View Full Version : Truly Scary News

12-May-2006, 01:28 AM
Seems like ol' George W. Bush and Papa Bush think that Jeb would make a great president and would like to see him run in the next election. I honestly don't think that america or the world in general could take another Bush as president. This really disturbs me!

12-May-2006, 01:44 AM
He would make a much better president than GW. I voted for Jeb, twice.

12-May-2006, 01:44 AM
after sitting here for a while thinking of somthing to post on this i honestly could not come up with anything

12-May-2006, 04:14 AM
While I don't want another Bush in the White House, I do think Jeb would be much better than Ole GW. Hell, a monkey would do a better job, but thats beside the point.

I would definatly not vote for another Bush. This one has done enough irrepairable damage.

12-May-2006, 04:15 AM
UGH... maybe he can think of some new excuses to invade other countries with!!!

"Ummm No seriously this country has WMD's HONEST!!!!!!" :rolleyes:

12-May-2006, 05:33 AM

We need a change. A serious change.

12-May-2006, 10:59 AM
Even if Jeb ran, there is no way he would get into the oval office. America is fed up with ANYTHING Bush right now. If Jeb runs, he will get slammed over the Florida election results from 2000. His brothers Legacy is another dark cloud hovering above his head.

If he runs in 2008, he will lose and never be able to run again. The Bush track record is 0-2, One father lost his term in 4 years and had lousy approval ratings. One son, has been 8 years and the country is now in double digit trillion dollar deficit, in a war that has killed 2000+ troops, and lied for going to war. He also, like father, has the lowest approval ratings of any president.

Right now America, even the conservative midwest, wants nothing to do with republicans, especially another Bush. If Jeb runs it would be a waste of Money, and a waste of time, not too mention an embarassment to the republican party. Someone has already stabbed the party in the leg, now you guys wants to twist the knife back and forth by recommending another Bush hold the highest office in the world.


12-May-2006, 05:56 PM
after sitting here for a while thinking of somthing to post on this i honestly could not come up with anything

12-May-2006, 06:14 PM
i think if things continue the way they are now, a republican has amount as much chance of winning in 08 as gilbert gottfried does winning a sexiest man contest.

let's see - a destructive, murderous, and (i'm convinced) illegal war in iraq (with no end in sight), domestic spying, the complete failure during katrina, and now we come to find out that the govt. (authorized by that ****hole bush) has gotten its hands on the phone records of 200 million americans - just to see if "al qaeda" links could be found.

this whole war on terror line of reasoning by the govt. has gotten completely out of control. it is being used to justify things that the founding fathers (particularly folks like jefferson, franklin, and hamilton) would've died before allowing. al qaeda has been turned into a boogyman that bush and that sinister sumbitch cheney (darth maul) drag out every time they are going to attempt to screw someone over.

i have become increasingly convinced that we need to neuter the office of president for our own good. there is simply too much power being exercised by the executive branch. the senate, im my opinion should run the country.

12-May-2006, 06:21 PM
i think if things continue the way they are now, a republican has amount as much chance of winning in 08 as gilbert gottfried does winning a sexiest man contest.

let's see - a destructive, murderous, and (i'm convinced) illegal war in iraq (with no end in sight), domestic spying, the complete failure during katrina, and now we come to find out that the govt. (authorized by that ****hole bush) has gotten its hands on the phone records of 200 million americans - just to see if "al qaeda" links could be found.

this whole war on terror line of reasoning by the govt. has gotten completely out of control. it is being used to justify things that the founding fathers (particularly folks like jefferson, franklin, and hamilton) would've died before allowing. al qaeda has been turned into a boogyman that bush and that sinister sumbitch cheney (darth maul) drag out every time they are going to attempt to screw someone over.

i have become increasingly convinced that we need to neuter the office of president for our own good. there is simply too much power being exercised by the executive branch. the senate, im my opinion should run the country.

I'll bet you $1,000 that nothing gets better after next election. The "voters" have really f*cked things up for many years to come. Hell, it's going to take at least 50 years of "up side that head" to get the govenment back to the way it's SUPPOSED to be! White-Christian Power Trippers have RUINED this country!
There, I said it! Hate me if you want.....but,....too many of the "old timers" still run the place........and Hate, Ego & Control is their only way. Crucify those power mongering bastards! Show them that their simple minded dogma has f*cked up too many people!


I shall sing now -- Join me!

Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad,
Other things just make you swear and curse,
When you're chewing life's gristle,
Don't grumble,
Give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best.

Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the light side of life.

If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten,
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps.
Just purse your lips and whistle.
That's the thing.

Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the right side of life,

For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin.
Give the audience a grin.
Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.

Always look on the bright side of death,
Just before you draw your terminal breath.

Life's a piece of ****,
When you look at it.
Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true.
You'll see it's all a show.
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the right side of life.

Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!


12-May-2006, 07:25 PM
I have become increasingly convinced that we need to neuter the office of president for our own good. there is simply too much power being exercised by the executive branch. the senate, im my opinion should run the country.

Thanks every God in the Roman Pantheon that you will never get your wish.

12-May-2006, 07:50 PM
I'll bet you $1,000 that nothing gets better after next election. The "voters" have really f*cked things up for many years to come. Hell, it's going to take at least 50 years of "up side that head" to get the govenment back to the way it's SUPPOSED to be! White-Christian Power Trippers have RUINED this country!
There, I said it! Hate me if you want.....but,....too many of the "old timers" still run the place........and Hate, Ego & Control is their only way. Crucify those power mongering bastards! Show them that their simple minded dogma has f*cked up too many people!

amen to that brother!

13-May-2006, 05:24 AM
I'll bet you $1,000 that nothing gets better after next election. The "voters" have really f*cked things up for many years to come. Hell, it's going to take at least 50 years of "up side that head" to get the govenment back to the way it's SUPPOSED to be! White-Christian Power Trippers have RUINED this country!
There, I said it! Hate me if you want.....but,....too many of the "old timers" still run the place........and Hate, Ego & Control is their only way. Crucify those power mongering bastards! Show them that their simple minded dogma has f*cked up too many people!


2nd that. I use to get crucified (No Pun Intended:lol: ) by bush fanboys here. Looks like there not sayin much now.:moon:

13-May-2006, 12:17 PM
2nd that. I use to get crucified (No Pun Intended:lol: ) by Bush fanboys here. Looks like there not sayin much now.:moon:

I'm not speaking for them as such, but when I read these anti-Bush threads (theres what 5 of them on 1 page?) all I see is a circle jerk of folks saying how *fill in the blank* GWB is, I don't feel the need to defend him cuz all you guys are SET IN STONE on how you feel (much like the Yawn04 types), so whats the point in arguing? :|

I'm not the confrontational type anyway, besides I actually like most of the guys that seem to hate GWB, I'd rather they be my friends as opposed to enemies :)

I will chime in to egg you guys on now and then tho' :D

13-May-2006, 02:16 PM
I'll only chime in if I feel like someone is misinformed on the issues. I'm not interested in arguing. If you want to discuss facts and the current state of things, I'm game. If you want to talk about how idiotic a certain president is, a president who was a Rhodes scholar with a degree from Yale, I don't see the need to jump in and say "He's smart!".

13-May-2006, 03:59 PM
i think if things continue the way they are now, a republican has amount as much chance of winning in 08 as gilbert gottfried does winning a sexiest man contest.

let's see - a destructive, murderous, and (i'm convinced) illegal war in iraq (with no end in sight), domestic spying, the complete failure during katrina, and now we come to find out that the govt. (authorized by that ****hole bush) has gotten its hands on the phone records of 200 million americans - just to see if "al qaeda" links could be found.

this whole war on terror line of reasoning by the govt. has gotten completely out of control. it is being used to justify things that the founding fathers (particularly folks like jefferson, franklin, and hamilton) would've died before allowing. al qaeda has been turned into a boogyman that bush and that sinister sumbitch cheney (darth maul) drag out every time they are going to attempt to screw someone over.

i have become increasingly convinced that we need to neuter the office of president for our own good. there is simply too much power being exercised by the executive branch. the senate, im my opinion should run the country.

Not that any of us are old enough to remember, but it does kind of remind you of the McCarthy hearings back in the day. I read about him recenlty and there are some many similarities to how the gov't was then to how it is operatin gnow.

I'll only chime in if I feel like someone is misinformed on the issues. I'm not interested in arguing. If you want to discuss facts and the current state of things, I'm game. If you want to talk about how idiotic a certain president is, a president who was a Rhodes scholar with a degree from Yale, I don't see the need to jump in and say "He's smart!".

Hell for $300 I could get a degree from Yale, forging document is easy. The point is just because he is a rhodes Scholar and a Yale graduate doesn't mean he is the sharpest knife in drawer.

However, was it the real Yale he graduated from or Yale Community College in Newark NJ.

A Rhodes Scholar could be someone who knows all of captain Rhodes' lines in DAY of the DEAD. Also, doesn;t Scholar imply smart, high intelligence. If it does this man exudes nothing I would consider high intelligence.

14-May-2006, 03:33 AM
[QUOTE=erisi236]I'm not speaking for them as such, but when I read these anti-Bush threads (theres what 5 of them on 1 page?) all I see is a circle jerk of folks saying how *fill in the blank* GWB is, I don't feel the need to defend him cuz all you guys are SET IN STONE on how you feel (much like the Yawn04 types), so whats the point in arguing? :| I liked dawn04. :D

14-May-2006, 06:08 AM
Seems like ol' George W. Bush and Papa Bush think that Jeb would make a great president and would like to see him run in the next election. I honestly don't think that america or the world in general could take another Bush as president. This really disturbs me!

Only the filthy rich will be able to survive a chain presidency of one Bush after another, and believe me there are a hell of alot of those Bush critters. The breed like roaches.

As the country is ravaged by the Bush plague, the non-richies (most of us I presume) will wind up on bread lines and live in modern day Hoovervilles and pressed into slave labor for government/corporations, unless you're one of those survivalists that can live off the land. If so, good luck to ya.

14-May-2006, 08:51 AM
not another bush, looks like ol papa bush is gonna get even more richer from his oil company and the rest of us will suffer at the gas pump

15-May-2006, 01:44 AM
The exercise your right to vote. Vote for who you think is best--

My last voting records since '92 is as follows:


The first 2-- I knew Perot was not going to win, yet he was who I wanted as president.

'00 -- Gore or Bush? I preferred Bush, but did not care enough to vote...

'04- Give me a break... No way in heck was I going to vote Kerry in. Plus, we were at war and I do not think Kerry would do the New South right---

Bush aint perfect, but who is?

The last good president was good ole Ronnie... The last before him was probably Teddy Roosevelt...Before that-- Lincoln.. Before That Jefferson-- b4 that Washington..

5 good presidents in the 230 years of our history-- not good, given the population of greats we have to draw from.

Now my choice is McCain in 2008....


15-May-2006, 02:48 AM
The last good president was good ole Ronnie... The last before him was probably Teddy Roosevelt...Before that-- Lincoln.. Before That Jefferson-- b4 that Washington..

5 good presidents in the 230 years of our history-- not good, given the population of greats we have to draw from.

Now my choice is McCain in 2008....


HAHAHAHAHAHA! Thats a riot! Ronald Reagan a good president? I'd hate to see who ya thought a bad president was! Bedtime for Bonzo? More like Badtime for american workers! Ya just gotta love a US president who lays a wreath at Bitburg Cemetary in Germany where Nazi SS officers are buried! Gotta love those wacky republicans!

15-May-2006, 04:17 AM
i know this is a little late but i vote for rick james bitches. ;)

15-May-2006, 09:32 AM
I think the reputation of his brother and father would precede him and prevent him from really getting anywhere ... although, that squishy middle bit between LA and NY is the troubling part of America I feel. It's in them thar states that sh*t is decided, what's the climate like over there in that middle bit, in America's belly, republican or leaning towards whatever the other one is called ... democrats, that's it.

15-May-2006, 11:09 AM
I vote for President Clarke...

15-May-2006, 01:18 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Thats a riot! Ronald Reagan a good president?

your right, he wasn't a good President, he was a great President.