View Full Version : Anyone know where to buy cheap arcade cabinets?

09-Feb-2009, 08:30 PM
We recently built a "man cave" in my friends basement (called The Sheet Hole) and we're looking to possibly add an arcade cabinet or pinball machine down there. The thing is, we don't want to spend more than 400/500 on one. I used to know a website that sold working cabinets for $300-500 (and I'm talking good games too, like T2: Arcade) but can't remember the site to save my life. So, if anybody can help, it would be greatly appreciated!

09-Feb-2009, 09:37 PM
Are you looking for used or custom built machines? Here's a link to some sites.


Here's one in particular. I have never done business with them, so I cannot comment on them.



Hey, I found this. There are some ebay listings on there, too. A Dead or Alive arcade for less than $500. for example. May give you a lead. You could also check local arcades if there is any left in bussiness.


The other sites are out of your price range. But check out "eagle" anyways, since they have arcades with over 400 games. Something you want to look into one day.

10-Feb-2009, 05:27 AM
I would have this suggestion. Download the MAME program, and you will have the ability to play almost ALL of the original arcade games. Look around and find a cabinet with a non-working game (you may even get for free, I did), take out the guts, put in an old computer, and get the X-Arcade control panel, which mimics actual arcade style controls, but is specifically designed to plug into the USB port, as a keyboard, which is what you have to use for MAME games. But with the X-Arcade control, you can use mulitple joysticks (for games like Bezerk) trackball (for games like Centipede) and there is a wide variety of buttons, all programable. I think the X-Acade control costs abot $120.