr-2010, 05:49 PM
Charging up a friggin' joypad ... pfft.

Plus I don't like not having a wire attached ... it throws off the balance of a joypad ... like turning a normal car into a convertible, the feel is all thrown off.

With wires I can play whenever I want and not have to worry about friggin' charging up the damn joypad, I mean geez...

darth los
11-May-2010, 04:04 PM



16-Jun-2010, 02:55 AM
It appears you can carry over experience points and certain bonuses from Case Zero to Dead Rising 2:


16-Jun-2010, 05:54 AM

yup, that's an instant download...any date/price announced yet? surely it's less than a month or so with DR2 dropping on 8/31....

16-Jun-2010, 12:18 PM
I wish they'd put out DR2 with Case Zero on disc for us sorts without XBL or harddrives on their 360s.

16-Jun-2010, 07:23 PM
I've still never played L4D

BLASPHEMY!!! :lol:

Yeah, I mean, who doesn't want to see zombies snorting bone ash? I mean come on people of the world. :D

Now that's what Willis was talkin' about! We need a zombie/bone ash snorting game for the 360. I could get behind that. :lol:

I even know who could be the star character of that game.. :elol:

16-Jun-2010, 07:27 PM
BLASPHEMY!!! :lol:

There's not much of a reason to get that game if you don't use Live. So don't bother, MZ...

16-Jun-2010, 07:45 PM
There's not much of a reason to get that game if you don't use Live. So don't bother, MZ...

i dunno brah, having some mates round for split screen l4d is a hoot. i played through most of l4d a while back with my brother and it was more fun than live when one of yous punching the other in the arm going "I'M RIGHT THERE WITH A HUNTER ON ME MAN!, WHERE YOU FUKKIN' GOING!" "IM GOING TO THE SAFE ROOM FAGGOT, ITS CALLED LEFT 4 DEAD FOR A REASON!":lol:

16-Jun-2010, 07:50 PM
Must... have... Case 0!!!

16-Jun-2010, 08:00 PM
There's not much of a reason to get that game if you don't use Live. So don't bother, MZ...

Says who? I've never played it online and have a blast with L4D.

Then again, my son won't play it any other way than online with his friends, so I guess that's just a matter of taste. Personally, I don't like playing games where you rely on others in the game to keep you alive - too many douchebags on XBL want to play 'lone wolf' and are all out for themselves. Totally ruins the game experince IMO.

I guess it might be different if you have 3 friends to play with (wow, my lack of friends is showing, eh? :lol:) but, you can have just as much fun slaying zombies without others or, as hellsing said, with someone else sitting right next to you.

16-Jun-2010, 08:11 PM
I rented it and very quickly became bored with the single player. Also I've always heard that the online Multiplayer is where this game gets it's reputation...

I just wasn't impressed with L4D that much...

darth los
16-Jun-2010, 08:16 PM
I rented it and very quickly became bored with the single player. Also I've always heard that the online Multiplayer is where this game gets it's reputation...

I just wasn't impressed with L4D that much...

Most people who get their asses handed to them in that game usually aren't. :p


16-Jun-2010, 08:19 PM
I just wasn't impressed with L4D that much...

Was it the 'runners'? Or just the game overall wasn't that enjoyable for you? Just curious...

Most people who get their asses handed to them in that game usually aren't. :p

Darth gets the 'zinger of the day' award. :lol:

darth los
16-Jun-2010, 08:31 PM
Darth gets the 'zinger of the day' award. :lol:

Everyone has their forte'. You normlly get the laugh of the day and I get the zinger.

It's most likely reflective of our personalities.

You're probably a funny dude and me, I'm an asshole, so there you go...:lol:


16-Jun-2010, 08:32 PM
Was it the 'runners'? Or just the game overall wasn't that enjoyable for you? Just curious...

Not the runners. Just wasn't into the game all that much.

I'm not totally anti-runner anymore. I've lightened up on Dawn04 and I like Zombieland. I still prefer shamblers and like to poke fun with you guys about your runners, but they're no big deal.

16-Jun-2010, 11:42 PM
You're probably a funny dude and me, I'm an asshole, so there you go...:lol:

A perfect match.. hell, that must be the same reason Dj and & get along so well.. :shifty:

Not the runners. Just wasn't into the game all that much.

That's cool. I'll be honest, I kinda liked Dead Rising a bit more than L4D if only for the fact it wasn't all lightning-paced non-stop fast action. That's fun, but it can be exhausting. I could sit and play Dead Rising all day for the most part, but I have to do L4D in small, hour or two doses or I feel like my brain was put in a blender. It is a load of fun though.. :D

17-Jun-2010, 10:26 AM
If I was to ever get either L4D, it'd be on the PC for a few quid, and I'd play it on my own like a totally unsociable hermit. :elol:

Otherwise there's so many games that kinda fall by the way side over time as you can't play them all, and certainly can't afford the time or actual money to get them all.

I have been thinking of getting Dead Space for cheap on 360 as a filler-game until Mafia 2 comes out, but I've still got a bit of life left in RDR first.

17-Jun-2010, 12:28 PM
If I was to ever get either L4D, it'd be on the PC for a few quid, and I'd play it on my own like a totally unsociable hermit. :elol:

Welcome to my world. :D I don't play it on a console either. I still think consoles are too restrictive and those controllers? :lol: I'll pass. Give me keyboard & mouse anyday. ;)

17-Jun-2010, 05:46 PM
Welcome to my world. :D I don't play it on a console either. I still think consoles are too restrictive and those controllers? :lol: I'll pass. Give me keyboard & mouse anyday. ;)
And yet the vast majority of what I play these days is on the 360 ... like a totally unsociable hermit. :D

darth los
17-Jun-2010, 06:01 PM
That's cool. I'll be honest, I kinda liked Dead Rising a bit more than L4D if only for the fact it wasn't all lightning-paced non-stop fast action. That's fun, but it can be exhausting. I could sit and play Dead Rising all day for the most part, but I have to do L4D in small, hour or two doses or I feel like my brain was put in a blender. It is a load of fun though.. :D

Well, L4D is a "twitch" reactionary game. Figures with runners right?

DR has shamblers and as with the films they are featured in there has to be more depth because they are not a"threat" enough alone.

I had a couple of issues with the original but i look for them to fix them as happens with most sequels.

I'm sure they've gotten a ton of feedback, including Rubenstein! :lol: :dead:


28-Jun-2010, 08:07 AM

ugh...sept 28th now, huh? at least it's only a few weeks, not six months or something.

28-Jun-2010, 08:33 AM
I noticed that earlier... Cant say im totally shocked as the game industry seems to have no problem delivering a product on time.

28-Jun-2010, 09:02 AM
I noticed that earlier... Cant say im totally shocked as the game industry seems to have no problem delivering a product on time.
A major problem.

Another problem is all these big releases getting launched at the same time. :rolleyes:

Well this helps me really as I'm gonna be getting Mafia 2 which comes out like August 27th, so I was going to be playing that first anyway - so this allows me to get a good month on Mafia 2 before DR2 even shows up, so I wouldn't have to wait an awfully long time before I could then start DR2 after completing Mafia 2 (which should take about 4-6 weeks for me).

28-Jun-2010, 04:57 PM
So it's now coming out a few weeks after Reach? Good luck with that, Capcom.

28-Jun-2010, 06:51 PM
So it's now coming out a few weeks after Reach? Good luck with that, Capcom.
Wow, didn't even factor that in (not being a Halo fan ... even if I have played the first three) ... so yeah ... good luck Capcom.

28-Jun-2010, 07:00 PM
i played the reach beta and my thoughts were pretty much "meh", so DR2 doesn't have any competition in my book. still a day one purchase, even if that day is now a few weeks later.

also, any word on a release date for the XBLA case zero game? hopefully that doesn't get pushed back too.

darth los
28-Jun-2010, 07:57 PM
This is now standard fare for the industry.

I suggest in the future we treat all release dates as more of a general guide than anything. :rolleyes:


28-Jun-2010, 08:38 PM


28-Jun-2010, 09:56 PM
Heh, I just noticed the Gamestop pre-order bonus. Pretty cool:

Reserve Dead Rising 2 and receive the Ninja Theme Pack. The pack includes 4 pieces of Ninja clothing. When Chuck wears just one piece of the outfit, it unlocks new abilities in Chuck associated with the Ninja theme. When all 4 pieces of the outfit are worn, additional Ninja-like animations are also unlocked! Available online and in-store while supplies last.




28-Jun-2010, 10:12 PM
that looks pretty sweet, but i fucking hate gamestop and the whole "pre-order with us and get this exclusive DLC" shit they always pull. and the concept of "exclusive pre-order DLC bonus" in general.:|

while it looks cool, fuck gamestop, i'll pass.

08-Jul-2010, 04:53 PM
Europe-exclusive limited edition:

The Outbreak Pack – featuring a highly detailed 12” zombie figurine complete with accessories, a download token for a bonus theme pack plus additional specific content for the PS3 and 360 versions.


15-Jul-2010, 06:47 PM
North American collector's edition, I've bolded the exclusives for each system:

X360 Dead Rising 2 – Zombrex Edition
- Exclusive Two-Disc Steelbook case includes:
- Dead Rising 2 game disc
- High-Definition game disc with 83 Minute “Zombrex Dead Rising Sun” motion picture and 24 minute “Making of” featurette
- Complete box contents include:
- Steelbook case (described above)
- Zombrex “Syringe” pen
- Zombrex “Prescription” notepad (25 pages)
- Zombrex “Safety” card
- Zombrex “Prospectus” Sales Brochure (16 pages)
- Dead Rising 2 Hardback Artbook (48 pages)

PS3 Dead Rising 2 – Zombrex Edition
- Exclusive Two-Disc Steelbook case includes:
- Dead Rising 2 game disc
- Blu-Ray Disc featuring a High-Definition 24 minute “Making of” featurette
- Complete box contents include:
- Steelbook case (described above)
- Zombrex “Syringe” pen
- Zombrex “Prescription” notepad (25 pages)
- Zombrex “Safety” card
- Zombrex “Prospectus” Sales Brochure (16 pages).
- Dead Rising 2 Hardback Artbook (48 pages)
- Voucher for XMB Dynamic Theme


15-Jul-2010, 07:52 PM
even though i'm amped as hell for this game, i doubt i'll pick up the expensive edition. just a bunch of useless crap, i'm only interested in the disc, really.

wonder how much they'll sell that for....and how many people will buy it. it amazes me how many hardcore gamer nerds out there drop good money on stupid shit like this.

oh well, to each his own..

Wrong Number
15-Jul-2010, 08:00 PM
even though i'm amped as hell for this game, i doubt i'll pick up the expensive edition. just a bunch of useless crap, i'm only interested in the disc, really.

wonder how much they'll sell that for....and how many people will buy it. it amazes me how many hardcore gamer nerds out there drop good money on stupid shit like this.

oh well, to each his own..

Too true. I remember when my teenage son saw the big helmet bundle for Halo 2 he said something like "that would be so cool....if I was 8".


15-Jul-2010, 08:05 PM
wonder how much they'll sell that for....


Along with Case Zero, I'll be dropping a hundo on DR2. Ah, the joys of splurging.

15-Jul-2010, 08:08 PM
so what's the scoop on case zero? price/date?

(i realize i could use google, but you seem to have all the answers, CR)

15-Jul-2010, 08:11 PM
The producers said Case Zero should be out about a month before the retail game, so expect around late August, early September.

I'm hoping it hits earlier than that, as the summer doldrums of gaming have kicked in and there's not much new stuff to play.

Oh and as far as price, I'm guessing no more than $15-$20.

15-Jul-2010, 08:16 PM
well, i recently got skate2 back from a buddy who's had it quite a while, so i've been doing a lot of that lately.

and i'm also working towards hitting 10th prestige in CoD:WaW (it's the only achievement i'm missing for that game), i'm halfway through 6 right now, so i've got some time left.

and i've still not even opened ME2, and only scratched the surface of ME1, so i've got that ahead of me still.

also missing some alan wake and RDR achievements, so there's also that.

however, i'd probably lay all those down for quite some time if DR2 was out now. :hyper:

oh, and i'm guessing (hoping) that 10 bucks is more like it for case zero, but i'd probably pay 15...20 is pushing it, though.

15-Jul-2010, 10:23 PM
and i've still not even opened ME2, and only scratched the surface of ME1, so i've got that ahead of me still.

Damn man, you need to get on that! ME2 is a masterpiece, and ME1 is just as good.

16-Jul-2010, 01:00 AM
The producers said Case Zero should be out about a month before the retail game, so expect around late August, early September.

I'm hoping it hits earlier than that, as the summer doldrums of gaming have kicked in and there's not much new stuff to play.

Oh and as far as price, I'm guessing no more than $15-$20.

My money is between 400-800 ms points=5-10bucks.... If they do more then that they are gonna kill wide spread penetration, after all this is a supped up demo.

22-Jul-2010, 03:48 PM
New trailer, paid for by the Fortune City Tourism Board:



22-Jul-2010, 10:15 PM
SDCC 10: Dead Rising: Case Zero Dated and Priced

July 22, 2010

Late last night, IGN brought you an in-depth preview of Dead Rising: Case Zero – we beat it on the Comic-Con show floor, in fact – and today, Capcom has announced a price and date for the prequel to Dead Rising 2.

Dead Rising: Case Zero is going to set you back 400 Microsoft Points on Aug. 31, 2010. On top of that, Dead Rising Executive Producer Keihi Inafune announced that the experience points and costumes you earn in Case Zero will carry over to Dead Rising 2.

As to the low price, Inafune says they could've sold the game for 800 Microsoft Points but decided against it so that everyone could get their hands on the title. He says the company is making zero dollars off the game.

Great price point!

Rancid Carcass
22-Jul-2010, 10:17 PM
Machine gun mounted teddy bear, nice... :lol:

23-Jul-2010, 11:15 AM
Great price point!

Indeed, that is a great price! Mega surprise, there. Also, that's released my b-day so you guys can pitch some points at me if you want.

27-Jul-2010, 08:51 PM
I'm annoyed that Dead Rising 2's release has been delayed by Starcraft II's release. Not like they're in competing genres, and certainly not risking market saturation given the summer game-wasteland, and like they WILL be facing for an Xmas or early 2011 release.

IMHO they've made a bad call on moving back the release date. One that's going to put them head-to-head with the entire wave of games released for the Xmas Rush, as opposed to releasing in August when Starcraft II is the only other decent game to come out in months.

Oh well. I've pinned my hopes more on Diablo 3 than any other game out now or soon to release. Real Time Strategy is dying as a genre because of this idiotic dumbing-down "wider accessibility" trend. Dawn of War II was a travesty and complete shit compared to the original. Hoping SC II doesn't fall prey to this trend, but seeing as how Blizzard loves being trendy.....:(

Maybe Dead Rising 2 will be better off in the Xmas buying cycle. Still, very frustrating.

27-Jul-2010, 08:55 PM
Every game is delayed these days. NEVER believe the first few release dates....they won't happen.

27-Jul-2010, 09:14 PM
if i cannot add a cowcatcher made of chainsaws to a hummer im gonna be dissapoint.

27-Jul-2010, 11:55 PM
Every game is delayed these days. NEVER believe the first few release dates....they won't happen.

NEVER believe any release date till it has shipped.... Or better yet till its in your hands.

28-Jul-2010, 09:22 AM
Has it been delayed again?! :mad:

Sheeeeeeesh ... well, hopefully Mafia 2 will stick to it's launch date in less than a month's time, so I'll have that to enjoy immensely. A delay on DR2 would help spread my gaming out a bit too, but even still, all these delays are just retarded ... if they don't know a date, don't provide one ... and also - STOP CLOGGING UP THE "HOLIDAY" SEASON WITH EVERY FUCKING TITLE - SPREAD THEM OUT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

28-Jul-2010, 12:42 PM
Oooooo, Dead Rising 2 Special "Zombrex" Edition pre-orders are being taken at Game Stop:


Price - $79.99


•Exclusive Two-Disc Steelbook case includes:
◦Dead Rising 2 game disc
◦High-Definition game disc with 83 Minute “Zombrex Dead Rising Sun” motion picture and 24 minute “Making of” featurette

•Complete box contents include:
◦Steelbook case (described above)
◦Zombrex “Syringe” pen
◦Zombrex “Prescription” notepad (25 pages)
◦Zombrex “Safety” card
◦Zombrex “Prospectus” Sales Brochure (16 pages).
◦Dead Rising 2 Hardback Artbook (48 pages)

I'm actually kind of surprised it's only $80. Considering the game by itself is $60, this seems like a decent deal if you like all the extras.

darth los
29-Jul-2010, 06:58 PM
Zombrex sounds like a prophalactic for zombies. :lol:


29-Jul-2010, 07:11 PM
Zombrex sounds like a prophalactic for zombies. :lol:


Or one for necrophiliacs...

darth los
29-Jul-2010, 07:14 PM
Or one for necrophiliacs...

Or the medication you have to take for some fucked up undead vanerial disease. :lol:


29-Jul-2010, 08:14 PM
Well, you could say that zombies are the best lovers ... why? - Because they're always stiff. BOOM-BOOM!

I'm here all week. :D

29-Jul-2010, 08:42 PM
Well, you could say that zombies are the best lovers ... why? - Because they're always stiff. BOOM-BOOM!


I would assume that a Zombie would be a real dead f**k...

30-Jul-2010, 01:38 AM
Well, you could say that zombies are the best lovers ... why? - Because they're always stiff. BOOM-BOOM!

I'm here all week. :D

I would assume that a Zombie would be a real dead f**k...

There's a million comedians out of work and you guys are cracking jokes. :lol:

30-Jul-2010, 07:20 AM
Well, you could say that zombies are the best lovers ... why? - Because they're always stiff. BOOM-BOOM!

I'm here all week. :D

I thought it was because they will eat anything?

30-Jul-2010, 10:12 AM

I would assume that a Zombie would be a real dead f**k...

http://i561.photobucket.com/albums/ss57/Ashe37/Friday%20the%2013th%20Part%204%20The%20Final%20Cha pter/TedJimmy.jpg

There's a million comedians out of work and you guys are cracking jokes. :lol:

I blame that twat Chris Addison ... THREE appearances on the latest six-episode-run of Mock The Week ... not only is he exceptionally unfunny and agenda-driven, but two other comedians could have been in there at least!

I'm only half joking ... and not joking at all about Addison ... I can't stand that knob'ed.

I thought it was because they will eat anything?

*Staten Island Dandy mode on* Oh! :D

01-Aug-2010, 12:50 PM
A new DR2 viral site has a preview of the game's map:



Seems bigger than I'd originally thought.

01-Aug-2010, 07:38 PM
For those wondering what pre order bonuses available so far...

Ninja.... Jock.... Avatar shit.

01-Aug-2010, 07:46 PM
goddamn i fucking hate the whole pre-order bonus thing.

between that, the never-ending DLC packs that usually aren't worth the money, a complete lack of originality and creativity from game developers, and the inevitable "collector's editions" released a year after initial launch with all DLC (sold for the same price as the standard game on launch day), the gaming industry is really driving me away.

i'm all for DR2, but i'm starting to get really sick of the trends i'm seeing in the video game industry these days. fucking leeches, i tell ya.

01-Aug-2010, 10:03 PM
A new DR2 viral site has a preview of the game's map:



Seems bigger than I'd originally thought.

That's funny because it seems smaller then I thought it would be... I wonder what the size scale ratio is. The map makes the buildings seem pretty simple... Not nearly as dense as the real Vegas is.

Here is the original so far not a big difference in the amount of stores..

01-Aug-2010, 11:18 PM
its the same hardware behind it, i imagine that with the increase in whats actually in the game to mess with instead of a dispensing shelf and the overall more detailed and higher res stuff it isnt really going to be that bigger even though it may look that way.
Not that it will be a short coming. Say what you want about complaints and things that could have been done in the original, whilst a town would've been nice the mall was big enough to enjoy a full game.
Honestly im not that excited for this just because the original trailer was...off putting, i was 100%sure it was fake because it had frank in his megaman outfit in it and no new footage. that was either a bad attempt at being viral, or just a shit trailer and its really colored my impression of what to expect if im honest.
I mean that may sound like a little gripe, but that wasnt just me, hell, that wasnt just me on here, that thought it was a fan made shitty fake. and this was by the actual creators!

Honestly i fully expect a slightly bigger, graphically up to date version of the original. Same lacklustre story and unmemorable characters and we will all play it and enjoy it for what it is, but just like the first we wont go back to it much and not really count it as a milestone of any sort for the medium.
Though i would love to be proven wrong, i just dont think capcom are the group to do it.

Though zombies aren't, by and large, the easiest movie monster to pull off in this medium. the few good examples i can think of are stubbs the zombie, left 4 dead and thats about it.
honestly i just think the technology is not quite there, almost but not.
games like infamous showed a full sandbox city with no streaming or loading and it was great, but until you can do building interiors loaded with random items for say...online 16 players or something we arent going to get a zombie movie transitioning to games like a straight action or sci-fi can.
Valves used the director, and ive seen a few things on the ps3 lately that have massive real time areas with tons of detail. but still not giving you the freedom to go about.
I reckon we will see that, but the technology isnt here yet, its closer than its ever been, but right now dead rising is it. a clustre of closed exteriors and interiors acting as a bowl full of zombies.
Now do that bigger with maybe urban dead style light class stuff and we are getting somewhere. just not for a few years yet.

02-Aug-2010, 04:10 AM
its the same hardware behind it, i imagine that with the increase in whats actually in the game to mess with instead of a dispensing shelf and the overall more detailed and higher res stuff it isnt really going to be that bigger even though it may look that way.
Not that it will be a short coming. Say what you want about complaints and things that could have been done in the original, whilst a town would've been nice the mall was big enough to enjoy a full game.
Honestly im not that excited for this just because the original trailer was...off putting, i was 100%sure it was fake because it had frank in his megaman outfit in it and no new footage. that was either a bad attempt at being viral, or just a shit trailer and its really colored my impression of what to expect if im honest.
I mean that may sound like a little gripe, but that wasnt just me, hell, that wasnt just me on here, that thought it was a fan made shitty fake. and this was by the actual creators!

Honestly i fully expect a slightly bigger, graphically up to date version of the original. Same lacklustre story and unmemorable characters and we will all play it and enjoy it for what it is, but just like the first we wont go back to it much and not really count it as a milestone of any sort for the medium.
Though i would love to be proven wrong, i just dont think capcom are the group to do it.

Though zombies aren't, by and large, the easiest movie monster to pull off in this medium. the few good examples i can think of are stubbs the zombie, left 4 dead and thats about it.
honestly i just think the technology is not quite there, almost but not.
games like infamous showed a full sandbox city with no streaming or loading and it was great, but until you can do building interiors loaded with random items for say...online 16 players or something we arent going to get a zombie movie transitioning to games like a straight action or sci-fi can.
Valves used the director, and ive seen a few things on the ps3 lately that have massive real time areas with tons of detail. but still not giving you the freedom to go about.
I reckon we will see that, but the technology isnt here yet, its closer than its ever been, but right now dead rising is it. a clustre of closed exteriors and interiors acting as a bowl full of zombies.
Now do that bigger with maybe urban dead style light class stuff and we are getting somewhere. just not for a few years yet.

Eh..... Dead Rising is one of my favs of this gen... And It is one of the few games I can pick up and play every 6 months or so.

As for it is on the same gen argument... I don't buy it at all... It was an early game and there is no technical reason they couldn't make it HUGE. Oblivion,Fallout,GTA IV, Red Dead...The list goes on and on. Also this is technically a Capcom game but they are really more or less distributors on this one... A Canadian company call Blue Castle are the devs on this one... Capcom are glorified advisers on this one.

08-Aug-2010, 04:36 AM
Anyone watch any of that Dead Rising free movie yet on xbl?... I am using the term movie loosely.

08-Aug-2010, 06:12 AM
I downloaded the first 3 parts, still haven't checked it out though. For free it's gotta be worth a watch, no?

08-Aug-2010, 09:56 AM
I saw the trailer of that thing and I thought it looked rubbish. I've seen enough bad Japanese zombie movies in my time, thank you ... I'll stick to the game.

08-Aug-2010, 03:37 PM
haven't played my xbox much lately, but is that free movie for DR2 the same thing that's included in the collector's edition?

darth los
09-Aug-2010, 02:04 AM
Does anyone know when case zero is supposed to be released?

You're supposed to be able to carry some stuff over to the retail game.


09-Aug-2010, 03:45 AM
august 31st (original release date for the game till they delayed it), 400 ms points.

haven't heard whether or not there will be achievements, but i hear it only takes about 30 minutes or so to complete the handful of missions.

09-Aug-2010, 05:08 AM
Ugh, watched the first webisode thing and its got japanese actors being ameridubbed.


09-Aug-2010, 05:15 AM
august 31st (original release date for the game till they delayed it), 400 ms points.

haven't heard whether or not there will be achievements, but i hear it only takes about 30 minutes or so to complete the handful of missions.

Still Creek Savior Save all the survivors in Still Creek 20 GS
We Ride To Fortune City Escape Still Creek with Katey 20 GS
Chop Shop Defeat Jed the Mechanic 20 GS
Zombie Hunter Kill 100 zombies 10 GS
Zombie Exterminator Kill 1,000 zombies 20 GS
Small Town, Deep Pockets Spend $100,000 in the pawnshop 20 GS
Part Way There Find and return a bike part 10 GS
Ready to Ride Rebuild the bike 20 GS
A Taste of Things to Come Build a combo weapon 10 GS
A Bigger Taste… Build all available combo weapons 20 GS
Locksmith Unlock all the doors in Still Creek 20 GS
Clueless No More Purchase a clue from Dick, the pawnshop owner 10 GS

Dont know about the 30 min things but your leveling up carries over as well as any combo cards you collect.

09-Aug-2010, 07:27 AM
Those all actually sound like fun/obtainable achievements. And for 400ms, I'm fine with it being a short-play because your stats carry over.

Plus, need I remind youz guyz, Aug 31 is my birfday. :thumbsup:

darth los
09-Aug-2010, 02:13 PM
Still Creek Savior Save all the survivors in Still Creek 20 GS
We Ride To Fortune City Escape Still Creek with Katey 20 GS
Chop Shop Defeat Jed the Mechanic 20 GS
Zombie Hunter Kill 100 zombies 10 GS
Zombie Exterminator Kill 1,000 zombies 20 GS
Small Town, Deep Pockets Spend $100,000 in the pawnshop 20 GS
Part Way There Find and return a bike part 10 GS
Ready to Ride Rebuild the bike 20 GS
A Taste of Things to Come Build a combo weapon 10 GS
A Bigger Taste… Build all available combo weapons 20 GS
Locksmith Unlock all the doors in Still Creek 20 GS
Clueless No More Purchase a clue from Dick, the pawnshop owner 10 GS

Dont know about the 30 min things but your leveling up carries over as well as any combo cards you collect.

Those all actually sound like fun/obtainable achievements. And for 400ms, I'm fine with it being a short-play because your stats carry over.

Plus, need I remind youz guyz, Aug 31 is my birfday. :thumbsup:

Good deal, and for only 400 points!?! If that's the case it looks like a steal.

And as for the achievements they do look very attainable, which is a pet peeve I have with arcade titles. Many of them have you doing intricate things for a paltry 10-15g.

Very annoying. :mad:


12-Aug-2010, 03:53 AM
Release date changed again for those across the pond and in Australia... You guys are getting it earlier... Sept 24th... Lucky you.


12-Aug-2010, 10:29 AM
Release date changed again for those across the pond and in Australia... You guys are getting it earlier... Sept 24th... Lucky you.

I'll be playing Mafia 2 still by that point, but still, I've got it pre-ordered so I'll get to it when I get to it. Interesting that here's another game coming out earlier elsewhere than in America (usually it's t'other way round) - it was the same with Alan Wake where we got it a week earlier.

12-Aug-2010, 07:35 PM
The webisodes are hilarious, unintentionally so :lol:

Worth a watch just for the overall goofiness.

darth los
12-Aug-2010, 07:41 PM
The webisodes are hilarious, unintentionally so :lol:

Worth a watch just for the overall goofiness.

Link please?

I wanna laugh too. :(


12-Aug-2010, 07:43 PM
They're available on Xbox Live, or you could queue them from Xbox.com and they'll download when you turn on your 360. In 5 parts:


darth los
12-Aug-2010, 07:57 PM
They're available on Xbox Live, or you could queue them from Xbox.com and they'll download when you turn on your 360. In 5 parts:


Will do. Thnx.

will get to that as soon as i get home. I hope they don't screw this thing up.

Call me crazy but from what I've seen i'm looking forward to playing case zero more than i am the original game. :shifty:

Not to mention that it's much cheaper too.


13-Aug-2010, 09:53 PM
A few new screenshots:












13-Aug-2010, 10:04 PM
zombies, tigers, and showgirls, oh my!

that dude on the bike in the green strikes me as a new iteration of andy, the photographer who you kept bumping into in DR1.

this game looks better than i expected...very akin to the original, but with a good amount of new stuff thrown in....can't fucking wait, this is the only game on my radar at the moment.

darth los
14-Aug-2010, 12:32 AM

This game looks insane! :hyper:


17-Aug-2010, 09:49 PM
List of trophies and a safe bet to assume the achievements will be the same.

Zombie Slaughter: Kill 500 zombies
Zombie Destruction: Kill 5,000 zombies
Vigilante Justice: Defeat 5 psychopaths
Judge, Jury and Executioner: Defeat 10 psychopaths
Zombie Fu: Kill 1,000 zombies barehanded
Wrong Kind of Chopper: Kill 1,000 zombies while riding a motorcycle
He hasn't covered wars: Use every type of firearm on a zombie
Head Trauma: Use every type of melee weapon on a zombie
Death From Afar: Use every type of ranged weapon on a zombie
Explosive Temper: Use every type of explosive on a zombie
Death of Comedy: Use every type of novelty weapon on a zombie
Come On Follow Mw: Escort 8 survivors at once
Saving the Day: Save 10 survivors
Hero of Fortune City: Save 50 survivors
Needs More Chainsaw: Create a combo weapon
Duct Tape FTW: Create all combo weapons
Apprentice Rising: Reach level 25
Professional Rising: Reach level 50
Fashion Aficionado: Change into 10 different pieces of clothing
Chuck Greene: Cross Dresser?: Change into all pieces of clothing in the game
Bartender: Mix a drink
Look at All That Juice: Create and consume all mixed drinks in the game
Finally Full: Eat all types of food in the game
Having A Gas: Kill 1,000 gas zombies
Father of the Month: Give Katey a gift
Father of the Year: Give Katey all possible gifts
Better With A Friend: Solve all case files in Co-op mode
Don't You Die On Me: Revive another player in Co-op mode
Big Spender: Spend $6,000,000 in Fortune City
Window Shopper: Enter all stores in the game
Masquerade: Have 10 zombies with masks on at once
Improper Behavior: Spraypaint all Zombrex posters
TK's Favorite: Play and win in all 9 TIR events
Rising Star: Come in first place in a single TIR event
Win Big!: Finish in first place in a TIR episode
Custom Finish: Give your bike a custom paint job
Curiously Inventive: Collect all combo cards hidden in Fortune City
Life Saver: Collect all combo cards from survivors
Tough Guy: Collect all combo cards from psychopaths
Half Deck: Collect 25 combo cards
Smashy: Smash 100 zombies using the Smash skill move
Stick 'em up!: Stick it to a zombie by covering him in weapons and objects!
Skill to Survive: Tame Snowflake
Z-Genocider 2: Genocide Harder: Kill 53,596 zombies
Clean Record: Complete The Facts
Justive Served: Complete Overtime
Zombie Genocide Master: Kill 72,000 zombies
Full Deck: Collect all combo cards
Data Miner: Fill all entries in the notebook

18-Aug-2010, 12:02 AM
Those sound great, a lot like the first game.

18-Aug-2010, 01:53 AM
"you need to get back to the safe house and give katie her zombrex"

....the gameplay implications of that might not be good...:|

18-Aug-2010, 10:22 AM
"you need to get back to the safe house and give katie her zombrex"

....the gameplay implications of that might not be good...:|
How do you mean?

Like, if you don't, you're fucked?

Hopefully I'll just be able to ignore the story and just run around killing zombies for 72 hours - just like I did with Dead Rising (a good five times).

18-Aug-2010, 10:30 AM
How do you mean?

Like, if you don't, you're fucked?

Hopefully I'll just be able to ignore the story and just run around killing zombies for 72 hours - just like I did with Dead Rising (a good five times).

Theres a few possible implications, don't reach her and it's game over, don't reach her and she zombified and ate everyone in the safe room but the game continues but you get no mission's and only get a bad ending.
This IS capcom remember? i mean i really, REALLY hope not but there's a possibility this could me more of an irritating exercise in time management than the original was.
but i really hope not.

-also, was i imagining it or was there some news of dr1 save integration or something? it'd be nice to have my level 50 crowd walker from the off.

18-Aug-2010, 11:26 AM
Theres a few possible implications, don't reach her and it's game over, don't reach her and she zombified and ate everyone in the safe room but the game continues but you get no mission's and only get a bad ending.
This IS capcom remember? i mean i really, REALLY hope not but there's a possibility this could me more of an irritating exercise in time management than the original was.
but i really hope not.

-also, was i imagining it or was there some news of dr1 save integration or something? it'd be nice to have my level 50 crowd walker from the off.
Although it's another studio making the game, Capcom are just 'exec producers' really aren't they? They're not actually putting the game together this time - so hopefully there'll be less "oh fuck off" elements.

I see what you mean - I dearly hope that this 'give Katie zombrex' thing doesn't turn into some arse-shafting moment.

As for save game integration ... well you can integrate your progress from Case Zero, but I can't remember reading anything about DR1 integration - although I would really like that. I'm not Level 50, but I was ... actually I can't remember ... but that progress would be most welcome in DR2 from the-off.

18-Aug-2010, 12:07 PM
i got to 50 because i could leave the paradise plaza bit a first and jsut ran around naturally levelling up.
Then i realized i could just open the door to the outside grounds:o hey, it was a capcom game!, i assumed the outside was just an image on the glass or something and unenterable :lol:

18-Aug-2010, 12:51 PM
How do you mean?

Like, if you don't, you're fucked?

Hopefully I'll just be able to ignore the story and just run around killing zombies for 72 hours - just like I did with Dead Rising (a good five times).

More to add to the bad feeling.... There are no x amount of day survivor achievements... More the likely there is no survivor mode this time around.

18-Aug-2010, 01:26 PM
More to add to the bad feeling.... There are now x amount of day survivor achievements... More the likely there is no survivor mode this time around.


darth los
18-Aug-2010, 01:59 PM
I'm at work so i don't have the time but if someone would be so kind as to explain if the both the case zero and retail game are going to be like this?

Thnx in advance. :)


18-Aug-2010, 05:06 PM
I'm at work so i don't have the time but if someone would be so kind as to explain if the both the case zero and retail game are going to be like this?

Be like what? A Bobcat Goldthwait look-a-like carrying a horse on his shoulder?

24-Aug-2010, 01:58 PM
Pre-order the PC version for $39.99 on Steam:


Edit: Also a bit of news concerning Case Zero's length from Capcom's facebook:

"Just so you know Case Zero is around 2-3 hours in length and much longer to max it out. The version at Comic Con is an unfinished build that lasts 25 minutes. IGN clocked Case Zero in 25 minutes? They wish!"

24-Aug-2010, 04:20 PM
well, as much as i hate some of their practices, i got a deal yesterday at gamestop: for trading in a couple of games and using my store credit towards DR2, i got a 25% trade-in bonus.

great to hear that case zero will have a decent amount of gameplay in it, i was a bit disappointed by the initial reports of a 30-minute completion time.

darth los
24-Aug-2010, 04:50 PM
Well, this is welcome news.

More bang for our buck is always a plus.


27-Aug-2010, 11:37 PM
High Stakes edition.


30-Aug-2010, 12:10 PM
just woke up to read that case zero has been delayed in japan, which i am assuming means that it's gonna be delayed elsewhere, too.

not exactly the way i wanted to start my week.

30-Aug-2010, 12:18 PM
yeah just read that myself.... I was just talking to my friend about 22hours from now I would be playing case zero... Looks like I was wrong.

30-Aug-2010, 12:18 PM
just woke up to read that case zero has been delayed in japan, which i am assuming means that it's gonna be delayed elsewhere, too.

not exactly the way i wanted to start my week.

THey can't do that! It comes out tomorrow!!! ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :rant:

Okay, they can do that. And they did. In the United States, as well. That was the one major birthday present I was looking forward to. God damn it. :mad:

30-Aug-2010, 12:51 PM
I can't seem to find any reports of Case Zero being delayed - anyone have a link?

If this is indeed the case, I'm going to be quite pissed off. :mad:

30-Aug-2010, 01:29 PM
If you search "case zero delayed" in google it'll give you a few news stories. This is the first that returns: http://www.examiner.com/video-game-news-in-atlanta/dead-rising-2-case-zero-delayed-due-to-demo-contents

30-Aug-2010, 02:10 PM
Damnit! PLEASE let it only be for the Japanese version.

Ah well, here's a new developer diary to help soften the blow of this shitty news:


darth los
30-Aug-2010, 02:58 PM
If you search "case zero delayed" in google it'll give you a few news stories. This is the first that returns: http://www.examiner.com/video-game-news-in-atlanta/dead-rising-2-case-zero-delayed-due-to-demo-contents

That's wierd because I just checked on the dashboard yesterday and it's said it's coming out this week. :confused:
